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What do you knew about Sufism?

Sufism also known as Tasawwuf is a spiritual Islamic practise in which Muslim aspire to understand the
reality of heavenly love and wisdom by Frist intimate moments with Allah .It is made up of multiple
spiritual routes that are meant to assist people perceive the present of almighty love and wisdom in the
universe as well as to figure out the characteristics of both humanity and God

Do you think Sufis spread Islam?

The Sufi practise of dhikr, or remembering God, is a significant component of their worship. Through
their missionary and educational endeavours, Sufis were also vital to the propagation of Islam.

Discuss the services of any one Sufi?

Data Ganj Baksh:

Data Born in the small Afghan town of Ghazni, Ganj Bakhsh. Set at a higher. IN particular and throughout
South Asia, Hazrat Data Ganj Baksh was crucial to the development of Islam. He promoted Islam and
imparted Islamic knowledge, converting a sizable number of people to Islam.There is a good chance that
many others converted to Islam while under Rai Raju’s influence. There were conversions were taking
place near Bhati Gate, formerly known as Hujweri Gate.Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh rose to prominence
and was known as the Qutab-ul-Aqtab. During this time, he had a large number of disciples who flocked
to him for spiritual guidance. During his lifetime, he had a mosque and a “Khanqah.”

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