Worksheets' Booklet

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By: Mohammed Bekkaoui • Introductions
• Vocabulary
Mohammed Bekkaoui
• Grammar
• Communication
• Reading
• Writing
To Teachers

Dear Teacher;

You are totally free to use any of the contents of this booklet with your students. We have

to tell you that the worksheets presented here are based on ‘Gateway to English 2’, and

most of them follow either an ECRIF paradigm or a PDP paradigm. We hope that you

will find some of the materials very useful. However, please give credit in case you want

to reuse any content taken from this booklet. At last, we wish you the best of luck

throughout your professional career.

Mohammed Bekkaoui


Table of Contents

Diagnostic Test .................................................................................................................. 4

Unit 1: Education .............................................................................................................. 5
Unit 2: Cultural Issues and Values ........................................................................... 11
Quiz 1 (Semester 1) – Model A ................................................................................ 17
Quiz 1 (Semester 1) – Model B ................................................................................. 18
Unit 3: Gifts of Youth ................................................................................................... 19
Unit 4: Women & Power ............................................................................................. 25
Quiz 2 (Semester 1) – Model A ............................................................................... 31
Quiz 2 (Semester 1) – Model B ................................................................................. 32
Unit 5: Advances in Science & Technology ........................................................... 33
Global Test (Semester 1) .............................................................................................. 39
Unit 6: Humour .............................................................................................................. 41
Unit 7: Citizenship ........................................................................................................ 47
Quiz 1 (Semester 2) – Model A ................................................................................ 53
Quiz 1 (Semester 2) – Model B ................................................................................. 54
Unit 8: Brain Drain ....................................................................................................... 55
Unit 9: Sustainable Development ............................................................................ 61
Quiz 2 (Semester 2) ...................................................................................................... 67
Unit 10: International Organizations .................................................................... 68
Global Test (Semester 2) .............................................................................................. 74

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Table of Contents (Based on Language Components)

Introductions Vocabulary Grammar

Education …………………… 5 Collocations …………………. 6 Gerund vs Infinitive ……… 8

Culture …………………….. 11 Compound Adjectives ……. 12 Past Perfect ………………… 14
Gifts of Youth …………….. 19 Idioms (1) …………………… 20 Phrasal Verbs (1) …………. 22
Women & Power …………. 25 Prefixes & Suffixes ……….. 26 The Passive Voice ………… 28
Science & Technilogy …… 33 Technology …………………. 34 The Future Perfect ……….. 36
Humour ……………………. 41 Make vs Do ………………… 42 Conditional Type III ……… 44
Citizenship ………………… 47 Idioms (2) …………………... 48 Reported Speech …………. 50
Brain Drain ……………….. 55 Concession Links …………. 56 Relative Clauses ………….. 58
Sustainable Development. 61 Metaphors & Similes …….. 62 Modal Verbs ……………….. 64
International Organizations68 Adjectives’ Order ………….. 69 Phrasal Verbs (2) …………. 71

Functions Reading Writing

Requests ……………………. 7 Types of Education ……….. 9 Paragraph on Education .. 10

Lack of Understanding …. 13 Personal Space ……………. 15 Informal Email ……………. 16
Complaints ………………... 21 Gifts of Youth ……………… 23 Cause/Effect Article ……… 24
Apologizing ………………… 27 International Women’s Day.29 Essay on Women …………. 30
Opinions …………………… 35 Technology …………………. 37 Paragraph on Technology . 38
Agreeing & Disagreeing … 43 Benefits of Humour ………. 45 Essay on Humour ………… 46
Regret ………………………. 49 A Good Citizen …………….. 51 Essay on Voluntary work . 52
Advice ………………………. 57 Brain Drain ………………… 59 Formal Letter ……………… 60
Certainty vs Uncertainty .. 63 Developments ……………… 65 Film Review ………………... 66
Good & Bad News ………… 70 World Health Organization. 72 Report ……………………….. 73

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Diagnostic Test

Teacher: ………………………… Level: 2nd bac Name: ………………………………………………

School: ……………………. Class: ………………… Number: ………

Diagnostic Test Date: …………………… Duration: 45 min

I. Vocabulary (6 pts)
Complete the table with words related to the categories.
Culture Education Media Activities Celebrations Health

Music School TV Jogging Throne Day Fever

… … … … … …
… … … … … …
… … … … … …

II. Grammar (8 pts)

1. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tense: past simple or continuous/present
a. Last week, I ………...…… (go) to my cousin’s wedding. It ……………. (be) amazing.
b. Yesterday, My mother ………….……….... (not/make) dinner because she ……………. (be) sick.
c. I …………………….………. (already/watch) this movie. I ……………. (not/watch) it again!
d. I …………………….…... (not/see) your cat, I …………...…………. (revise) my lessons.
e. Next month, Younes ………………... (travel) to Meknes, and his father …………… (go) abroad.
2. Rewrite the following sentences beginning the words given.
a. Ahmed ate the sandwich yesterday.
The sandwich ……………………………………………...
b. Ahmed studies hard. Ahmed succeeds.
If …………………………………………………………...
c. Younes will watch a series next week.
A series ……………………………………………………
III. Functions (6 pts)
Complete the following exchanges appropriately.
1. A: What is your opinion about the Regional Exam?
B: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. A: My tooth hurts so much! What should I do?

B: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. A: I have to complain about the noise you are making!

B: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

IV. Writing (10 pts)

Write a paragraph to your school magazine, about your favorite celebration.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 1: Education Lesson 1: Introduction

Task 1: With your partner, read the following situations and answer the questions.

Hi! My name is Asmae, I Hi everyone! This is Hello! I am Anas. I do

am a 2nd Bac student. Ayoub. I am an not go to school, but I
In school, I learn a expert in fixing go to some evening
lot of new things. phones. I learnt classes to learn new
School is my favorite how to fix phones languages and also to
place because it teaches me new by experience and by watching learn how to use a computer.
information. YouTube videos.

1. How does Asmae learn? What do you call this type of education?
2. How does Ayoub learn? What do you call this type of education?
3. How does Anas learn? What do you call this type of education?

Task 2: Match the types of education with their definitions.

1. Formal Education a. Learning through a program, but it is not usually evaluated,

and it does not lead to a certificate.
2. Informal Education b. learning through a program in an educational institution. It is
recognized by the state, and it provides a certificate.
3. Non-formal c. It refers to learning from daily activities, work, or leisure. It
Education has no program, and it does not provide a certificate.

Task 3: Fill in the table with “Yes” or “No”.

Formal Education Non-formal Education Informal Education


Task 4: Fill in the table with the appropriate examples from the list!
- Theatre - Primary School - Evening Classes - Literacy Classes - TV
- University - Newspapers - Secondary School - Language Centers - Google

Formal Education Informal Education Non-formal Education

Task 5: In your opinion, what is the best type of education? Why?

Give some examples of your favorite type of education.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 1: Education Lesson 2: Collocations

Task 1: Read the following passage and answer the question.

The educational system in Morocco is improving. Now, there are more private schools, more equal
rights, and less gender discrimination. In the future, I hope that everyone can get free access to
libraries, so that everyone can get a university degree.

• Why is the Moroccan education system improving?

Task 2: A collocation is a group of words (normally 2) that often go together.

Example: Collocate Collocate

Higher Education

Can you extract the 6 collocations in the previous passage?

Task 3: Match words from the two columns to make the appropriate collocations.

1. Higher a. Subject
2. University b. School
3. Free c. Degree
4. School d. Needs
5. Mixed e. Classes
6. Private f. Access
7. Basic g. Opportunities
8. Equal h. Education

Task 4: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate collocation from the list.
School Uniforms – Free Access- Mixed Classes – University Degree
a. …………………………… will help decreasing gender discrimination.
b. Students should have ……………………… to online libraries.
c. It is very challenging to obtain a ………………………………
d. Our school is giving ……………………………… for free!

Task 5: With your partner, come up with 4 sentences in which you use different collocations.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 1: Education Lesson 3: Requests

Task 1: Read the following dialogue and answer the questions.

Son: Hello dad, would you give me 10 dollars, please?
Dad: Yes, of course. What do you want to do with it?
Son: I want to buy a gift for my friend’s birthday. I wonder if you could lend me your car?
Dad: Sure, no problem.
Son: Thanks, dad. Do you mind paying for the gas?
Dad: I’m afraid I can’t, I don’t have change.

Task 2: Fill in the table with expressions from the dialogue, and add more expressions.

Making a Request Accepting Declining

… … …
… … …

Task 3: Circle the correct answer.

1. I wonder if you could (open / opening) the window?
2. Do you mind (close / closing) the door?
3. Would you (call / calling) my mother, please?
4. Can you please (watch / watching) my son?
5. Can I (have / having) some dessert, please?

Task 4: Complete the following dialogues appropriately.

1. …………………………. c. Could you open the door, please? e. ………………….

2. Sure, I’ll close the window. d. …………………………. f. Yes, I’ll clean the dishes.
c. Could you open the door, please? e. ………………….
TaskI’ll Role Play
5: close
3. Sure, the window. d. …………………………. f. Yes, I’ll clean the
With your partner, role play the following situations by making and responding to requests.
Example: You would like to borrow a friend’s new video game.
A: I wonder if you could lend me your new video game?
B: Yes, sure.

1. You would like to ask a neighborhood friend to play football with you.
2. You would like to work with a classmate on a project
3. You stop by a few neighbors’ homes to know if they have seen your bike.
4. You see some friends playing ball down the street and would like to play with them.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 1: Education Lesson 4: Gerund vs Infinitive

Task 1: With your partner, read the following sentences and fill in the table.
- They enjoy playing football. - I finished making that sandwich
- He asked to leave. - I like watching TV
- Ahmed learned to swim. - I like to watch TV
- Younes suggested playing football - You need to relax.

Verbs before Verbs before Verbs before Gerund = V + ing

Gerund Infinitive Gerund + Infinitive
Infinitive = To + V
… … …

Task 2: Add the following verbs into the table.

- Admit - Agree - Love - Start
- Promise - Regret - Begin - Dislike
- Expect - Stop - Hate - Hope

Task 3: Read the summary (p:8 of the booklet), and choose the right answer for each sentence?
1. The boy began ……………………… when his mother left him
a. Crying b. To cry c. Both

2. Would you mind ………………. for a few minutes?

a. Waiting b. To wait c. Both

3. Have you finished ……………… the computer,

a. Using b. To use c. Both

4. We expect …………………... from him very soon.

a. Hearing b. To hear c. Both

5. Tom has given up …………………

a. Smoking b. To smoke c. Both

Task 4: Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form.

1. Amina and Anas suggested ………… (watch) a movie.
2. John’s car has begun ……………(make) a terrible noise.
3. I really enjoyed ……………... (surf) the internet yesterday!
4. Do you expect me ……………. (read) the whole book in one night?
5. He promised his mother ……………. (come) home soon.
Gerund or Infinitive
Task 5: With your partner, come up with 4 sentences that include gerunds and infinitives.
Examples: - I finished doing the exercise. - I need to watch this film.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 1: Education Lesson 5: Reading

Task 1: With your partner, answer the following questions.

1. What are the three types of education?

2. What is the difference between the three types of education?
3. What are the main aspects of formal education? Examples: Teacher, students, …
Task 2: Match each vocabulary item with the appropriate picture.

Gathering Knowledge Curriculum Professions

Task 3: Read the text in order to give it a title.
Education means both the teaching and learning of knowledge, usually in a classroom with the presence of teacher and
students. It thus focuses on gathering skills, as well as mental, moral and aesthetic development.
Formal education consists of systematic instruction, teaching, and training by professional teachers. This
consists of the application of pedagogy and the development of curricula.
Educational systems are established to provide education and training, often for children and the young, so that
they can learn. A curriculum defines what students should know, understand and be able to do as the result of education.
A teaching profession delivers teaching which enables learning, and a system of policies, examinations, structures and
funding enables teachers to teach to the best of their abilities.

Task 4: Do the following activities.

1. Define the following words:

a. Education b. Formal Education c. A curriculum
2. Are the following statements true or false? Justify.
a. Education is about only moral development.
b. Educational systems must provide training to elder people.
c. Teachers must follow specific rules and structures.
3. Find in the text words that mean the same as:
a. Artistic (paragraph 1)
b. Capacities (paragraph 3)
4. 5. What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
a. It (paragraph 1)
b. They (paragraph 3)
Task 5: What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of education?

Example: Informal education doesn’t lead to a certificate, but it’s a lot of fun.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 1: Education Lesson 6: Writing

Task 1 Linking words express different relationships. They can express:

- Addition - Cause and Effect – Contrast – Purpose -Concession

With your Partner, provide the appropriate heading for each group in the table.

… … … … …

To … But … …. And … Although …. … because …

In order to … While … …. Too Yet, …. Consequently, …

So as to … On the other hand, … In addition to … However, … Due to …

So that … …. Whereas … Moreover … Even though … Thanks to …

Task 2 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate linking words.

1. Ahmed is very smart, ………... his brother Amine is stupid.

2. I came early to class …………... sit in the front.
3. ……………. Sara is sick, she wanted to go to school.
4. ……………. Football, Ayoub likes basketball, too.
5. The teacher punished students ………… they didn’t do their homework.
Task 3 Write a paragraph to your school magazine about your favorite type of education.

See the following paragraph format, and respect its norms.

2 Topic Sentence. Firstly, Supporting Idea 1. Secondly,

Supporting Idea 2. Finally, Supporting Idea 3. To sum up,
Concluding Sentence.
You can make use of the following ideas.

Formal Education Informal Education Non-formal Education

Certificate Anywhere / Anytime No Exams

School Friends No Exams Appropriate Program
Leads to a Job Many Sources Meet Friends

Task 4 Exchange your paragraph with your partner, and correct each other’s mistakes.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 2: Cultural Issues & Values Lesson 1: Introduction

Task 1: In your opinion, what are some aspects of culture.
- Food -… -… -… -… -… -…
Watch the video and add more aspects to your list.

