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 Pass out of IIM – Calcutta with GMPAP Course
 17 years of experience as a Chartered Account includes Strategy, Business Partnering,
Commercial Accounting, Audits, Controlling, Taxation, Treasury, and Administration
 Worked across industries like automobile, travel and tourism & financial services
 Core are of expertise lies in Finance & Accounts, Strategy, Planning, and Decision Support
 Looked into multiple things in a company other than finance
 Technical knowledge gained earlier is hardly used in the real world, interpersonal skills is
what matter the most
 Cause of effect relation is very important
 An individual changes with circumstances which is what takes out the best of the person
 Learnings :
 Being a leader is your ability to look at an entire picture rather than being isolated in just a single

 CA’s are technical but to grow a person needs to have aspects of strategy, HR, Planning, which is
developed by an individual from time to time

 A student must be clear in what their vision is when they enter a particular industry

 Once goal is clear all actions will be aligned in what you want to achieve by having a concrete and
broad career plan in how you want to move forward within the industry

 Always keep looking for other opportunities, don’t restrict to what your doing

 Have patience, believe in yourself, As competition is high don’t look at role an d designation and
other material things

 In todays competitive world you might have to do things which may be inappropriate, so always
value yourself and do the right thing, by following your values and ethics
 Challenges
 Choosing the right candidate for the right job is a very big challenge
 There are many opportunities in low & middle level but less in top management roles
 GST simplifies a lot of things
 It gives value addition in what you do
 Services will be costly manufactured good will be cheaper
 Always have a creative accounting approach it is how you want to interpret and convince
stakeholders but always follow it with values and ethics while you communicate the same
 Travel Industry
 Sentiments Matter in the travel industry
 SOTC has both leisure & Business
 Culture is very transparent in SOTC where there is always over communication to both customers
and employees
 Challenges in Travel Industry
 Exchange volatility is a big challenge
 Overall environment political and geographical, so always have a back up plan or a second
option ready
 Significant change in Travel industry
 As stress levels are rising, people are taking multiple breaks with families and traveling with
your close ones brings happiness
 Travel was a luxury before but now it has become a necessity which is a fast moving
consumer service
 India is a domestic driven demand economy and in the future demand will be created from
Tier 2 & Tier 3 cities {Formerly known as smart cities)
 The are exploring new destination from time to time in 2 different services :
 Group Tour
 Customized Tour : Rapidly increasing at a very fast rate

 India is a domestic driven demand economy

 Government measures which are being implemented are positive for India’s future
 India is a top 2 Economy where GDP Growth Rates are continuously growing
 Conclusion
 Always have the ability to see what's coming, be predictable so that planning can be concrete
 Patience should be a person’s biggest strength
 Believe in yourself
 Read a lot knowledge is the biggest weapon in todays world

 Director HR training IHG Group

 Associated with Taj Group at various locations in India

 Early days were tough but with time experience a lot of competencies were developed

 In the Hotel industry:

 Training is very specific for guest requirement

 Always try to reinvent ourself to do things better

 Always think on your feet to get things done

 People have to be open minded in today’s world

 Difference working in India vs. UAE
 Big Difference
 In India only Indians with similar values
 In UAE working with Different nationalities so they have different empathy & sympathy
 Great learning feeling as UAE is a national Platform
 Very punctual in UAE, if numbers speak you stay and if numbers don’t speak you are asked
to go
 Having a strong CV is good in India but not in UAE
 How you right your CV is important
 People or employees need to have diversify experience to succeed
 In UAE sometimes you have to move backward in you designation so that you can
move forward in the future

 Challenges in UAE Market

 More Expats so More Homesick
 You have to forget everything give time to learn you job
 Be extraordinary to be noticed
 If you don’t succeed, you get terminated
 You need to have a business purpose if you want to achieve success in UAE
 Market in UAE
 Big Change
 Global travel getting more recognition
 Earlier Market : Oct – Mar ( Now Lesser )
 Rates Dropping in Constantly in Market

