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National Family


Presented by : GROUP A2
Definition of Family Planning
Concepts and Importance
Goals and Objectives
Mission and Vision
Policies and Laws
Special Considerations and Guiding Principles of Family Planning
The Family Planning Methods :

Topics :
1. Female Sterilization
2. Male Sterilization
3. Pills
4. Male Condoms
5. Injectables
6. Lactating Amenorhea Method or LAM
7. Mucos/Billings/Ovulation
8. Basal Body Temperature
9. Sympto-thermal Method
10. Two Day Method
11. Standard Days Method
12. Misconception about Family Planning Method
13. The Roles of Public Health Nurse on Family Planning Program

August is the National Family Planning Month

What is a Family

Maternal mortality, unplanned pregnancies, and unsafe abortions are

among the effects of poor family planning. Moreover, modern families are
failing to sustain the adequate needs of their growing number of children,
which is also an outcome of poor family planning and low use of
contraception. Hence, the National Family Planning Program aims to
ensure every Filipino has a universal access to correct information,
medically safe, legal, non-abortifacient, effective, and culturally
acceptable modern family planning (FP) methods.

Concepts of Family Planning

The proper spacing and Premarital Consultation
limitation of births and Examinations

Advice on Sterility Carrying out pregnancy


Education for Parenthood Marriage Counseling

Sex Educations The preparation of couples

for the arrival of their 1st child

Screening for pathological Providing services for unmarried mothers

conditions related to the

reproductive system

Teaching home economics and nutrition
Genetic Counseling

Providing adoption services

Why is Family Planning

Family planning is considered as a basic human right.

The quality of life can be improved only through family

By spacing child birth, the health status of the family can
be enhanced
Family Planning is important for women empowerment
and equality also

Having less number of children or planned birth has

positive impact on child health
Law and order, political system and economic
development can be ensured only through family planning

Through family planning, individual health and health status

of the nation can be enhanced

Goal of the Family

The overall goal of the Family Planning is to provide universal access to family
planning information and services wherever and whenever these are needed.
Family Planning aims to contribute to :
Reduce infants deaths
Neonatal Deaths
Under- five deaths
Maternal Deaths


Addresses the need to help couples and individuals

achieve their despired family size within the context of
responsible parenthood and improve their reproductive
health to attain sustainable development

Ensure that quality family planning services are available

in DOH retained hospitals, LGU managed health facilities,
NGOs, and private sector
Mission Vision
In line with the Department of Health
All Filipino couples and individuals are
FOURmula One Plus strategy and Universal
exercising their reproductive health
Health Care framework, the Family Planning
rights to achieve their desired family
Program is committed to provide responsive
policy direction and ensure universal access of
size and participate actively in the
Filipinos to correct information, medically safe, country’s socio-economic development
legal, non-abortifacient, effective, and activities that lead toward a healthy
culturally acceptable modern family planning and productive life.
(FP) methods.

Policies and Laws

Administrative Order No. 2014-0042 (Guidelines on Implementation of Mobile Outreach Services for
Family Planning)
Administrative Order No. 2017-0002 (Guidelines on the Certification of Free Standing Family Planning
Administrative Order No. 2014-0043 (Guidelines on the Estimation of Unmet Need for Modern Family
Administrative Order No. 2014-0041 (Guidelines on the recognition of Family Planning Training Providers
of the DOH)
Administrative Order No. 2015-0027 (Guidelines on the Registration and Mapping of Conscientious
Objectors and Exempt Health Facilities Pursuant to the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
Health Act)
Administrative Order No. 2015-0006 (Inclusion of Progestin Subdermal Implant as one of the Modern
Methods Recognized by the National Family Planning Program)
Administrative Order No. 50-A s.2001 (National Family Planning Policy)
Administrative Order No. 2016-0005 (National Policy on the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for
Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) in Health Emergencies and Disasters)
Executive Order No. 369
Executive Order No. 12

Special Considerations about Method Choice

in Family Planning

Combined hormonal methods (combined oral contraceptives [COCs], monthly

injectables, combined patch, combined vaginal ring)
Progestin-only methods (progestin-only pills, progestin-only injectables,
Emergency contraceptive pills
Female sterilization and vasectomy
Male and female condoms, diaphragms, spermicides, cervical caps,
and withdrawal
Intrauterine device (copper-bearing and LNG-IUDs)
Fertility awareness methods

Guiding Principles in Family Planning

The International Conference on Population and Development, which took place in Cairo in 1994, established
the right of men and women to be informed and have access to safe, effective, affordable and acceptable
methods of family planning of their choice. Here, Dr Jenny Cresswell defines some of the principles of family
planning, including contraceptive prevalence rate, modern and traditional methods of contraception, and
unmet need.




The Family
Planning Methods
Description/Uses :
Safe and simple surgical procedure which provides
permanent contraception for women who do not

Female want more children. Also known as Bilateral Tubal

Ligation that involves cutting or blocking the two
fallopian tubes.

