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Experiment 1: Measurement of Resistance, Capacitance,

Inductance and Resonant Frequencies of RLC using


- Name: Nguyễn Đức Minh Tuấn – ID: 20215772

- Group: 6

- Class: 723658
1. Experimental Purpose:
- This experiment helps the student understanding a typical circuit and the manner to use the
equipment including oscilloscope and function generator in electronic engineering, namely
measuring the physical parameters of the resistor, capacitor, and inductor as well as the resonant
frequency of RLC circuit.

2. Theoretical background:
2.1. RLC circuit
- An RLC circuit (also known as a resonant circuit or a tuned circuit) is a typical one consisting of a
resistor (R), an inductor (L), and a capacitor (C), connected in series or in parallel (figure 1).

E ∼ L E ∼ C L

Figure 1: Series (left) and parallel (right) RLC circuit

- RLC circuits have many applications particularly for oscillating circuits and in radio and
communication engineering. Every RLC circuit consists of two components: a power source and
resonator. Likewise, there are two types of resonators – series LC and parallel LC. The expressions
for the bandwidth in the series and parallel configuration are inverses of each other. This is
particularly useful for determining whether a series or parallel configuration is to be used for a
particular circuit design. However, in circuit analysis, usually the reciprocal of the latter two
variables is used to characterize the system instead. They are known as the resonant frequency and
the damping factor (or the Q factor) respectively.
- The undamped resonance or natural frequency of an LC circuit (in radians per second) is given by:
ω 0= (1)
- In the more familiar unit hertz (or inverse seconds), the natural frequency becomes,
ω 1
f 0= 0 = (2)
2 π 2 π √ lC
- Resonance occurs in RLC circuit when the complex impedance ZLC of the LC resonator becomes
ZLC = ZL + ZC = 0 (3)
Then 0 becomes exactly the resonant frequency of RLC circuit is,
β= (4)
And for a parallel RLC circuit:
β= (5)
2 RC
2.2. Introduction to oscilloscope:
2.2.1 General description:
- An oscilloscope (abbreviated as OS) is an electronic test equipment that allows signal voltages to
be viewed, usually as a two-dimensional graph of one or more electrical potential differences
(horizontal axis) plotted as a function of time or of some other voltage (vertical axis).
- The simplest type of OS consists of a cathode ray tube (CRT), a vertical amplifier, a time-base, a
horizontal amplifier, and a power supply as shown in figure 2.
- CRT is a highly evacuated glass envelope (10 -6 mmHg) with its flat face covered in a fluorescent
material (phosphor). In the neck of the tube is an electron gun, which is a heated metal plate (FF)
with a wire mesh (the grid G) in front of it. A small grid potential is used to block electrons from
being accelerated when the electron beam needs to be turned off, as during sweep retrace or when
no trigger events occur. A potential difference of about 1000 V is applied to make the heated plate
(the cathode) negatively charged relative to the anodes A1 and A2. It increases the energy (speed) of
the electrons that strike the fluorescent screen later. However, before striking the screen, the
electron beam goes through two opposed pairs of metal plates called the deflection plates. The
vertical amplifier generates a potential difference (Uy) across one pair of plates (Y1Y2), giving rise
to a vertical electric field through which the electron beam passes. In general, the amplifier has a
very high input impedance, typically one MΩ, so that it draws only a tiny current from the signal
source. When the top plate is positive with respect to the bottom plate, the beam is deflected
upwards; when the field is reversed, the beam is deflected downwards. The horizontal amplifier
does a similar job with the other pair of deflection plates (X 1X2), causing the beam to move left or
right by potential difference Ux. The instantaneous position of the beam will depend upon the U x
and Uy voltages.
- Let x as the horizontal deflection when U x is applied to plates X1X2 and y the vertical one when Uy
is applied to plates Y1Y2. By definition, we have:
α x= isthe horizontal sensivity of CRT (6)
α y= is the vertical sensivity of CRT

Figure 2: Structure of an oscilloscope

Y1 X1
F A1 X2
- When hitting the screen, the kinetic energy of the electrons is converted by the phosphor into
visible light at the point of impact. In general, when switched on, a CRT normally displays a single
bright dot in the center of the screen.
- Assuming that the input signal Uy is applied to the plates Y1Y2 (Y-channel):
U y =U 0 y . cos ωt (7)
- As a result, the bright dot in the screen will oscillate. Due to the image keeping of retina, a vertical
light line can be observed on the screen. The length of this light line is proportional to amplitude U0y
y=Kα .2 U 0 y =K y .2 U 0 y (8)
Where K is amplification factor of Y-amplifier and K y =Kα is the vertical sensitivity or Y-channel
- If an alternative voltage in the form of Uy is applied to plates Y1Y2 and a voltage that changes
continuously and linearly with time U x = a.t applied to plates X 1X2 simultaneously, the bright line
on the screen will represent the total motion of two oscillations which are perpendicular with each
x=K x . U x =k x . at
y=K y . U y =K y . U 0 y . cos ωt=K y . U 0 y .cos (12)
- The electron beam draw on screen a signal y = y(x) similarly to the investigated one. The time-
base component is an electronic circuit that generates a ramp voltage or saw-tooth waveform. This
is a voltage that changes continuously and linearly with time,
Ux = a.t (13)
Until the maximum value Umax then decreases gradually to the initial voltage U0.
- When Ux is applied to X plates it sweeps the electron beam at constant speed from left to right
across the screen and then quickly returns the beam to the left in time to begin the next sweep. The
time-base can be adjusted to match the sweep time to the period of the signal Ts and sweep
frequency f.
f = (14)
- Let T is the period of the input signal then:
• If Ts = T: a total oscillation can be observed on the screen.
• If Ts = nT (n is integer): n total oscillations can be observed on the screen.
• If Ts ≠ nT: a complicated oscillation or oscillation in motion can be observed on the

2.2.2. Symbol of oscilloscope in electric circuit:

- OS is symbolized in the diagram of an electric circuit by two pairs of parallel lines inside a circular
characterizing two pairs of the deflection electrodes.
- A typical OS is usually box shaped with a display screen, numerous input connectors, control
knobs and buttons on the front panel. To aid measurement, a grid called the graticule is drawn on
the face of the screen.