 Learnings
 If you engage and take care of your employees they wont leave
 “ People Don’t leave Companies, The Leave Bosses”
 Always have a strong process to drive culture
 There should be many processes and trainings program to groom a person
 A person will Stay in a company if he/she is learning and growing
 Culture is always performance driven
 Always have a high integrity organization
 Be Resilient
 Growth journey of an employee depends upon employee himself
 A person’s biggest strength should be believe in god
 Be honest work hard not shortcuts, Don’t think of easy money
 Always Enjoy what you are doing
 Take care of your guest and in return the company will take of you
 Has demonstrated ability at leading and managing the marketing functions in diverse
industries, across consumer durable and FMCG, frequently uses financial and long term
financial services
 Understanding consumer insights and translating them into business output is needed in
todays competitive world
 India had changed drastically over the past 2 decades
 Various roles with different companies give learning experience
 What ever technical knowledge we learn in B-school nothing is applied in the practical world,
application in case studies and real life scenarios are totally different
 Human interactions gives more knowledge and learning which helps you manage

 Early education gives a foundation which is very strong till date and in the future as well
 Todays generations children’s “ Don’t Study to Learn, The Study To Pass Examination”
 Interacting with different people at different times gives an opportunity to learn new things
and gain knowledge not taught by books
 IDBI Federal Life Insurance Co. is a 3 Way joint venture of IDBI Bank, Federal Bank And
Ageas a multinational insurance giant based out of Europe
 Primary distributors are agency where company recruit develop the agents through extensive
 Third party distributors are sales channels not use by the company
 Biggest challenge is too much complications, you want you brand to be position in a certain
manner which does not go with the company you are working with
 Handling expectation, diversion expectation and creating a win – win situation for both
parties needed to work with the third party channel
 The culture in the company is like it wants us to make coming back to office everyday by
enhancing employee satisfaction, Flexi working hours, WFH Policy etc.
 It is a balance of Work and Fun
 Learning
 “Why do you need anyone to motivate you when you can motivate yourself”
 Give team authority while giving a special project, don’t interfere once ownership is given the success of
the project will eventually increase
 Always create a positive work environment
 Opportunities should be given to experiment and learn
 Don’t get disheartened when u fail, unless you fail you wont be able to succeed
 Always do beyond Tried and tested to succeed in life
 Customer’s have changed
 Marketing functions have changed
 The way business get build have changed
 For the above we have to be tried and tested
 Always be humble be it with top or lower management
 Peoples skills are needed to succeed
 Don’t be scared with experimenting the new, unless you experiment u wont learn
 You will face failure which is not definite, it is a sleeping stone for success
 Failure gives learning and experience
Decision Making
 An activity done by all since we started doing things around us with conscious
 Very important in official and social life
 Life full of choices and decision gives experience in life
 Each experience in life be it good or bad helps us evolve in life
 We have to make “ Right Decision”
 All decisions are Individual Decisions
 A decision right for you may not be right for other
 Decision making is a process or a commitment
 Committing yourself to decide available choices and reducing uncertainty and doubts from
choices to arrive at a performable solution
 Uncertainty exists due to incomplete knowledge of alternatives
 Every decision has an element of calculated risk
 Always make decisions on alternative choices
 For the process of Decision making the following things are required
 Authority
 Resources
 Skills
 Collective representation of available information on the issues, alternatives, values,
and preference depending upon money status and other factors
 The following are the kind of decisions:
 The “ Whether” Decision
 Selecting between Yes/NO or Either/OR

 The “Which” Decision

 Selecting between alternatives based on details available about them

 The “If” Decision

 Selecting an alternative based on Happening / Not Happening of some contingent event based on
time, Energy, Price, Availability, Opportunity and encouragement

