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Adjective Clause
Adjective clause merupakan klausa (Sub Clause) yang
berfungsi sebagai adjective (kata sifat) yaitu “menggambarkan
kata benda (noun)”.
Hanya saja posisinya tidak persis sama. kalau kata sifat
(adjective) normalnya sebelum noun yang di deskripsikan,
sementara adjective clause berada setelah Noun nya
I knew which is good for you.
I bought the house which I like the most.
The president ..... i met yesterday was handsome
a. Which
b. Who
c. Whom

The boy brings a book

I know him well
The boy whom I know well brings a book.
Causative verb
Make, get, have, let = memaksa, meminta, menyuruh, merayu
I make her wash my clothes
She has me buy her new book
They made our family walk to their house
S + Caus Verb + O + V1 + O2

The enthusiasm made me feel welcome

He greeted me with it

The enthusiasm with which he greeted me made me feel welcome

She made a new cake

She made my cousin cook a delicious cake
Adjective Clause Part 2
Pada skill 11 kita sudah melihat bahwa adjective clause connector
digunakan untuk menjelaskan kata benda (noun).
Dalam skill 12 ini, kita akan melihat bahwa dalam beberapa kasus
adjective clause connector tidak hanya sebagai penghubung; adjective
clause connector juga bisa menjadi subjek klausa pada waktu yang sama.
Perbandingan Adjective Clause Skill 11 dan 12

I met the boy

He is very handsome
I met the boy who is very handsome

The girl is reading a book

I met her in a library
The girl whom I met in a library is reading a book

The bag looks expensive

She bought it at the store
The bag which she bought at the store looks expensive

I have a car
It looks new
I have a car which looks new
The boy ….. I listen to gets troubles
a. Who
b. Whom
c. Which
d. Because of

The girl …. Comes to my class writes a novel

a. Which
b. Whom
c. Who
d. When

Skill 11 Adj. clause (as object)

People whom subject + verb
Things which subject + verb

Skill 12 Adj. clause (as Subject)

People who verb

Things which verb

The pedestrian ..... walked at park looked familiar

a. Whom
b. Who
c. Which
d. Where

A construction ...... we built last night was appreciated by the

a. Which
b. Who
c. Why
d. Whom

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