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GRAMMAR (page 6)
1. 1. am writing 8. studies
VOCABULARY (page 4) 2. are looking 9. went
3. are planning 10. bought
1. 1. north 3. west 5. east 4. hired 11. wanted
2. south 4. north 6. west 5. rode 12. didn’t like
2. 1. continent 4. capital city 6. live 13. eat
2. landmark 5. fields 7. met 14. Are ... having
3. bridges 6. bank 2. 1. James broke his leg while he was skiing.
1. d 2. f 3. b 4. e 5. a 6. c 2. Sara lost an earring while she was swimming.
3. The tourists were taking photos when the accident
3. s u b r a c e l e t d i happened.
4. Jake was eating when he took the call.
z u j b o g v q v w l k
5. The doorbell rang while we were having a nap.
x c n h p y b l o u s e 6. The Barkers were shopping when Mrs Barker lost her
e s j g t g l x k c i m wallet.
a r n u l i h o o d z l 3. 1. returned 5. haven’t eaten
r x e w c a p f b n k i 2. has … bought 6. didn’t visit
r q c d g v s n x b s p 3. Did … go 7. Have … worn
4. left 8. haven’t found
i t k h q n p s o i d s
n q l f r i n g e v y t 4. 1. have been waiting
g b a h j p y n z s m i
2. have … known; have known
3. Did … paint; worked
s i c h p h o r t n t c 4. has … been sleeping; has been sleeping
k s e x z f h g l i u k 5. Have … bought; have been looking; haven’t found

1. lipstick 6. blouse (page 7)

2. cap 7. necklace 5. 1. f had … left; got
3. earrings 8. hood 2. a came; had forgotten
4. sunglasses 9. ring 3. e had never flown; appeared
5. bracelet 4. b went; had … sold
(page 5) 5. d had seen; had
6. c was; had eaten
4. 1. d 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. b
1. starts 5. will feed
5. 1. butter / yoghurt / muesli 5. rice / corn 2. is performing / 6. aren’t meeting /
2. muesli / yoghurt / butter 6. rice / corn is going to perform aren’t going to meet
3. muesli / yoghurt / butter 7. ice cream 3. will enjoy 7. will … affect
4. beef 8. lemon juice 4. are … cooking /
6. 1. True going to cook
2. False – Fizzy drinks aren’t healthy / are unhealthy. 7. 1. love 7. became
3. False – Biscuits are sweet. 2. do you know 8. had kept
4. True 3. hasn’t always been 9. had begun
5. False – Strawberries and tomato sauce are red. 4. discovered 10. have been making
7. 1. formal 5. fattening 5. mixed 11. are continuing
2. raw 6. sensible 6. had watched
3. cooked 7. fried 8. 1. His new book is worse than his previous one.
4. old-fashioned 8. fashionable 2. Maria is younger than Lauren.
8. 1, 3, 4 3. Is Paris the most exciting city in the world?
4. Peter and Harry speak English very well.
5. Matt is not as tall as his brother.

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Workbook Answer Key

6. Who is the oldest person in your family? SPEAKING

7. It’s raining so hard that I can’t see clearly.
8. Jade works more efficiently than Luke.
3. 1. Year 8. 4. Pizza.
2. I like it. 5. I’m very confident.
LISTENING (page 8) 3. Yes, I learn karate. 6. Yes, I love animals.
1. Listening (Class CD 5, Track 1): 4. 1. g 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. f 7. a 8. e
Mr Brown: Hi, Debbie. Extra question: 6
Debbie: Hi, Mr Brown.
Mr Brown: Debbie, I understand you’d like to participate
in the See the World programme. Unit 1
Debbie: Yes, very much.
Mr Brown: Have you heard about the programme? VOCABULARY (page 9)
Debbie: Yes. I know that participants in the programme 1. 1. g 2. a 3. d 4. f 5. c 6. b 7. e
travel to another country to meet students their
own age. 2. 1. welcome back 4. I’d love to come
Mr Brown: Have you ever travelled before? 2. No, thanks 5. See you then
3. Well done 6. good luck
Debbie: Last year, my family and I went on holiday to
France. It was wonderful. 3.
1. No, thanks; eaten
Mr Brown: What did you enjoy most about your trip? 2. I’d love to come; study
Debbie: Well … I have been studying French in school, 3. 3.00 pm; See you then
so I enjoyed using the language. But the best 4. Welcome back; fun
part of the trip was the French food. I hadn’t (possible answers in italics)
eaten French food before the trip. OK … so it
wasn’t healthy. You know … a lot of fat and GRAMMAR (page 10)
carbohydrates … but it was delicious.
Mr Brown: Why are you interested in the See the World 1. 1. We’ll be watching TV tonight.
programme, Debbie? 2. My sister will be getting married at 8.00 this evening.
3. Dad will be working late every evening this week.
Debbie: I love meeting people from different cultures.
4. My cousins will be visiting us this Christmas.
Mr Brown: Why do you think we should choose you?
5. In ten year’s time, I’ll be living in Scotland. /
Debbie: I’m a very friendly person. People feel I’ll be living in Scotland in ten years’ time.
comfortable around me. I’m sure I’ll become
good friends with the people we meet. 2. 1. ’ll be watching 4. Will … be using
Mr Brown: As a part of the See the World programme, we 2. ’ll be cooking 5. will … be travelling
have to fly to another country. Have you got 3. ’ll be shopping
any problems travelling by plane?
3. 1. ’ll be flying 4. won’t be playing
Debbie: Don’t worry. I won’t get nervous. Flying is 2. ’ll be waiting 5. won’t be staying
3. Will … be practising 6. Will … be walking
Mr Brown: What kind of a student are you? You know that
you’ll have to miss some school when we 4. 1. ’ll buy
travel. 2. Are you meeting / going to meet
Debbie: I’m serious and hard-working. But so are my 3. ’ll be driving
friends. I’m sure they’ll help me when I get 4. ’m going to put / ’m putting
home. I feel confident that I will continue to 5. isn’t going out / isn’t going to go out / won’t be going out
get high marks even if I miss some school. 6. ’ll be staying
Mr Brown: Thank you, Debbie. We’ll let you know next 5. 1. d ’ll be using
2. a Is …coming out
Sentences: 1, 3, 5 3. f ’ll bring
4. c will see
2. 1. French 5. b are leaving / are going to leave
2. the French food 6. g are … eating / going to eat
3. Because she is a very friendly person and people feel 7. e ’ll be studying / am going to study / am studying
comfortable around her.
4. Yes, she does.
5. She is a serious and hard-working student.
6. next week

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Workbook Answer Key
(page 11) bothered to tell my parents because they’ll just say,
“He’s only 10 years old.”
6. 1. will technology affect 6. will get
2. are going 7. will become Conversation 2
3. are going to meet 8. will be Fred: Hi, Gina. What do you want to do tonight?
4. will be holding 9. Will we have Gina: I don’t know, Fred. How about going bowling?
5. will be standing 10. won’t be Fred: I don’t feel like bowling. The weather’s nice. Why
don’t we do something outdoors instead?
7. 1. ’ll be 4. travelling / away Gina: I know … there’s a free concert at the park. We can
2. ’ll be working 5. Will you be / Are you go there.
3. going to take
Fred: Sounds good to me. What time does it begin?
8. 1. have been sending 7. saw Gina: At 8.30. Why don’t you come round at 7.30? We
2. do 8. had invented can leave from my house.
3. to send 9. used Fred: OK. See you then, Gina. Bye.
4. lighting 10. has changed Conversation 3
5. oldest 11. new Jackie: Hi, Sam. You look upset. What’s happened?
6. was approaching Sam: Hi, Jackie. I’m fed up.
9. 1. These shoes fit more comfortably than the others. Jackie: Why?
2. Peter is taller than his brother Sam. Sam: My mobile phone never works.
3. Sara has worked here for 12 years. Jackie: You mean you can’t make any calls?
4. At this time next year, I will be living in New York. Sam: No. Today, the touch screen isn’t working. Last
5. It has been raining here since Sunday. week, it was the voicemail.
Jackie: Why don’t you take it back to the shop?
READING (page 12) Sam: It’s always so crowded there. You know I can’t
1. 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. d stand waiting in a queue.
Jackie: You haven’t got a choice.
2. 1. he probably thinks a stranger wants to talk to him about Sam: You’re right. I’ll go tomorrow. I’ve already made
religion plans with Ted tonight.
2. someone sneezes Conversation 4
3. you meet someone Tim: Guess what I’ve just found out, Marcy?
4. inviting someone in, with pleasure
Marcy: What, Tim?
5. clear expressions / a clear expression
Tim: The New York School of Dance has accepted me
3. 1. repeats 4. gradual into their programme.
2. is confused 5. response Marcy: Congratulations! That’s fantastic. But I guess that
3. origins means you’ll be moving.
Tim: Yes. I’ll be leaving for New York in July.
REAL ENGLISH (page 13) Marcy: Do you promise to stay in touch?
1. 1. going 4. keep Tim: Of course. You know me. I spend hours on
2. set 5. fed Facebook every day.
3. stay 6. come Marcy: You’re going to be a famous dancer, Tim.
Tim: I promise to send you an invitation to my first
2. 1. can’t be bothered 4. can’t make it performance.
2. don’t feel like 5. Sounds good Marcy: Thanks, but don’t forget to put a plane ticket in the
3. made plans 6. take a rain check envelope!
3. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
1. Sam 3. Tim
4. Listening (Class CD 5, Track 2): 2. Fred 4. Max
Conversation 1 5. 1. his brother broke it
Max: Ugh! My brother’s driving me crazy! 2. isn’t going to tell
Ellen: What’s he done this time, Max? 3. go to a concert at the park
Max: He always breaks my things. Yesterday, he 4. 7.30
borrowed my watch. 5. touch screen
Ellen: What happened? 6. the shop
Max: He went swimming. Now my watch isn’t working. 7. the New York School of Dance
And he promised to take good care of it! I can’t be 8. plane ticket

