Chemistry 12

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5th batch

1)Why bond angle of Ammonia is 1070 while the bond angle of CH4
is 109.28 degree , though both molecule undergo SP3 hybridization?

Ans- In CH4 there is hybridization of sp3 where only four bonding electron pair are
present whereas in NH3, despite being sp3 hybridized, have three bonding electron pair
and one lone pair. According to VSEPR theory,lone pair bond pair repulsion is greater
than bond pair bond pair repulsion.hence H-N-H bond angle in NH3 is reduced to 107
degree but in methane H-C-H bond angle is 109 degree 28 minutes.

2) Explain why H2O is liquid but H2S is gaseous?

Ans-Because H20 water has the ability to form hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds allow
electronegative atoms like oxygen, nitrogen, and fluorine to attract hydrogen atoms from
other molecules. Oxygen, as you can see, falls under this list, so the total inter-molecular
bonding forces are much strong in water than hydrogen sulfide.

Because less energy is needed to break the inter-molecular forces of H2S, H2S is a gas a
room temperature, but H20 is a liquid.

3) Deduce the rate equation of the reaction X → product, when the initial concentration of the
reactant is x molL-1 and y mol product is formed after time t. Show that the half-life of this
reaction does not depend on the initial concentration of the reaction.

4) Deduce the relationship between Kp and Kc

4th batch

1)describe bohr’s atomic model

Ans- Bohr’s Model is an atomic model proposed by a Danish Physicist Niels Bohr in 1913. According to this
model. In an atom, the electrons revolve around the nucleus in definite energy levels called orbits/shells. The
model proposes that the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in any particular orbit is
2n2 where n is the number of orbits. and the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in
the outermost shell of an atom is 8.

2)define quantum number,when n=3

3)difference orbit and orbital


Orbit Orbitals

An orbit is the simple planar representation of an An orbital refers to the dimensional motion of
electron. an electron around the nucleus in a three-
dimensional motion.

It can be defined as the path that gets established An orbital can be defined as the space or
in a circular motion by revolving the electron region where the electron is most likely to be
around the nucleus found.

The shape of molecules cannot be explained by The shapes of the molecules can be found out
an orbit as they are non-directional by nature. as they are directional by nature.

A well-defined orbit goes against the Heisenberg An ideal orbital agrees with the theory of
principle. Heisenberg’s Principles.

4)explain n+l rule

Ans-The (n+l) rule helps to determine the energy of various

orbitals, and hence, determine the correct order of filling of
orbitals. The orbital having greater (n+l) value has greater
energy. For equal n+l values, the orbital with the lower n is most
often filled first. Here n is the principal quantum
number n=1,2,3… and l is the Azimuthal Quantum Number
l=0,1,…n-1 designated by the code s,p,d,f for l=0,1,2,3 respectively.
5)explain why the last elctron of K enters into 4s orbital not in 3d

Ans- The last electron in potassium enters the 4s orbital rather

than the 3d orbital because the the 4s orbital has a lower energy
level than the 3d orbital.

6)why d orbital doesn’t exist in 2nd energy level

Ans- Since l can be no greater than n−1 (i.e. lmax=n−1), it follows that the
maximum l for each energy level is:

In the 2nd energy level, electrons are located only in the s and p
sublevels, so there are no d orbitals.

7)explain pauli’’\s exclusion principle

Ans- Pauli's Exclusion Principle states that no two electrons in the

same atom can have identical values for all four of their quantum
numbers. two electrons in the same orbital must have opposite spins
9)define molarity and normality

10)define electronegativity

Ans- Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's ability to attract shared

electrons to itself. On the periodic table, electronegativity generally
increases as you move from left to right across a period and decreases
as you move down a group. As a result, the most electronegative
elements are found on the top right of the periodic table, while the
least electronegative elements are found on the bottom left.

11)state aubau principle . electron configuration Cu(29) and Zn(30)

Ans-Aufbau Principle states that in the ground state of an atom, the

electrons fill atomic orbitals of the lowest available energy levels
before occupying higher levels i.e. orbitals are filled in the increasing
order of their energies
Cu- 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s14p0
Zn(30)- 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2

12)State raoult’s law of lowering vapor pressure and give us


13)What is covalent bond ? how it is formed/ example?