 Decision making Styles

 “All By Me”
 Decision By Me
 No Delegations
 “Some By Me”
 Manager decides by himself
 There is no involvement of others opinions even after asked by others
 “More By You”
 Manager Proposes by himself
 Gives other’s background
 Invites questions
 Wants other’s to Understand
 Reserved involvement
 Manager proposes it all by himself
 Gives others background
 Invites reviews and suggestions
 Reserves final decision
 Consulting Mode
 Manager proposes it all by himself
 Inform others the effects of the decision
 Reserves final decision
 Responsibility Shift
 Team has the responsibility
 Manager informs the choices and other parameters of the decisions
 Sharing Responsibility
 Team and manager share responsibility
 Consensus of the decision is arrived at by voting and joint decisions

 Decision Making Process

 Decision : Whether / Which / IF
 Criteria : Value / Pleasure / Returns / Investments
 Alternatives : Option 1 / Option 2 / Option 3
 Thinking Stages
 Accurate / unbiased Judgements
 Thinking Hats
 Represent Different style of thinking for crucial planning and taking stocks
 White Hats
 Focuses on Data Available / Studies information / Finds Gaps
 Red Hats
 Intuition / Gut Reaction / Emotions of People
 Black Hats
 Looks at things prismatically, cautiously and defensively / changes approach to minimis risk /
Sees why ideas wont work when implemented
 Yellow Hats
 Looks at things positively and optimistically . Identifies benefit value and spotting opportunities
 Green Hats
 Stands for Creativity / Develops Creative Solutions for Problems / Free Thinking ideas that are not
without criticising
 Blue Hats
 Process Control / Helps those who chair Meetings
 Conclusion
 Decision making process are Never Final
 Outcomes good or bad know only when they are implemented
 It is crucial for any manager or organization
 As future being so uncertain and unpredictable, planning and decision is crucial
Employee Engagement
 Concept of Business Management
 Conceptualized by William A Kahn who described it as engagement at work as harnessing of
through their work place
 An engaged and fully involved employee enthusiastic about his/her work for the
organizations interest it exists when :
 Employees are physically, intellectually and emotional involved in the organization while having a
proper work life balance
 Primary Drivers of Employee Satisfactions
 Intangible Assets
 Retention
 Popular Appeal – Give & Take Relationship
 Overwhelming Impact

 A employee will be engaged in his work force due to the following reasons
 Supportive Co workers
 Job & Career Satisfaction
 High Performing Organization
 Satisfied and Loyal Customer’s
 High Performance Workforce
 Committed Workforce
 Credible Leadership
 Why Does It Matter
 Engaged employees perform 20% better than less engaged employees
 87% employees less likely to leave organization than employees with low level of engagement
 Are More innovative
 More Committed to customer satisfaction
 Consistently go the extra mile
 What Drives Employee Engagement ?
 Organizational Commitment
 Service Commitment : Ethics
 Work & Career Commitment
 Job Satisfaction
 The role of HR in every organization should make every employee satisfied, comfortable and also boost them for
their work done from time to time
 There are 3 Engagement Drivers
 Right Employee for the right job
 Exceptional leadership
 Organisation system and strategies
 The following are the categories of Employee Engagement
 Effort without Distress {Engagement}
 Working Hard and deriving Satisfaction
 Distress without Effort {Disengagement}
 Giving up and feeling bad about it
 Effort With Distress {Strain}
 Working Hard with Fatigue and Anxiety

 According to recent report only 30% of employees are engaged 54% are not engaged and 16% Actively
Not Engaged
 Research Analysis
 Employee Engagement is not simple
 Leader Drive from senior level is needed
 Investment in talent leads to higher engagement
 Proposed Mode of Employee Engagement
 Recruitment
 Strong Induction & Orientation
 Rigorous Training and Development
 Incentives & Rewards
 Career Development Progress
 Employee Engagement Factors
 Customer Engagement
 Sales Growth
 Profitability
 Efficiency and Innovation