Task 2: Match the pictures with the aspects of culture from the list.
1. Food 4. Greeting 7. Celebrations 10. Politics
2. Architecture 5. Family / Marriage 8. Art 11. Music
3. Clothes 6. History 9. Religion 12.Language

Task 3: Classify the following cultural norms into good or bad.

- Respect - Open-minds - Discrimination - Solidarity - Racism
- Stereotypes - Ethnocentrism - Communication - Inequality - Diversity

Task 4: In Morocco, it is okey to eat food with your hand, but it is not okey for men to wear earrings.
What are some other behaviors that are accepted or not accepted in Morocco?
1. You may …………………………………………………
2. You should not …………………………………………...

Task 5: What are some cultural aspects that are not in Morocco, but you wish they were?

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 2: Cultural Issues & Values Lesson 2: Compound Adjectives

Task 1: With your partner, read the following passage and answer the questions.

Henna is a well-known Moroccan tradition. It is often put on the hands or feet. Henna is a tradition
that is deeply-rooted in our culture. However, some people think it has become old-fashioned.
Henna is famous during weddings. The bride organizes a Henna party in which women put Henna
and they look good-looking.
1. Where is Henna put? 2. When is Henna famous? 3. What happens in a Henna party?

Task 2: Compound adjectives are adjectives that are made up of 2 or more words, usually with
a hyphen (-) between them.
Example: Word 1 Hyphen Word 2

Compound Adjective
Can you extract the 4 compound adjectives in the previous passage?

Task 3: Match words from the two columns to make the appropriate compound adjectives.

1. Kind a. Fashioned
2. Brightly b. Looking
3. Old c. Handed
4. Deeply d. Sighted
5. Good e. Hearted
6. Labor f. Lit
7. Left g. Rooted
8. Short h. Saving
9. Easy i. Going

Task 4: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate compound adjective from the list.
Old-fashioned, Short-sighted, Left-handed, Well-known
a. Do ……………………... people also play football with their left foot?
b. Soufiane’s dream is to become a …………………………. tennis player.
c. My uncle cannot read the newspapers, he is ……………………………
d. When are you going to sell this …………………………… car?

Task 5: With your partner, come up with 4 sentences in which you use different compound

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 2: Cultural Issues & Values Lesson 3: Lack of Understanding

Task 1: With your partner, read the following dialogue and answer the questions.
Teacher: Stereotypes are false generalizations.
Karim: I don’t quite understand. Can you explain more, please?
Teacher: We should not judge people based on their cultures.
Anas: I beg your pardon. Do you mean that judging people is a bad thing?
Teacher: Exactly

1. What are stereotypes?

2. Did Karim understand stereotypes?
3. Is judging people a bad thing?

Task 2: Fill in the table with expressions from the dialogue, and add more expressions.

Expressing Lack of Understanding Asking for Clarification

… …
… …
… …

Task 3: Complete the following dialogues.

A.Carpenter: we need a medium-sized wood to fill this spot.
B.You: …………………………………………………………………………………
C.Teacher: a quiz is only 25% of your final grade.
D.You: …………………………………………………………………………………
E.Hotel Manager: ………………………………………………
F.You: I beg your pardon? Do you mean it’s not here?
Task 4: With your partner, role-play the following situations using the previous expressions.

Situation 1 Situation 2 Situation 3

A: You are a tourist who want to A: You are a teacher of English trying A: You are a doctor telling a patient
know why we take off shoes when to explain a word. what medicine to take.
going to mosques. B: You are a student who doesn’t B: You are a patient who wants
B: You explain the reason understand and want clarification. more clarification.

Task 5: Role Play I beg your pardon?

What do you mean?
With your partner, role play a dialogue in which you use
2 expressions of lack of understanding and 2 expressions
of asking for clarification.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 2: Cultural Issues & Values Lesson 4: Past Perfect

Task 1: With your partner, read the following story and answer the questions.

Yesterday, I played PlayStation with my brother. My father watched TV in the living room. I went to
the kitchen to eat something, then my mother came to the kitchen. When my mother entered the kitchen, I
had eaten a cake. Then, I had done my homework before my father went to sleep.
1. What did the father do?
2. Why did I go to the kitchen?
3. Which action happened first: eating the cake? Or my mother entering the kitchen?

Task 2: Read the Past Perfect page (p: 13 of booklets) and fill in the table with verbs from the story
Simple Past Past Perfect
… …
… …

Task 3: Match the phrases from the two columns to make sentences.

1. My wife didn’t watch the movie with me a. Because he had been watching drama.
2. It was my first flight b. Because she had already seen it.
3. When Anas arrived, c. The party had already begun.
4. I had been playing videogames d. I had never travelled by plane before.
5. Jamila cried hard e. When the lights went off.

Task 4: Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tense:

simple past, past perfect, or past perfect continuous.
a. I ……………………. (go) to bed as soon as I ………………………. (finish) my homework.
b. My mother ……………… (be) tired, she …………… (wash) the dishes for more than three hours.
c. Anas …………………………. (watch) football when the lights ……………… (go) off.
d. We ……………………. (eat) the cake before we ……...…...……... (sleep).

Task 5: With your partner, come up with 4 sentences that include the past perfect simple and
Example: - When they gave me food, I had already eaten the salad.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 2: Cultural Issues & Values Lesson 5: Reading

Task 1: Answer the following questions.

4. When talking to someone, do you keep a personal space?

5. How do you greet friends? How about strangers?
6. How do you feel if a stranger comes too close to you?
Task 2: Match each vocabulary item with the appropriate picture.

Avoid Upset Eye-contact Tap

Task 3: Read the text in order to give it a title.

English people think that you should avoid physical contact with strangers. When they ride on underground trains, they
keep themselves to themselves. They read on trains or buses so that they don’t have to talk to people they don’t know.
They avoid eye-contact at all costs.
The English are much more conscious of their personal space than other nationalities, especially the Irish or the
Scots. The English allow much less contact, even with friends. And they can be upset if you touch them unexpectedly.
You should never tap an English person on the shoulder if you want to attract their attention. It’s safer to cough or say:
‘Excuse me?’.
When the English meet people for the first time, they shake hands, but then immediately move further away.
Other nationalities, Spanish people or Egyptians, for example, move closer to someone they are speaking to show
intimacy, but not the English.
Task 4: Do the following activities.

1. Answer the following questions. 3 Find in the text words that mean the same as:
a. What do English do on underground trains? a. Subway
b. How to attract an Englishman attention? b. Annoyed
c. Why do Egyptians move closer when they are speaking?

2. Pick up from the text sentences or phrases which show that 4 What do the underlined words in the text refer
a. English people do not look at your eyes to:
b. English people do not like when you touch them. a. They (paragraph 2)
c. English people do not move closer to you. b. They (paragraph 3)

Task 5: Nowadays in Morocco, many cultural behaviors are being normalized.

For example, some male teenagers are wearing earrings, and some girls are wearing ripped jeans.
What do you think about this?

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 2: Cultural Issues & Values Lesson 6: Writing

Task 1 Transitional expressions are used to go from one idea to another. They can be used to:

- Compare - Summarize - Illustrate - Order

With your Partner, provide the appropriate heading for each group in the table.

… … … …

For example, … Firstly/secondly/thirdly Finally, … Similarly, …

For instance, … Then, … In a nutshell, … In the same way, …

To give an example, Afterwards / After that In brief, … Just like …

To illustrate … Lastly, … To sum up, … Both … and …

Task 2 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate linking words.

Weddings in Morocco are very amusing. ……………., we go by cars to bring the bride from her home.
………………, we go to the party place to have a wonderful dinner that includes …………………., sweets, chicken,
meat, fruits, and cake. …………………., everyone dances until it’s 5 or 6 in the morning. ………………, Moroccan
weddings are amazing, and …………. the bride ………. the groom enjoy the evening.

Task 3 Write an e-mail to you e-pal in which you describe a wedding ceremony you attended

Use the transitional expressions.

Dear John;
I’m writing to you to tell you about the last wedding
ceremony I have attended.

Task 4 Exchange your email with your partner, and correct each other’s mistakes.

Share your email with the whole class.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui

Teacher: Mohammed Bekkaoui Level: 2 Baccalaureate Name: ………………………………………………………

School: Al Quods Class: ………………… Number: ……… 17

Semester 1 - Quiz 1 Date: …………………… Duration: 30 min
Quiz 1 (Semester 1) – Model A

I. Vocabulary (7 pts)
1. Fill in the table with the appropriate phrases from the list. (3 pts)

YouTube – Master Studies – Playing Games – Sport Program – Literacy Classes – Primary School

Formal Education Non-formal Education Informal Education

- - -
- - -

2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate collocations from the list. (2 pts)
Equal Rights – Basic Needs – Higher Education – School Uniform
a. In Japan, the ……………………………………. is often blue.
b. Burundi is a very poor country. People there don’t even have ……………………………...!
c. After we take our Baccalaureate degree, my classmates and I will start …………………………………….
d. Black or white, Muslim or Christian, everyone should have …………………………………….

3. Match the compound adjectives with their appropriate definitions. (2 pts)

Good-looking Someone who can’t see well

Short-sighted Someone who is relaxed and smooth
Easy-going Someone who is good to other people
Kind-hearted Someone who is pretty and handsome

II. Grammar (7 pts)

1. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form. (3 pts)

a. Did you finish …………………………… (eat) that sandwich?
b. The thief admitted to the judge ………………………. (steal) the house.
c. Don’t expect me ………………………. (be) silent when my rights are violated.

2. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tense. (4 pts)

a. I …………………………………. (wait) for 3 hours before I ………………………. (speak) to the manager.
b. When I …………………………... (arrive), the party ……………………………... (already/finish).

III. Functions (6 pts) Complete the following dialogues appropriately.

A: …………………………………… A: China told its citizens that a new A: Is it okey if you switch off the TV?
………………………………………. pandemic will strike. I can’t stand its noise!
(Make a request) B: ……………………………………. B:
……………………………………….. ……………………………………….
B: No, actually I can’t watch your ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….
little brother, I have work to do. (Lack of understanding / Ask for (Responding to request)

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui

Teacher: Mohammed Bekkaoui Level: 2nd Baccalaureate Name: ………………………………………………………

School: Al Quods Class: ………………… Number: ………


Semester 1 - Quiz 1 Date: …………………… Duration: 30 min

Quiz 1 (Semester 1) – Model B

I. Vocabulary (7 pts)
1. Fill in the table with the appropriate phrases from the list. (3 pts)

Evening Classes – Watching News – University Studies – Swimming Program –Secondary School – Twitter

Formal Education Non-formal Education Informal Education

- - -
- - -

2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate collocations from the list. (2 pts)
Private Schools – University Degree – Gender Discrimination – School Uniform
a. In …………………………………., students start English in the 3rd grade.
b. Women in some African countries are still struggling with ………………………………………….
c. After finishing his Master studies, Amine will have obtained a ……………………………………..
d. In Japan, the ……………………………………. is often blue.

3. Match the compound adjectives with their appropriate definitions. (2 pts)

Brightly-lit Someone who is famous.

Old-fashioned Something that is no more a mode
State-controlled Something that is ruled by the government
Well-known Something that has enough light.

II. Grammar (7 pts)

1. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form. (3 pts)

a. Did you promise your mother …………………………… (finish) your homework?
b. Last night, I didn’t sleep until 4 am! I needed some time ………………………. (relax).
c. Anas wanted to watch a movie, and I suggested …………………………. (go) to the cinema.

2. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tense. (4 pts)

a. When the lights …………………………... (go) off, Anas …………………………... (already / sleep)
b. I …………………………………. (teach) for 2 hours before I ………………………. (have) a break.

III. Functions (6 pts) Complete the following dialogues appropriately.

A: …………………………………… A: Both Ahmed and Ans failed their A: Is it okey if you write this letter for
………………………………………. English exam! me. I don’t know how to write.
(Make a request) B: ……………………………………. B:
……………………………………….. ……………………………………….
B: No, actually I can’t feed your cat ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….
because I don’t like animals. (Lack of understanding / Ask for (Responding to request)

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 3: Gifts of Youth Lesson 1: Introduction

Task 1: With your partner, read the following situations and answer the questions.

Hi! My name is Asmae, I Hi everyone! This is Hello! I am Anas. I am

am 18 years old. I am Ayoub. I am 24 19 years old; I am very
a creative and years old. I am a motivated and I am
responsible woman. I strong and ready to challenge. I
have a sense of powerful man, and have both
collaboration and willingness to I love to take risks because I have a communication skills and problem-
learn, desire to excel. solving skills.

1. What is the common thing between those three people?

2. What are those people like? Example: Asmae is creative.
3. What are the characteristics that those people have?

Task 2: Sort out the characteristics that youth shouldn’t have. (You can use dictionaries or phones).

Lazy Selfish
Patient Pride Spoiled
Stingy Picky Sense of Humor
Flexible Value
Arrogant Open-minds s

Task 3: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list.
Motivated – Patient – Think outside the box – Sense of Humor
1. Karim solves riddles in his free time. He can …………………………………………….
2. Samira is really …………….…………. To finish writing that book.
3. Ali is the funniest person I have ever seen. He has a great ……………………………….
4. Najat waited 7 years to finally graduate! She is a real ……………………… person.

Task 4: See the youth characteristics (p: 16 of the booklet) and finish the following sentences.
1. I am / I have …………………………………………………………………………….
2. I need to develop ……………………………………………………………………….

Task 5: In your opinion, what is the most important quality that youth should have? Why?