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Workbook Answer Key

6. 1. Would you like to meet for dinner this week? Advance Your Language
2. Where do you want to go? 1. 1. really 3. such 5. really
3. How about an Italian restaurant? 2. so 4. just 6. so
4. When should we meet?
5. What do you feel like doing? 2. 1. Will you be going 3. Will you be seeing / meeting
2. Will you be watching 4. Will you be riding / using
(page 14) 3. 1. 3 3. 3 4. 3
7. 1. d 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. b a. staying in d. stayed on
b. stay out e. stay behind
8. Order of sentences: 2, 1, 4, 3 c. stay up
9. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
1 0. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Unit 2
VOCABULARY (page 17)
1. 1. Congratulations! 4. fed up
1. 1. flood – c
2. stayed in 5. Bless you!
2. landslides, mud – d
3. Welcome back!
3. earthquake, predicted – b
1. necklace, mini skirt, boots 4. volcano, volcanic eruption, ash, dangerous – a
2. crisps, yoghurt, eggs
2. 1. strikes 4. injured 7. survivors
3. Merry Christmas, Well done, Good luck
2. warn 5. rocks 8. collapsed
4. island, west, reef
3. safe 6. trapped
5. spicy, trendy, sweet
(possible answers in italics) 3. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
3. 1. will be staying 4. won’t be using
Grammar (page 18)
2. will … be watching 5. ’ll be playing
3. will be planning 1. 1. that – c 3. whose, where – a
2. who – d 4. when, that, which – b
4. 1. Are you going to go out / going out for dinner tonight?
2. Will people live under the sea one day? 2. 1. when, hurricane 5. snow, which
3. I’ll be lying on the beach at this time tomorrow. 2. who, seismologists 6. which, warm
4. I’m meeting / going to meet Vera at the shopping centre 3. where, air 7. where, Chile
at 5.00. 4. whose, hurricanes
5. Will you be using your camera tomorrow morning?
3. 1. who / that 4. when / that 7. where
5. 1. Do 6. getting 2. that / which 5. that / which
2. haven’t forgotten 7. as common as 3. where 6. who / that
3. have been sending 8. have started
4. had become 9. won’t disappear
4. 1. The year 2005 is the year when this terrible hurricane
5. buy 10. receiving
2. Mark Fischetti is the scientist whose predictions came
6. Dictation (Class CD 5, Track 3): true.
I usually use the phone to make plans. I might call a friend 3. Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana are the states where
to tell her when to come round, to set a time to meet or to the hurricane caused the most damage.
discuss what we’ll be doing. But I dislike having long 4. New Orleans is the city that / which suffered from a big
conversations. Sometimes my friends get fed up with me. flood.
They like chatting on the phone. 5. There were many people that / who left New Orleans
before the hurricane struck.
(page 16) 6. The Louisiana Superdome is the building where twenty
thousand people stayed during the hurricane.
7. 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. e 5. c The hurricane described is called Katrina.
8. 1. d 2. e 3. b 4. c 5. a
(page 19)

5. 1. anyone 4. something
2. someone 5. nothing
3. anything

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Workbook Answer Key

6. 1. In 79 AD, a volcano destroyed Pompeii, which was a earthquake in the middle of the night. Even people
Roman city. in Buenos Aires felt it, hundreds of kilometres
2. Rescue workers saved Ena Zizi, who was trapped under a away in Argentina.
collapsed cathedral in Haiti for eight days. Robert: Were you sleeping when it happened?
3. The Titanic, which was a big passenger ship, struck an Maria: No, I was awake. I was in the middle of writing an
iceberg on 14th April 1912. e-mail to a friend when my desk started to move.
4. Ruben Van Assouw, whose family was killed, was the At first, I didn’t understand what was happening.
only survivor of a plane crash in 2010. Then, I looked out of the window and saw a
5. Indonesia, where there are many natural disasters, was hit crowd of people in the street. Many of them were
by a terrible tsunami in 2004. in their pyjamas. That’s when I realised it was an
6. The people of New York City will always remember earthquake.
11th September 2001, when the Twin Towers collapsed. Robert: What did you do next?
Maria: I tried to leave the building. A lift can be
7. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. dangerous in an earthquake so I took the stairs.
8. 1. time / season when 4. got technology that / which But before I could reach the front door, the
2. which / that occur 5. are pilots who / that building collapsed. I was trapped inside.
3. where Robert: Wow! You were probably very scared.
Maria: Yes, I was.
9. 1. were sailing 6. as lucky as
Robert: How long did it take rescue workers to find you?
2. who 7. anywhere
Maria: About 12 hours. I called my daughter and she told
3. that 8. have become
rescue workers where to find me.
4. saw 9. had saved
Robert: So you had your mobile phone with you?
5. the youngest 10. remember
Maria: Yes, and it saved my life.
READING (page 20) Robert: What happened after the earthquake?
Maria: I was homeless for two months. I went to live with
1. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T my daughter, who lives in Rome. But I was lucky.
2. 1. They came out during winter. I survived. Hundreds of people were killed that
2. They ran to a safe place. night.
3. He counts the number of adverts about lost pets. Robert: Thank you for sharing your story with us, Maria.
4. There are more than 200 earthquakes a year. That’s all for today.
5. There may be other reasons why it is behaving strangely. 1. night 4. home
3. 1. residents 4. occured 2. before 5. Hundreds
2. protect 5. vibrations 3. 12
3. unusually 5. 1. Buenos Aires
2. writing an e-mail
REAL ENGLISH (page 21) 3. looked out of the window
1. 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. f 6. e 4. a lift can be dangerous in an earthquake
5. mobile phone
2. 1. hit 5. aid
2. broke out 6. missing 6. 1. What can you see
3. burned 2. What has happened
4. homeless 3. What’s happening now
4. How do you think the people feel
3. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 5. What’s going to happen next, in your opinion
4. Listening (Class CD 5, Track 4):
(page 22)
Robert: I’m Robert Walker and you’re listening to Survivor
Stories, a radio programme about people who have 7. 1. before 3. At first, then 5. during
survived natural disasters. This week, we’re going 2. after 4. Eventually
to hear the amazing story of Maria Silva. Hello,
Maria. 8. 1. At first 4. eventually
Maria: Hello, Robert. 2. then 5. After
3. before
Robert: Tell us a little bit about the earthquake that hit
your town, Maria. 9. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Maria: Well … I live in Concepción, in Chile. Last
February, Chile was struck by a powerful 1 0. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

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Workbook Answer Key

Check Your Progress (page 23)

Unit 3
1. 1. homeless 6. trapped
2. searching 7. tragedy VOCABULARY (page 25)
3. struck 8. volcano
4. rocks 9. warned 1. 1. calculate 4. reflect
5. aid 10. drowned 2. project 5. record
3. store 6. transmit
2. 1. bank 6. Fried
2. smoke 7. set up dates 2. 1. microchip 5. laser beam
3. I’d love to come 8. stay in 2. reflection 6. filter
4. collapsed 9. Have a nice trip 3. advanced 7. microscopic
5 fashionable 10. dangerous 4. vision