 The Following are things which are important to the employees while employed
 Knowing what’s expected
 Having right resources
 Opportunity to do the best
 Recognition & Praise
 Caring for me as a Human Being
 Encourage & Development
 Opportunities to Learn and grow
 Factors Of Employee Engagement
 Equal Opportunities
 Pay & Benefits
 Performance Appraisal
 Health & Safety
 Job Satisfaction
 Communication
 Co-operation
 Most of us today interesting challenging jobs, where we feel where we can make a difference
to other lives
 A crucial factor in av goof job design is job enrichment
 A practice of enhancing individual jobs to make responsibilities more rewarding and
inspiring for the people who are doing it
 The following are the 5 factors of job design that contribute to people enjoyment of a job:
 Skill Variety
 Increasing the number of skills that individuals use while performing work
 Task Variety
 Enabling people to perform a job from start to finish
 Task Significance
 Providing work that has a direct impact on the organization or its stakeholders
 Autonomy
 Increase the degree of decision making and the freedom to choose how and when a work is done
 Feedback
 Increasing the amount of recognition for doing a job well and communicate the results of people’s work

 Job Enrichment focuses more on giving people more control over their work, lack of control
over their work is main case of stress and happiness
 Allow Employees to take on task done by supervisor to increase confidence in subordinates
 Employees complete their activities with freedom and independence
 They also receive plenty of feedback so they can assess and correct their own performance
 The following are the job enrichment options
 Rotate jobs
 Combine tasks
 Identify project focused work units
 Create autonomous work teams
 Implement participative management
 Redistribute power and authority
 Increase employee directed feedback

 Rotate Jobs
 Give people a variety of skills and perform different kinds of work
 Combine Tasks
 Combine activity to provide a more challenging and complex work assignment, it can significantly increase
task identity
 Identify Project Focused Work Units
 Break your typical functional lines and form a project focused work unit, allow employees to build client
relationship in an excellent manner
 Create Autonomous Work Team
 Job Enrichment at the work level set a goal for a team and make team members free to determine work
assignments & schedules
 Implement Participative Management
 Allow team members to participate in decision making and get included in strategic planning
 Redistribute Power & Authority
 Grant more authority to workers for making job related decisions so their identity will increase
 Increase Employee Directed Feedback
 Make sure people know how well or poor they are performing their jobs, the more control you give the
more enriched their jobs will be.
 All Business Entrepreneurs like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos Mukesh Ambani,
are both rich and famous
 The common feature between all these personalities are they own Equity Shares in
listed companies after carefully reading their books of accounts
 Accounting is like swimming and cycling, it cannot be learned by merely reading books
through the internet
 “You Have To Do It Yourself”
 Accounting is a tool of measuring net worth, profitability, efficiency, brand equity
and goodwill
 The two approaches to accounting are as followed
 What a preparer of accounting records needs to know about accounting
 What a user of accounting information needs to know of accounting
 In this scenario we shall the latter approach from the user’s perspective
 A person has to understand accounting and that person also has to understand the
nuances of accounting
 Accounting is a language of business and it is an imperfect language, but unless you are
willing to put in efforts to learn accounting in how to read and interpret financial
statement, you really shouldn’t select any stocks yourself
 Financial Accounting helps in recording all financial transactions for the
preparation of the following :
 Trail balance
 Profit & Loss Account
 Balance Sheet
 Cash Flow Statement
 Ratio Analysis

