Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


This chapter presents the materials and methods used in this study. This includes the

method of research, population and sample, research instruments, respondents of the study,

and data gathering and statistical method.

Method of Research

The researchers utilized the descriptive - correlational method of research. The

descriptive method is designed for the researcher to gather information in presenting existing

conditions. This is also used to describe the nature of situation as it exist at the time of the study

and to explore the causes of particular phenomena with regard to determining the factors that

influences the students’ performance in Polytechnic University of the Philippines Bansud


According to Gala (2014), descriptive method is concerned with conditions or

relationships that exist, opinions that are held, a process that is going on, effects that are

evident, or trends that are developing. It is primarily concerned with the present, although it

often considers past events and influences as they relate to current conditions.

A correlational research was used to simply determine the degree of relationship

between the above mentioned variables being investigated in this study. The whole purpose of

using correlational research is to figure out which variables are correlated (Devin Kowalczyk,


Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique

The respondents of this study were the students of Polytechnic University of the

Philippines Bansud Branch (PUPBB). There were 430 as the population of students PUP

Bansud Branch S.Y. 2020-2021 with the following number of enrollees: 187 from Bachelor of

Science in Information Technology (BSIT); 144 from Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in

English (BSED ENG); and 90 from Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in Mathematics


In order to identify the sample number of respondents, the researchers used the

Cochran’s Formula to estimate sampling size. After calculating the number of respondents, the

researcher arrived at the answer of 203 out of 430 students in Polytechnic University of the

PhilippinesBansud Branch. Simple random sampling was applied in determining the number of

respondents in each course. It consist of 91 students from Bachelor of Science in Information

Technology (BSIT), 69 students from Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in English (BSED

ENG), and 43 students from Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in Mathematics (BSED

MT) with a total of 203 respondents.

The following formula is used in determining the sample number of respondents.

Cochran’s Formula


e = desired level of precision (margin of error)

p = estimated proportion of the population which has the attribute in question.

q = is 1-p

z = value is found in the z table.

z pq
n 0= 2

p=0.5 ,q=1−0.5 , e=0.05 , z =1.96

1.96 2 (0.5)(0.5)
n 0= 2

3.8416 (0.25)
n 0=

n 0=

n 0=384.16∨384

Sample size

N- Total population

n- New adjusted sample size

n 0- Cochran’s sample size recommendation

( n0−1)





Table 1

Distribution of Respondents

Course Year Section Population Respondents

First Year 1-1 50 24

Bachelor of Science in 2-1 30 14

Information Technology Second Year 2-2 23 10

(BSIT) Third Year 3-1 29 14

3-2 29 14

Fourth Year 4-1 34 15

Bachelor of Secondary First Year 1-1 37 18

Education Major in English Second Year 2-1 36 17

(BSED ENG) Third Year 3-1 41 20

Fourth Year 4-1 29 14

Bachelor of Secondary First Year 1-1 35 16

Education Major in Second Year 2-1 28 13

Mathematics (BSED MT) Third Year 3-1 29 14

Total 13 430 203

Table A shows the distribution of the respondents.


After recognizing the total number of respondents, the researchers used the simple

random sampling method in determining the included participants.

A simple random sample is an unbiased surveying technique. Simple random sampling

is a basic sampling technique where we select a group of subject (a sample) for study from a

larger group (a population). The main feature of this sampling method is that every sample has

the same probability of being chosen.

Description of Respondents

The respondents of the study comprised of the students enrolled in Bachelor of Science

in Information Technology and Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in Mathematics and

English at Polytechnic University of the Philippines Bansud Branch in the school year 2020-

2021 who were enrolled by the time of distribution of the questionnaire.

Research Instrument

The researcher has prepared a questionnaire used in gathering the data needed. This

questionnaire consisted of three parts. The first part deals with the demographic profile of the

respondents while the second part deals with the factors influencing the performance of the

students in Polytechnic University of the Philippines Bansud Branch for S.Y. 2020-2021. The

respondents were given 15-20 minutes to answer the questions.

The answers gathered from the respondents have been tabulated and scored based on

the four-point scale and each gets its corresponding verbal description.