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 3: Gifts of Youth Lesson 2: Idioms (1)

Task 1: With your partner, read the following passage and answer the questions.
Yesterday, Samir and his father went to the supermarket to buy some food for the house. When they were coming back,
they met one of the father’s old friends. He was very kind. As soon as they rode the car, they heard thunder! And
suddenly, it was raining cats and dogs!
• Why did Samir and his dad go to the supermarket?
• Who did they meet?
• What does “raining cats and dogs” mean?
Task 2: - An idiomatic expression is a common word or phrase which means something
different from its literal meaning, but it can be understood because of its popular usage.
For example, in Arabic, when we say ‫( أطير فرحا‬I am flying of happiness), it doesn’t mean that you are
actually flying! It means that you are very happy.
Think of 1 idiomatic expression in Arabic, and give its translation and meaning.
Idiomatic Expression (In Arabic) Translation Meaning
‫أطير فرحا‬ I am flying of happiness I am very happy
… … …

Task 3: Read the sentences and choose the right explanation of the underlined idioms.

1. I am revising all my lesson. The baccalaureate exam a. Guaranteed

is in the bag. b. Impossible
c. Postponed
2. I am really good at football; but when it comes to a. Excellent
basketball, I am a dead loss b. Not successful
c. Not interested
3. Ahmed has an amazing voice; he will pass the a. Easily
auditions with flying colors. b. With a lot of problems
c. With a lot of stress
4. You are leading 4 – 0. Be careful! Do not let the a. Don’t let the match end.
match slip through your fingers. b. Don’t win the match.
c. Don’t waste the opportunity.
5. After 10 years of smoking, my uncle finally gave up. a. Feels good.
But sometimes he goes cold turkey. b. Feels bad.
c. Feels angry.

Task 4: With your partner, fill in the gaps with the appropriate idiomatic expression from the list.
In the bag – A dead loss – With flying colors – Going cold turkey
a. I told you to give up that medicine gradually! Now you are ………………………
b. If you keep the good work, that promotion will be ………………………………...
c. I am really good at math, but I am ……………………………………. In physics.
d. Badr Hari can beat anyone …………………………………………………………
Task 5: With your partner, come up with 5 sentences in which you use different idioms.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 3: Gifts of Youth Lesson 3: Complaints

Task 1: With your partner, read the following dialogue and answer the questions.
Waiter: Hello again! How did you find your food?
Husband: I’m sorry to say this, but the chicken is raw!
Waiter: I am really sorry about this. We will change your dish.
How about you, madam?
Wife: I’m afraid I have to complain about the delay. You took an hour to bring us food!
Waiter: Sorry, there is nothing we can do about it. We have many customers today.

1. Where are the people?

2. What did the husband complain about?
3. What did the wife complain about?

Task 2: Fill in the table with expressions from the dialogue, and add more expressions.

Making a Complaint Accepting a Complaint Rejecting a Complaint

… … …
… … …

Task 3: Complete the following dialogues appropriately.

A: I am sorry to say this, but there is a mouse in my hotel room.
B: ……………………………………………………...
C: ………………………………………………………
D: I’m sorry, this will never happen again.
E: I’m afraid I have to complain about the poor Wi-Fi in this café.
F: ………………………………………………………

Task 4: With your partner, role play the following situations using mini-dialogues.

Situation 1 Situation 2 Situation 3

A: You are a neighbour who A: You are a worker who arrived A: You are in a hotel, and they
can’t sleep. late to work. lost your suitcase.
B: You are a neighbour who is B: You are a boss who is not B: You are the hotel manager.
making loud noise. happy with workers’ delay.

Task 5: Role Play

With your partner, role play a situation where you use 2 expressions of making complaints.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 3: Gifts of Youth Lesson 4: Phrasal Verbs (1)

Task 1: With your partner, classify the following words into the table.
Take – Watch – In – Off – Out – Hand – Put – On – Stay – Down
Verbs Particles
… …

Task 2: Read the following sentences and fill in the table with the appropriate phrasal verbs.
Phrasal V Meaning
1. Younes stayed out late; his mother was worried. Hand in Submit a paper
2. You should hand in the paragraph in 30 minutes. … To allow someone to enter
3. Quickly! The bus is pulling out. … To lose consciousness
4. My grandmother always asks me in for a cup of tea. … Finish using a computer system
5. The firemen put out the fire quickly … Not returning home
6. There is a dog chasing me! Please let me in! … To invite someone
7. Don’t let the cat sleep near you; lock it out. … To extinguish
8. In mothers’ day, I will take my mom out. … To take someone on a trip
9. Safae passed out when she saw her results … To leave
10. You should log out from your Facebook account. … To keep someone outside

Task 3: Read the summary and match the phrases from the 2 columns making appropriate sentences.
1. Younes always pass out a. To the zoo if you behave well
2. I forgot to log out b. From my Instagram account.
3. I will take you out c. But he was busy.
4. Watch out! d. When he hears bad news.
5. I asked him in e. A car is coming!

Task 4: Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrasal verbs from the list, making necessary changes.
Hand in – take out – Ask in – pass out
a. Ahmed will ……………... Amina …………… to Istanbul for their honeymoon.
b. When Salima saw the mouse in the kitchen, she ………………………………...
c. I ………. Anas ………… for coffee, but he was in a hurry.
d. The embassy told me to ……………………… the papers as soon as possible.

Task 5: With your partner, come up with 4 sentences in which you use different phrasal verbs.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 3: Gifts of Youth Lesson 5: Reading

Task 1: With your partner, answer the following questions.

1. What are some characteristics of the youth?

2. How can the youth benefit the country?
3. What should countries provide to the youth?

Task 2: Match each vocabulary item with the appropriate picture.

Peace Guided Harm Chaos

Task 3: Read the text in order to give it a title.

Young people have energy, but it should be guided. Misguided youth may do great harm to society. Moreover, the
future of the country rests on the shoulders of the youth because they represent new values, new thinking and new ways
of life.
Society should adhere to the thinking of the young. The young should always look with hope and confidence to
the future. They must have the spirit to work and also give a sense of direction for the others to follow.
Political freedom gives responsibilities. These are more important in the case of India because they want to be
free from poverty, disease and chaos. Political freedom must create conditions for better life and peace for the rest of
the world. The youth of India should be inspired with these ideas and make them popular to the people.

Task 4: Do the following activities.

1. Are the following statements true or false? Justify.
a. Youth should be given enough guidance.
b. Youth should not set themselves as models.
c. Political freedom can’t create a better life.
2. Answer the following questions.
a. What do young people represent?
b. How should the youth look to the future?
c. State 2 problems in India.
3. What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
a. It (paragraph 1)
b. They (paragraph 2)
c. Them (paragraph 3)

Task 5: As part of the youth community, what would you like to change in Morocco?

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 3: Gifts of Youth Lesson 6: Writing

Task 1 A cause is something that makes something else happen (why did it happen?).

An Effect is what happens as a result of the cause (what happened?).

Fill in the following table with other cause-effect sentences.

Cause Effect

Yassine missed the bus He had to walk home

… …
… …

Task 2 Look at the transitions table (p: 21 of the booklet) and join these parts using the suggested
word to make meaningful sentences.

1. Daily exercises strengthen the heart / Many people who exercise daily have healthy hearts.
Many people who exercise daily have healthy hearts because daily exercises strengthen the heart.

2. Cake and candy are high in sugar / Cake and candy are bad for the teeth. (since)
3. I got home late / I missed my favorite show on TV. (As a result)
4. The country’s economic crisis / It has been very hard for families to pay bills. (Due to)

Task 3 Write an article to your school magazine, about the causes and effects of smoking among
the youth in your school. Make use of the outline, the learnt transitions, and the given ideas.

Paragraph 1: Introduction.
General Idea Cause Effect
Paragraph 2: Cause and effect 1 Family Problems Health Issues
Cause and effect 2 Bad Company Wasting Money
Cause and effect 3
Wrong Mentality No Future
Paragraph 3: Conclusion
To sum up, …

Task 4 Exchange your article with your partner, and correct each other’s mistakes.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 4: Women & Power Lesson 1: Introduction

Task 1: In groups of 4, answer the following questions and discuss your answers.
1. Can you name some of the very famous women in the world?
2. What makes them famous?
Task 2: In the same group, match these pictures with the right names.

- Touria Chaoui - Nawal El Moutawakel - Asmaa Boujibar

- Manal Benchlikha - Ihssane Benalluch - Merieme Chadid

Task 3: In the same group, match the previous names with the correspondent information.

… Astronomer and the 1st Arab woman to go to the North Pole.

… Geophysicist and NASA researcher
… Pop singer and songwriter
… Olympic athlete and the 1st African and Arab woman to win a medal.
… The 1st Moroccan and Arab woman to become a pilot
… Content Creator Youtuber and Journalist

Task 4: Empowering women is the act of giving women the power to make decisions.
Which of those does not help in the act of empowering women? (Group work)
- Women in politics - Gender inequality - Bias - Women education - Gender violence
- Equal rights - Social Exclusion - Opportunity - Free choice - Men dominance

Task 5: Do you think there are enough women in politics in Morocco? What is the solution to
make more women able to make decisions? (Answer as a group and report your answer)

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 4: Women & Power Lesson 2: Prefixes & Suffixes

Task 1: A prefix is a group of letters that we add at the beginning of a word to make a new word.
A suffix is a group of letters that we add at the end of a word to make a new word.

Antibiotic Acceptable
Prefix Root Root Suffix
With your partner, read the following passage and extract words with prefixes and suffixes.
In prehistory, dinosaurs were everywhere. They go hunt by day, and return to their caves by night.
Flying dinosaurs used to outnumber other species, and all dinosaurs coexisted together. Now, it is
possible to track their history. There are even cute and adorable dinosaurs.

Task 2: Match the following prefixes with their meaning.

Prefix Meaning
1. Dis: disadvantage a. After
2. Pre: Prehistory b. Again
3. Contra: Contradict c. More that
4. Anti: Antibiotic d. In a wrong way
5. Re: Return e. Not
6. Post: Postwar f. Before
7. Out: Outperform g. Together
8. Co: coexist h. Against
9. Mis: Misunderstand i. Opposite

Task 3: Read the suffix’ summary (p: 23 of booklets), and decide if these roots take ‘ible’ or ‘able’.
Desire – Suit - Incred – Rely – Elig – Measure – Vis – Ed – Believe – Fashion

Task 4: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prefixes from the list.
Re – Dis – Pre – Out – Mis
a. I …played this YouTube video so many times. I really love it.
b. Some people …use the power given to them.
c. Children should go to …school before elementary school.
d. The fans of the other team …number the fans of our team.
e. That goal was …allowed because the player was offside.

Task 5: Reuse the prefixes from the previous task to make your own sentences.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 4: Women & Power Lesson 3: Apologizing

Task 1: With you partner, read the following dialogue and answer the questions.
Boss: Hello Saad! This is the 1st time you come late. What happened?
Saad: I’m really sorry about being late. The bus took forever to arrive.
Boss: It’s fine; don’t apologize. Did you print the papers I told you about?
Saad: I must apologize about not printing them. I will print them this afternoon.
Boss: That’s alright: but make sure to print them today.
Saad: Absolutely 4. Where are Saad and the boss?
5. Why was Saad late?
6. When will Saad print the papers?

Task 2: Fill in the table with expressions from the dialogue, and add more expressions.

Apologizing Accepting an Apology

… …
… …

Task 3: Underline the mistakes in each of the following sentences.

6. I’m really sorry about eat your food.
7. I must apologize for bring my kids to the party.
8. Forgive me, I didn’t mean to breaking the vase.
9. I deeply regret that broke the vase.

Task 4: Complete the following dialogues with apologies.

a. You shouldn’t have told your mom. c. Why did you let the TV on? e. You lost all our money!
b. ………………………………. d. …………………………. f. ……………………….

Task 5: Role Play

With your partner, role play the following situations by apologizing and accepting apologies.
Example: You didn’t do the homework the teacher gave you.
A: I deeply regret that I forgot about the homework.
B: That’s ok. Bring it next time.
1. You told your friend that he took your textbook, but it wasn’t him.
2. You had a meeting at the company but you didn’t arrive on time.
3. You used your brother’s laptop and you broke it.
4. You forgot about your friend’s birthday.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 4: Women & Power Lesson 4: The Passive Voice

Task 1: With your partner, complete the tables with the missing forms. (Use the booklet)
Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

Speak …………….. …………….. Write …………….. ……………..

…………….. …………….. Seen ………… …………….. Done

…………….. Ate …………….. …………….. Played ……………..

Task 2: 1. Look at the sentences and extract its elements.

Sentence Subject Action Verb Tense Object

Ahmed eats dinner Ahmed Eats Present Simple Dinner

We made cheese from milk

They are building a big library here

2. Look at this transformation and deduce the rule of the passive voice.
Ahmed eats dinner Dinner is eaten by Ahmed

S+V+O ……………. + ……………… + ………………. + ………….. + ………..

Task 3: Read the summary (p: 25 of booklets), and rewrite the following sentences using the passive.
1. The employees have cancelled our flight.
Our flight …………………………………………………………………………….

2. They had offered Mary the job but she refused it.
Mary …………………………………………………………………………………

3. Mr. Aymen’s colleagues will give him a present when he is promoted.

Mr. Aymen …………………………………………………………………………...

4. Many people think that globalization has more drawbacks than positives.
It is …………………………………………………………………………………...

5. Jalal must finish the plate of vegetables.

The plate of vegetables ………………………………………………………………

Task 4: Rewrite the following sentences using 2 different sentences in the passive (+2!)

1. Mr. Ahmed’s colleagues gave him a present when he got promoted.

2. I think we should give our teachers respect.

Task 5: With your partner, come up with 4 sentences using the passive voice in different tenses.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 4: Women & Power Lesson 5: Reading

Task 1: With your partner, answer the following questions.

1. When is International’s Women’s Day? (You can use Google).

2. Do Moroccans celebrate International Women’s Day? How do you celebrate it?

Task 2: Match each vocabulary item with the appropriate picture.