 Financial Statements are useful to several segments of stakeholders such : as

 Shareholders
 Creditors / Lenders
 Suppliers of Goods & Services
 Employees
 Government { Local, State & Central }
 Investments Analyst Researchers
 Finance Students
 In any commercial activity there are Purchases, Productions, Sales, Loans, Stocks,
Debtors, Creditors, Cash, Bank Balance, Profit & Losses
 The Great Warren Buffet Quotes
 “Sales is variety, Profit is sanity, Cash is Reality”
 Above all cash Is the most important part in any business
 The principles of Accounting are as followed :
 Science when it comes to recording
 Art when it comes to interpretation
 Only financial transaction in monetary terms are recorded
 Only Historical Cost Recorded {Not Present Market Value}
 It’s a going concern basis
 Consistency in principles followed
 Conservative and accrual basis
 Limitations
 Profit is a result of valuation
 All valuations are subjective
 Profit is a fiction
 Cash Is a fact
 Only quantitative measurements recorded
 Qualitative aspects ignored
 Inflation will not adjust in the books of Accounts
 Historical Cost Vs. Replacement Costs
 An impression is made of another person in the first 10 seconds
 People are perceived by another person by the following
 55% Visually : How you look
 38% Vocally : How you sound
 7% Verbally : What you say
 Visual is a the most important out of the above
 As a professional the impression that you give is that you are Competent, Knowledgeable,
Professional & Trustworthy
 Always project an image client can identify with
 Looking successful breeds further success
 If you look good, then u feel good, in return you gain more confidence
 Grooming is how you present yourself
 Make–up (Not Heavy)
 Body Odor : The importance of bathing / Deodorants
 Mouth Odor
 Hair
 Teeth
 Nails
 Wardrobe
 Wear what is appropriate
 Look Apart
 Must reflect your aspiration
 Should not show too much of your body
 Dress with Flair and Sense of Fashion
 Men
 Suits, Trousers, Shirts
 Socks / Shoes
 Accessories
 Braces, Cufflinks, Belts, Watch, Briefcase Writing Instrument
 Women
 General
 Clothes not to be too tight

 Necks must not be plunging

 Clothes must me appropriate for business

 Colours must match and coordinate

 Blouse sleeves should be up-to elbow

 Skirts should be knee length

 Clothes could be fashionable

 Accessories
 Jewellery :Not too Much

 Necklaces : Not too Long

 Pendant : Not too Large

 Bracelets : Tinkles

 Rings : Not Too Manty

 Handbag : Standard Colour

 Briefcase : Leather

 Shoes : Comfortable
News Wire
What are the In-app purchases ? Are Apps Really
 Apps Listed as Free On App Store or Google Play have something called in App
 Apps in All Categories on the App store and google play have in-app purchases in
different modes such as
 Game Ad-on’s : Game Points jump Levels
 Subscriptions : To New platforms
 Premium Features and More : E.g. Tinder
 These extra and optional cost can often go straight on credit cards without any alert to
card owners
 An In-app Purchase is any fee an app may ask for, many in app purchases are optional
and give users additional features

 Creating and account on app store requires putting a credit card or debit card on
file to cover any cost with downloading paid applications

 App Stores and Google Play clearly states if an application has any in app
purchases and without the consent of the customer.

 According to the allied Market research in app purchases generated opportunity of

$ 76 Billion in revenue
Facebook to Rebrand itself as “Metaverse
Company” Get New Name
 Facebook facing intense scrutiny over its business practices is planning to rebrand the
company with the new name that focuses on Metaverse

 CEO Mark Zuckerberg is accepted to announce the name at the company connect
conference on 28th November 2021

 Mr. Zuckerberg has emphasized that the future lies within the Metaverse Concept

 The idea that Users will live work and exercise inside a virtual Universe

 In the coming years Facebook will be seen from a Social Media Company to A
Metaverse Company

 Metaverse is an ultimate expression of Social Technology

 Rebranding is coming at a time when Facebook is under fire from regulators,

law makers and Activists

 Whistle blower Frances Haugen has shared Thousand of Documents Detailing

Facebook’s struggles with moderating its content and alleged deleterious
mental health Effects of its Photo-sharing application Instagram
Can Hybrid Learning Ever Replace Traditional
 Sudden Onslaught of the pandemic pushed schools and education institution to adopt a
Hybrid learning learning System to ensure continuous delivery of study program
 Welcomed by both parents and schools it helped in keeping the learning ongoing while
maintaining the safeguard security of the students
 Traditional Education System not only provides academic learning but elements beyond
education like :
 Developing Social Skills
 Communicating
 Bonding
 Sharing
 Tackle Real Life Situation

