Fossil Fuels Discussion ??

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Overall the summary section speaks on behalf of the No an yes category and nds middle ground

for the reader. But to sum up the main point talks about the over exploration of fossil fuels throughout
the world. YES: Mark J. Perry argues that the Obama Administration's "All-of-the-Above" energy
policy shows unwarranted favoritism toward alternative energy sources. Fossil fuel production is up
and supplies are sample Oil is not at all the "energy of the past," for fossil fuels will continue to power
the American economy for generations to come.

(NO) John Bellamy Foster argues that we are facing a crisis. If we continue to burn fossil fuels, we run
the risk of destroying civilization and even humanity. What is needed is an ecological and human
revolution that restores humanity's "metabolism" with nature.

Unfortunately, we eventually became aware that oil--and other fossil fuels- could cause serious
problems, such as air pollution, acid rain, climate change, and of course oil spills. Coal is infamous
for its destruction of landscapes via strip-mining and mountaintop-removal

John Bellamy Foster argues that we are facing a crisis. If we continue to burn fossil fuels, we run the risk of destroying civilization and
even humanity. What is needed is an ecological and human revolution that restores humanity's "metabolism" with nature. He also
proclaimed that up to only a few years ago governments, corporations, and energy analysts were xated on the problem of "the end of
cheap oil" or "peak oil," was pointing to growing shortages of conventional crude oil due to the depletion of known reserves. The
International Energy Agency's 2010 report devoted a whole section to peak oil. Some climate scientists saw the peaking of conventional
crude oil as a silver-lining opportunity to stabilize the climate--provided that countries did not turn to dirtier forms of energy such as coal
and "unconventional fossil fuels." He also brought fracking into the cause of this downfall- Nevertheless, the negative environmental and
health e ects of fracking falling on communities throughout the United States are enormous, if still not fully assessed. Toxic pollution
from fracking is contaminating water supplies and a ecting wastewater treatment not designed to cope with such hazards. Methane
leakages from fracking, in the case of shale gas, are threatening to accelerate climate change. If such leakages cannot be contained,
fracked natural gas production could prove more dangerous to the climate than coal. Fracking has also engendered earthquakes in the
extractive areas. In response to such developments, a whole new environmental resistance to fracking has arisen in communities
throughout North America, Aus-tralia, and elsewhere.

As crazy as it sounds, will we ever be able to use human remains / bodies as a

way to creat fuel without having to use fossil fuels? As an alternative?

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