3. 1. who / that 4. whose 3. 1. vision 3. transmits 5. laser beam

2. which 5. where 2. records 4. advanced
3. which / that 4. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
4. 1. The tornado hit the street where the playground is.
2. This is the girl whose parents are missing. Grammar (page 26)
3. I’ll never forget the time when there was a flood. 1. 1. were 5. gets
4. Jim, who is a geologist, studies earthquakes. 2. would start 6. will hear
5. The rescue, which cost about £14 million, was amazing. / 3. don’t begin 7. would buy
The rescue, which was amazing, cost about £14 million. 4. won’t be
5. 1. were walking 4. buried 2. 1. had checked, would have called - c
2. something 5. will try 2. had phoned, would have received - e
3. where 3. would have cost, had flown - a
6. Dictation (Class CD 5, Track 5): 4. could / would have projected, had bought - b
5. would have repaired, had brought - f
During earthquakes, people often get trapped in collapsed
6. had put, wouldn’t have started - d
buildings. Many of them are injured and some are killed.
People who are homeless have to look for food and shelter. 3. 1. air conditioner, gets 6. dishwasher, would be
It is difficult to predict earthquakes, so people are not 2. ran, treadmill 7. browsed the web,
usually warned to leave the area. 3. had ridden, bike would have found
4. leave, mobile phone 8. don’t wear, glasses
(page 24) 5. won’t bake, oven
7. 1. e 2. b 3. a 4. d 5. c 4. 1. We will go shopping after the rain stops. / After the rain
stops, we will go shopping.
8. 1. At first 4. By 2. I will walk the dog as soon as I get home. / As soon as I
2. after 5. Finally get home, I will walk the dog.
3. Next 3. Once she tries this product, she will love it. / She will
love this product once she tries it.
Advance Your Language 4. When you put water in the freezer, it turns into ice. /
1. 1. got warm 4. turned red Water turns to ice when you put it in the freezer.
2. growing old 5. got more boring 5. We will buy the drinks before we go to the party. / Before
3. grew stronger 6. turned white we go to the party, we will buy the drinks.

2. 1. John Trevor was the rescue worker to whom they wanted 5. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
to give a medal.
2. The man whom we wanted to thank had helped us. (page 27)
3. The children whom we came to rescue were trapped in 6. 1. would think 5. needs
the building. 2. wanted 6. takes
4. The storm chasers whom I joined followed the tornado. 3. moves 7. hadn’t gone
3. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. e 5. d 4. wants 8. will become
1. get away 4. break out 7. 1. hadn’t gone 4. unless
2. watch out 5. hang out 2. could do 5. would have bought
3. find out 3. when / after
as soon as / once

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8. 1. have you heard 7. which Sue: Yes, and I’ve always wondered how it works.
2. want 8. were drinking Jane: Well, a satellite in space transmits information to
3. thought 9. walk your satellite dish, which is probably on your roof.
4. who 10. will find Sue: Yes, it looks like a huge dinner plate.
5. had become 11. as popular as Jane: You’re right.
6. tasted Sue: Who invented satellites?
9. 1. What would you buy if you had a million euros? Jane: The Russians. They sent the first satellite, called
2. Mr Philips, who owns the department store, has bought Sputnik, into space in 1957. It was the size of a beach
this company. ball and it travelled around the Earth in about 98
3. I will be flying to New York at this time tomorrow.
4. She has been sleeping since 7.00. Sue: What about the Americans? Didn’t they have a space
5. By the time they put out the fire, it had destroyed eight programme then?
houses. Jane: Yes, and they were working on satellite technology
at the same time. But they weren’t ready to send
a satellite into space until 1958. If the Russians
READING (page 28)
hadn’t had Sputnik, it probably would have taken the
1. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. a Americans longer. They wanted to compete with the
Russians. So after Sputnik, they worked fast.
2. 1. It uses the information from each eye to create one
Sue: Your book sounds really interesting. Can I read it?
Jane: Sure.
2. Because they wear special glasses that filter light
differently for each eye. 1. F. Jane learned about satellites from a book.
3. It has made the images look better than before. 2. T
4. on television 3. T
3. 1. towards 3. luckily 5. special 4. F. They are bigger than dinner plates.
2. careless 4. similar 5. T
6. F. They sent a satellite in 1958.
REAL ENGLISH (page 29) 5. 1. collect, transmit
1. 1. wonder, store information 2. weather, communications
2. make sense of, phoning 3. beach ball
3. imagine, in the sun 4. Russians, Americans
4. preserve, cook 6. 1. d 2. f 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. e
2. 1. include 3. identify 5. sign
(page 30)
2. portrays 4. represents 6. hid
3. 1. make sense of 4. sign
7. 1. a new computer and she bought a laser pen
2. a mobile phone as well as earphones
2. preserve 5. portray
3. he also writes
3. identify
4. a screen in addition to a laptop computer
4. Listening (Class CD 5, Track 6): 5. have developed robots which are working as traffic
Sue: Hi Jane, what are you reading? directors and salespeople. Furthermore, they are
Jane: Hi, Sue. I’m reading a book about satellites. developing
Sue: Is it interesting? 8. 1. and 3. Furthermore 5. as well as
Jane: Yes, it is. 2. In addition 4. also
Sue: What do satellites do?
9. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Jane: Satellites record and transmit information.
Sue: Isn’t there more than one kind of satellite? 1 0. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Jane: Yes, the technology is very advanced.
Sue: Can you give me some examples? Check Your Progress (page 31)
Jane: There are weather satellites that collect information 1. 1. used in computers 4. don’t know
and transmit it to weather stations. This helps 2. understand 5. sends
scientists predict natural disasters. If there were 3. After
no satellites, we wouldn’t always know when a
hurricane or tornado is going to hit. There are also 2. 1. sensible, casual 4. cave, field
communication satellites. For example, have you 2. earthquake, flood 5. store, reflect
got satellite television? 3. calories, protein

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3. 1. tried 4. had calculated 2. 1. wasn’t painted 4. Were … sent

2. will hear 5. takes 2. are sold 5. Is … exhibited
3. would have seen 3. were discovered 6. aren’t held
4. 1. hurt 4. would buy 3. 1. is being developed 4. are being shown
2. show 5. would have had 2. are being exhibited 5. is being interviewed
3. had collapsed 3. aren’t being sold 6. is being compared
5. 1. which 6. will say 4. 1. will be taken 5. will be chosen
2. often say 7. invented 2. will be shown 6. will be hung
3. would make 8. controls 3. will be given 7. will be served
4. Do 9. has also received 4. will be taught
5. that 10. most original
5. 1. This wonderful church has been visited by millions of
6. Dictation (Class CD 5, Track 7): people.
Imagine this. You see your reflection in the mirror but you 2. This place in Amsterdam has been built for masterpieces
look huge. You wonder if there’s something wrong with by Dutch painters.
your vision. You can’t make sense of it. If you could, you 3. This famous painting has been copied by artists all over
would take the mirror off the wall. Don’t worry. The mirror the world.
isn’t straight. 4. Watercolours by this young artist have been sold for a lot
of money.
(page 32) 5. This Egyptian treasure hasn’t been taken out of Egypt for
many years.
7. 1. S 2. A 3. D 4. S 5. A
1. c 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. b
8. 1. as well as 4. also
2. and 5. In addition to (page 35)
3. In addition
6. 1. I’ll have / get the tree moved by the gardener.
Advance Your Language 2. They had / got copies of the famous sculptures made by
1. 1. impractical 3. unattractive
3. They will have / get the lights in the gallery repaired by
2. disagree 4. invisible
an electrician.
a. unattractive c. invisible 4. Are you going to have / get your website designed by a
b. impractical d. disagree designer?
5. They are having / getting the paintings at the Grand
2. 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. d
Gallery cleaned.
3. 1. competitive 4. protective
2. competition 5. disappointment
7. 1. were created 5. has … been paid
2. was … known 6. have been built
3. protection 6. disappointed
3. were surprised 7. are … collected
4. wasn’t considered 8. is remembered
Unit 4 8. 1. Are the paintbrushes cleaned every day?
2. No paintings will be sold before June.
VOCABULARY (page 33) 3. More exhibitions are being planned by the gallery.
4. Many of her paintings have been sold.
1. 1. portrait 4. landscape 7. ink 5. Were you given an award for your painting?
2. sculpture 5. sketch 8. watercolour 6. He hasn’t been invited to the Tate Gallery yet.
3. clay 6. charcoal 9. oil 7. My work was influenced by your sculptures.
2. 1. abstract 3. drawing, creative, talented 9. 1. was studying 7. the most famous
2. portrait, exhibitions 4. realistic, masterpiece 2. which 8. had started
3. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 3. didn’t want 9. was killed
4. pouring 10. wouldn’t have
Grammar (page 34) 5. liked 11. is still being shown
6. anything 12. will be asking
1. 1. will be shown 4. was baked
2. put 5. use
3. aren’t allowed 6. are mixed