 Benjamin Franklin Once Famously Quoted

 “ Tell Me And I forget, Teach me and I remember, Involve me and I learn”
 Involvement with physical education system provide Children in learning new
concepts and ideas
 Hybrid has widened the accessibility and quality education but cannot ensure social,
cultural and emotional development of the child.
 Digital Technology is expensive, In India where there is a huge income and
infrastructural gap replying on online education will neither be feasible or a workable
 For Intellectual, emotional, physical and overall development of a child the traditional
classroom education system holds more relevance than the hybrid learning system
Personal Loan Vs Loan Against PPF, Which one you
should opt for
 Despite having things at place unforeseen emergencies forces a person to take a Loan
 A personal loan could go in long way in easing the short term financial crunch or on could borrow against a
public provident fund. The following are the different aspects where you can decide which you would want to
opt for
1. Access
 Personal Loan is Available Quickly if all perquisite conditions such as helathy Credit Score, Age,
Steady Income Etc
 PPF lets you avail a loan against your PPF Account From the 3 rd to the 6th Year of the PPF Account
2. Loan Amount
 Personal Loan has no ceiling of the amount you can avail
 With PPF there is a caveat attached, which is the amount of loan should not exceed 25% of the
amount available in your account at the end of the 2 nd Year immediately preceding the year in which
the loan was applied

3. Loan Tenure
 Personal Loan : Up to 60 Month
 PPF : To be repaid within 3 Years of sanction
4. Interest
 Personal loans are insecure loans so interest rates are very high which vary from
10% - 20%
 PPF loans are charged at 1% interest irrespective of the amount
 Loan against PPF is the way to go when you require a small amount for a short period
of time but if there is a requirement of a substantial amount then PL is a better Fit
What Are ULIP ? How do the work, Are they
good for long term Investments
 A Unit linked Insurance Plan or ULIP is a product that offers both Insurance protection and Investments
 Serves as a great tool to get security and manage finances
 Benefits
 Insurance Protection
 Investment Returns
 When you pay a premium in ULIP, a part of the premium is utilised for your security while the other part
is used for investing in certain funds to develop your wealth
 The funds can be selected according to your preference requirements and financial management
 ULIP’s Or Mutual Funds
 ULIP’s are a better choice for investment as Mutual Funds don’t give an insurance cover and not all
MF’s give Tax Deductions where a ULIP provides Tax Benefits U/S 80C

 The details in a ULIP Documents are as followed :

 Policy Administration Charges
 Policy Allocation Charges
 Policy Redemption Charges
 Policy Switching Charges
 Policy Returns
 The Key Features of ULIP’s are
 Systematic Monthly Plans { SMP’s}
 Systematic Withdrawal Plans { SWP’s}
 Systematic Transfer Fees
 ULIP is a good long term investment that also offers reliable protection to you and you loved ones,
it is flexible and gives you an opportunity to satisfy your risk appetite in a safe way
Online Safety : 10 Must Do’s To Stay Safe
 Cybercrime is globally disruptive and economically damaging

 7 out of 10 consumers in India were targeted by s tech support scammer in the last 12 months as
per Microsoft’s 2021 Global Tech Support Scam Research Report

 The Following are 10 must Do’s to keep you Email, Accounts, Devices, safer and avoid
identity theft:

 Use Encryption tools by the email service provider

 Be skeptical of messages with links, especially those asking for personal information, Call the
message provider if contact details provided and ask before executing anything

 Never open unaccepted attachments even if it comes from people or organization you trust

 Go Password-less and use an authenticator application for strong security

 If you use password make them strong & unique have at-least 14 random characters and symbols

 Enable lock features on all your mobile devices, Require a pin, fingerprint or facial recognition to unlock
your devices

 Many applications send new updates that have security fixes for current active issues, so make sure you
install all of the promptly

 Only install applications from the official App Store or Google Store of your device

