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Title of Project: I like the Yellow Ones

Subject(s): Math and English

Grade Level(s): 6th or 7th Grade (Probability)


In this project students will be exploring the probability of getting their favorite flavor of candy from a bag and type of their choosing. The teacher will be
in the classroom just guiding and making sure students are staying on task during the project/lab. Students will be writing a persuasive mini essay about
their favorite flavor of candy. This will work on the student’s ability to communicate with others and show they can collect data accurately.

Learner Description/Context:

Students will be learning how to do a few things during this project. First they will learn how to properly write a persuasive essay. Students will write a 2-4
paragraph mini essay telling the reader why their flavor of candy would be the best. They should use writing tools like imagery and metaphors so the reader
can understand why they feel that that is the best flavor of that candy. After the student does that they will bring in a bag of that candy and check the
probability of that flavor in that bag of candy. Once the student has found their percentage of that flavor they like they will compare it with others by filling
in a pre-made google doc that students will have access to. (Teacher will need to make that doc prior to and with the different candies the class has brought
in. M&ms, Skittles, ect.) After all the data is collected and recorded students will need to create a small video via Flipgrid to the candy company of their
findings. This will be a way of publishing their work and findings from this project.

Time Frame:

This project can take as little as 3 days and can be up to 5 days. Teacher will need to monitor to check if whole group lessons or reminders are needed.

Standards Assessed:

Math Standards:

MGSE6.SP.5 Summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context, such as by: a. Reporting the number of observations. b. Describing the nature of
the attribute under investigation, including how it was measured and its units of measurement. c. Giving quantitative measures of center (median and/or
mean) and variability (interquartile range). d. Relating the choice of measures of center and variability to the shape of the data distribution and the context
in which the data was gathered.

MGSE7.SP.6 Approximate the probability of a chance event by collecting data on the chance process that produces it and observing its long-run relative
frequency. Predict the approximate relative frequency given the probability.

MGSE7.SP.8b Represent sample spaces for compound events using methods such as organized lists, tables and tree diagrams.

English Standards:

ELAGSE7W1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. WRITING (W) a. Introduce claim(s), acknowledge alternate or
opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically. b. Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible
sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text. c. Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among
claim(s), reasons, and evidence. d. Establish and maintain a formal style. e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the
argument presented.

ISTE Student Standards:

Empowered Learning

1c Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.

Creative Communicator

6b Students create original works or responsible repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.

6d Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.
Learner Objectives:

Objectives for this project are as follows:

Students can write a mini persuasive essay using writing tools to tell which flavor they like the best.

Students can calculate the percentages of candy flavors in the package they brought.

Students can record data on a online collaborative sheet with other peers.

Students can communicate their findings with their peers and look for similarities between the probability in the candy.

Students can create, produce, record and send mini Flipgrid video to their respective candy company about their findings.

The “hook” or Introduction:

Have you ever had a favorite flavor of sour patch kid? How about a favorite skittle flavor? Have you ever wondered if you could have a bag of just those
flavors? This is your chance to see and ask for that to happen. Candy companies do randomize their flavors in each package, but do they have more of
some flavor than others? You are going to see for yourself. We are going to watch a video on how different candies are made, to show the randomness.
You will be calculating the percentages of each flavor in your choice of candy and then collaborate with others to see if their findings are similar. After you
collect all the data you will make a quick video to present to the candy company itself. We will see if your favorite flavor is the one that is represented the
most in the bag.


Day One:

The teacher will come in and introduce the project to the students. To further the hood teacher can show YouTube video on how candies are made. The
teacher will go around and see what are some of the favorite flavored candies in the room. Students will answer and then talk about their favorite flavor.
The teacher will ask the students to write their mini persuasive essay as a close to the first day. Teacher should instruct students to remember their writing
tools (imagery, similes, metaphors, ect.) and can collaborate with the English teacher to make sure they have the same verbiage the students are used to.
Students will turn in their essays when finished.

Day Two:

Teacher will have prepared the students and their parents to have their bag of candy to inspect prior to day two. (Easy way is to send in a newsletter, or
parent communication platform.) Students will open their bag of candy and separate and record all the data needed. Teacher will walk around and make
sure students are finding and using the proper probability formulas to calculate their findings. Students will then post their findings on their google doc with
others who are in their class. Students should look for similarities in their findings to see if their favorite flavor was the highest percentage. Students can
collaborate to see if different bags of same brand of candy have the same percentages. The teacher will want to make a sheet with the different candies so
they aren’t getting mixed up. Examples below:

Peanut M&M’s

Name: Red Blue Brown Yellow

Student 1 2/9 =22% 1/9=11% 5/9=55% 1/9=11%

Name: Lemon Grape Lime Orange

Day Three:

Student can use day three as a day to catch up on day two if needed. If students still need to input their data or compare/collaborate with classmates, they
can do that at the beginning. Once all the data is collected and students are going to produce a video or a written letter to send to the candy company they
used. The video students will use Flipgrid to present their findings to the company. The teacher may want to give the students time to produce since the
Flipgrid is limited time. Students who would rather write a letter will do the same. Students can type the letter to send about their findings from the lab.

Overall the teacher will be looking for a couple of measurables. Students should use proper grammar and google writing tools when writing their mini
essay and their letter if they choose. Students should also use proper formulas when finding the percentage data from their candy count. If the students need
more time than three days that is ok. Teachers can also add in graphing if they would like to this as well.


The teacher will be grading the following from this project:

Mini Persuasive essay (graded for grammar and proper writing process)

Math calculations from the student’s candy percentages (Graded for accuracy of percentages)

Quality of video and letter to candy company

Collaboration with their peers

If you choose you can create a rubric for each one of these to allow the students to see what is exactly needed. Teacher should ask students to write
fractions and percentage on their charts like the example above to allow for quick checks of understanding.

Technology Use:

Technology needed for this project is minimal but is needed. Students will need access to a computer or tablet to record their data to the collaborative
google doc that teacher will make for each group of candies. If students are choosing to make the Flipgrid video for their summative product to send to the
candy company, they will need access to a computer or tablet to record their product. For the Mini essay and or letter paper and pencil can be used. Also if
the teacher would like to have a live look at the students findings, a projector would be needed as well to show the class on the board the live results as they
are being typed in.

References and Supporting Material:

So some supporting material that the teacher may want to use for this project are some “How it is made videos” off YouTube. It can be used to show
student possibly on the first day as part of the hook. Teacher would want to have pre-made the collaborative documents that the students are going to use. A
hint would be also to try and gauge what candies are going to be coming in. The teacher can also have some candies on hand and allow student choice on
their candy. Mostly in my experience it is M&M’s and or skittles have been used. These will be the two largest groups of candies brought in. Also the
teacher could allow the students to create the collaborative docs as well. I don’t feel any rubrics will need to be made, but if the teacher could reach out to
the candy company of a couple, Mars, The Wrigley Company, ect. to possibly set up a time for a representative to talk to, communicate the data with to
allow the students to collaborate outside the classroom. Overall I feel that the students will engage with this project and will really enjoy their time with this
lab. Also the teacher will want to create a topic for the Flipgrid conversations for the students to use.
Engaged Learning Project Draft Template

Jo Williamson, Ph.D., Kennesaw State University

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