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READING (page 36) Cindy: Drawing Hands? I’ve seen that drawing before.
Those hands are amazing. They were drawn to
1. 1. reading the news 5. Jackson Pollock’s paintings look three-dimensional.
2. details are missing 6. a masterpiece
Teacher: Yes, the hands seem to be three-dimensional, but
3. in the 1930s
the picture is flat. Now let’s look at the work of a
4. he’s an imaginary super hero different artist, Victor Vasarely. Vasarely is from
2. 1. No, they are usually funny. Hungary and he’s considered the father of
2. Because it’s asking if comics are only for entertainment Op-Art. His work is more abstract than Escher’s.
or if they are also a form of art. I’ll show you an example. Tell me what you see
3. newspapers, art galleries, museums in the picture.
4. Because he has got muscles in all the right places. John: Black and white lines.
5. Comics cost less, but are also part of our culture. Teacher: Look again.
John: Oh, wait, there’s something in the centre of the
3. 1. form 4. portrait
2. characters 5. portray
Teacher: Now, let me show you the same thing, but this
3. imaginary
time it was drawn by Vasarely in a different way.
Cindy: It’s a picture of two zebras!
REAL ENGLISH (page 37)
Teacher: Exactly. Now look at the first picture again. Can
1. 1. d 2. g 3. a 4. e 5. f 6. b 7. c you see the zebras?
2. 1. smooth 4. complex John: Yes.
2. traditional 5. flat Teacher: The lines in the first drawing are curved and
3. lovely 6. curved thicker in some places. This creates the three-
dimensional effect. That’s all for today, class.
3. Possible Answers Please read pages 40-47 of your textbook. On
Across Down Tuesday, you’ll be given a quiz on these pages.
2. happy 1. not three-dimensional I’ll repeat that – pages 40-47 – study these pages
4. not modern 2. not simple for a quiz on Tuesday.
5. pretty / beautiful 3. not rough
1. 1950s 4. Hungary
4. Listening (Class CD 5, Track 8): 2. soldiers 5. Tuesday
Teacher: Quiet, please. I’d like to begin the lesson. Good 3. Dutch
morning, students. Today we’re going to learn 5. 1. The stairs don’t go anywhere.
about Op-Art, a style of art which became
2. Drawing Hands
popular around the 1950s. Op-Art tricks our eyes.
3. Vasarely’s work is more abstract.
We think we see something, but we really see
4. He drew zebras.
something else. For example, look at the stairs in
this drawing. Can anyone tell me what’s strange 5. pages 40-47
about them? 6. 1. are both 4. Sculpture A has got
Cindy: They don’t go anywhere. 2. looks like both 5. cheerful
Teacher: That’s right, Cindy. In one part of the picture, the 3. simple
soldiers are walking up the stairs. In another part,
the soldiers are walking down the stairs. But no (page 38)
one is going anywhere because the stairs don’t go
anywhere. 7. 1. elegant old
John: Oh, now I see. 2. talented young
3. lovely, modern, round blue
Teacher: Good, John. At first the drawing looks simple,
doesn’t it? If you don’t look carefully, you won’t 4. plain, huge, new, curved black
notice a problem. It’s really quite complex, 5. pretty, large, long pink
though. Does anyone know who the artist is? 8. Opinion: sad, beautiful
John: I’ve seen this drawing before. It’s famous. Is the Size: small, thin
artist Escher? Age: old, young
Teacher: Yes, it is. Escher is a Dutch artist. He is known Shape: open, torn
for impossible drawings – in other words, Colour: black, white
drawings of things that can’t work, like the
stairs. Here’s another example of Escher’s work 9. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
– Drawing Hands. 1 0. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Advanced Real English 4 © B Burlington Books 

Workbook Answer Key

Check Your Progress (page 39) 3. 1. cheerful 3. talented 5. rocky

1. 1. people 4. modern 2. trendy 4. traditional
2. clay 5. talented a. traditional c. rocky e. talented
3. flat b. cheerful d. trendy
2. 1. landscape 6. warn
2. drawing 7. simple
3. reflection 8. aid Unit 5
4. predict 9. microchip
5. safe 10. flood
VOCABULARY (page 41)
3. 1. won’t be shown 4. is being repaired
1. 1. thoughtless 4. extraordinary
2. was painted 5. Have … been delivered
2. cruel 5. considerate
3. Are … sold
3. irresponsible 6. shocking
4. 1. The Mona Lisa was finished in 1507.
2. 1. b, c 2. a, c 3. a, b 4. b, c 5. a, c
2. Will her work be studied 100 years from now?
3. Are oil paints used on paper? 3. 1. neglected 4. irresponsible
4. The stolen paintings haven’t been returned to the 2. uninformed 5. unwanted
museum. 3. well-meaning 6. considerate
5. The artist is being interviewed now.
4. Possible Answers
5. 1. who 6. began 1. Keeping a dog in a cage is cruel.
2. was influenced 7. became 2. The boy is feeding an exotic animal. / An iguana is an
3. is known 8. travelled exotic animal.
4. would have looked 9. is being exhibited 3. The dog is abandoned. / The abandoned dog is sad.
5. had moved 10. will be remembered 4. It is shocking to use animals for experiments.
5. The girl is considerate of her pet.
6. Dictation (Class CD 5, Track 9):
There will be a lovely exhibition at the museum next GRAMMAR (page 42)
summer. The landscape paintings of twenty talented artists
will be shown. Both watercolour and oil paintings will be 1. 1. had opened 3. had to 5. was growing, couldn’t
included. Some are abstract and some are realistic. Visitors 2. protected 4. would continue
will also see the artists’ sketches. 2.
1. there 4. those
2. then 5. that day
(page 40) 3. the day before / 6. the next / following day
7. 1. c 2. a 3. e 4. d 5. b the previous day

8. 1. lovely modern 4. ugly, big, old orange 3. 1. how often the divers went into the tank.
2. thick black 5. cheap, small, square red 2. if / whether there were any dolphins in the aquarium.
3. strange, flat bright 3. when the new turtle pool would be open.
4. if / whether the workers had fed the sharks yet.
Advance Your Language 5. if / whether they could see a worker feeding the sharks.

1. 1. I was so thirsty that I drank a whole bottle of water. 4. Possible Answers

2. Did they rescue the little girl? 1. they went into the tank twice a day.
3. There are daily flights to New York. 2. there weren’t any dolphins there.
4. Jessica has got two elder sisters and a younger brother. 3. it would be open by the summer.
5. He managed to read the entire book in two days. 4. that they hadn’t fed the sharks yet.
5. we could see a worker feeding the sharks.
2. 1. Bob got hit by a falling rock.
2. The paintings didn’t get damaged in the flood. 5. 1. she had become a vegetarian the previous year / the year
3. How many works of art got burnt/ed in the fire? before
4. You won’t get hurt if you wear protective gear. 2. we had to stop killing animals for food
5. How did that sculpture get broken? 3. we didn’t have to eat meat to be healthy
4. she had learned how to prepare vegetarian meals then
5. she would be a vegetarian for the rest of her life
6. if / whether any of us wanted to join their ‘Vegetarian

Advanced Real English 4 © B Burlington Books 10

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(page 43) leave him alone. Today I’m really worried because
it’s hot outside and the dog hasn’t got any water.
6. 1. had two dogs
People are so cruel! Can you send someone over
2. they didn’t take good care of them here? I’m afraid to go into my neighbour’s
3. she was really worried garden. Who knows what he’ll do?
4. tied their dogs to a pole in the morning Jim: We’ll send someone to his house. What’s the
5. left them there the whole day address?
6. the day before / the previous day, the dogs had barked
Caller 1: 14 Coventry Road.
7. they hadn’t had anything to drink
8. would happen to those dogs Caller 2: Hello… hello…. please, somebody help me.
9. what she thought she could do Jim: Yes, madam. Tell me what the problem is.
Caller 2: A snake has bitten my cat. What should I do?
7. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Jim: Where’s the bite?
8. 1. was cleaning 6. spent Caller 2: On her leg.
2. had just finished 7. hasn’t stopped Jim: Is it red?
3. that 8. decided Caller 2: Yes.
4. had looked 9. where
Jim: You need to get your cat to an animal hospital
5. will take care 10. treat
quickly. Where do you live?
9. 1. My mother wanted to know where we were going. Caller 2: On Waverly Street.
2. These dogs haven’t been trained yet. Jim: Mercy Animal Hospital is right near you. It’s on
3. Will you walk the dog as soon as you get home? Cresson Road. I’ll call them and let them know
4. We took the cat whose owner had abandoned him. that you’re on your way.
5. What will you be doing tomorrow at 5.00? Caller 2: Oh, thank you so much.
6. It isn’t as hot as it was last summer.
Caller 3: Hello, have I reached the animal hotline?
Jim: Yes, you have.
READING (page 44)
Caller 3: I’m calling about an unwanted dog. She had
1. Order of sentences: 3, 1, 2, 4 belonged to the old man across the street. He had
taken good care of her until he died. Now his
2. 1. Because they are illegal.
children are taking care of her and they’re very
2. The loser often dies.
irresponsible. Sometimes they forget to feed her
3. Because they are tough, athletic dogs with a strong bite.
so she comes to me for food. I’ve talked to them
4. to calm it about it and they admitted that they didn’t really
5. Because the ground had frozen and it couldn’t move. want her. I’m trying to find her a new home.
6. the police Jim: There are some good animal shelters in the area.
3. 1. illegal 3. violently 5. frozen You can also put an advert on the Internet to find
2. abandoned 4. injured the dog a home.
Caller 3: Good idea. I think I’ll do that.
REAL ENGLISH (page 45)
1. c 2. a 3. b
1. 1. results 3. mistake 5. furious
2. mistreated 4. problem 6. a flood
5. 1. water 4. an animal hospital
2. send someone to the house 5. don’t want her
2. A. 1. b, 2. a C. 1. b, 2. a 3. a snake 6. put an advert
B. 1. a, 2. b D. 1. a, 2. b
6. 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a
3. 1. complained that the TV wasn’t working
2. warned that it wasn’t safe to swim in the sea (page 46)
3. announced that he had got 100 in his maths exam
4. explained that he was late because his alarm hadn’t rung 7.
1. a. due to 3. a. because of
b. because b. so
4. Listening (Class CD 5, Track 10): 2. a. since
Caller 1: Hello, is this the animal hotline? b. Therefore
Jim: Yes, sir. 8. 1. As a result 3. because
Caller 1: I’m calling about a mistreated dog in my 2. Therefore 4. So
neighbourhood. It’s tied to a pole 24 hours a day.
It can’t move freely at all. I’ve tried talking to the 9. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
owner, but he just shouted at me and told me to 1 0. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Advanced Real English 4 © B Burlington Books 11