Advantages :
Permanent method of contraception
Nothing to remember, no supplies needed, and no
repeated clinic visits required
Does not interfere with sex
Results in increased sexual enjoyment - no need
to worry about pregnancy
No effect on breastfeeding quantity and quality of
milk not affected
No known long term side effects or health risks
Minilaparotomy can be performed after a woman
gives birth
Disadvantages :

Uncommon complications of surgery : infection or
bleeding at the incision site, internal infection or
bleeding, injury to internal organs, anesthesia risk

uncommon with local anesthesia
In rare cases, when pregnancy occurs, it is more
likely to be ectopic than in a woman who has not
undergone the procedure
Requires physical examination and minor surgery
by trained service provider
Requires an operating set up
Permanent - reversal surgery is difficult,
expensive, and not available in most areas
Do not protect against sexually transmitted
infections including HIV/AIDS
Clients may have limitation in physical activities
such as heavy work and lifting heavy objects
immediately after surgery
Description/Uses :
Permanent method wherein the vas deferens
(passage of sperm) is tied and cut or blocked
through a small opening on the scrotal skin. It is

also know as a Vasectomy.

Advantages :
Sterilization Very effective 3 months after the procedure
Permanent. safe, simple and easy to perform
Can be performed in a clinic, office or at a
primary care center
No resupplies or repeated clinic visits
No apparent long term health risks
An option for couples whose female partner could
not undergo permanent contraception
A man who had vasectomy will not lose his sexual
ability and ejaculation
Does not affect male hormonal function, erection,
and ejaculation
Does not lessen but may actually increase the
couple's sexual drive and enjoyment
The man can have a better sex since he does not
fear that his partner will get pregnant
Sterilization Disadvantages :
It may not be comfortable due to slight pain and
swelling 2-3 days after the procedure
Reversibility is difficult and expensive
Bleeding may result in hematoma in the scrotum
Description/Uses :

Pills Contains hormones - estrogen and progesterone

taken daily to prevent contraceptions

Advantages :
Safe as proven through extensive studies
Convenient and easy to use
Make menstrual cycle occur regularly and is
Reduces gynecologic symptoms such as painful
menses and endometriosis
Reduces the risk of ovarian and endometrial
Reversible, rapid return to fertility
Does not interfer with sexual intercourse
Disadvantages :
Often not used correctly and consistently,
lowering its effectiveness
Has side effects such as nausea, dizziness, or

breast tenderness, which are not generally
harmful but which some women may find difficult
to tolerate
May pose health risks for a small number of
Offers no protection against sexually transmitted
infections. Effectiveness may be lowered when
taken with certain drugs such as rifampicin and
most anti consulvants
Can suppress lactation
Requires regular resupply

How is it used :
Drugs are taken daily per orem
Description/Uses :
Thin sheath of latex rubber made to fit on a man's

Male Condom
erect penis to prevent the passage of the sperm cells
and sexually transmitted diseases organisms into the
vagina. It provides dual protection from STIs including
HIV preventing transmission of disease microorganism
during intercourse

Advantages :
Safe and has no hormonal effects
Protects against microorganism causing STIs/HIV
Encourages male participation in family planning
Easily accessible
Is used in managing premature ejaculation
Disadvantages :

Male Condom
May cause allergy for people who are sensitive to
later or lubricant
May decrease sensation, making sex less
enjoyable for other partner
Interrupts the sexual act
Requires a man's cooperation for its use

How it is used :
Condom is inserted into the erected penis
preventing the sperm from getting in contact with
egg cell
Description/Uses :
Contain synthetic hormone, progestin which
suppresses ovulation, thickens cervical mucus,

making it difficult for sperm to pass through and
changes uterine lining

Advantages :
No need for daily intake
Does not interfere with sexual intercourse
Perceived as culturally acceptable by some
Private since it is not coitally dependent
Has no estrogen related side effects such as
nausea, dizziness, nor serious complications, such
as thrombophlebitis or pulmonary embolism
Description/Uses :
Lactating Amenorrhea Temporary introductory postpartum method of
positioning pregnancy based on physiological infertility
Method or LAM experienced by Breast Feeding Women

Advantages :
LAM is universally available to all postpartum
breastfeeding women
Using LAM, protection from an unplanned
pregnancy begins immediately postpartum
No other family planning commodities are required
It contributes to improve maternal and child health
Disadvantages :
Considered as an introductory, short term family
planning method which is effective only for a
Lactating Amenorrhea maximum of 6 months postpartum

Method or LAM The effectiveness of LAM may decrease if a

mother and child are separated for extended
periods of time (working mother)
Full or nearly full BF may be difficult to maintain
for up to 6 months due to a variety of social
Disadvantages to women who do not pass any of
the three criteria to practice lactation amenorrhea

How it is used :
Fully or nearly breastfeeding her infant
Infant is less than 6 months
Description/Uses :
Abstraining from sexual inetrcourse during fertile
(wet) days prevents poregnancy

