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Chapter 1


This chapter presents the introduction, background of the study, theoretical framework

and conceptual framework, statement of the problem, significant of the study, scope and

limitation, and definition of terms.


Mathematics plays a big role in developing human thoughts, bringing strategic,

systematic reasoning processes used in problem analysis and solving. It helps people to be

able to anticipate, plan, decide, and properly solve each problem in daily life. Mathematics is

also a tool to study technological sciences and such. Students’ performance in mathematics is

consistently given attention in different countries because it is regarded as the main subject,

which is significant for the growth and development of the nation. The knowledge and skills of

students in mathematics are essential in daily lives in overcoming the difficulties that one may

face (Mohamed & Waheed, 2011). That is why there is an emphasis on the lessons that should

be taught in mathematics in schools at different levels around the world than any other subject

(Orton & Frobisher, 2004)

Many people do not believe that mathematics is essential to living a modern life and

resent being forced to study an abstract science (Baring & Alegre, 2019). Some students feel

like mathematics is a foreign language in which they can’t orient themselves, they easily forgot

something that they had learn a while ago and now becomes totally lost. One of the lessons in

mathematics that some students have had a hard time is solving quadratic equation. Quadratic

equation is any equation containing one term in which the unknown is squared and no term in

which it is raised to a higher power (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

Quadratic equations have been a fundamental topic, not only in secondary

mathematics curricula around the world but also in the historical development of algebra.

Various approaches for solving quadratic equations were used at different stages in this

historical development, through representations including arithmetic or numerical, algebraic, or

symbolic, and visual or geometric (Katz & Barton, 2007). From a contemporary perspective,

quadratic equations are considered important in school mathematics curricula because they

serve as a bridge between mathematical topics such as linear equations, functions, and

polynomials (Sağlam & Alacacı, 2012). Furthermore, like linear equations, quadratic equations

are powerful representations used in other disciplines, such as physics, engineering, and

design, due to their usefulness in solving many kinds of word problems and for modeling

realistic or real-life situations.

Solving quadratic equation can be difficulty but luckily there are different methods that

we can use to solve the given equation, correctly. They are the factoring, completing the square,

quadratic formula and graphing. Factoring is the most popular method in solving quadratic

equation. It is like splitting an expression into a multiplication of a simpler expression.

Completing the square is a technique or a method that use to solve a quadratic equation by

changing the form of the equation. It also considers as the most complicated method from all

method. Quadratic formula is the most straightforward method because you just need to

substitute the given equation to the formula. Lastly, the graphing, it is the best method to use

and less exact and often takes more time than the other method.

Student should understand how a result-grade may reflect to their performance in

mathematics. There are factors that affect the students’ performance in mathematics. One of

them is working memory that has been identified as a skills needed to perform well in

mathematics. Environment in which mathematics is learned also affects the performance of

students and that what makes social attitude can be considered as factors. Math anxiety is

defined as the paralysis and panic that some people face when encountering mathematics

problems. Students with math anxiety exhibit a drain in working memory capacity. Individual

student motivation can also affect the performance in math course. It can be developing thru

support, expectations and feedback that student received. Therefore, working memory, math

anxiety, social attitude and motivation are the factors that can affect the student performance in

mathematics course.

Teachers are the most powerful influence on student learning ad success. Teacher

competencies are the skills and knowledge that enable a teacher to be successful in their

profession in teaching. Many researches tells that the instructional delivery, classroom

management and formative assessment are the competency that can be used for building an

effective teaching development and can boost student’s interest in academic. We also

concluded that motivation is also one of the teacher competencies. Classroom management is

one of the most persistent areas of concern voiced by the school administrator, public and

private teachers (Everston & Weinstien, 2013). Formative assessment refers to the progression

of the students learning towards the subject-matter. It is frequently listed at the top of

interventions for the school improvement (Welbreg, 1999). Instructional delivery is what will be

expected from the teacher’s employing instructional strategies in their teaching. Lastly, the

teachers’ willingness to teach is the motivation that makes an individual the eagerness to work

harder and do something successfully. They are competency that helps the teachers and

students; especially that it gives effect to the performance of the students.

This study tries to figure out the factors affecting the performance of Grade 9 public

secondary school students in solving quadratic equation in Bansud District. The researchers

choose the respondents who knew the basic procedure and the methods for solving quadratic

equation. The researchers also want to know the performance of students in solving quadratic

equation in terms of working memory, Math anxiety, social attitudes and motivation; the extent

of the teacher’s competency as perceived by the students in terms of classroom management,

formative assessment, instructional delivery and motivations; and the method being used of the

respondents in solving quadratic equation in terms of factoring, completing the square,

quadratic formula and graphing. The researchers choose the students of Bansud public school

who are currently Grade 9 students.

Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored on Garner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory, Walberg’s

Educational Productivity Theory, Piaget’s Constructivist Theory, and Neisser’s Cognitive

Psychology Approach Theory, which were of great relevance to the subject matter.