Workbook Answer Key


Unit 6
1. 1. thoughtless, cruel 4. mistreated, neglected
2. exotic, extraordinary 5. Unwanted, Abandoned VOCABULARY (page 49)
3. well-meaning, considerate
1. 1. emergency room 6. stomach ache
2. 1. mentioned 3. complained 5. admitted 2. itchy 7. swollen
2. warned 4. shouted 3. rash 8. runny nose
3. 1. abstract, realistic 4. bless you, well done 4. injection 9. headache
2. laser beam, microchip 5. homeless, tragedy 5. pills
3. trendy, old-fashioned 2. 1. S 3. S 5. S 7. S 9. T
4. 1. he had found a mouse the previous day / the day before 2. S 4. T 6. S 8. S 10. S
2. if / whether there was an animal shelter in town 3. 1. sore throat 4. injection
3. they would buy a fish tank the next / following day 2. can’t breathe 5. emergency room
4. the cat was sleeping then 3. stomach ache 6. severe pain
5. if / whether we wanted to take that puppy
6. I / we had to go on a safari the following year GRAMMAR (page 50)
7. he / she had examined the elephant
8. he hadn’t seen any lions 1. 1. mustn’t 4. might 7. don’t have to
9. he could help me / us raise money 2. have to 5. can’t
10. how often my snake ate 3. should 6. couldn’t
5. 1. will disappear 4. had disappeared 2. 1. was able to speak 4. are able to diagnose
2. had 5. that 2. Are … able to play 5. will be able to go
3. was used 3. won’t be able to run
6. Dictation (Class CD 5, Track 11): 3. 1. was able to 4. Will … be able
2. needn’t 5. needn’t
My neighbours brought home a baby monkey. I told them
3. ought to 6. ought to
that keeping an exotic animal in a flat was cruel and
irresponsible. But they didn’t listen. Then yesterday, they 4. 1. ought to buy
told me they had taken their monkey to a zoo after he had 2. needn’t / don’t have to wear
damaged all their furniture. 3. will be able to have
4. doesn’t have to / won’t have to / needn’t climb
(page 48) 5. May … go
7. 1. d 3. e 5. a 7. g 9. j 6. mustn’t wake
2. h 4. b 6. f 8. i 10. c 5. 1. wasn’t able to / couldn’t 5. can / may
8. 1. As a result of 3. Due to 5. so 2. doesn’t have to / needn’t 6. may / might
2. because 4. since 3. can 7. must / have to
4. ought to / should 8. might not / can’t / may not
Advance Your Language (page 51)
1. 1. tasteless 3. useless 5. homeless 6. Possible Answers
2. hopeless 4. careless 1. You may see the doctor now.
a. useless c. hopeless e. careless 2. We needn’t study for the test tonight.
b. tasteless d. homeless 3. You mustn’t run next to the swimming pool.
2. 1. They wanted to know how to get to the beach. / They 4. You should drink orange juice.
wondered how to get to the beach. 5. It might snow tonight.
2. The man wanted to know whether there was a bank in 7. 1. Are you able to move your leg
that neighbourhood. / The man wondered whether there 2. May I have another one
was a bank in that neighbourhood. 3. Do I have to go shopping
3. Mike wanted to know what time the train left for Oxford. 4. Will I be able to play the guitar well
/ Mike wondered what time the train left for Oxford. 5. Do you have to stay in hospital
4. Sally wanted to know if my birthday was that day or the 6. Could you open the window
next / following day. / Sally wondered if my birthday was
that day or the next / following day. 8. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

3. 1. d 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. b

Advanced Real English 4 © B Burlington Books 12

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9. 1. felt 7. nothing Bill: Well, I didn’t take any classes, so I don’t know much
2. had stung 8. best about them. But I think you can take aerobics and
3 was taken 9. will probably attack stretching classes. They’ve also got yoga at two
4. could 10. ignore levels – beginners and advanced.
5. who 11. mustn’t Jane: Great. I love aerobics and yoga. I want to take both
6. may classes. Can I get to Cool Gym by bus?
Bill: Yes, the 37 goes there. There’s a stop near your
READING (page 52) house.
Jane: The 37? How convenient! The gym sounds great. So
1. 1. the youngest female why did you stop going there?
2. prevent disease Bill: I decided I could work out alone.
3. antihistamine pills Jane: But how? You haven’t got any exercise equipment.
4. fight bacteria
Bill: Why do I need those big machines? To walk or run,
5. our bodies will practise fighting allergies
all I have to do is go outside. And don’t forget –
2. Possible Answers I live ten minutes from the beach. Running on sand
1. In the 16th century, the average family rarely had baths is very healthy.
and used the same bathwater for everyone. Now, we Jane: That’s true, but what about your arm muscles?
shower or bath regularly and we don’t share water. Running won’t help them much.
2. Because getting injections for allergies is not considered Bill: I know, but I also work a lot in the garden. It’s good
unusual today. exercise. I can feel the difference in my arms. Like
3. Because of our good hygiene, our bodies don’t learn how I said, I don’t need a gym to get in shape. I “use” my
to fight allergies. garden and the beach.
4. Children who come from large families and people who Jane: You might be right, but exercising alone never works
have more contact with things that cause allergies may for me. I always say I should exercise, but I never do.
suffer less from allergies. Bill: So, how do you know you’ll exercise at Cool Gym?
5. No, they shouldn’t. Jane: It costs money! I promised my parents that I’d go
6. No, it’s very important to prevent serious diseases three times a week – or more. I might even go every
through hygiene. day.
Bill: Then you should join. You’ll probably enjoy it.
3. 1. rarely 4. gradually
2. dangerous 5. solution 1. get in shape 4. works in the garden
3. modern 2. fun 5. costs money
3. alone
REAL ENGLISH (page 53)
6. 1. any classes 4. the beach / sand
1. 1. sit in a jacuzzi 4. lift your legs 2. aerobics, yoga 5. three times a week
2. exercise 5. use machines 3. take a bus
3. fatter
7. 1. Exactly!
2. 1. lifestyle 5. working out 2. I’m sorry, but I disagree. / That’s not how I see it.
2. gym 6. personal trainer 3. That’s true, but
3. get 7. achieve his goal 4. I suppose you’re right.
4. lose 5. That’s not how I see it. / I’m sorry, but I disagree.
3. 1. lose weight / get fit / get in shape
2. relax (page 54)
3. achieve their goals 8. 1. To sum up 3. In conclusion
4. lose weight / get in shape / get fit / work out 2. such as 4. For example
4. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 9. 1. such as
5. Listening (Class CD 5, Track 12): 2. for example / such as
3. To sum up / In conclusion
Jane: Bill, I really want to get in shape. Do you know
anything about Cool Gym? I might join. 1 0. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Bill: Y
 es, Jane. I used to go there a lot last year. They’ve 1 1. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
got a lot of different types of exercise machines.
Jane: Oh, I don’t use machines and I think walking on a
treadmill is boring. I want to take exercise classes.
Do they have fun exercise classes at Cool Gym?

