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It is indisputable that bicycles had an essential role in woman’s emancipation during the history.
In the late 19th century, the nation was overwhelmed by the expansion of the use of bicycles due
to the invention of the first safety, modern model. The substitution of the dangerous high-
wheeled (used for extreme men’s sport) by a safer model, suitable and disposable for women,
furthermore the price reduction, contributed that the bicycle change into the popular
transportation tool. By this change a freedom of movement for women has been established.
Before the Victorian era it has been expected for women to stay at home. Domesticity,
motherhood were ideal virtues to consequently prevent women’s appearance to the public world.
Owing to this form of transport suitable for women, huge progress concerning women’s
participation in business and politics has been accomplished.

A group of women responsible for the woman’s right progress in history otherwise called
“suffragettes” were also known by the common use of bicycle that provided them the
independence of movement. By this tool the main aim was achieved: women’s socialization and
organization in public spaces.

There were many comments on this subject by numerous Americans. One between them, Susan
B. Anthony pointed out that the Victorian prototype of womanhood has been transformed. New
woman has been established, otherwise known in the public as independent, self-sufficient and

In 1895, according to Nebraska’s The Courier it has been pointed out that the bicycle assured for
The New woman an excellent position in the society in the political domain equally as in all
public area.

Parallel with Susan B Anthony, there was an expressed belief in the power of bicycles and its
impact on the empowering women’s lives. Despite of the fact that the common use of bicycle has
begun in her 80ties, she emphasized her optimism by the following words: “The bicycle will
inspire women with more courage, self-respect, and self-reliance and make the next
generation more vigorous of mind and of body.”

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