Garner (1983) in his Multiple Intelligence Theory viewed as the “capacity to solve

problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural settings.” Through this

theory, it helps the students to think critically, logically and reasonably in solving mathematics

problem. But it depends to the learning environment especially in the school or even to the

library of their house, if they had. This theory proposed different human intelligences and each

of them have their own role in solving mathematics problem. In solving mathematics problems

we need to discovery and reasoning (logical-mathematical intelligence), theory building

(intrapersonal & body-kinesthetic intelligence), discussing of cause (linguistic intelligence),

found harmony and relationship between concepts (musical intelligence), recognize and use

patterns and shapes (spatial intelligence), encourage student in solving mathematics by teacher

(interpersonal intelligence) and recognizing and categorizing main idea in nature (naturalist

intelligence). Therefore, mathematical education skills of students will increase with the help of

the said multiple intelligences.

Moreover, Walberg (1981), in his Theory of Educational Productivity it was empirically

tested as one of very few theories of academic achievement/performance. Walberg’s theory of

academic achievement posits the psychological characteristics of individual students and their

immediate psychological environments influence educational outcomes (cognitive, behavioral,

attitudinal) (Reynolds & Walberg, 1992). Further, Walberg’s research identified nine key

variables that influence educational outcomes as: student ability/prior achievement, motivation,

age/developmental level, quantity of instruction, quality of instruction, classroom climate, home

environment, peer group, and exposure to mass media outside of the school (Walberg, Fraser &

Welch, 1986).

This theory related in our study that sought to explain and understand the factors that

influence the student’s academic performance in learning mathematics. Being aware of the

factors and variables that condition it as their clues on why a student’s isn’t reaching their full

potential in learning mathematics. That’s why the results grade doesn’t match their capabilities.

Also, this theory suggests that individual students’ attributes and the surrounding psychological

environments influence affective and cognitive learning outcomes. We believe that this theory

provides a better understanding in the cognitive, social and psychological factors that affects the

students being in mathematics.

In addition, this study correlates the Constructivist Theory by Piaget (1972).This theory is

a learning theory that people builds new knowledge based on their prior knowledge. The learner

selects and transforms details, construct hypothesis, and make decisions to do so. Using

Piaget's theory, it is the teacher’s role to establish mathematical environment to enable students

with opportunities to hypothesize, test out their thinking, manipulate materials and communicate

their understanding in order to build mathematical knowledge. It is the teacher’s role to facilitate

student learning through setting up the problems, monitoring student’s explorations and

negotiating meaning and understanding with the student. The teacher’s guide the direction of

the student inquiry and encourage them to the new pattern of thinking. Above theories are

helpful to provide more clarification about the concern and rationale of the study. For better

knowledge, the researchers will focus on the factors that affecting the student's performance in


This theory is relevant in this study in order to establish how learners learn and teachers

teach. This theory is specifically applying in mathematics education and when we heard

mathematics, it is taught in emphasizing different problem solving situation. In which the

interaction is taken place: (a) between students and teachers and (b) among students

themselves. And that student should be encouraged to create their own strategies and

techniques for solving problem situations. And when we said interaction, it is when the language

and dialogue enter the situation, it is important in order to communicate with learning partners

and group members in constructing mathematical concepts. In which the physical and mental

actions are being reflected by the student’s mathematical knowledge.

This study also anchored the Classroom Management Theory by Dewey (1916) believed

that classroom management should be guided by democratic practices with consequences and

offered the theory of experience through social learning. Dewey believed that children were

capable of learning, behaving cooperatively, sharing with others and caring for one another with

the teacher as a facilitator. He believed that instructional management included a natural

approach involving direction and guidance and that behavior management included the

sequential behavior development of students. Many teachers practice this technique today as a

central component of classroom management.


This theory explains how the classroom management influences students learning and

helps improve their experience inside the classroom. This shows that the student can learn

through participating actively and develop personal interest within the classroom lessons. The

study reveals the strong relationship between the student’s social attitude regarding to their

ability to cooperate with each other, and their motivation to share their ideas and thoughts about

the subject matter within the classroom. In which the students can work together to create more

knowledge and share ideas to each other. It is not only the students who are involve in this but

also the teacher who serves as our mentor and guide inside the classroom. It is the teacher

competence in order to have the best component of classroom management with the students.

Lastly, the theory of Cognitive Psychology Approach by Neisser (1967) stressed that

pupils need to apply cognitive strategies of goal and sequences of mental operation in order to

learn and solved problems. Teachers should adjust their instructional practices according to the

different pre-skills that the students have because these pre-skills play a big part in solving

mathematical problems. When students gain more conceptual and procedural skills in

mathematics become more competent and efficient in learning mathematics. This theory simply

related in this study because it’s somewhat focuses in the students thinking process in learning

mathematics. To know how students, see, learn and think about mathematics of and for. In

which the brain is the one who perform the main function, which is thinking as a mental activity.