Advanced Real English 4 © B Burlington Books 13

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CHECK YOUR PROGRESS (page 55) People Actions criminals do Actions the police do
1. 1. symptom 3. headache 5. achieved his goal thief rob arrest
2. lifestyle 4. cough
burglar steal investigate
2. 1. agreed, mentioned 4. sculpture, landscape
2. homeless, missing 5. extraordinary, considerate suspect hijack
3. record, transmit witness mug
3. 1. mustn’t 3. might 5. needn’t
2. ought to 4. Do I have to 2. 1. police 5. change his route
2. arrested 6. committed a crime
4. 1. should / ought to 4. could / was able to
3. shot 7. stole money
2. might / may 5. may / can
4. sent her to her room 8. breaks the law
3. mustn’t
3. 1. investigating 6. robbed
5. 1. wouldn’t 5. more serious 9. have decided
2. mugged 7. stole
2. who 6. aren’t able to 10. will probably do
3. armed 8. arrested
3. may 7. the nearest
4. shoot 9. broken the law
4. can solve 8. wasn’t changed
5. witness
6. Dictation (Class CD 5, Track 13): Accept all logical headlines.
Jim wants to work out, but he has got a runny nose and a 4. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
cough. His doctor told him that he could go to the gym. Of
course, someone with the flu shouldn’t go running in the hot Grammar (page 58)
sun. Many doctors believe that exercise may help us get
better more quickly. 1. 1. must have hidden; never found
2. may have got; wasn’t
3. could have helped; didn’t come
(page 56)
4. shouldn’t have left; was
7. 1. suppose you’re right 4. not how I see it 5. might have seen; wasn’t
2. got a point 5. sorry, but I disagree
3. That’s true, but
2. 1. may have been 4. must have been
2. should have been 5. could have called
8. 1. In conclusion 3. such as 5. In conclusion 3. might have stolen
2. For example 4. To sum up
3. 1. could have 4. may have / might have
Advance Your Language 2. must have 5. shouldn’t have
3. might have / may have
1. 1. about 3. about 5. from
2. with 4. of 6. on 4. 1. may have / might have caught
2. must have lost
2. 1. may 3. might 5. could 3. must have shown
2. could 4. may 6. might 4. should have / could have warned
3. 1. losing 3. got 5. lost 5. should have / could have complained
2. lose 4. get 6. get 6. must have / may have / might have forgotten
5. 1. could / may / might / have climbed
2. should have got up
Unit 7 3. may / might be
4. must / may / might have gone
VOCABULARY (page 57) 5. could have stayed
6. might be
1. t z c s d r b r o b m a
h w q t v h w n v b z b (page 59)
i n v e s t i g a t e u 6. 1. must have left 5. may / might have seen
e j y a k u t j a p m r 2. couldn’t have done 6. may be
f s f l t p n s a n u g 3. may / might have followed 7. shouldn’t leave
x q o v m w e h u c g l
4. must have had 8. shouldn’t have happened
c g a r r e s t g h k a
b f d w s u s p e c t r

Advanced Real English 4 © B Burlington Books 14

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7. Possible Answers Susan: I’m responsible for the programme schedule. In

1. We should have left earlier. other words, I decide when you see each
2. It may have been stolen. programme.
3. It may be abandoned. Bob: How do you make your decisions, Susan?
4. It must have rained for days. Susan: Well, people don’t usually watch just half an hour
5. He must feel tired. of TV. Most people watch for at least two hours. So
6. You could have asked for help. I try to give them groups of shows that they’ll enjoy
8. 1. the strangest 6. must have been Bob: Can you give us an example?
2. were arrested 7. wanted
Susan: Yes. On Wednesday nights, our station offers four
3. were trying 8. where sitcoms from 8 to 10 in the evening. On Thursdays,
4. had died 9. were probably trying our viewers can watch two current affairs
5. Before 10. Transporting programmes a little bit earlier, from 6 to 8.
9. 1. If you hadn’t touched the alarm, it wouldn’t have gone off. Bob: But people must get bored watching the same type
2. The house was robbed while they were on holiday. of programme.
3. How long have you been cooking dinner? Susan: That’s true, Bob. So after a couple of hours, we give
4. What does he do when he gets home from work? What did them something else. After current affairs, we often
he do when he got home from work? show a reality TV programme.
5. Joe Bell is the policeman who / that caught the thief. Bob: Does anything else influence your decision?
6. By the time I finish school, I will be able to speak three Susan: I also think about the time of day. For example,
languages. more women than men watch soap operas, so
7. She is ill so she won’t be able to go out tonight. they’re usually shown during the day, when some
8. Sam told the police that a thief had stolen his car. women are at home. Programmes for children, like
cartoons, for example, are also shown then.
READING (page 60) Bob: You must have heard people complaining about TV
adverts, Susan. They’re so annoying. Has your
1. 1. g 2. c 3. a 4. f 5. d 6. b 7. e station got a lot of them?
2. Possible Answers Susan: W ell, I don’t know what you mean by a lot. We
1. arrived in England have got them like every other TV station. Believe
2. they used violence me, we don’t like them any more than you do
3. a man had seen him in a park just before the bomb because during adverts, viewers often change
exploded channels.
4. they had changed the suspects’ stories Bob: How do you prevent this?
5. he had died as a prisoner Susan: We try to show adverts just before something
important is going to happen on the programme.
3. 1. have some fun 4. finally Bob: Yes, I’ve noticed that. Well, speaking of adverts, it’s
2. including 5. innocent time for our adverts now. Thank you for talking to
3. discovered us, Susan.

REAL ENGLISH (page 61) 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T

1. 1. documentary 4. current affairs programme 5. 1. the programme schedule 4. the day
2. soap opera 5. advert 2. at least two hours 5. adverts
3. cartoon 6. chat show 3. four sit-coms
Advert isn’t a type of programme.
6. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
2. 1. crime dramas 4. sit-com
2. entertainment 5. channel (page 62)
3. reality TV 7.
1. On the one hand, 3. despite
3. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. On the other hand 4. However
2. Although
4. Listening (Class CD 5, Track 14):
8. 1. On the one hand 4. however
Bob: Hello and thank you for listening to TV Talk. This
2. On the other hand 5. but
week, Susan Banks has joined us. She’s going to tell
3. although 6. In spite of
us about her job at the TV station CBRW. Good
morning, Susan. Tell our listeners a little bit about 9. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
what you do.
1 0. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Advanced Real English 4 © B Burlington Books 15

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CHECK YOUR PROGRESS (page 63) 2. 1. couldn’t / can’t have robbed

1. 1. thieves 6. gang 2. couldn’t / can’t have seen
2. armed 7. broken the law 3. couldn’t / can’t have done
3. shot 8. robbed 4. couldn’t / can’t have bought
4. witnesses 9. investigating 3. 1. entertainment 3. pollution
5. arrested 10. suspect 2. reality 4. magician
2. 1. put on weight 6. predict a. pollution c. magician
2. advert 7. punish b. entertainment d. reality
3. make sense of 8. arrest
4. earthquake 9. tough
5. protein 10. clay Unit 8
3. 1. must have missed 4. should have gone
2. shouldn’t have punished 5. may / might have shot VOCABULARY (page 65)
3. must have been 1. 1. luggage 6. convenient
4. 1. must have seen 4. could have taken 2. destinations 7. journey
2. might / may have gone 5. may / might have got 3. departure 8. mobile home
3. shouldn’t have left 4. reservations 9. passengers
5. high-speed trains
5. 1. cleverest 6. was found
2. had taught 7. suspected 2. 1. takes off 3. lands 5. journey
3. that 8. might not have arrested 2. countryside 4. accommodation 6. fares
4. was destroying 9. has stopped 3. 1. accommodation 3. reservation 5. Departure
5. By the time 10. will remain 2. convenient 4. countryside 6. Fare
6. Dictation (Class CD 5, Track 15): 4. Possible Answers
Did you see the current affairs show about crime? Police 1. catch a flight 3. sleep and eat 5. go hiking
arrested a thief at the train station. He must have mugged 2. travel 4. go on a trip
five passengers by the time they arrived. According to
witnesses, he wasn’t armed. The thief is a member of a gang GRAMMAR (page 66)
and has broken the law before.
1. 1. used to travel 4. used to take
2. didn’t use to order 5. didn’t use to drive
(page 64) 3. used to send
7. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 2. 1. did … use to go 5. used to eat
8. 1. On the one hand 4. Although 2. used to take 6. did … use to stay
2. On the other hand 5. However 3. didn’t use to fly 7. used to spend
3. but 4. used to travel 8. didn’t use to go away

Advance Your Language

3. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

1. 1. d Some people get information from the Internet while /

4. 1. b hasn’t got used to 4. e have to get used to
2. d is getting used to 5. c am used to
whereas others read books and newspapers. / While /
3. a isn’t used to
Whereas some people get information from the Internet,
others read books and newspapers. 5. 1. get used to 5. aren’t used to
2. a Many people think the police do a good job while / 2. are used to 6. get used to
whereas others think crime is getting worse. / While / 3. get used to 7. got used to
Whereas many people think the police do a good job, 4. are used to 8. get used to
others think crime is getting worse.
3. c Julia always looks elegant while / whereas her sister (page 67)
prefers casual clothes. / While / Whereas Julia always 6. 1. Did … use to 4. is used to
looks elegant, her sister prefers casual clothes. 2. wasn’t used to 5. used to
4. b My mother loves watching soap operas while / whereas 3. get used to 6. get used to
my father thinks they’re silly. / While / Whereas my
mother loves watching soap operas, my father thinks 7. 1. living 4. sharing
they’re silly. 2. walk 5. take
3. taking care 6. watch