Social Protests Parties Gifts Sanction

Task 3: Read the text in order to give it a title.

International Women's Day (IWD) is marked on March 8TH. Countries around the world celebrate IWD to give credit
to the economic, political and social achievements of women. The IWD was first celebrated on 19 TH March, 1911 in
Germany. But it's only in the beginning of the 20th century that the day was officially acknowledged due to the rapid
industrialization and the social protest.
On this day, women are usually given flowers and gifts. It is also celebrated as an equivalent of Mother's Day
in some countries. Children also give small gifts to their mothers and grandmothers. In countries like Portugal, it is
customary, at the night of 8 March, for groups of women to celebrate the holiday with women-only dinners and parties.
In 1975, the United Nations gave official sanction and it started financing International Women's Day
Task 4: Do the following activities.

1. Are these statements true or false? Justify.

a. IWD was internationally recognized because of social media.
b. IWD is the same as women’s day.
c. The United Nations gives money to support IWD.
2. Complete the following sentences.
a. In Germany, …
b. In Portugal, …
c. In the beginning of the 20th century, …
3. Put the following events in the correct order according to the text.
a. IWD was internationally acknowledged.
b. The United Nations gave credit to IWD.
c. First celebration of IWD.
4. What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
a. It (paragraph 2)
b. It (paragraph 2)

Task 5: In your opinion, why is IWD more famous than IMD?

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 4: Women & Power Lesson 6: Writing

Task 1 In groups of 4, read the following question and complete the mind map.

How can we benefit from women participation in development?

In Economy

1. ………..
Women’s Participation 2. ………..
in Development 3. …………
In Politics

1. ………….. In Society
2. …………..
1. …………
3. …………..
2. …………
3. …………

Task 2 Share your ideas with the whole class.

Task 3 Using the mind map, write the first draft of your essay. Swap your paper with another
group and check these points.

1. Is the introduction interesting?

2. Are the paragraphs well organized?
3. Are the ideas good?
4. Are there any examples and details?
5. Does the conclusion include a summary?

Task 4 Get your paper back, and rewrite your essay.

Task 5 After revising your essay, check the following points.

1. Spelling mistakes.
2. Punctuation mistakes.
3. Grammar mistakes.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui

Teacher: Mohammed Bekkaoui Level: 2st Bac, SP Name: …………………………………………………………

School: Al Quods Class: Number: ………

Quiz 2 (Semester 1) – Model A
Quiz 2 (Semester 1) Date: Duration: 30 min

I. Reading (10 pts)

Read the following text and do the related exercises.

For any kind of revolution or growth for a country, the youth is a requirement. They stand as a bridge between
the passing generation and the future generations. The youth does have influence in every sector they are in. Be it
politics, economic development, nation building, combating corruption and so on. How do they have so much of
influence is one factor that needs to be understood. They are nearly 50 % of the developing world; they represent a
challenge and an opportunity for the future developments.
Youth participation in developments would strengthen young people`s abilities. This helps in promoting
ownership, leadership, pride, willingness to learn, and thinking outside the box. By raising voices and taking a bold
step, they fear nothing in front of them and they strive to attain the target that they have set for themselves for the
nation. Youth is the strength of today and the expectation of tomorrow. As Mandela put it: “the youth of today are
the leaders of tomorrow”.

1. Give a title to the text (1 pt.): (“The youth” in not acceptable) ………………………………………………………
2. Are these statements true or false? Justify. (3 pts)
a. The youth connect generations.
b. The youth influence a lot of sectors.
c. Youth have a lot of fears.
3. Answer the following questions. (4 pts)
a. What sectors do youth influence? …………………………………………………………………………..
b. What is the percentage of youth in developing world? ………………………..……………………………………..
c. How can youth attain their target? …………………………………………………………………………..
d. Can you extract 4 youth characteristics? …………………………………………………………………………..
4. Find in the text words that mean almost the same as: (2 pts)
a. Field (paragraph 1): ………………………………
b. Desire (paragraph 2): ……………………………
II. Writing (10 pts)

Write a letter to your favorite female teacher, telling her about all the nice skills and characteristics she has.

Dear Mrs. ………………….


L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui

Teacher: Mohammed Bekkaoui Level: 2st Bac, SP 32
Name: …………………………………………………………

School: Al Quods Class: Number: ………

Quiz 2 (Semester 1) Quiz

Date: 2 (Semester 1) – Model
Duration: 30 min B

I. Reading (10 pts)

Read the following text and do the related exercises.

Women Empowerment is empowering women with all the rights and facilities in the society so that they can
live freely without any fear and restriction. Women should get proper rights in society like a man without any gender
discrimination between men and women. Empowerment includes the action of raising the status of women through
education, raising awareness, literacy, and training. Women’s empowerment is all about equipping and allowing
women to make life-determining decisions about society.

Now, women have started participating in almost all activities such as education, politics, sports, media, art,
service sectors, science, and technology, etc. However, because of the deeply-rooted mentality, they are still being
tortured, victimized, exploited and humiliated. Without the equal inclusion of women in development, women would
not be able to benefit or contribute to the development of the country.
1. Give a title to the text (1 pt.): …………………………………………………………………………..
2. Are these statements true or false? Justify. (3 pts)
a. Women should be equal to men.
b. Education is one way to empower women.
c. Women don’t participate in politics. …………………………………………………………………………...
3. Answer the following questions. (3 pts)
a. How can we empower women? …………………………………………………………………………..
b. What are the fields in which women participate? …… ………………………..……………………………………..
c. Why are women still tortured? …………………………………………………………………………..
4. Find in the text words that mean almost the same as: (3 pts)
a. Letting (paragraph 1): ………………………………
b. Begin (paragraph 2): ……………………………….
c. Like (paragraph 2): …………………………………
II. Writing (10 pts)

Write a letter to your young idol, telling them their characteristics, and why you like them.

Dear ………………….

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 5: Advances in Science & Technology Lesson 1: Introduction

Task 1: With your partner, group the following words into 2 categories: Science and Technology.

Biology – Physics – Laptop – Virtual Headset – Chemistry – Robot –

Mathematics – Geology – Flat TV – Astronomy – Projector – iPhone

Science Technology
… …

Task 2: With your partner, write a sentence to show the relationship between science & technology.

Task 3: With your partner, match the technological tools with their names.
Interactive Whiteboard – Robot – Brain scanner – Satellite – Earbuds – Telescope – Credit card –
Nuclear plant – Vacuum cleaner.

Task 4: With your partner, match the previous technological tools with the following areas:
Telecommunication – Astronomy – Education – Energy – Industry – Music –
Medicine – Banking – Housing

Task 5: Answer the following questions:

1. What is the technological tool that you use the most?
2. How often do you use it?
3. Why do you use it?

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 5: Advances in Science & Technology Lesson 2: Vocabulary

Task 1: With your partner, extract the words that are related to ‘Science and Technology’ from
the following list. (There are 9).

Networking – Hat – Wish – Apartment – Hacking – Development – Eating –

Access – Electronic – Anime – Inventing – Addiction – Chair – Sun – Global –

Task 2: Fill in the table with the words you extracted based on their definitions

Word Definition Example

… Relating to the whole world; worldwide. Facebook had become a … community.
… The process of growing and becoming better. Science is the engine of … development.
… Gaining unauthorized access to a computer system A man in Japan … several banks.
… Operating with electricity. Skype is an … platform.
… The means to enter a place. I have free … to online libraries.
… Creating something new. Scientists … a new phone.
… Based in the principles of science. Technology needs … experiments.
… Being addicted to an activity. Social media may cause …
… Using the internet to interact. My favorite hobby is ….

Task 3: Group the previous words into the correspondent parts of speech.

Verbs Adjectives Nouns

… … …
… … …
… … …

Task 4: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list.
Invent – Hack – Scientific – Addiction
a. I begged my brother to …………………. a Facebook account, but he couldn’t.
b. An academic research must follow ………………… procedure.
c. Nowadays, many video games may lead to ………………………
d. Biologist were trying to ……………………... a cure to Coronavirus.

Task 5: With your partner, come up with 4 sentences in which you use different words related to
science and technology.
Example: Electronic earbuds are a new way of cheating in exams.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 5: Advances in Science & Technology Lesson 3: Opinions

Task 1: Complete the following exchanges with agreement and disagreement expressions.
- A: What do you think about the new video games?
- B: Personally speaking, I think that they are a huge waste of time.
- A: ……………………………………….
- A: Do you believe that there will be flying cars in the future.
- B: I am convinced that scientists will invent them very soon.
- A: ……………………………………….
- A: What do you have to say about global warming?
- B: It is my belief that it is a serious matter that should be addressed immediately.
- A: ……………………………………….

Task 2: Fill in the table with expressions from the dialogue, and add more expressions.

Asking for Opinion Expressing Opinion (Informal) Expressing Opinion (Formal)

… … …
… … …

Task 3: Spot the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. Do you believe that K-pop?
2. I am convinced about English is the best language.
3. Its my believe that Coronavirus is dangerous.
4. Are you for or against watch TV every day?
5. I beleve that millionaires should donate.

Task 4: Complete the following dialogues appropriately.

a. What do you think about legalizing weed?

b. …………………………………………..

c. ………………………………………….
d. Personally speaking, I think that Messi is better than Ronaldo.

e. What do you have to say about people who buy expensive clothes?
f. …………………………………………

Task 5: Role Play

With your partner, role play dialogues in which you ask for and express opinion.
Example: A: What’s your opinion about American movies?
B: If you ask me, they are the best movies in the world.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 5: Advances in Science & Technology Lesson 4: Future Perfect

Task 1: Read the following passage and give it a title.

Next year, scientists will start a new project to develop flying cars! By 2025, they
will have invented the first flying car ever. They will try a new mechanism to
make cars fly. Before 2023, the group of scientists will have finished a prototype.
In 20 or 30 years, everyone will have bought a flying car. They will be very happy.

Task 2: With your partner, extract all verbs from the passage, and complete the table.

Sentence Subject Auxiliary Verb Object Tense

Scientists will start a new project Scientists will start a new project Future Simple
… they … … … …
… … … try … …
… … will have … … …
… … … … … Future Perfect
… … … … very happy …

Task 3: Read the summary (p; 31 of booklets), and extract the adverbials that go with future perfect.
1. …………. Example: ………………….......................................................................
2. …………. Example: ………………….......................................................................
3. …………. Example: ………………….......................................................................

Task 4: Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tense (Future Simple vs Future Perfect).
1. I ……………………. (study) hard, and in 6 years, I …………………... (become) a doctor.
2. Before summer, Ahmed ……………………………… (gain) more weight.
3. Stop talking nonsense or we ……………………………… (leave)!
4. By the time Amina arrives, Mohammed ……………………………. (eat) that sandwich.
5. This time next Wednesday, I ……………………. (fly) to Casablanca.

Task 5: With your partner, come up with 4 sentences in which you use the Future Perfect
Example: - In 6 months, I will have got my Baccalaureate degree.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 5: Advances in Science & Technology Lesson 5: Reading

Task 1: With your partner, answer the following questions.

1. What are the main technological tools that you use?
2. What are some advantages of technology?
3. What are some disadvantages of technology?
Task 2: Match each vocabulary item with the appropriate picture.

Obese Laundry Busy Gadgets

Task 3: Read the text in order to give it a title.

Modern technology is changing our lives. Smart gadgets make everyday activities easy. But is technology a positive
thing? People have become busy. Technological advances mean that things are possible with one click away. A hundred
years ago, things were different. Everyday jobs, like doing the laundry, would take a whole day, and the telephone was
a new invention!
Research shows that around 28% of children in the UK are obese. People think that this is because they spend
too much time online and not enough time playing outside with friends
There are many benefits of using technology but we need to be responsible of the choices we make. Modern
equipment is very expensive and does not last a long time. It is important to consider how much we really need these
things and the impact they have on our health.

Task 4: Do the following activities.

1. Answer the following questions.

a. In the past how much time did it take to do the laundry?
b. Why are some children from the UK obese?
c. What should we consider when buying new equipment?
2. Find in the text words that mean the same as:
a. New (paragraph 1)
b. Kids (paragraph 2)
c. Advantages (paragraph 3)
3. What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
a. They (paragraph 2)
b. They (paragraph 3)
Task 5: When you become a father or a mother, how would you monitor your children’s use of
the mobile phone?

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 5: Advances in Science & Technology Lesson 6: Writing

Task 1 Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tense (Future Simple vs Future Perfect)

A: Do you think everything …………. (be) clean when I get back from work?

B: By the time you get back, I …………(pick) up the house and …………. (finish) the laundry.

A: I hope so. The guests …………. (arrive) at 6:00.

B: In 2 hours, everything …………… (be) spotless.

Task 2 Complete the list with elements we use to describe an object.

- Color
- Size
- …
- …
- …
- …
- …

Task 3 Write a paragraph to a science magazine, in which you describe the new technological
tool that will be invented in 2050. Try to answer these questions:

- what is it?
- How does it work?
- It is useful?
- How?
- How much does it cost?

1. Respect the format of a paragraph.

2. Respect Capitalization.
3. Respect Punctuation.
4. Use the future tense (Simple and Perfect).

Task 4 Exchange your paragraph with your partner, and correct each other’s mistakes.

Task 5 Edit you paragraph and read it in front of the class.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Global Test (Semester 1)

I. Reading Comprehension (7p)

Read the text, and answer the comprehension questions.