Mucus/Billings/ Advantages :
Can be used any woman of reproductive age as
Ovulation long as she is not suffering from an unusual
disease or condition that results in extraordinary
vaginal discharge that makes observation difficult

Disadvantages :
Cannot be used by woman with the following
conditions :
Medical conditions that would make pregnancy
especially dangerous

How it is used :
Recording of menstruation and dry days
Inspecting underwear regularly for presence of mucus
Recording the most fertile observation/characteristics
at the end of the day
Billings Ovulation Method - Observation Chart
Billings Ovulation Method
Body Basal temperature is identifying the fertile and
Basal Body infertile period of a woman's cycle by daily taking and

recording of the rise in body temperature during and
after ovulations

Advantages :
Very effective

Disadvantages :
Requires to take Basal body Temperature
everyday and time to record temperature.
Couples may practice abstinence during fertile
Basal Body How it is used :
Temperature Thermometer is placed in axilla or under the tongue to
get the temperature at least 3 hours of undisturbed
rest during (upon waking up and before any activity)
throughout the menstrual cycle. Cover line is being
determined to identify the highest temperature form
day 6-10 of the menstrual cycle to identify thermal
shift (the three consecutive temp above the cover
line labeled as days 1,2,3) Intercourse is allowed only
from the 4th day of thermal shift until the end of the
cycle. These are known as absolute infertile phase
Basal Body Temperature Chart
Sympto thermal method is identifying the fertile and
infertile days of the menstrual cycle as determined
through a combination of observations made on the
cervical mucus, basal body temp recording and other

Sympto - Thermal signs of ovulation.

Method Advantages :
The Symptothermal Method has a significant
advantage in effectiveness because it combines
the Calendar, Cervical Mucus, and Temperature
methods. However, this technique shares the
same disadvantages that each of these
techniques has individually.

Disadvantages :
Disadvantages of the method are that intercourse
must be restricted to only 7-13 days of the cycle,
women must take their temperature daily, the
method cannot be used during fever episodes,
and the method is inappropriate for use during
lactation or near menopause.
Rules of the Sympto - thermal Method
Is a simple fertility awareness based method of family
planning that involves :
Cervical secretions as an indicator of fertility

Two Day Method

Women checking the presence of secretions

Advantages :
Can be used by women with any cycle length
No health related side effects associated
Incurs very little or no cost
Immediately reversible
Promoted male partner involvement in family
Enhances self discipline mutual respect
cooperation communication, and shared
responsibility of the couple for the family planning
Provides opportunities for enhancing the couple's
sexual life
Can be integrated in health and family planning
Advantages :
Acceptable to couples regardless of culture,
Two Day Method religion, socioeconomic status and education
Not dependent on medically qualified personnel ;
the technology can be transferred by a trained
autonomous user
Once learned, may require no further help from
health care providers

Disadvantages :
Needs he cooperation of the husband
Can become unreliable for women who have
conditions that cause abnormal cervical
Does not protect the client from HIV/AIDS
IA new method of natural family planning in which all

Standard Days
users with menstrual cycles between 26 and 32 days
are counseled to abstain form sexual intercourse on
days 8-19 to avoid pregnancy
Advantages :
No health related side effects associated with its
Increases self awareness and knowledge of
human reproduction and can lead to a diagnosis
of some gynecologic problems
No need for counting or charting since the
standard days method makes use of beads for
tracking the cycle days
Can be used either to avoid or achieve pregnancy
Very little cost and promotes male partner
involvement in family planning
Enhances self discipline, mutual respect
Provides opportunities for enhancing the couples
sexual life
Advantages :
Can be integrated in health and family planning
Standard Days Acceptable to couples regardless of culture,
religion, socioeconomic status and education
Method Not dependent on medically qualified personnel,
the technology can be transferred by trained
autonomous user
Once learned, may require no further help from
health care providers

Disadvantages :
Cannot be used by women who usually have
menstrual cycle between 26 and 32 days longs

How it is used :
Abstain form sexual intercourse during fertile
Use color coded beads to mark the fertile and
infertile periods
Standard Days Method
Misconceptions about Family Health Planning

II. Using III. Using

I. Some family contraceptives
planning methods methods will result
will render couples
causes abortions to loss of sexual



The Roles of Public Health Nurse on

Family Planning Program

Provide counselling among the clients will help increase family Provides packages of health services among reproductive age
planning acceptors and avoid defaulters group in all health facilities
to inform and educate and convince mothers Family Planning
on the use of family planning methods MCHN
to inform and discuss the importance and Management of reproductive tract infections
benefits/advantages/disadvantages of family including STIs/HIV/AIDS
planning Violence against women
to inform its side effects, complications and Management of breast and other
what to do if problems develop Reproductive Cancers
to inform its effectiveness of family planning

Ensure the availability of family planning supplies and

logistics for the client
Thank you for

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