Advanced Real English 4 © B Burlington Books 16

Workbook Answer Key

8. 1. used to having 4. used to be Clerk: It’s a high-speed train. It will take you from
2. get used to 5. got used to London to Paris through the Channel Tunnel in
3. are used to only 2 hours and 15 minutes. That’s a 495-
kilometre journey. You can also go by coach, but it
9. 1. have been writing 6. had begun takes much longer.
2. have been found 7. shouldn’t Tourist: I’ve never ridden on a high-speed train. How fast
3. used to 8. wanted do they go?
4. started 9. where Clerk: The Eurostar reaches speeds of 320 kilometres an
5. whose 10. have never heard hour.
1 0. 1. It was difficult to get used to living in another country. Tourist: How long is the trip through the tunnel?
2. As soon as you arrive, we’ll take you to your hotel. Clerk: About 20 minutes. During the rest of your journey,
3. Richard said that they were leaving the following day. you’ll be able to see the beautiful countryside in
4. Jill isn’t here. She must have missed her train. England and France.
5. At this time tomorrow, I will be driving to Paris. Tourist: It’s probably very expensive.
6. We weren’t able to get on the flight last night. Clerk: I’ve got their brochure here. Let’s look at the fares.
A single ticket costs £39 in standard class or £107
READING (page 68) in first class.
Tourist: That’s not too bad. How often do trains leave?
1. 1. Train Girl, Sujay from Delhi
Clerk: Once every hour, seven days a week. There are no
2. Train Girl
trains on Christmas Day.
3. Train Girl, Tired Traveller
Tourist: Can I book tickets before my trip?
4. Sujay from Delhi
5. Tired Traveller Clerk: Yes, in fact, you should book tickets about two
weeks before your trip.
6. Train Girl, Sujay from Delhi
Tourist: Do I have to go to the station to buy them?
2. 1. train journeys in India and in England Clerk: No. People used to make their reservations at the
2. used to travel by train to school station or over the phone. Today, you can buy
3. there is no better way to make friends with the local tickets on the Internet and they are cheaper. Just go
people and see the spectacular countryside / it can give to We have all got used to
people an idea of what India is all about making travel arrangements on the Internet.
4. a trip to the dentist Tourist: That’s true. What about flights? Can I fly from
5. in England and Europe London to Paris?
3. 1. lovely 3. spectacular 5. enjoyable Clerk: Yes, you can, but it takes longer because you have
2. happening 4. luggage to be at the airport an hour before your flight. We
believe that the Eurostar is the most convenient
way to travel to France these days. Hundreds of
REAL ENGLISH (page 69) business men use this high-speed train every day.
1. 1. platform 3. coach 5. route You can pick up your tickets at the station just
2. first class 4. standard class before departure.
Tourist: I think I’ll take the train. I’ve always wanted to go
2. 1. booked tickets 4. timetable through the Channel Tunnel. Thank you for your
2. return tickets 5. missed the train help.
3. single tickets 6. catch the next train
Clerk: You’re welcome.
3. Possible Answers
1. I’ll need to catch the next train. 1. high-speed train 5. two weeks
2. I’ll buy standard class tickets. 2. faster 6. buy tickets on the Internet
3. I must check the route. 3. countryside 7. an hour
4. I’ve missed the train. 4. Christmas Day
5. We must book tickets. 5. 1. 2 hours 15 mins 4. 20 mins
4. Listening (Class CD 5, Track 16): 2. 495 km 5. £39
3. 320 kmph 6. £107
Tourist: Excuse me. Is this the tourist information centre?
Clerk: Yes, it is. Can I help you? 6. 1. Can I help you?
Tourist: What’s the best way to travel from London to 2. Do you want a single or return ticket?
Paris? 3. Is it a direct route?
Clerk: Have you ever travelled on the Eurostar? 4. Which platform does it leave from?
5. How much is it?
Tourist: The Eurostar? What’s that?

Advanced Real English 4 © B Burlington Books 17

Workbook Answer Key
(page 70) 2. 1. Eighty years ago, people would hear the news only on the
7. 1. ancient 3. magnificent 5. fast radio.
2. considerate 4. awful 6. enormous 2. When Pete lived in London, he would take the Tube to
8. 1. wonderful 4. funny 7. new 3. When I lived near the sea, I would go for a swim every
2. scary 5. closely morning.
3. young 6. quickly 4. In the 19th century, women wouldn’t travel alone.
9. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 5. Where would you go on holiday when you were young?

1 0. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 3. 1. miss 3. catch 5. missed
2. book 4. catch 6. book
1. 1. takes off 6. First class Unit 9
2. return ticket 7. timetable
3. passengers 8. mobile home
VOCABULARY (page 73)
4. journey 9. luggage
5. book tickets 10. countryside 1. 1. sore throat, cough 4. steal, shoot
2. cartoon, documentary 5. reflect, project
2. 1. neglected, uninformed 4. fare, departure
3. drawing, sculpture
2. hijack, murder 5. calculate, transmit
3. cartoon, advert 2. 1. preserve 4. luggage
2. admitted 5. lovely
3. 1. used to travel 4. didn’t use to go
3. flames 6. Sounds good
2. Did … use to live 5. didn’t use to watch
3. used to find 3. unwanted informal disconnect
inconvenient disagree impossible
4. 1. get used to 4. got used to
2. didn’t use to 5. are used to 1. disagree 4. inconvenient
3. isn’t used to 2. Unwanted 5. disconnect
3. informal 6. impossible
5. 1. will be spending 6. could
2. have just come back 7. weren’t cleaned 4. 1. e 2. d 3. f 4. b 5. c 6. a
3. taking 8. who
(page 74)
4. are used to planning 9. as fast as
5. would take 10. had become 5. 1. a, c, d 3. b, c, d
6. Dictation (Class CD 5, Track 17): 2. a, b, c 4. a, b, d

In the past, tourists didn’t use to go on journeys to space. 6. 1. keep a secret 4. get in shape / lose weight
Today, a company from Russia takes tourists on trips into 2. getting ready 5. lost control
space. The accommodation on the flight is not as convenient 3. got upset 6. made a good impression
as a hotel. But it’s a wonderful experience. The journey will 7. 1. powerful 5. classical
cost “only” 20 million dollars, so book your tickets soon. 2. prediction 6. curly
3. homeless 7. electrician
(page 72)
4. improvement 8. shocked
7. 1. C 2. T 3. C 4. T 5. T 8. 1. injury 5. entertainment
8. 1. We listened to the explanation carefully. 2. enjoy 6. educational
2. We’ve got a spectacular view from our hotel window. 3. predictable 7. creation
3. Dave spoke quietly into his mobile phone. / Dave spoke 4. amazed 8. imagine
into his mobile phone quietly. 9. 1. fashionable, trendy 4. cheerful, happy
4. The guide gave us some interesting information about the 2. journey, trip 5. get in shape, get fit
city. 3. aid, help 6. tired of, fed up
5. Janet quickly got used to her new school. / Janet got used
to her new school quickly. 1 0. 1. e 2. f 3. d 4. c 5. a 6. b

Advance Your Language

1. 1. 1,149 kilometres 3. 91.44-metre
2. 18 centimetres 4. 2.13 metres

Advanced Real English 4 © B Burlington Books 18

Workbook Answer Key

GRAMMAR (page 75) 1 1. 1. We will book tickets if we decide to go.