Today, technology is a subject of debate because it is considered to be a double-edged sword. While it has helped
humanity in extending its potential with outstanding inventions, it is nonetheless threatening humankind through some
other destructive ones. In addition to polluting the earth in unprecedented ways, wars have become more and more
devastating due to technological inventions.
Furthermore, Ethical dimensions of recent technological developments, such as DNA
engineering, have become a focal point of questioning and discussion. Philosophical
debates have arisen over the use of technology, with disagreements over whether
technology improves the human condition or worsens it.
To make matters worse, a consensus definition of technology has become more difficult
to find due to recent evolution in science and its applications. It is especially confusing
to decide whether technology refers to the machines (or more precisely the hardware), the rules that govern or make
them work, the system that operates them or the different applications of science that are related to them. What is sure
is that technology has shaped societies and adapted itself to people's changing needs.

1. Choose the best title for the passage: ………………………………………………...… (1p)

2. Answer these questions:
a. What are the 3 areas in which technology threatens humankind?
b. What is humans’ standpoint concerning DNA engineering?
c. What does technology refer to?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. (1p)
3. Find in the text words that mean the same as:
a. Unmatched (paragraph 1): ………………………………………………………………... (0,5p)
b. Central (paragraph 2): ……………………………………………………………………. (0,5p)
c. Advancement (paragraph 3): ……………………………………………………………... (0,5p)
4. What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
a. It (paragraph 1): …………………………………………………………………………... (0,5p)
b. It (paragraph 2): …………………………………………………………………………... (0,5p)
c. Them (paragraph 3): ……………………………………………………………………… (0,5p)
II. Language (7p)
1. Fill in each gap with the appropriate idiomatic expression from the list (2p).
In the bag – A dead loss – With flying colors – A piece of cake
If I keep getting good grades, I will get my baccalaureate degree ……………….……………………. I
do very well in philosophy, but when it comes to Math, I am ………………………………….
However, the last math test was ………………………… I am sure that a good grade is

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


2. Begin the sentences with the words given (1p):

a. Ahmed and Younes ate the cake without their mother’s permission.
The cake …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
b. Iran and U.S.A are preparing a war.
A war …………………………………………………………………………………………………...
3. Fill in each blank with the appropriate phrasal verb from the list (2p)
log out – Take out – hand in – pass out
a. When you finish reading your emails, you should………………………………………………..
b. Don’t forget to …………………..….. the trash on your way out.
c. When Amina receives her mark, she will …………………………………………………
d. Our teacher always tells us to …………………………………………the assignments in time.
4. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form of future perfect (1p).
a. Before 2021, I (take) ……………………………………………………… the driving license.
b. In no more than 6 years, Ahmed ………………………………… (buy) the car of his dreams.
5. Write an appropriate response to the following situations (1p).
a. Your neighbor is making too much noise. (making a complaint)
b. You came to work very late. (apologizing)
III. Writing (6p)

Write an email to your English friend, telling him about your favorite things about the Moroccan

Dear Jonathan;



L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 6: Humour Lesson 1: Introduction

Task 1: Watch the video to answer the following questions.
1. Who is the man?
2. What does he do?
3. Where is he?
4. What is the funniest part of the video?
Task 2: Complete the following mind map.


Task 3: Classify the following words into their appropriate part of speech

Comedy Cracking a Amusing Smiling Funny Kidding Gag

Sense of Droll Laughingstock Comedian Laughing Laugher Joking
Hilarious Silly Making a Joke Sarcastic Ironic Joke Mocking

Nouns: Verbs: Adjectives:

Task 4: Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the list.

Gags – Sense of Humour – Cracking – Mocking – Silly – Hilarious

Yesterday, I went to the cinema to watch a comedy movie. The film was full of ………………..., and
actors were ………………. Jokes. They were also ……………………... each other. The main actor was
doing some …………………… and …………………... movements. He showed that he has a great

Task 5: Translate the following jokes into Arabic.

Teacher: What Happened In 1809? Teacher: Conjugate the Verb One day, the teacher told Anas
Student: Abraham Lincoln Was “To Walk” In Simple Present. that his mother helped him with
Born. Student: I Walk. You Walk …. his homework.
Teacher: What Happened In 1819? Teacher: Quicker Please. Anas Simply Said: “No, she did
Student: Abraham Lincoln was ten Student: I Run. You Run … it all by herself!”
years old.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 6: Humour Lesson 2: Make vs Do

Task 1: Read the following paragraph, and do the true/false activity.

My neighbor always makes noise, especially when he does dishes. Tomorrow, I will make a call
to him, and tell him to cut the noise! If he doesn’t understand, I will make him a promise that
I will do him harm! I did him a lot of favors in the past, but he doesn’t respect me! He doesn’t
even want to lend me money, even if I’m broke and I need to do business to make money.

1. The neighbor is very quiet.

2. The writer is rich.
3. The writer is angry.
Task 2: Fill in the table with the words that make collocations with ‘make’ and ‘do’ (from the text).
Make Do

Add the following words to the table.

A mess – A mistake – Housework – The bed – A test – Shopping – A wish – A speech – Hair –
Research -Nothing – A suggestion – An effort - Money

Task 3: Put the verbs ‘make’ and ‘do’ in the following tenses.

Past Simple Present Simple Future Simple

……………………………. ……………………………. …………………………….
Past Continuous Present Continuous Future Continuous
……………………………. ……………………………. …………………………….
Past Perfect Present Perfect Future Perfect
……………………………. ……………………………. …………………………….

Task 4: Fill in the gaps with hot verbs (make or do), and make any necessary changes.
a. Don’t …………… a promise you cannot keep.
b. If you don’t want to help me, at least don’t ……… me harm.
c. No that’s it! I ……… you too many favors in the past!
d. I couldn’t sleep yesterday, my neighbor was ………… so much noise

Task 5: With your partner, come up with 4 sentences in which you use different collocations
with hot verbs.
Example: In 2070, everyone will be doing shopping online.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 6: Humour Lesson 3: Agreeing & Disagreeing

Task 1: Read the following dialogue, and answer the question.

Ahmed: I hate the TV; I think it is a waste of time.
Younes: I think you are right. And it reduces our family time. 1. Do you think TV is boring? Why
or why not?
Ahmed: That’s true. But some shows are interesting.
2. What do you watch on TV?
Younes: I’m afraid I disagree. All shows are the same. 3. Do you think that TV is
important in your life?
Ahmed: I don’t think so. Some family shows are funny.
Younes: I’d say the exact opposite, family shows are the worst. But movies are quite good.
Ahmed: Absolutely.

Task 2: Fill in the table with expressions from the dialogue, and add more expressions.

Agreeing Disagreeing
… …
… …
… …

Task 3: Look at the mini-dialogues, and decide whether they include agreement or
The teacher is required to show mini dialogues.

Task 4: Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Provide reasons.

1. Casablanca is the best Moroccan city.

2. Instagram is better than Facebook.
3. Both men and women can put make-up.
4. Physics is more complicated than Math.
5. Humour is important in our lives.

Task 5: Role Play

With your partner, role play dialogues in which you ask for and express opinion, then
you either agree or disagree.
Example: A: What’s your opinion about American movies?
B: If you ask me, they are the best movies in the world.
A: I totally agree with you.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 6: Humour Lesson 4: Conditional type III

Task 1: Read the story to answer the questions.

On the night of the exam, Ahmed decided to work hard to prepare for it. But that night, there
was a football game between Barcelona and Real Madrid. Ahmed decided to watch the game
instead of preparing for the exam. Ahmed watched the game and went to sleep. The next
day, Ahmed did not do well in the exam, and he got 2/20. If Ahmed had prepared for the
exam, he could have got 18/20.

1. What did Ahmed do the night of the exam?

2. How much did Ahmed get in the exam?
3. How much did Ahmed could have got?
Task 2: Read the following sentences to extract the rules of Conditional Type III.
❖ If Ahmed had prepared for the exam, he could have got 18/20
If +
❖ If Id Ahmed hadn’t watched the game, he would have prepared for the exam.
If +
❖ If Ahmed had wanted to pass the exam, he should have prepared.
If +

Task 3: Read the summary (from the booklet), and match the If Clauses with the Main Clauses.
1. If Jamal had driven carefully, a. The children should have played outside
2. If Ahlam had come on time, b. He wouldn’t have had an accident
3. If my parents had spoken to me, c. I couldn’t have left the house.
4. If their mother had allowed them, d. She could have eaten the cake.

Task 4: Rewrite the following sentence using Conditional Type III.

a. I did not call you because I did not check my phone.
b. Kamal crashed his car because he fell asleep while driving.
c. I lost my job because I was always late.
d. I couldn’t call Issam because I had lost his number.

Task 5: Use Conditional Type III to talk about your major regrets in life.
Example: If I had paid attention to my wallet, I wouldn’t have lost it.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 6: Humour Lesson 5: Reading

Task 1: With your partner, answer the following questions.

4. What are some benefits of humour?

5. Do you consider yourself a funny person or a boring person?
6. When was the last time you laughed hard? What happened?

Task 2: Match each vocabulary item with the appropriate picture.

Blood Release Muscles Sedative

Task 3: Read the text in order to give it a title.

Humour is any human communication which makes people laugh or feel happy. It is the ability or quality of people to
summon feelings of amusement in other people. Who does not enjoy a great laugh whenever possible? Laughter is a
great medicine and one of the most positive human emotions. Not only does it strengthen our immune system, but it
releases beneficial hormones that refresh us, calm our nerves, reduce tension and stimulate creativity.
Many researchers, including Drs. Lee Berk and Stanley Tan, have studied the benefits of laughter and humor.
They have published studies that show that laughing lowers blood pressure, reduces anxiety, relaxes muscles, and
strengthens the immune system. Apart from the significant medical benefits of laughter, all of us enjoy having a good
laugh. And we enjoy being around people who make us laugh. Laughter can release negative tensions both physically
and psychologically. It is a wonderful natural sedative.

Task 4: Do the following activities.

1. Choose the best title.

a. Definition of Humour. b. Benefits of Humour. c. Research on Humour.
2. Answer the following questions.
a. What is humour?
b. Mention 5 advantages of humour.
3. Pick out from the text sentences or phrases which show that:
a. Everyone enjoys laughing.
b. Humour is a positive drug.
4. What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
a. They (paragraph 3)
b. We (paragraph 4)

Task 5: Tell us a funny story that happened to you.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 6: Humour Lesson 6: Writing

Task 1 With your partner, complete the following mind map with the appropriate ideas.

Mentally Physically


Task 2 Complete the following table with the appropriate transition words.

Transition Words
To add big ideas To add details To conclude
First of all, Also, All things together,

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

Task 3 Make use of the outline (booklets, page:39) to write an essay, for a comedy magazine,
about the numerous benefits of humour.

1. Respect the format of an essay.

2. Respect Capitalization.
3. Respect Punctuation.

Task 4 Exchange your essay with your partner, and correct each other’s mistakes.

Task 5 Edit you essay and read it in front of the class.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 7: Citizenship Lesson 1: Introduction

Task 1: Watch the video to answer the following questions.
1. How many people did the man help?
2. Why does he help others?
3. Do you often help others? Why or why not?

Task 2: Complete the following mind map.


Task 3: Match phrases from the 2 columns to make appropriate citizenship values.

1. Voicing a. Others
2. Respecting b. Work
3. Working with c. Responsibility
4. Obey d. The law
5. Care about e. Opinion
6. Voluntary f. The environment
7. Participating in g. Associations
8. Taking h. Community Service
Task 4: Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the list.

Voicing Opinion – Respecting others – Obeying the Law – Taking

- Voting is one type of …………………………………………...
- That guy is driving over the speed limit! He is not …………………………………………
- When you become 18 years old, you need to start …………………………………………
- Our religion insisted on …………………………………………………
Task 5: Finish the following statements.

I am a good citizen because …………………………………………………………………….

I am not a good citizen because ……………………………………………………………….

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 7: Citizenship Lesson 2: Idioms (2)

Task 1: With your partner, read the following passage and answer the questions.

Last month, we had a test in Physics, but I didn’t prepare anything because I was on the go with the Math test. The night
before the exam, I crammed 6 lessons! Before the exam, I felt blue. Yet, the exam was a piece of cake, and all the class
got good marks.
• Why didn’t Ahmed prepare for the Physics exam?
• How did Ahmed feel before the exam?
• How was the test?
• There are 4 idioms in the paragraph. Can you extract all of them?
Task 2: Translate the following idioms into English, and provide their meaning.
Idiomatic Expression (In Arabic) Translation Meaning
‫ظريف كالقطة‬ … …
… …
‫أعمى كالخفاش‬ … …
‫أسرع من البرق‬ … …
… …
‫يقتل الوقت‬ … …
‫كان عليه أن يعض لسانه‬. … …

Task 3: Match the following idiomatic expressions with their meaning.

1. A piece of cake A. Rain heavily
2. On the go B. Learn a lot of things in a short time
3. To cram C. To irritate someone
4. To keep fingers crossed D. To feel sad and depressed
5. To get on nerves E. Very busy
6. To be green F. To hope for the best
7. To feel blue G. To be inexperienced
8. Rain cats and dogs H. Very easy

Task 4: With your partner, Fill in the gaps with the appropriate idiomatic expressions from the list.
A piece of cake – Gets on nerves – Green – Feeling blue
a. Why didn’t you go out today? Are you …………………………………………?
b. I really don’t know how to treat this program! I’m really ………….…… in this.
c. Come on! Don’t practice too much; the match will be ………………………………
d. Can you please change this song? It really ………………………………………...
Task 5: With your partner, come up with 5 sentences in which you use different idioms.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 7: Citizenship Lesson 3: Expressing Regret

Task 1: Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.

Yassine was a good student, he was excellent in Math and Physics. But when he turned
17, he became friends with some bad company. They taught him many bad habits, like
smoking and gambling. The following year, he didn’t pass the National Exam. As a result,
he dropped out of school. Now, he is living in the streets and no one cares about him.
- If only Yassine hadn’t become friends with the bad company.
- I wish Yassine had focused on his studies.
- If Yassine had finished his studies, he wouldn’t have become homeless.
1. What were Yassine’s favourite subjects?
2. What habits did Yassine learn?
3. Why did Yassine drop out of school?
Task 2: Read the sentences in bold in the dialogue, and complete the following regret expressions.
If only + ………………... + ………………... + ………………...
Example: If I only I had chosen to become a doctor.
I wish + ………………... +………………...+………………...
Example: I wish my father had brought me some food.

