Statistics Traning Exam Answer

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Final Exam

Course: Applied Statistics

Lecturer: Prof. Dr.Alaa Abdelbary

Time: 2 hours

Student Name: Ossama Mohamed Rabie Nasser Mohamed Khalifa

1. For the following Data:

1000 , 1500 , 1750 , 15000 , 10000

Mean ( X ) , Median , Mode , Range, Mean Deviation (MD), and Standard Deviation (SD).

Mean = X = (1000+1500+1750+15000+10000)/5=5850

Median= 1750

Mode= No Mode


Mean deviation = variance =

x 𝒙−𝒙 ) ) )𝟐
(𝒙 − 𝒙
1000 -4850 23522500
1500 -4350 18922500
1750 -4100 16810000 Variance = 𝒔𝟐 = 𝟒
= 40050000
10000 4150 17222500
15000 9150 83722500
! 160200000

Standard deviation = √𝒔𝟐 = √𝟒𝟎𝟎𝟓𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎 = 6328.5

2. For the following Data:

X 1 2 3 4 5 6
Y 10 8 7 6 5 5

Find the regression line

Y = aX +b
Then find the value of Y when X = 10

1 10 10 1
2 8 16 4
3 7 21 9
4 6 24 16
5 5 25 25
6 4 24 36
Total 21 40 120 91

A= = -120/105=-1.14
B= (40/6) - (-1.14*21/6) = 10.655

Y= -1.14x + 10.655

Y when x=6
Y= -1.14(6) + 10.655 = 3.815
3. The following table shows 1000 nursing school applicants classified according
to scores made on a college entrance examination and the quality of the high
school from which they graduated, as rated by a group of educators.


Poor Average Superior
Score (p) (A) (S) Total
Low(L-) 105 60 55 220
Medium 70 175 145 390
High 25 65 300 390
(M) (4)
Total 200 300 500 1000

Calculate the probability that an applicant picked at random from this group
1. Made a low score on the examination.
2. Graduated from a superior high school.
3. Made a low score on the examination and graduated from a superior high school.
4. Made a low score on the examination given that he or she
graduated from a superior high school.

1- Made a low score on examination

P(L)= 220/1000= 0.22

2- Graduated from a superior high school

P(S)= 500/1000= 0.5

3- Made low score and graduated from superior high school

P(L Ç S)= 55/1000= 0.055

4- Made low score that graduated from superior high school (independent)
P(L Ç S)= P(L) P(S) = 0.22*0.5= 0.11
4. The time needed to complete final examination in a particular college course is
normally distributed with a mean of 80 minutes and standard deviation 10 minutes

i. What is the probability of completing the exam in one hour or less?

ii. Assume that the class has 60 students and that the examination period is
90 minutes in length. How many students do you expect will be unable to
complete the exam in the allotted time?

µ = 80 s = 10

i. P(x<60)

P (Z< #$'($
) = P (Z<-2) = P (Z>2) = 1- Q (2) = 1- 0.9772 =0.0228
The Probability of Completing the Exam in one hour or Less is 2.3 %

ii. 60*P(x>90) = 60* P Z> %" ( )

= 60* P (Z>1) =

60* {1-Q (1)} = 60*(1-0.8413) = 60*0.1587 = 9.522 student

No of Students Unable to Complete the Test = 10 Students
5. In developing patient appointment schedules, a medical center wants an estimate
of the mean time that a staff member spends with each patient. How large a sample
should be taken if the desired margin of error is 2 minutes at a 95% level of
confidence? Use a planning value for the population standard deviation of 8 minutes.

E=2 , z=1.96 , s=8

E = 𝑍! *
2 = 1.96 * √'

√𝑛 = 1.96 * (
= 7.84
n= 61.46
The Sample Should be Taken is 62 Samples
6. An American Express retail survey found that 16% of U.S. consumers had used the
internet to buy gifts during the holiday's season. If 1285 customers participated in the
survey, what is the interval estimate of the population proportion of the customers
using the internet to buy gifts? use 95% confidence.

n=1285 , x=16%*1285=205.6 , R=X/n=205.6/1285=0.16 , Z=1.96

R- ( 𝑍) * $*(%#*)
) £ R £ R + ( 𝑍) * $ ' ) =

0.16 - (1.96* $ %($/ ) £ R £ 0.16 + (1.96* $ %($/ ) =

".%.(%#".%.) ".%.(%#".%.)

0.14 £ R £ 0.18
7. A recent national survey found that high school students watched an average
(Mean) of 6.8 videos per month. A random sample of 100 college students revealed that
the mean number of videos watched last month was 6.2 with standard deviation 0.5. At
the 0.05 level of significance, can we conclude that college students watch fewer videos
a month than high school students?

X =6.2 n= 100 s =0.5 , µ =6.8 z= -1.654 ,

X ' µ
ZC = */√-
= (6.2 – 6.8) / (0.5 / √100)
ZC = - 12


So videos watched by college students fewer than average mean for high
school students
8. A Nielsen survey provided the estimate that the mean number of hours of television
viewing per household is 7.25 hours per day. assume that the Nielsen survey involved
200 households and that the sample standard deviation was 2.5 hours per day. Ten
years ago, the population mean number of hours of television viewing per household
was reported to be 6.70 hours. Letting µ = the population mean number of hours of
television viewing per household in, test the hypotheses

H: µ £ 6.70 and H: µ ! 6.70 . use a = 0.01 .

µ 0=6.7 , n=200 , s =2.5 , X =7.25 , Za = 2.326 , Za#2 =2.576

When H: µ £ 6.70
H0: µ 0=6.7
H1: µ £ 6.70
-Za = -2.326
X- µ0 &.() – ,.&
Zc = s% = (.) = -3.111
√$ √(--
Decision is reject H0
When H: µ > 6.70
H0: µ 0=6.7
H1: µ > 6.70
Za = 2.326
X- µ0 &.() – ,.&
Zc = s% = (.) = 3.111
√$ √(--

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