Actividad 13

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Once upon a time it was a group of young people who liked to do

explorations in the woods, one day they agreed to go to a forest that was
near their home, since the arrival everything was rare, the atmosphere of
feeling heavy, as if they were observed in the distance. It wasn't more than
three hours when everything was starting to get too strange, they started to
find bodies, strange sounds coming in the distance, the group of friends got
too scared that they all started running, one by one they started
disappearing, until in the end there were two of the group of friends
That night a tremendous rain started to fall, lightning strikes showed up while
some wolfes started to howl. They found a cave where they thought would
be a good idea to hide and wait till the storm ended, but as soon as they got
in a big amount of land collapsed and close their way out.
They thought they would be safer that way, but they were wrong..they
started to hear a noise like if there was something scratching the walls of the
cave, they thought it might be an animal o something small like a bat, but
when they could found some rocks to light up the room the saw a gigantic
shadow that look like a wolf but much bigger than an average wolf.
As soon as they saw it they screamed and try to get out of the cave but the
wolf saw them and a few minutes later there were no more sounds of people
Ever since that cave has been locked and no one could ever enter again and
they say that only the 31st of October is the day the cave opens so the ghosts
of the young people can aware people to stay away from it.

"Don't thank me, it's my mission. In this cave, I and my friends were killed
more than 25 years ago. It was a night like this." A shiver ran down the man's
back and b built his skin. And so it has become a tourist center for all visitors
and explorers of the region and anyone who does not want to obey the signs
of the ghosts will assume the consequences of the wolf.

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