Task 3: Read the lesson’s summary (page 42, and spot the mistakes in the following sentences.
1. My wallet was stolen. I wish I have seen the thief.
2. Barcelona lost the game! If only Messi had be in good shape.
3. I wish I had ate that delicious pizza.
4. Someone dropped 100$. If only I had finded it.
Task 4: Use different regret expressions to react to the following situations.
1. You wasted too much time on Facebook. (If only)
2. You missed your friend’s birthday. (I wish)
3. You didn’t do your homework. (I regret)
4. You did not get +2 because you did not participate in the class. (Conditional Type 3)

Task 5: Use the different regret expressions that we learned in order to

speak about your major regrets in life.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 7: Citizenship Lesson 4: Reported Speech

Task 1: Read the two versions of the interaction, and fill in the table that follows.

- Jamal: “I watched 2 movies yesterday”. Jamal said that he had watched 2 movies the
- Anas: “I don’t like movies, I love series”. previous day. Then, Anas said that he didn’t
- Jamal: “What is your favorite series?”. like movies, he loved series. Next, Jamal asked
- Anas: “My favorite series is prison break”. what was his favorite series. Anas said that his
- Jamal: “Do you like superhero movies?” favorite series is prison break. Jamal asked if
- Anas: “Yes, I do”. he liked superhero movies. Anas said that he
- Jamal: “Let’s go to the cinema to watch did. Finally, Jamal suggested going to the
Spider-man” cinema to watch Spider-man. However, Anas
- Anas: “I must clean the house”. said that he had to clean the house

Direct Speech Reported Speech

Jamal: “I watched 2 movies yesterday”. Jamal said that he had watched 2 movies the previous day
… …
… …

Task 2: Use the sentences to complete the following tables and check your answers using the booklet.
Tenses Modal Verbs Adverbials
Direct Reported Direct Reported Direct Reported
Present … Can … Now …
Past … May … Here …
Past Perfect … Might … This …
Future … Must … These …
Have to … Today …
Should … Yesterday …

Task 3: Spot the mistakes in the following reported sentences.

a. Ahmed: “Why are you late?” b. Samira: “How about we do some shopping?”
Ahmed asked me whey I had been late?” Samira suggested to do some shopping.
b. Souad: “I promise to give you some money”. d. Aissa: “Can I play with you?”
Souad promised to give you some money. Aissa asked if he could played with me.

Task 4: Report the following speeches.

a. Amal: “I want breakfast here and now!” b. Younes: “Let’s bring food from this market”.
c. Teachers: “We have designed the tests yesterday”. d. Ayman: “did you eat all the food?’.
“The investment plans did not reduce unemployment,” the minister said.
The minister admitted that . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

Task 5: Let you friend say something, and report his/her sentences.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 7: Citizenship Lesson 5: Reading

Task 1: With your partner, answer the following questions.

1. What are some citizenship qualities?

2. In your opinion, what is the most important citizenship quality? Why?
3. What are the citizenship qualities that you have?
Task 2: Match each vocabulary item with the appropriate picture.

Patriotism Betray Authority Progress

Task 3: Read the text in order to give it a title.

To be a good citizen is not an easy task. It involves many characteristics and qualities that the citizen should
have. Firstly, good citizens always obey the law and authority. Also, they perform civic duties to help their communities.
A good citizen is also expected to love his or her country, and show patriotism. Another quality is respecting others and
their properties. Furthermore, good citizens are honest and trustworthy; that is, they won’t betray you. In addition to
that, a good citizen is tolerant, responsible, morally courageous, and self-disciplined. Finally, citizens who want to be a
model should be active and productive members in society; they should be involved in politics, in a way or another.
But more importantly, they should possess personal qualities such as kindness and generosity. In a nutshell, it is a great
honor to be a good citizen, and to set a model for other people to follow. By doing so, we will see progress in our
communities, and it will be fast.

Task 4: Do the following activities.

1. Choose the best title.

a. Citizenship in the 21st century.
b. Benefits of good citizens.
c. Qualities of a good citizen.
2. Answer these questions.
a. Is being a good citizen an easy thing? Why?
b. State 5 qualities of a good citizen mentioned in the text.
c. Why should we be good citizens?
3. What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
a. They b. It
4. Find in the text words that mean almost the same as:
a. Features b.Societies

Task 5: In your opinion, what are the benefits of being a good citizen?

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 7: Citizenship Lesson 6: Writing

Task 1 With your partner, complete the following mind map with the appropriate ideas.


Task 2 Complete the following table with the appropriate ideas

Voluntary Work

Pros Cons
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

Task 3 Make use of the table to write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of
voluntary work

1. Respect the format of an essay.

2. Respect Capitalization.
3. Respect Punctuation.

Task 4 Exchange your essay with your partner and correct each other’s mistakes.

Task 5 Edit you essay and read it in front of the class.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui

Teacher: Mohammed Bekkaoui Level: 2nd Baccalaureate 53
Name: ………………………………………………………

School: Al Quods Class: ………………… Number: ………

Semester 2 - Quiz 1
Quiz 1 (Semester 2) –Duration:
Date: ……………………
Model A
30 min

I. Vocabulary (7 pts)
1. Match the hot verbs (make and do) with the appropriate words, to make collocations. (3pts)

A promise
A call
Make Hair
Do A job
A mistake
2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate idiomatic expression from the list. (2 pts)
On the go – Green – Feel Blue – A piece of cake – Cram – Keep Fingers Crossed
a. This quiz is ……………………………...! I will definitely get a good grade.
b. In Ramadan, women have a lot of things to do. They are always …………………………………
c. I ………………………………. today. I can’t go out with you.
d. Can you ……………………………. the syllabus in 2 weeks?! That is impossible!
3. Mention 3 benefits of humour and 3 citizenship values. (2 pts)
a. Benefits of humour: ………………………………………………………………………………….
b. Citizenship values: …………………………………………………………………………………...
II. Grammar (7 pts)
1. Rewrite the following sentences using Conditional Type 3. (3 pts)
a. Jamal did not attend school because he was very sick.
If ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
b. Ayman did not have enough money. So, he didn’t go with his friend to the park.
If ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
c. I read the book because the salesman gave it to me for free.
If ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Report the following statements. (4 pts)
a. Anwar: “The headmaster is going to send the letter to the ministry tomorrow”
Anwar said that ……………………………………………………………………………………….
b. Fatima: “Did you see Will Smith slapping Chris Rock?”
Fatima asked me ……………………………………………………………………………………...
c. Hamza: “when will you visit your grandparents?”
Hamza asked me ………………………………………………………………………………………
d. Yasmine: “how about we give these books to charity?”
Yasmine suggested ……………………………………………………………………………………

III. Functions (6 pts) Complete the following dialogues appropriately.

A: Voluntary work is just a waste of A: You didn’t do well in the test A: You didn’t sleep early because you
time. because you did not revise lessons. watched 3 movies!
B: ………………………………….... B: ……………………………………. B: …………………………………….
……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….
……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….

(Disagree and Express Opinion) (Express Regret: If only) (Express Regret: CT3)

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui

Teacher: Mohammed Bekkaoui Level: 2nd Baccalaureate 54
Name: ………………………………………………………

School: Al Quods Class: ………………… Number: ………

Semester 2 - Quiz 1 Quiz 1 (Semester 2) Duration:

Date: …………………… – Model B
30 min

I. Vocabulary (7 pts)
1. Match the hot verbs (make and do) with the appropriate words, to make collocations. (3pts)

A favour
A promise
Make Business
Do The dishes
2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate idiomatic expression from the list. (2 pts)
On the go – Green – Feel Blue – A piece of cake – Cram – Keep Fingers Crossed
a. I hope Sara make it to the airport at time. …………………………..…………….
b. You don’t know how to turn on a computer?! You are really ………………………………. in technology.
c. Tomorrow, I will be …………………………………… I have a lot of things to do.
d. Barcelona beat Real Madrid 4-0. The game was ……………………………………... for them.
3. Mention 3 benefits of humour and 3 citizenship values. (2 pts)
a. Benefits of humour: ………………………………………………………………………………….
b. Citizenship values: …………………………………………………………………………………...
II. Grammar (7 pts)
1. Rewrite the following sentences using Conditional Type 3. (3 pts)
a. Jamal did not pay the bills because he didn’t have money.
If ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
b. Ayman didn’t call me because he lost my number.
If ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
c. I watched the show because the cinema tickets were free.
If ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Report the following statements. (4 pts)
a. Anwar: “The headmaster was going to send the letter to the ministry yesterday”
Anwar said that ……………………………………………………………………………………….
b. Fatima: “Did you watch Will Smith slapping Chris Rock?”
Fatima asked me ……………………………………………………………………………………...
c. Hamza: “why will you visit the dentist?”
Hamza asked me ………………………………………………………………………………………
d. Yasmine: “Let’s try out this restaurant”
Yasmine suggested ……………………………………………………………………………………

III. Functions (6 pts) Complete the following dialogues appropriately.

A: It is easy to be a good citizen A: You didn’t see the bus because you A: You didn’t eat breakfast because
B: ………………………………….... were busy with your phone. you were too late.
……………………………………….. B: ……………………………………. B: …………………………………….
……………………………………….. ……………………………………….. ……………………………………….
……………………………………….. ……………………………………….

(Disagree and Express Opinion) (Express Regret: If only) (Express Regret: CT3)

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 8: Brain Drain Lesson 1: Introduction

Task 1: With your partner, read the following paragraph and answer the questions.

Anas was a very hardworking and talented student. At the age of 8, he was able to speak
Arabic, English, and French! He always gets the highest grades. He took the baccalaureate degree
with a total of 19.54! After that, he decided to go study and work in Canada. When I met him, I
asked him why did he choose to migrate, and he told me: “In Morocco, the salaries are low, and the
educational system is not very good. On the other hand, Canada provides higher income, and there
are substantial funds for research.”
1. What do you call the phenomenon of leaving your country to study and work abroad?
2. Is it a good deal for Canada? Why?
3. Is it beneficial for Morocco? Why?
Task 2: There are two factors of brain drain: Push and Pull factors.
Extract some of them from the paragraph, and add others.

Push Factors Pull Factors

…. …
… …
… …

Task 3: These pictures symbolize other factors; name them and add them to the previous table.

… … …

… … …

Task 4: Answer the following questions about BRAIN DRAIN.

What? Who? Why? When? From where to where?

Task 5: Imagine that you have met Anas; what arguments would you use to make him change
his mind and come back to Morocco?

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 8: Brain Drain Lesson 2: Concession Links

Task 1: With your partner, read the following sentences and answer the questions.

1. Nabil crammed 8 lessons in one night. In spite of working hard, he didn’t pass the test!
2. Jamal plays football with the school team, and they lost a game yesterday because they were too tired. Despite the
loss, they are still leading the league.
3. Sara was very sick yesterday. Although she was sick, she went to school to study.
4. There is a huge crisis in Cameroon. Yet, the banks are still lending money.
• Give a definition of the word ‘cram’.
• Why did the school team lose a game?
• If you were instead of Sara, would you go to school? Why or why not?
• In your opinion, why are banks still lending money?
Task 2: Read the sentences again, and deduce the rules of using concession links.

Concession Link Rule Example

In spite of / Despite + ………… - In spite of reading the book, I couldn’t understand the story.
+ ………… - Despite the famous players, the game was boring.
Although + ………… - Although the exam is near, I haven’t started revising lessons.
Nevertheless/However/Yet + ………… - Amal didn’t sleep early. However, she woke up at 7.

Task 3:Fill in the gaps with the appropriate concession links from the list.
In spite of – Despite – Although – Yet
a. …………………… the long road, we did not get tired.
b. …………………… having so much money, many billionaires are not happy.
c. Everyone thought that the movie will be boring. …………, it was a masterpiece.
d. …………………… Samir bought the hat; I’ve never seen him wearing it.
Task 4: Combine each pair of sentences using the suggested linking word.
a. Yassine has a lot of money.
b. Yassine is a sad person.
(In spite of) ………………………………………………………………………………….
c. I can manage to stay cheerful.
d. I have a lot of problems and bad memories.
(Despite) …………………………………………………………………………………….
e. Jamila loves her job very dearly.
f. Jamily has decided to quit her job.
(Although) …………………………………………………………………………………...
g. The weather is very warm.
h. It has been snowing all night last night.
(Nevertheless) ……………………………………………………………………………….

Task 5: With your partner, come up with 4 sentences in which you contrast different ideas.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 8: Brain Drain Lesson 3: Advice

Task 1: Read the following dialogue and answer the questions.

Nada was using her phone inside the classroom, and the teacher
took it and gave it to the administration
- Nada: Hey mom, I have some bad news! The teacher took my phone! What should I do?
- Mom: You should go to the headmaster and say that you are sorry, and you shouldn’t take
your phone to school again.
- Nada: How about you, dad? What’s your advice?
- Dad: I advise you to let them take it. The exams are on their ways and you don’t need your
- Nada: Brother Ayoub, if you were me, what would you do?
- Ayoub: If I were you, I would take dad to the administration, and they’ll give the phone back.
- Nada: That’s sounds like a good idea. Can you please go with me dear father?
- Dad: Alright! Let’s go, but this is the last time I’m going with you!
1. What is Nada’s problem?
2. What pieces of advice were given to Nada?
3. What was Nada’s final solution?
Task 2: Read the dialogue again, and fill in the table with the appropriate expressions, then add
other expressions.

