C Parker Ole Paper

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Summary of Online Learning Experience

By: Clint Parker

ITEC 7481


The unit that was designed during my time in ITEC 7481 was for 5th grade

students. The students that the lessons are intended for will be working on operations

with factions. Student will be using standards that are listed from the state of Georgia,

from the Georgia Standards of Excellence. The overall goal for the online learning

classroom is to allow students to use real world problems and be able to work out

different operations with Fractions. The students will be working with different

platforms like YouTube, Kahoot, Quizizz, Blooket, and other types of online platforms to

learn the content needed. If done correctly the teacher can expect students to have an

accuracy of 80 percent or higher.


The course will be used to teach the Fractions unit for 5th grade students. The

course is designed in modules that should take a week per module to complete. There

are six weeks built into the unit, with check ups along the way. The set up is one that

could be use either hybrid, or all online. Students and teachers could work with the
Canvas Learning Management system to complete their assignments that are assigned.

The demographic of the school is one that is predominantly white, and most of the

students have access to the internet at home. Students who are unable to gain access to

the internet or the classes can reach out to the teacher to see what accommodations

can be made. Students will need a internet capable device to access their Learning

Platforms, and be able to work all of the content.

Assessment Practices

At the beginning of this unit the students will take the I-Ready Pre-test to give

the teacher a starting point for each student. Teachers use their PLC time to track for

each student to see their starting point and allows the teacher to see if any remediation

or extension is needed for the students. As the student move through their learning,

they should see their growth on each learning objective in their modules. The modules

designs are broken down into their objectives from the pre-assessment and then at the

end they will take the I-Ready post test to see for final growth of all the learning in the

unit’s entirety.


Students’ accommodations for the online class are taken into consideration just

like a face-to-face student. During the time for the modules any student who may need

extended time, or other accommodations can be made with ease. For example, a

student is given two weeks to make up any test or checkups needed. Students who
needed extended time may have up to three and a half weeks to complete this task. As

the teacher sees is needed. Small groups for testing or assignments are completed with

ease as breakout rooms can be created on the meeting platform, Microsoft Teams. As

for every student as well, if they are struggling with an assignment or a specific learning

objective they can reach out to the teacher if needed.

Another accommodation that I feel is designed in the unit is the use of voice to

text software on the programs. Students can have access to a add on that allows all the

words to be read on the screen. There are also some videos that can have closed

captions on to allow students to see what is being said as well. This gives access to

students who may need that accommodation as well.

Universal Design/Accessibility

When creating this unit, the designer did their best in including all styles of

learners. For this I used a lot of ideas pulled from the World Wide Web Consortium and

the Web Accessibility Initiative. I have different visuals and models throughout the

module for the unit that will allow all learners to participate in lesson. First is with the

closed captioning on all my video lessons. Also, I will have the dictation on during our

synchronous session when we meet as a class. Students will also have ways to zoom the

text in and out with instructions built into lessons if students need to enlarge any text.

All headers from the modules are easily readable and all of the modules mirror one

another for learners to know how to navigate through the modules. Overall Canvas, the
learning management system chosen to build this unit, does a great job at allowing

access to all the content for students of every level.


During this module there are plenty of opportunities for the teacher to help

differentiate for the students. First will be with the results from the pre-assessment.

Teachers can use the results to be able to see exact starting points for students.

Students who have mastered more than some may be able to extend a module, or even

skip them all together. If interest should be a reason to differentiate the teacher can

change real world problems easily for the students to become more engaged with the


Another way that I feel the lessons are differentiated is that the modules

themselves are self-paced. Students are given their objectives and can move at their

own pace. Students can move through their lessons with some choice and this allows for

more engagement as well. Overall, this unit is one that can give students a little voice

and choice as they learn.


(WAI), W. C. W. A. I. (2022, November 30). About W3C wai. Web Accessibility

Initiative (WAI). Retrieved November 30, 2022, from

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