1. was getting ready 6. has become 2. Twelve people were killed in the building which / that
2. had rained 7. watch collapsed.
3. didn’t need 8. download 3. She got used to living in Japan.
4. is going to stay in / 9. is offering 4. Sara wanted to know whether we were going on holiday
is staying in / 10. probably won’t replace to England.
will be staying in 11. are giving 5. The police haven’t arrested the suspect yet.
5. has studied / 6. We will have the car checked tomorrow.
has been studying 7. I would have come round if I hadn’t made plans.
8. It isn’t complicated. You can’t / couldn’t have tried hard
2. 1. d will catch 4. a won’t be staying enough.
2. f ’s going to see 5. c ’ll turn on
3. b ’ll be waiting 6. e won’t be using 1 2. 1. ‘ll have 3. is able 5. is being filtered
2. won’t 4. got used to
3. 1. when 4. who 7. when
2. which 5. where 8. which SKILLS (page 78)
3. who 6. whose
1. 1. Because they are examples of the world becoming
4. 1. were 4. had studied 7. don’t go smaller.
2. will buy 5. would have come 2. The use of Internet in classrooms.
3. would walk 6. ’ll put 3. They shared ideas in online meetings and they created
(page 76) websites to present their conclusions.
4. They read articles about water pollution and the safety of
5. 1. painted – e 5. produce – g drinking water.
2. will be chosen – h 6. Were ... written – b 5. It was a competition.
3. are … done – a 7. has been visited – f 6. Because they need knowledge about other places too.
4. Will … get – c 8. are taught – d
2. 1. Projects 1 and 3 4. Projects 1 and 2
6. 1. the football team would compete the next / following day 2. Project 1 5. Project 2
2. if / whether everyone had enjoyed the school play the day 3. Projects 1 and 3
before / the previous day
3. that school offered many after-school activities (page 79)
4. if / whether all students had paid for the school trip that
day 3. 1. Today, the journey from Paris to London by high-speed
5. Mr Price was starting a cooking club the following week trains takes less than four hours.
6. the school had to improve its website 2. One group of students visited the Red Cross.
3. Then, they used special equipment to test the water in
7. 1. have to / must 5. may / might rivers and lakes near them ...
2. should / ought to 6. needn’t / doesn’t have to 4. A group of students from China built a website about the
3. May / Can 7. should / ought to food crises in places like Ethiopia and North Korea.
4. might / may 8. couldn’t / weren’t able to
4. 1. journey 3. investigated 5. aid
8. 1. must have got 4. could have hurt 2. connect 4. test
2. can’t have been 5. may have happened
3. shouldn’t have done 6. couldn’t have managed 5. 1. global 3. safety 5. closer
2. problems 4. poor
(page 77)
6. Listening (Class CD 5, Track 18):
9. 1. got used to 5. get used to James: Hi, Nancy.
2. used to 6. didn’t use to Nancy: Hi, James. What are you doing this summer?
3. Did … use to 7. isn’t used to James: I’m going to football camp. Manchester United
4. is used to 8. didn’t use to have got a camp in the English countryside.
1 0. 1. opened 7. will be ruined Nancy: Wow! You must play really well.
2. could 8. to go James: I’m good. But you don’t have to be the best
3. had begun 9. had to footballer in the world to go to their camp. They
4. wanted 10. have studied accept kids at different levels. We’ll be put in
5. which 11. wouldn’t have happened groups and each group will work with a coach. I
6. were given 12. is still considered think that will help me improve my skills.
Nancy: It sounds like you’ll be busy.

Advanced Real English 4 © B Burlington Books 19

Workbook Answer Key

James: Yes, but I’m happy about it. I can’t stand staying WRITING (page 80)
home and watching TV in summer.
Nancy: Really? If you ask me, James, watching TV is a
1. 1. Television provides great entertainment as well as / in
addtion to news from around the world.
great way to spend a summer. I’m used to getting
2. The science laboratory is in that large white building.
up early, going to school and doing homework. I
hardly have any free time. So I’ve decided to spend 3. School was cancelled because of the snow.
the summer relaxing. TV sounds great to me. 4. The maths problem was difficult. Eventually / However,
I solved it.
James: In my opinion, you’ll enjoy yourself for two weeks.
Then you’ll start complaining that you’re bored. 5. Despite / In spite of the actors’ excellent performance,
we didn’t enjoy the play.
Nancy: You’ve got a point but right now, I just can’t
imagine doing anything else. Oh … here’s Dan. 2. 1. lovely 4. However
Dan: Hi guys, what are you doing? 2. as well as 5. For example
James: Nancy and I were just talking about our summer 3. awful, big green 6. because of
3. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Dan: Oh … I’m going to have a great summer. In July
I’m going to work. 4. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Nancy: I didn’t know 15-year-olds were allowed to work.
Dan: According to the law, we can work up to 35 hours a Grammar Practice Review 1 (Page 103)
week during the summer holidays.
James: What kind of job have you got? 1. 1. will be touring 4. won’t be flying
Dan: I’ll be answering phones at my neighbour’s office. 2. will be cooking 5. Will … be working
She’s a lawyer. But that’s not all. In August, my 3. will … be using 6. won’t be showing
parents and I are going to Prague. 2. 1. isn’t going to eat 4. Are you going out
Nancy: I’ve heard Prague’s a really nice city. What are you 2. will be 5. will be practising
going to do there? 3. will teach
Dan: Well … I don’t know exactly … I’m sure we’ll go
to Prague Castle. All the tourists do. It’s this huge 3.
1. Are … going to drive / 3. will eat
place with museums and art galleries inside. I’ve Will ... be driving / 4. are going to have / are having
asked my Dad whether we could visit Prague Zoo, Are ... driving 5. are … going to spend / will ...
which is one of the best zoos in the world. 2. will help be spending / are ... spending
Nancy: Sounds like you’re going to enjoy your trip. Listen 4. 1. that 3. who 5. whose
… why don’t we all get together at the end of the 2. when 4. that 6. where
Dan: Yes, let’s do that. 5. 1. which 3. when 5. whose
James: Yeah. 2. who 4. where 6. who
6. 1. anyone 3. something 5. somewhere
1. Dan 3. Nancy 5. Nancy
2. anything 4. no one
2. James 4. James 6. Dan
7. 1. improve his skills 4. work; go to Prague (page 104)
2. relax 5. get together 7. 1. It was a serious flood which / that destroyed many homes
3. be bored and cars.
8. Dictation (Class CD 5, Track 19): 2. That’s the train station where you can get the train to
 Yesterday my parents came to my class to talk about their 3. Japan, which is in the Pacific Ocean, has got many
professions. My father, who is a rescue worker, talked about earthquakes. / Japan, which has got many earthquakes, is
searching for people who are trapped in collapsed buildings. in the Pacific Ocean.
My mother, who is an artist, showed students some of the 4. The day when the volcano erupted was frightening.
landscapes and portraits which she had painted. 5. The Richter scale, which was invented by Charles
9. 1. I think that 4. That’s not how I see it Richter, measures the strength of earthquakes. / The
2. Why don’t you 5. It seems to me Richter scale, which measures the strength of
3. How about 6. I suppose you’re right earthquakes, was invented by Charles Richter.
6. This is the photographer whose photographs of the
tsunami were viewed around the world.
7. Mark Zuckerberg, who created Facebook, was named
Person of the Year by Time magazine. / Mark Zuckerberg,
who was named Person of the Year by Time magazine,
created Facebook.

Advanced Real English 4 © B Burlington Books 20

Workbook Answer Key

8. 1. doesn’t help 3. didn’t pollute 5. won’t identify (page 106)

2. ask 4. were 6. give 7. 1. He said that his dog slept on his bed.
9. 1. would have enjoyed, had come 2. Jimmy asked when they / we were going to the zoo.
2. hadn’t bought, wouldn’t have had 3. Bob asked if / whether there was an animal shelter in that
3. had warned, would have been area.
4. wouldn’t have got, hadn’t signed 4. The vet said that my / our dog had to get an injection the
5. would have stayed in, had said following week.
5. The little girl said that she had a rash on her stomach.
1 0. 1. wouldn’t have invited 4. will set up 6. The man asked if / whether I / we had found my /
2. explain 5. causes our puppy.
3. were
8. 1. mustn’t 3. ought to 5. doesn’t have to
1 1. 1. that 4. had lost 7. will be 2. May 4. had to 6. should
2. the worst 5. has suffered 8. will continue
3. that 6. was living 9. 1. shouldn’t / mustn’t 4. can / will be able to
2. needn’t / doesn’t have to 5. might / may
Grammar Practice Review 2 (Page 105) 3. May 6. should / ought to

1. 1. A high price will be demanded for this hi-tech house. 1 0. 1. will be able to 4. can’t
2. Will the decision be announced next week? 2. mustn’t 5. needn’t / don’t have to
3. Everything will be explained by the inventor soon. 3. ought to 6. don’t have to / needn’t
4. The portraits won’t be drawn in charcoal. 1 1. 1. are people who / that 5. if / whether they could
2. 1. are being held 5. isn’t being sold 2. have / get the medicine 6. won’t be playing
2. Is .. being exhibited 6. are being prepared 3. hasn’t been completed 7. being planned
3. are being hung 4. as soon as 8. needn’t make
4. are being completed
3. 1. Has … been examined 4. Have … been fed
2. have been cleaned 5. haven’t been given
3. hasn’t been walked
4. 1. I’ll have my eyes checked (by him).
2. The sculpture was sold for £1 million.
3. Our inventions will be entered in a contest (by the
4. Their dogs haven’t been found since the earthquake.
5. That film isn’t being shown (at the cinema) at the
5. 1. had finished … the day before / previous day.
2. would get … the next / following day.
3. were leaving, there
4. could calculate, then
6. 1. was a robot
2. they / we had just passed a famous art gallery
3. he couldn’t talk to me then
4. our little puppy would be big
5. if / whether I / we had seen Steve’s pet snake
6. if / whether we fed the dog every day

Advanced Real English 4 © B Burlington Books 21

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