Table 2

Validity and Reliability of Instrument

VARIABLES Computed∝ Interpretation

Personal Factors

Learning Self-Regulatory Efficacy 0.96 Very Reliable

Self-Efficacy for Learning Tasks 0.96 Very Reliable

Previous Academic Performance 0.94 Very Reliable

Behavioral Factors

Adaptive Help-Seeking 0.95 Very Reliable

Student-Teacher Conference 0.93 Very Reliable

Time on Tasks 0.96 Very Reliable

Environmental Factors

Classroom Climate 0.96 Very Reliable

Physical Environment 0.96 Very Reliable

Psychological Environment 0.94 Very Reliable

Table B illustrates the reliability of research instruments used. Computed ∝ in the factors

influencing the students’ performance on PUPBB in terms of (Personal Factors) Learning Self-

Regulatory Efficacy, Self-Efficacy for Learning Task, Previous Academic Performance,

(Behavioral Factors) Adaptive Help-Seeking, Student-Teacher Conference, Time on Tasks,


(Environmental Factors) Classroom Climate, Physical Environment and Psychological

Environment are higher than the acceptable value of ∝(0.70), thus the research instrument used

is reliable.

Also the answers gathered from the respondents have been tabulated and scored based

on the four-point scale and each gets its corresponding verbal description.

Table 3

Relative Value, Statistical Limit, and Verbal Description

Numerical Value Statistical Limit Verbal Description Verbal Interpretation

4 3.27 – 4.00 Strongly Agree The respondents totally
agree with the statement,
thus the stated factors is
rated as strongly agree.
3 2.51 – 3.26 Agree The respondents affirm
with the statement, thus
the stated factors is rated
as agree.
2 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree The respondents does not
affirm with the statement,
thus the stated factors is
rated as disagree.
1 1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree The respondents totally
disagree with the
statement, thus the stated
factors is rated as strongly

The researchers based the instrument used in a four-point Likert Scale. Likert Scales are

widely used in social and educational research according to Rensis Likert in 1932.

Table C represents the numerical value, verbal description and verbal interpretation

concerning the factors that influences the performance of the students in Polytechnic University

of the Philippines Bansud Branch.


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers made and undersigned a letter of approval in conducting this study

which was also undersigned by their research adviser. It was then sent to the office of

Polytechnic University of the Philippines Bansud Branch, Poblacion, Bansud, Oriental Mindoro.

After it has been approved, the researchers made and undersigned another letter to request for

the data needed in the study which also signed by their research adviser. The researchers

gathered the data upon the approval of the School Director of Polytechnic University of the

Philippines Bansud Branch.

When the questionnaires have been validated, the researchers conveniently distributed

the instrument to the respondents and retrieved promptly on a given time.

The data gathered from the questionnaires were checked, classified, tabulated and

analyzed according to the researched design described in this chapter and applied the statistical

treatment to come up with the analysis and interpretation of data.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data collected from the questionnaire were gathered for analysis using Statistical

Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)and presented in tabular form using the following

statistical tool:

1. Percentage

This was used to describe the students’ performance of Polytechnic University of the

Philippines Bansud Branch in terms of general average.

2. Mean

This was used to determine the general perception of the respondents of this study

on the factors influencing the performance of students in Polytechnic University of the

Philippines Bansud Branch.


Mean =


s = sum score of the tendency

t = number of statements

Mean =

3. Cronbach’s Alpha

Cronbach’s alpha is a measure of internal consistency, that shows how closely

related to a set of items are as a group. It was used to determine the reliability of the research

questionnaire used in this study. It is considered to be a measure of scale reliability. It can be

written as function of the number of test items and the average inter-correlation among items.

( )

∑ σ 2y
( ) k i
k −1 σ

Where :

k = number of test items

σ y = variance associated with item i

σ x = variance associated with the observed total scores

Table 4

Cronbach’s ∝ Level of Reliability


Cronbach’s ∝ Level of Reliability

>0.80-1.00 Very Reliable

>0.60-0.80 Reliable

>0.40-0.60 Quite Reliable

>0.20-0.40 Rather Reliable

0.0-0.20 Less Reliable

4. Spearman Rho Correlational Analysis

Spearman Rho, one of the nonparametric correlational statistical tool in the SPSS was

utilized to determine the degree of relationship and significant relationship between and among

the variables and indicators being investigated in this study. The formula is shown below.



R(x) and R(y) are the ranks

R(x )and R( y ) are the mean ranks

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