Present Future Tense

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Verba : S + will + verb1
Nonverba: S + will be + adjective/noun/adverb

Time signals: next week, later, tonight, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year, in
the future

+ I will go on vacation next week with my family.
- I won’t go on vacation next week with my family.
? Will you go on vacation next week with your family?

+ I will be a doctor in the future.
- I won’t be a doctor in the future.
? Will you be a doctor in the future?
1. Sebuah tindakan sukarela menawarkan 1. Menyatakan rencana yang akan terjadi =
melakukan sesuatu untuk orang lain = I will
call the police, don’t worry, you are safe. I am going to have a holiday in
2. Menanggapi keluhan orang lain atau Bangkok.
permohonan bantuan = I will make sure 2. Menunjukkan tanda-tanda bahwa
they will call you back to response your
question. sesuatu akan terjadi = I bet Indonesia is
3. Meminta seseorang membantu atau going to win. The score is 4 – 0.
melakukan sesuatu untuk kita = will you tell 3. Memprediksi tentang apa yg mungkin
him to reply my message?
terjadi berdasarkan yg terlihat saat itu =
4. Menggunakan will not or won’t ketika
menolak melakukan sesuatu = I won’t come Look at the sky! It is going to rain.
to your party.
5. Memberikan janji = I will make you a cake
when you arrive.
6. Menyatakan keputusan yg diambil secara
cepat atau spontan = I’m so hungry, I think I
will buy some food.
7. Menyampaikan sebuah ancaman = If you
don’t stop following me, I will call the
8. Memprediksi tentang apa yg mungkin
terjadi berdasarkan perkiraan = I think the
traffic will be crowded tonight.
Hi, my name is Angel. I am going to have a long holiday
next month. It will be about two weeks. My family and I are
going to visit Singapore. We are going to spend five days
there. We have planned a trip to Singapore since January.
Have you ever been there?
Singapore is my first place abroad that I will travel to. I
am so excited about it. This month, we will arrange our trip
itinerary. So, after school I’ll browse some places to visit. I’ll
also watch some Singapore travel videos.
Merlion Park is a place that will be put in our first list.
Besides, we’ll also go to Universal Studio because my sister
really wants it. I am sure we’ll have so much fun there. What
about you, where are you going to travel when you have a
long holiday?

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