 Always use latest version of your operating system

 Share Personal Information in real time only preferably in person or by phone and always be careful what
you share on social media
How to Show Yourself Better In A Job
 According to research by SHRM companies take up to days to fill a vacant position
 Once you get an opportunity for an interview you must present and self promote
yourself without being corny, arrogant & desperate
 The following are the tips to showcase your talent :
 Always Quantify your Achievements
 Volume, Time-span, Percentage are great ways to quantify you accomplishments in your
 Hire a resume writer
 Resume emphasizes your abilities, skills and demonstrates your value.
 Resume writers are experts in what they do and they will guide you to answer questions

 Listen carefully to the interviewers question and be observant

 Important to listen as you might miss vital information if not attentive
 Buy listening you might pick up helpful information that will help you answer the questions
 Perform an informational interview
 You get to gather valuable insights on the particular industry or company to outshine you
from other candidates
 Carry yourself with confidence
 Trust Yourself
 Outwardly project confidence
 Eye contact while shaking hands
 Maintain good posture
 Sit in a position that radiates engagement with conversation
Retirement Planning for Financial Freedom
 Retirement planning means calculating today for future life so that you continue to
achieve your goals establish the amount of money you need
 Main pillar of retirement planning is as followed :
 Long term Care
 Investment planning
 Adjusted monthly income
 Healthcare
 Tax planning
 Asset planning
 Retirement planning is an essential part of financial planning, An Increase in life
average life expectancy increases the need for retirement planning

 Inflation erodes the value of money with time

 Returns above inflation will be given if you want to maintain current lifestyle during retirement
 Retirement planning covers all aspects of life such as :
 Life adjusted inflation
 Monthly expenditure
 Medical emergency and other liabilities
 As you near retirement you may have new dreams and commitments such as :
 Child’s marriage
 Higher education
 World tour
 With retirement planning you have the power to fulfill your dreams and wishes as in india we are no
supported by any patent structure
By 2025 Three in Four internet Users Will Consume
Short Form Videos : Bains & Company

 With more people staying home online videos consumption witnessed a massive surge
in the last 1 year
 Digital video entertainment consist of short form videos (SVF) which are between 15
seconds to 2 Minutes and Long Form Videos which exceeds 2 Minutes
 India’s online videos user base scaled more than 350 million people growing at 24%
annually from 2018-2020, this is two times faster than countries such as China and
 According to Bain & Company time spent on online users per day has increased 60% to
70% over the period 2018-2020
 More than 200 million Indians watched SVF’s at-least once in 2020 with an active user
spending 45 minutes per day
 Indian internet users spend more time online than several countries including China

 Short From Videos (SFV’s) has exploded over the past 2 years growing 3.5 times in the
user base

 Content creators are the key to the success of the SVF. India has more than 15 million
users who create and post at-least one SFV in a month

 Keeping in mind all the information above by 2025 we can expect three in four internet
users will consume Short Form Videos (SFV’s)
Effective Leadership Through Resilience
 Resilience is an individual competency and leaders who are resilient and have some
unique traits
 They see failures only as a temporary setback from which they can recover quickly
 During turbulence they maintain a positive attitude and a positive outlook with strong
sense of opportunity
 Resilience is a critical characteristic of high performance leaders who create a tangible
business impact and leave a legacy behind
 The following are the ways by which leaders demonstrate resilience:
 Communicate Powerfully
 Resilient leaders proactively communicate their intentions to others
 They help others comprehend a new strategy or a new direction
 They are open and receptive
 Resilient leaders are humble, they are open to feedback and often ask others for feedback across hierarchies

 Openness to learning

 Once feedback given they improve their skills in that gap areas

 They invest in long lasting relationships

 Great leaders bring people together

 Create strong teams by building trust through different stakeholders

 They take Bold Risk

 Ready to try new ideas and take bold risks

 They champion Change

 Resilient leaders are amendable to change and demonstrate willingness to change

 Provide leadership to ensure organization adapts to change

 They are firmly decisive

 Resilient leaders are effective at making decisions and moving forward making those decisions

 They don not suffer decision paralysis



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