That’s explain that the human brain who works for the learning and thinking process of a

students, and this is when the brain and the said process are closely related to cognitive


Conceptual Framework

Student’s Teacher’s
Performance Competency

Method in Solving
Quadratic Equation

Figure 1: Latent variables are shown in ellipses. Curved arrows represent correlation among latent



= Latent Variables = Covariance

The SEM model is established to analyze the factors affecting performance of students

in solving quadratic equation. There are three latent variables for the study, student’s

performance, teacher’s competency and methods in solving quadratic equation. It is

hypothesized that all three components of the factors affecting student’s performance

demonstrates a positive influence in solving quadratic equations. The use of two-headed curve

arrows shows the correlation among the latent variables, and ellipse shows the latent variables

of the study.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the factors affecting performance of Grade 9 students in

solving quadratic equation Public High School in Bansud District.

Specially, it sought to answer the following questions.

1. What is the students’ performance in solving quadratic equation in terms of:

1.1 working memory;

1.2 Math anxiety;

1.3 social attitudes; and

1.4 motivation?

2. What are the extent of the teachers’ competency as perceived by the students in solving

quadratic equation in terms of:

2.1 classroom management;

2.2 formative assessment;

2.3 instructional delivery; and

2.4 motivations?

3. What are the methods being used of the respondents in solving quadratic equation in

terms of:

3.1 factoring;

3.2 completing the square;

3.3 quadratic formula; and

3.4 graphing?

4. Is there a correlation between students’ performance and the extent of the teachers’

competency as perceived by the students in solving quadratic equation?

5. Is there a correlation between students’ performance and the methods being used of the

respondents in solving quadratic equation?


6. Is there a correlation between the extent of the teachers’ competency and the methods

being used of the respondents in solving quadratic equation?

7. Based on the result of the study, what enhancement activity plan is can be proposed?


There is no correlation between students’ performance and the extent of the teachers’

competency as perceived by the students in solving quadratic equation.

There is no correlation between students’ performance and the methods being used of

the respondents in solving quadratic equation.

There is no correlation between the extent of the teachers’ competency and the methods

being used of the respondents in solving quadratic equation?

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The focus of this research is to determine the factors affecting the performance of the

selected Grade 9 Public Secondary Student in Bansud District using Structural Equation

Modeling. Also, we want to finds out the student’s performance in solving quadratic equation,

the extent of teacher’s competency perceived by the students and the method being used by

the respondents in solving quadratic equation.

The study has been delimited to the Grade 9 mathematics teacher and Grade 9 students

among public secondary school in Bansud district for the school year 2020-2021.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study would benefit the following.

Students. This study would present idea to every learner on how their solving skills affect their

academic performance in mathematics. It would provide information to the student’s knowledge

about possible factors that affects their performance in solving quadratic equation. They would

become more aware of what to do in mathematics and of mathematics as a living that’s make

them to do some strategies to sharpen their mathematical skills.

Math Teachers. This study is a big help for them to be aware and ready to assist those who

needs of learning assistance. It would make them realize to think ways and possible solutions

that enabling them to teach professionally and lead more strategically and effectively to improve

the problem solving skills development of each learner.

Schools / Admin. The outcome of study would make them realize and analyze some ideas

and solutions and which instructional methods that a teacher being use on how they help their

students to improve their problem solving skills. They are the one who support student’s goal

setting and academic achievements.

Future Researcher. The outcome of the study may serve as a guide and references for future

researchers who may have the same field of interest and who may decide to pursue further

studies on the topic.


Definition of Terms

To facilitate a clear understanding of this study the following terms are conceptually and

operationally defined.

Classroom management. It refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques of

teachers that use to create a successful learning environment to keep students academically


Completing the square. It refers to the method used to solve a quadratic equation by

changing the form of the equation so that the left side is a perfect square trinomial.

Factor. It is a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome.

Formative assessment. It refers to wide variety of methods that teacher use to conduct

in process evaluations of the students’ comprehensions, learning needs and academic progress

during a lesson, unit or course.

Factoring. It is process by which one tries to make mathematical expression look like a

multiplication problem by looking for factors.

Graphing. It is a diagram that represents the variation of a variable in comparison to

one or more other variables.

Instructional Delivery. It refers to the strategies of teachers in mathematics in terms of

teaching her/his lesson.

Math anxiety. It is the sense of fear, worry and nervousness that students may

experience when participating in mathematical task.

Motivation. It is the desire and inspiration of an individual to accomplish something.

Performance. Accomplishing or achievement of specific goals, objectives set in any

academic undertaking in mathematics.


Quadratic Equation. It is a part of algebra that any equation can be arranged in

standard form.

Quadratic formula. It is a formula that gives the solutions of general quadratic


Structural Equation Modeling. It is a multivariate statistical analysis technique that is

used to analyze structural relationship. This technique is the combination of the factor analysis

and multiple regression analysis, and it is used to analyze the structural relationship between

measured variables and latent construct.

Social Attitude. It is behavior patterns on how a group of people or individual acts

towards his environment.

Solving Quadratic Equation. It is one of the topics of algebra, wherein it is the

computation of equation that can be written in standard form (ax 2+bx+c=0). Factoring,

computing the square, quadratic formula and graphing are the methods in solving quadratic


Teacher competency. It refers to the skills and knowledge of the teacher that enable a

teacher to be successful in their profession in teaching.

Working Memory. It is a mechanism that possess by the individual with deep

concentration to hold information temporarily.

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