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*Countable nouns: are nouns that we can count. They have a singular and a plural form.

Eg: -one bottle of water two bottles of water.

-One window two windows.

*uncountable nouns: are nouns that we cannot count. They don’t have plural form

Eg: -rice- water- milk.

Task1: Read the words and write “C” for countable nouns and “U” for uncountable nouns:

Sandwich □ Bread □

Pineapple juice □ Cheese □

Cake □ Can of coke □

Rice □ Honey □

Jam □ Ham □

 How much uncountable nouns

 How many countable nouns

Task2: Fill in the gaps with “How much” or “How many”:

1-……………………. butter is there?

2-…………………….. slices of bread do you need?

3-……………………. jars of jam are there?

4-…………………… lettuce is there in the fridge?

 Countable nouns: a lot of
Many some any
 Uncountable nouns:
A lot of
Much some any

Task3: Fill in the gaps with “some, any, many, much”:

1-I don’t like ………….. sugar in my tea.

2-There are …………… restaurants in the street.

2- I don’t put ………… salt in the soup.

3- I need …………. money to buy milk and coffee.

Task4: Complete with “there is, there are, there isn’t, there aren’t, is there” and “are there”:

1-………………….. any food in the fridge?

2-………………… a lot of eggs.

3-………………… a packet of pasta.

4-……………….. any croissants?

5-………………. any strawberries in the market.

6-………………. much milk in the bag.

*Plural form:

*One banana two bananas -I add “s” to form the plural form of nouns.

*One bus three buses / one classe four classes / one dish five dishes.

One peach six peaches / one box seven boxes / one potato eight potaoes.

I add “es” to nouns ending in “–s –ss –sh –ch –x –o”.

*One shelf nine shelves / one knife ten knives. I add “ves” to nouns ending in “-f -fe”

*Nouns ending in “–y”: - a/ conconant + y “ies” one candy eleven candies.

- b/ vowel+ y “s” one boy twelve boys.

* Irregular plurals: -one child thirteen children / one man fourteen men

-a tooth twenty teeth

Task 5: Complete the table:

Singular plural
Loaf …………………..
Cheese …………………..
Fox ………………….
Person ………………….
Wish …………………
Story ………………….

* Pronunciation of final “–s” Rule p 20

Task 1p22:

Task3 p 125:

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