Ans- A covalent bond is a chemical bond that involves the

sharing of electrons to form electron pairs between atoms.
14)All trasition elements are dblock elements but all d block
elements are not transition elements. Explain with example

Ans- Transition elements are those elements in which the atoms or ions
(in stable oxidation state) contain partially filled d-orbital. These
elements lie in the d-block and show a transition of properties between
s-block and p-block. Therefore, these are called transition elements.

Thus, on the basis of properties, all transition elements are d - block

elements but on the basis of electronic configuration, all d - block
elements are not called transition elements.
Sc(21)-1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d1

Sc3+= 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6


Hybridization in Chemistry is defined as the concept of mixing two atomic orbitals to give rise to a
new type of hybridized orbitals. The atomic orbitals of the same energy level mainly take part in
hybridization. However, both fully filled and half-filled orbitals can also take part in this process,
provided they have equal energy.. Based on the types of orbitals involved in mixing, the
hybridization can be classified as sp3, sp2, sp, sp3d, sp3d2, sp3d3
16)Explain sp hybridization in c2h2

The ground state electronic configuration of 'C' is 1s2 2s2 2px1 2py1 .

There are only two unpaired electrons in the ground state. However, the valency of carbon is
four i.e., it forms 4 bonds. In order to form four bonds, there must be four unpaired electrons.
Hence carbon promotes one of its 2s electron into the empty 2pz orbital in the excited state.
Thus in the excited state, the electronic configuration of carbon is 1s2 2s1 2px1 2py1 2pz1 .

The two carbon atoms form a σsp-sp bond with each other and However there are also two
unhybridized p orbitals i.e., 2py and 2pz on each carbon atom which are perpendicular, These
orbitals form two πp-p bonds between the two carbon atoms. Each carbon also forms a σsp-s
bond with the hydrogen .

17)Methane and water

CH4 and H2O both has sp3 hybridisation but as there is no lone pair
present in CH4 whereas in H2O there are two lone pairs present in water
the bond angle in methane is 109.50. in H2O is lower (104o.5o)

18)sp2 hybridization of ethane

One carbon atom overlaps the sp2 orbital of another carbon atom to form sp2 – sp2 sigma bond.
The two sp2 hybrid orbitals get overlapped by two hydrogen atoms containing unpaired electrons.
A pi bond is formed by the unhybridized 2pz orbitals of each carbon atom.
19) faradys first law of electrolysis

Faraday’s First Law of Electrolysis states that “The mass of a substance deposited
at any electrode is directly proportional to the amount of charge passed.”
Mathematically it can be expressed as follows –

m ∝ Q ----------(1)

 m = mass of a substance (in grams) deposited or liberated at an electrode.
 Q = amount of charge (in coulombs) or electricity passed through it
On removing the proportionality in equation (1) –


Where Z is the proportionality constant. Its unit is grams per coulomb (g/C). It is
also called the electrochemical equivalent. Z is the mass of a substance deposited
at electrodes during electrolysis bypassing 1 coulomb of charge.

20) Rate of equation of 1st order reaction.

21)Henry law
Henry's law states that at a constant temperature, the amount of a given gas that
dissolves in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas in
equilibrium with that liquid.


The moles of a solute per liters of a solution is molarity.


The moles of a solute per kilograms of a solvent

It is defined as the number of gram equivalent per litre of solution.

25) Raults formula

26)Buffer solution

A buffer is an aqueous solution that consists of a mixture of a weak acid and

its salt (acid buffer) or a weak base with its salt (basic buffer). Its pH changes
very little when a small amount of strong acid or base is added to it.

27)Hendorson buffer solution equation

28) solution math

29)Oswald dilution law


1 0 0

For 1 mole acid 1-alpha alpha alpha

For c mole acid c*(1-a) ca ca

30)all chemical reaction move towards to equillbirium

All reactions tend towards a state of chemical equilibrium, the point at which both the forward process and
the reverse process are taking place at the same rate. Since the forward and reverse rates are equal, the
concentrations of the reactants and products are constant at equilibrium.

31) Relatioship between Kp and Kc

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