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Name: Student´s number:

Course title: Lengua Adicional al Espanol V Teacher’s name: Alberto Solis Vasquez

Module:2 Establishing communication Activity: Topic 6 What’s the real story?

Date: September 20,2011 Team: n/a


Objective: Reading and understand the topics sentence of the homework, Learn more English
and know the main idea of the topic sentence.

Procedure: First open the blackboard and then choose the rubric of report, next wrote my
personal information in the rubric, second read the paragraph in the book and choose the best
topic sentence from the list below, finally wrote a conclusion about of the homework.

Morning people and night people live very different lives. Morning people jump out of the
bed in the morning, cheerful and full of energy. They seem to get most of their work done
before lunch. On the other hand, night people have trouble getting up in the morning. They
often drag themselves through the day and reach their peak in the evening. Night people, who
often stay up until 2:00 or 3:00 a.m., are just getting started when morning people are going to

Next paragraph
Playing sports is entertainment that all forms of physical activity which, is very
important for the health. Usually I play soccer or basketball. Kicking a soccer ball
around clears my head. When I’m playing, I don’t think about anything but the ball.
Later, I feel relaxed, I’m focused, and I’m ready to concentrate on my homework.

Conclusion: This explanation is very important because you can understand and identify the
main idea in the paragraphs. These types of readings helps to comprehension all the text and
learn more vocabulary.

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