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2022. 20201164 asi) cetsaacvono/seM-ss00097 MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, WEST BENGAL — Paper Code: BBAS02 Entrepreneurship Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks :70 The Figures inthe margin indicat tll marks. Canchdate are required to give thew answers in heir own words as lar as practicable Group-A (Very Short Answer Type Question) 1. Answer any Ten of the following : ewes “Mention two countries ‘which have top level Entrepreneurial activity in the world. Give one imporance of Entrepreneurship ‘What is the full form of SSIDC? (1 Whatis Creative destruction? ‘Whois a pototio entrepreneur? ‘Who is the propagator of Ned for achievement theory? ‘Whalis the main source of competitive advantage? Give one example of frst mover advantage? ‘Whats the meaning of SSI? ive one reason for the sickness in SSIs. ‘Why are SSIs importantin india? Give two features of women entrepreneurs? wo wn Group-B (Short Answer Type Question) ‘Answer any three ofthe following [8x9 18] 2. Why can you call an Entrepreneur a problem solver? 15] 3. Whalare the factors that drive the growth of Entrepreneurship? (3) 4, Why is SIDBIimponant for entrepreneurship? 1s) 5. Explain why resources are a source of competitive advantage 18] 6. How can you detect sickness in SSI? (51 Group-C (Long Answer Type Question) ‘Answer any three of the following [18x32 65} Diterentiate between big established companies and start-up ventures by giving examples. (15) 8. There are various reasons for one becoming an entrepreneur, which range anywhere from conscious decision 10 (15), become an entrepreneur to accidentally becoming an entrepreneur’ State various reasons for one becoming entrepreneur. 9. Define value creation and explain its importance in entrepreneurship, 15] 10. Explain Need for Achiovement theory. U5) 11. Explain with proper examples as to how a Social Entrepreneur is diferent from an Entrepreneur? (15) “+ END OF PAPER **

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