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Personality and Brief History

Selena came to Mineral town while following

in the footsteps of her idol Scerena (but don't
call her a groupie!), only to find that the
woman had moved on more quickly than she
normally would. Seeing an oportunity, she
decided to stay in town and see what kind of
luck this town would bring her. As fate would
have it, the flower festival was only in a few
short days, which reminded her of her
favorite festival back home.
Selena is wise from traveling the world, and
knows how to handle herself. She tends to
favor her feminine wiles to get out of trouble,
so she oftentimes comes accross as a femme-
fatale. However, when she isn't in front of a
crowd you may catch her irreverent,
boisterous personality bursting through. She
has a heart of gold (complete with a metal-
hard shell ready to melt into a molten mess)
and doesn't tend to take life too seriously,
preferring to dream big and roll with the
Brief History
Selena hails from Tucan Island, where she
dreamed of leaving to pursue her love of
dancing. Her parents were always supportive,
and because of their strong relationship she
didn't leave home for a long time. As she got
older, she realized she couldn't live only for
her parents and struck out on her own,
inspired by a woman named Scerena who
passed through Tucan Island on her own
journey as a traveling dancer. She left her her
first love, Luke, behind in the process. Selena
chose to only go by her first name as a stage
name after being inspired by Scerena.

Moonlit walks on the beach, bottomless brunches

Flowers, Coconut, Coconut Cocktail, Diamond, Red Perfume, Ruby,

Shining Baumkuchen, Shining Bouillabaise, Omelet Rice

Drunkards, staying in one place

Ore, Crawfish, Toadstools

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