Asking for Advice Giving Advice

… …
… …
… …
… …
… …

Task 3: Spot the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. What’s your advices for me?
2. I advice you to go see a dentist.
3. You’d ought to sleep early.
4. If you was me, what would you do?

Task 4: Ask for and give advice in the following situations.

- You don’t know what university to choose. Ask advice from your father.
You: ………………………………………………………………………………………
Your father: ………………………………………………………………………………
- You want to learn English quickly. Ask advice from your teacher.
You: ………………………………………………………………………………………
The teacher: ………………………………………………………………………………
Task 5: With your partner, role-play a dialogue in which you ask for and give
advice concerning either real or imaginary situations.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 8: Brain Drain Lesson 4: Relative Pronouns

Task 1: Match the sentences from the 2 columns.

1.A butcher is a person who a. we had dinner last Friday.
2.This is the book that b. sells meat.
3.Where is the phone which c. is looking for it everywhere.
4.I went to the restaurant where d. was on the table?
5.Do you remember the year when e. The Corona Virus spread?
6.The man whose dog is missing f. you were reading yesterday.
7.Issam is a friend whom g. I respect.
Task 2: Look at the sentences again and fill in the table.

Relative Pronoun Words they refer to People / Things / Place / Time

Which The Phone Things

Task 3: Complete the table with the appropriate relative pronouns, and spot the mistakes in the
sentences that follow.

Usage Relative Pronoun Example

Person/Subject … The man …………… won the race is modest.
Person/Object … The football player …………… they bought is called Pedri.
Thing … I broke the vase …………… was there.
Place … This is the house …………… I grow up.
Time … I miss the days …………… I was young.
Possessive … That is the boy …………… father is a policeman.

- Ahmed is a student which is very serious. - I saw the mouse where was eating cheese.
- The man who car burnt is very sad. - This is the hotel when I stayed last week.

Task 4: If the relative pronoun modifies the object of the sentence, it can be omitted.
Example: - The friend whom I always beat in PlayStation is not here.
Or - The friend I always beat in PlayStation is not here.
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate relative pronoun from the list.
Who – Whom – which – That – Whose – Ø
a. The kid ………. Leg was broken is finally coming back to school.
b. Dragon Ball was an anime ………… all people loved.
c. Yassine, ……… is my elder brother, is really smart.
d. The firemen finally put out the house ………. was burning.
e. The student to ……… I gave the book is not responding to my calls.
f. Our old house, ……… was sold lately, was really warm.
Task 5: Think of 7 sentences in which you use all the relative pronouns.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 8: Brain Drain Lesson 5: Reading

Task 1: With your partner, answer the following questions.

1. What is brain drain?

2. What are some push factors of brain drain?
3. What are some pull factors of brain drain?
Task 2: Match each vocabulary item with the appropriate picture.

Wage Distinction Flight Prosperous

Task 3: Read the text in order to give it a title.

Brain drain, which is the action of having highly skilled and educated people leaving their country to work abroad, has
become one of the developing countries concerns. Brain Drain is also referred to as human capital flight. More and
more 3rd world science and technology educated people are heading for more prosperous countries seeking higher wages
and better working conditions. This has of course serious consequences on the sending countries.
While many people believe that immigration is a personal choice that must be understood and respected, others
look at the phenomenon from a different perspective. What makes those educated people leave their countries should
be seriously considered and a distinction between push and pull factors must be made. The push factors include low
wages and lack of satisfactory working and living conditions. They also include social unrest, political conflicts and
wars. The pull factors, however, include intellectual freedom and substantial funds for research.

Task 4: Do the following activities.

1. Are the following statements true or false? Justify.

a. Brain drain is concerning developing countries.
b. We don’t have to look for the reasons of brain drain.
c. Social unrest is one of the pull factors of brain drain.
2. Answer the following questions.
a. What is brain drain?
b. What is another name of brain drain?
c. Mention 3 pull factors and 3 push factors of brain drain.
3. What do the underlined phrases in the text refer to?
a. The sending countries (paragraph 1) b. They (paragraph 2)
4. Find in the text words that mean almost the same as:
a. Worries (paragraph 1) b. Difference (paragraph 2)

Task 5: Brain drain negatively affects the sending countries like Morocco.

With your partner, suggest some solutions to resist the phenomenon of brain drain.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 8: Brain Drain Lesson 6: Writing

Task 1 With your partner, complete the following mind map with the appropriate ideas.

Causes Effects

Task 2 Match the elements of the formal letter with the appropriate numbers.

Yours sincerely, - Recipient’s Address – Dear …, - Date – Body – Your name – Sender’s Address


Task 3 Make use of the mind map and the previous template to wrote a letter to a famous
Moroccan magazine, telling them about causes, effects, and solutions of brain drain.

1. Respect the format of a formal letter.

2. Respect Capitalization.
3. Respect Punctuation.

Task 4 Exchange your letter with your partner and correct each other’s mistakes.

Task 5 Edit you letter and read it in front of the class.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 9: Sustainable Development Lesson 1: Introduction

Task 1: Watch the 1st video, and try to answer the following questions:
What is Sustainable Development? What are the 3 elements of sustainable development?

Task 2: Watch the 2nd video, and match the goals of sustainable development with their logos.
1. Partnership 2. Life in 3. Life below 4. Zero 5. Sustainable
for Goals Land Water Hunger. Cities
6. Infrastructure 7. Peace and 8. Climate 9. Clean Water 10. Reduced 11. Gender
Justice Action Inequalities Equality
12. Responsible 13. Economic 14. Good 15. Quality 16. Clean 17. No poverty
Consumption. Growth Health Education Energy

Task 3: Classify the goals the sustainable development into its elements.

Economic Growth Environmental Growth Social Growth

… … …
… … …
… … …
… … …
Task 4: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list.
Generations – Clean Energy – Gender Equality – Life below Water
1. Saving rare species of fish is one of sustainable development’s goal of…………………………
2. We should consume and produce different goods taking into consideration future …………….
3. Women should step forward and voice their opinion about ………………………………….
4. Morocco is shifting towards ………………………. by using the solar power.

Task 5: In your opinion, what is the most important sustainable development goal? Why?
Share your thoughts with the whole class.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 9: Sustainable Development Lesson 2: Metaphors & Similes

Task 1: With your partner, read the following paragraph and answer the questions.

Yesterday, there was a robbery in our neighborhood. A thief stole a jewelry store;
he stole 6 golden rings. The police came quickly, and the thief ran away as the wind. The
police started the investigation. The detective was looking for evidence like a dog. The
store owner was as crazy as a storm. After some time, the thief was caught. He was hiding
in a near house. The police said: “in this case, time is money. We caught the thief quickly,
and we know his brothers. He is the black sheep of the family.”
• What did the thief steal?
• How did the thief run away?
• What did the detective do?
• How was the store owner?
Task 2: Simile = Hicham has a mind like a computer.
Metaphor = Your heart is my shelter.
Extract all similes and metaphors from the previous paragraph.

Metaphor/Simile X Y Linking Word

… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
Task 3: Use the following elements to write either metaphors or similes.

1. X = My mother Y = The sun My mother is the sun of my life.

2. X = Health Y = Crown …………………………………………………………
3. X = Bilal Y = Cheetah …………………………………………………………
4. X = Eyes Y = The ocean …………………………………………………………
5. X = Car Y = Turtle …………………………………………………………

Task 4: Finish the following sentences to make metaphors or similes.

1. That phone is as big as ………………………
2. Jamila is as quiet as ………………………….
3. My room is ……………………………
4. Anas is smart like ……………………...
5. The teacher is kind as ………………………
Task 5: With your partner, come up with 2 metaphors and 2 similes.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 9: Sustainable Development Lesson 3: Certainty vs Uncertainty

Task 1: Read the following dialogue and answer the questions.

Thisis a dialogue between the American president and a journalist.

- Journalist: Do you believe that hunger will be eliminated by 2050?
- President: I’m doubtful about that because there are not many food resources.
- Journalist: How about education? Will education be always free for Americans?
- President: Without any doubts, children will go to school for free.
- Journalist: A lot of people are complaining about health care. What do you think?
- President: I’m certain that we will build new hospitals in many American states.
- Journalist: Thanks Mr. President. One last question: how is our national football
team doing?
- President They are doing well, but I’m not sure if they will qualify to the world Cup.

1. What is the president’s opinion about hunger?

2. What is the president’s solution to health care problems?
3. How is the soccer team of USA doing?

Task 2: Read the dialogue again, and fill in the table with the appropriate expressions, then add
other expressions.

Expressing Certainty Expressing Uncertainty

… …
… …
… …
… …
… …

Task 3: Spot the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. With any doubts, Morocco will beat Canada in the world cup.
2. Certainty, the Moroccan educational system is improving. I’m not
3. I’m certain of everyone should care about the environment sure
4. Its ovious that school during Ramadan is very tiring.
Task 4: Express either certainty or uncertainty to the following statements. that.
“The problem of unemployment in Morocco will be completely solved in the future”
You: ……………………………………………………………………………………… (Certainty)
“To activate sustainable development, only the government should do its job”
You: ……………………………………………………………………………………… (Uncertainty)

Task 5: With your partner, role-play a dialogue in which you express certainty
and uncertainty.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 9: Sustainable Development Lesson 4: Modal Verbs

Task 1: Match the phrases from the 2 columns to make full sentences.
1. You have to finish your homework a. because you don’t have enough money.
2. You can take a vacation tomorrow b. he must have been sick.
3. You can’t go to Qatar to support the team c. he couldn’t have heard bad news
4. Anas bought a new car, d. before you watch series on your computer.
5. We haven’t seen Anas yesterday e. she may have heard bad news
6. Amina was crying last week f. if you send those letters to the headmaster.
7. Jamal was very happy g. he must be very rich.
8. I had to clean my room h. because it had become very dirty.

Task 2: Look at the sentences again and fill in the table.

Modal Verb Usage Rule in the Present Rule in the Past

… Certainty … …
… Possibility … …
… Impossibility … …
… Obligation … …

Task 3: Spot the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. Marouane should play with us, his leg hurts.
2. You may respect the law.
3. When you felt tired, you couldn’t have taken rest.
4. It must have rained tomorrow; we are not sure.
5. Farah was very happy; she can’t hear bad news.

Task 4: Fill in the gaps with the appropriate modal verb from the list.
Must – Must have – Can – Might have – Have to – Couldn’t have – Should have
1.You …………... eaten that sandwich, you look so hungry now.
2.Amal was accepted in that university, she ……………. be very happy.
3.I …………………… kicked the ball because it was too far.
4.Nada looked so scared yesterday, she ……………… watched that horror movie.
5.You ……………. pay for what you did, you criminal!
6.The news ………… be true, but we are not certain.
7.I didn’t see Kamal in the party, he …………… had something to do; I’m not sure.
Task 5: With your partner, come up with 8 sentences using different modal verbs
1. Must: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Must have: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Might: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Might have: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
5. Can’t: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
6. Couldn’t have: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
7. Should: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
8. Should have: ……………………………………………………………………………………….

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 9: Sustainable Development Lesson 5: Reading

Task 1: With your partner, answer the following questions.

1. What is sustainable development?

2. How can we achieve sustainable development?
3. What are some every day actions that promote sustainable development?
Task 2: Match each vocabulary item with the appropriate picture.

Capacity Enormous Gap Earth

Task 3: Read the text in order to give it a title.

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs. It is thus the ability to meet the needs of the present while contributing to the
future generations’ needs. It focuses on two goals: to improve the quality of life for all of the Earth's citizens, and to
stop using up the natural resources beyond the capacity of the environment to supply them indefinitely.
Green development is generally differentiated from sustainable development. Even if they both promote
development, green development prioritizes environmental sustainability over economic and cultural considerations.
Sustainable development requires action on the part of world states, governments and people. The detrimental situation
of the environment, the enormous stress upon our natural resources, and the huge gap between developed and
underdeveloped countries, necessitate practical strategies to reverse the trends.

Task 4: Do the following activities.

1. Provide a title to the text.

2. Answer the following questions.
a. What is sustainable development?
b. What are the aims of sustainable development?
c. What is the difference between sustainable development and green development?
d. Who needs to participate in sustainable development?
3. What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
a. It (paragraph 1) b. They (paragraph 2)
4. Find in the text words that mean the same as:
a. Necessities (paragraph 1) b. Pressure (paragraph 2)

Task 5: As a Moroccan student and citizen, what actions can you take in school to help the
sustainable development in Morocco?

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 9: Sustainable Development Lesson 6: Writing

Task 1 Complete the following information about the best movie you have ever seen.

1. Summary of the plot (the story)

2. How was the performance of the actor and the visual effects?
3. general Information
a. Director:
b. Actors:
c. Year:
d. Studio
4. Why should we watch this movie?
5. What are your final thoughts on the movie?
Task 2 The previous information constitutes the 5 paragraphs of a movie review.

In your opinion, what is the correct order of the paragraphs?

1: ……………………………………………………………...

2: ……………………………………………………………...

3: ……………………………………………………………...

4: ……………………………………………………………...

5: ……………………………………………………………...

Task 3 Make use of the information from task 1, and the following template, and write a review
of your favorite movie ever.

Title of the Film

Title of the Review
Paragraph 1: General information about the movie
Paragraph 2: In your opinion, why should we watch this movie? (at least 3 reasons)
Paragraph 3: Summary of the plot (what happened in the movie?)
Paragraph 4: What so you think about the actors and the visual effects?
Paragraph 5: Write a conclusion and express your final opinion on the movie.

Task 4 Exchange your review with your partner and correct each other’s mistakes.

Task 5 Edit you review and read it in front of the class.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui

Teacher: Mohammed Bekkaoui Level:2nd Bac, SP Name: …………………………………………………………

School: Al Quods / Quiz 2 (Semester 2) Class: Number: ……… 67

Date: Duration: 30 min
Grade: ………. / 20 Quiz 2 (Semester 2)
I. Reading (10 pts)

Read the following text and do the related exercises.

The term ‘Brain Drain’ was first used by the United Kingdom in 1960 when the skilled workforce started
emigrating from the developing or under-developed countries to the developed countries (first world countries). It
refers to the situation when highly qualified and trained people leave their countries to settle down in developed
countries. It is also known as human capital flight.
This concept of Brain Drain is a matter of serious concern for any nation because it takes off individuals from
their homeland to another foreign land. People go abroad to pursue higher education and settle there because of better
work and attractive pay packages. Talented, skilled, and experienced professionals migrate to other countries for
better careers. They get attracted by better standards of living and quality of life, higher salaries, access to advanced
technology, and more stable political conditions.
The factors for the rise of Brain Drain are also called Push and Pull factors. The Push factors are the factors
connected to the country of origin and Pull factors are the factors connected with the country of destination.

1. Give a title to the text (1 pt.): (“Brain Drain” in not acceptable) ……………………………………………………
2. Are these statements true or false? Justify. (3 pts)
a. The phrase ‘Brain Drain’ was put by Americans
b. Brain drain is not a serious problem. …………………………………………………...........................
c. Push factors are related to the sending countries.
3. Answer the following questions. (3 pts)
a. How old is the term ‘Brain Drain’? ………………………………………………………………………….
b. What is another name of brain drain? ………………………………………………………………………….
c. Mention 3 pull factors from the text. ………………………..………………………………………………..
4. Find in the text words that mean almost the same as: (3 pts)
a. Live (paragraph 1): ………………………………
b. Continue (paragraph 2): ………………………….
c. Terminus (Paragraph 3): …………………………
II. Writing (10 pts)

There are 3 types of goals of sustainable development: economic, environmental, and social.
Write a paragraph to the UN magazine, expressing your opinion about the most important type of goals.

…………………………………… Firstly, …………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………… Secondly, …………………………………………
………………………………………………………. Thirdly, ………………………………………………………
………………To sum up, …………………………………………………………………………………………...

Good Luck
L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui

Unit 10: International Organizations Lesson 1: Introduction

Task 1: With your partner, read the following paragraph and answer the questions.
An international organization is institution drawing membership from at least three countries, having
activities in several countries, and whose members are held together by a formal agreement. International
organizations range in size from three members to more than 193 (as in the United Nations). They can
serve one goal, or many goals based on the nature of the organization.
1. What is an international organization?
2. How many members can be part of an international organization?
3. How many purposes can international organizations serve?
Task 2: Classify these words into the appropriate category.
Ambassador – Parliament – Headquarters – Charter – Report – Office – Spokesperson –
Resolution – President – Council – Vice President – Constitution

People Documents Places

… … …
… … …
… … …
… … …

Task 3: Match each logo with the organization it represents and its acronym.

1 2 3 4 5 6

A. Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization a. UN

B. Food and Agriculture Organization b. UNICEF
C. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization c. FAO
D. World Health Organization d. ISESCO
E. United Nations e. WHO
F. United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund f. UNESCO
Task 4: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list.
Children – FIFA – Peace – Violate
5. UNICEF is meant to help ………… all around the world, and especially in 3rd world countries.
6. If a member ……………… the constitution of an organization, they will be expelled.
7. The world cup is organized every 4 years by ……………, with a total of 32 participants.
8. Non-Government Organizations are meant to promote ………………. in the entire world.

Task 5: If you were a world leader, which new international organization would you suggest?
What is its role? And how many members does it include?

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 10: International Organizations Lesson 2: Adjectives’ Order

Task 1: With your partner, extract all adjectives from the following phrases, and classify them
into the table.
- A young British woman - An ugly old rectangular plastic table
- A bad new Spanish horror movie. - A good small round black leather wallet
- A nice huge aged square white American iron washing machine.
Age Color Opinion Material Purpose Origin Shape Size
… … … … … … … …
… … … … … … … …
… … … … …
… …

Task 2: Based on the last sentence and the table, what is the correct order of adjectives?


O … … … … … … …
Task 3: Choose the correct phrase from each group of phrases.

1. a. Handsome young man 2. a. American large cars 3. a. Big old kitchen towel
b. Young handsome man b. Large American cars b. Old big kitchen towel

4. a. New cool red sports car 5. a. Five water small cans 6. a. Ugly big black wolf
b. Cool new red sports car b. Water small five cans b. Big ugly black wolf
c. Red cool new sports car c. Five small water cans c. Ugly black big wolf

Task 4: Place the adjectives in the correct order

6. Cotton – Black: ………………………………………………… jacket
7. Lazy – White – Small: ………………………………………… chicken
8. Cleaning – Old – American: …………………………………… machine
9. Square – New – Wooden: ……………………………………… chair
10. Magic – Nice – Chinese – Recent – Long – Linear – Wooden – Grey
…………………………………………………………………………... wand
Task 5: Describe the following using at least 3 adjectives in their correct order

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 10: International Organizations Lesson 3: Good & Bad News

Task 1: Read the following dialogue and try to finish it.

This is a dialogue between employees and the manager.

Manager: Omar! I’ve got wonderful news for you! You have been promoted.
Omar: Thar’s fantastic! Thank you very much.
Jalal: How about me, boss?
Manager: I really don’t know how to say it, but I will have to let you go.
Jalal: Oh, dear! Why?
Manager: …………………………………………………………………
Jalal: …………………………………………………………………
Omar: …………………………………………………………………

Task 2: Read the dialogue again, and fill in the table with the appropriate expressions, then add
other expressions.
Expressing Good Responding to Good Expressing Bad Responding to Bad
News News News News
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …
… … … …

Task 3: Spot the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. Ready for some great new? I’ve got the best grades in my school!
2. I’m really happy to hearing that. You’re a great student.
3. I’m afraid I’ve get some bad news; my grandmother passed away.
4. Please accept your deepest sympathy.

Task 4: Express and respond to good and bad news in the following situations.
1. You got accepted in the university you’ve been dreaming about.
You: …………………………………………………………………………………
Your friend: …………………………………………………………………………
2. Your mother is fully recovered from her illness.
You: …………………………………………………….……………………………
Your friend: ………………………………………………………………………….
3. You failed your final exam.
You: …………………………………………………………………………………
Your father: …………………………………………………………………………
4. Your best friend’s grandmother died.
You: …………………………………………………………………………………
Your best friend: …………………………………………………………………….

Task 5: With your partner, role-play a dialogue in which you express and respond
to good and bad news.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 10: International Organizations Lesson 4: Phrasal Verbs (2)

Task 1: With your partner, classify the following words into the table.
Set – Give – In – Up – Out – Pull – Turn – On – Break – Down
Verbs Particles
… …

Task 2: Read the following sentences and fill in the table with the appropriate phrasal verbs.

Phrasal V Meaning
1. Turn up the radio; I love this song.
Set up Establish
2. Our old house was recently pulled down.
… Stop Working
3. Never give up on your dreams
… Surrender/Stop
4. You’re skinny, you should start eating up your food.
… Relax
5. I thought you were sick, but you showed up.
… Wait
6. WHO set up a new building in Amsterdam.
… Destroy
7. I’m trying to sleep. Please turn down the music.
… Become Happy
8. I really can’t hear you; speak up!
… Raise Voice
9. Stop this sorrow and cheer up.
… Increase Volume
10. Hold up! Take the umbrella; there’s a storm coming.
11. I must buy a new phone, the old one broke down. … Decrease Volume

12. Calm down! There’s still time to solve the issue. … Eat Everything
… Arrive
Task 3: Read the summary, and match the phrases from the 2
columns to make appropriate sentences.
1. There is a food contest where a. But he showed up in the last minute
2. No one thought Yassine was coming b. To build a new one.
3. Cheer up, my friend! c. And I can’t afford a new one.
4. My laptop broke down d. You have to eat up your plates.
5. The government pulled down a stadium e. Life will become better.

Task 4: Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrasal verb from the list, making necessary changes.
Speak up – Give up – break down – Calm down
1. We are very sorry. The microphone ……………... You have to …………………

2. My uncle …. Smoking, and now he went cold turkey; no one could …. him ...….

Task 5: With your partner, come up with 4 sentences in which you use different phrasal verbs.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 10: International Organizations Lesson 5: Reading

Task 1: With your partner, answer the following questions.

1. Name some famous international organizations.

2. What is the acronym of World Health Organization?
3. What is the main goal of World Health Organization?
Task 2: Match each vocabulary item with the appropriate picture.

Meeting Headquarters Assets Infusion

Task 3: Read the text in order to give it a title.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international
public health. It is part of the U.N. Sustainable Development Group. The WHO Constitution, which establishes the
agency's governing structure and principles, states its main objective as ensuring "the attainment by all peoples of the
highest possible level of health.". Its headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland, with six regional offices and 150 field
offices established worldwide.
The WHO was established on April 7 th, 1948, which is commemorated as World Health Day. The first meeting
of the World Health Assembly (WHA), the agency's governing body, took place on the 24th of July, 1948. The WHO
incorporated the assets, personnel, and duties of the League of Nations' Health Organisation and the International Office
of Public Hygiene, including the International Classification of Diseases. Its work began in 1951 following a significant
infusion of financial and technical resources

Task 4: Do the following activities.

1. Choose the best title.

a. The Goals of WHO.
b. The Principles of WHO.
c. The History of WHO.
2. What happened in the following dates?
a. April 7th, 1948. b. July 24th, 1948. c. 1951.
3. Answer the following questions.
a. Where is the head office of WHO?
b. What is the main aim of WHO?
c. When is World Health Day?
4. Find in the text words that mean the same as:
a. Set up (paragraph 1) b. Included (paragraph 2)
Task 5: In your opinion, what actions should the WHO perform in order to promote the status of
health in Morocco?

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Unit 10: International Organizations Lesson 6: Writing

Task 1 In group of 4, think of a new organization you want to set up, and fill in the following

Name of the Members Goals Rules Logo

Organization and (countries)
General Information

1. Name 1. 1. 1.
2. Headquarters 2. 2. 2.
3. Date of Establishment 3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
4. President (a group member)
5. 5. 5.
5. Slogan

Task 2 each group member chooses a segment from the table to transform it into a well-organized

- Indent the paragraph - Clear topic sentence - Punctuation

- Capitalization - Supporting ideas - Concluding sentence

Task 3 Make use of the information from task 1 to write an organization establishment report
(you may use the following template).

Name of the Organization

Paragraph 1: General information
Paragraph 2: Members
Paragraph 3: Goals
Paragraph 4: Rules

Task 4 Exchange your report with another group and correct each other’s mistakes to finalize
your reports.

Task 5 Within your group, prepare a speech about your organization for the president to deliver.

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


Global Test (Semester 2)

I. Reading (7 pts): Read the following text and answer the questions.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United

Nations responsible for international public health. It is part of the U.N. Sustainable
Development Group. The WHO Constitution, which establishes the agency's governing
structure and principles, states its main objective as ensuring "the attainment by all peoples
of the highest possible level of health.". It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, with
six regional offices and 150 field offices worldwide.
The WHO was established on April 7th, 1948, which is commemorated as World
Health Day. The first meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA) took place on the
24th of July, 1948. The WHO incorporated the assets, personnel, and duties of the
International Office of Public Hygiene, including the International Classification of
Diseases. Its work began in earnest in 1951 following a significant infusion of financial
and technical resources.

1. Choose the best title for the passage: ……. (1 pt)

a. The goals of WHO.
b. The Principles of WHO
c. The history of WHO
2. What happened in the following dates? (2 pts)
a. April 7th, 1948: ……………………………....…………………………………………
b. 1951: ……………………………....…………………………………………………...
3. Answer the following questions. (2 pts)
a. Where is the head office of WHO?
b. What is the main aim of WHO?
4. Find in the text words or phrases that mean almost the same as: (2 pts)
a. Sets up (paragraph 1): ……………………
b. Included (paragraph 2): ……………………

L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui


II. Language (7 pts)

1. Link the sentences using the words given. (1 pts)
a. Jamila loved her job very much. Jamila quit her job last week.
(In spite of) …………………………………………………………………………………
b. The government couldn’t find solution to brain drain. Brain drain is a big problem.
(Although) …………………………………………………………………………………
2. Rewrite the following sentences appropriately. (2 pts)
a. Samira didn’t buy the house because she didn’t have enough money.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………...
b. “The teachers have corrected the exam papers last week”, Ayman said.
Ayman said ……………………………………………………………………………...
c. “Let’s go to the park this weekend with my mother”; Nawal said
Nawal suggested …………………………………………………………………………
d. The secretary has classified the files into the closet.
The files ………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate relative pronoun from the list. (1 pts)
who – which – whose - where
a. The boy ……………. mother is a nurse is injured.
b. Is that the garden …………. the football fans celebrated last night?
4. Match the expressions with the appropriate functions. (3 pts)
1. I wish I hadn’t gone to that awful trip. a. Disagree
2. Oh! Dear! b. Expressing Uncertainty
3. I’m not sure whether it would rain this week. c. Giving advice
4. I believe that no one should give up dreaming. d. Responding to bad news
5. I don’t think I agree with that statement. e. Expressing opinion
6. You ought to start preparing for the national exam. f. Expressing regret
III. Writing (6 pts):
Write a paragraph to your city’s council about the qualities of a good citizen




L’Bac Success – Mohammed Bekkaoui

2 Baccalaureate
SUCCESS Worksheets for
This booklet is written and designed by

Mohammed Bekkaoui, a PhD candidate and

a teacher of English in the directorate of


Tasks and activities presented here are based

on the 2nd Baccalaureate syllabus, and are

designed by the author or taken from

different sources.

‘L’BAC SUCCESS’ helps teachers prepare

their lessons or get more insights.

Mohammed Bekkaoui

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