2.2.3. Resultant signal form produced by two perpendicular oscillations:

- If an alternative voltage U y =U 0 y . cos (ω y . t+ φ) is applied to plates Y1Y2 and other voltage
U x =U 0 x . cos(ω x . t+ φ) applied to plates X1X2 simultaneously, the bright line on the screen will
represent the total motion of two oscillations which are perpendicular with each other.
x=K x . U x =x 0 . cos ω x .t (15)
y=K y . U y = y 0 . cos (ω¿¿ y . t+ φ)¿ (16)
When ω x =ω y (¿ case of n=1), the electron beam will produce a trace on the screen defined by the
following equation:
2 2
x y xy
( ) +( ) −2 cos φ=¿
x0 y0 x0 y0
2.3. Function generator:
- A function generator (FG) is a device containing an electronic oscillator, a circuit that is capable of
creating a repetitive waveform. The most common waveform is a sine wave, but saw-tooth, step
(pulse), square, and triangular waveform. Function generators are typically used in simple
electronics repair and design, where they are used to stimulate a circuit under test. The oscilloscope
is then used to measure the circuit's output. Function generators vary in the number of outputs they
feature, frequency range, frequency accuracy and stability, and several other parameters.

3. Experimental procedure:
3.1. Measurement of resistance:
- Step 1: Plug the U-shape connectors, unknown resistor RX and resistance box (denoted as R0) on
the connection box following the circuit layout
- Step 2: Press the button 1 to switch on FG. Choose the frequency range of 1K (using button group
3) and sine waveform (using button 4). Adjust knobs 8 and 9 to set an initial measurement
frequency of about 500 Hz (or 1000 Hz).
- Step 3: Press the button 16 to switch on OS, a trace of vertical line would be appeared on the
screen. Adjust the trace so that it should be on the center of screen by using small knobs 7 and 10.
- Step 4: Regulate the resistance box R0 so that the trace displayed on screen of OS becomes a
diagonal line. Then, Ux = Uy = URo that is
R X =R0 (18)
Record the value of frequency f and the corresponding value of R0 in data table 1
Note: the resistance box R0 are regulated by turning up its knobs with the order from greater range
(∼thousands ohm) to smaller one (∼ohm or ∼one tenths ohm), respectively.
- Step 5: Turn down the knobs of the changeable resistor R0 to zero positions.
- Step 6: Repeat again the measurement step 4 and 5 for 2 different frequencies (may be either 1000,
and 1500 Hz or 1500, and 2000 Hz
3.2. Measurement of capacitance:
- Step 1: Adjust knobs 8 and 9 to set an initial measurement frequency of 1000 Hz.
- Step 2: Replace the resistor R X by installing the unknown capacitor C X, an upright oval would be
appeared on the screen of OS. For convenient and exact observing, adjust knobs 7 and 10 to move
the oval trace so that its center is coincided with the center of the coordinate axes of the screen.
- Step 3: Regulate the resistance box R0 so that the oval trace would become a circle.
Then, UC = UX = UY = URo that is,
ZX= =R0 (19)
2 π . f . CX
Hence :C X = (20)
2 π . f . R0
Make a data table 2 and record the value of frequency f and the obtained value of R0 in it.
Note: Regulating the resistance box R0 by turning up its knobs with the order from greater range
(∼thousands ohm) to smaller one (∼ohm or ∼one tenths ohm), respectively.
- Step 4: Turn down the knobs of the changeable resistor R0 to zero positions.
Step 5: Repeat again the measurement step 3 and 4 for more 2 different frequencies (2000 and 3000
3.3. Measurement of inductance:
- Step 1: Adjust knobs 8 and 9 to set an initial measurement frequency of 10000 Hz.
- Step 2: Replace the capacitor C X by installing the unknown coil L X, an upright oval trace would be
appeared on the screen. Again adjust knobs 7 and 10 to move the oval trace so that its center is
coincided with the center of the coordinate axes of the screen.
- Step 3: Regulating the resistance box R0 so that the oval trace becomes a circle
Then, UC = UX = UY = URo that is,
Z L =2 π . f . LX =R 0 (21)
Hence : L X = (22)
2π . f
Make a data table 3 and record the value of frequency f and the obtained value of R0 in it.
Note: Regulating the resistance box R0 by turning up its knobs with the order from greater range
(∼thousands ohm) to smaller one (∼ohm or ∼one tenths ohm), respectively.
- Step 4: Turn down the knobs of the changeable resistor R0 to zero positions.
- Step 5: Repeat again the measurement step 3 and 4 for more 2 different frequencies (20000 and
30000 Hz)

3.4. Determination of resonant frequency of RLC circuit:

3.4.1. Series RLC circuit:
- Step 1: Plug the U-shape connectors, resistor RX, capacitor CX and resistance box (denoted as R0)
on the connection box following the circuit layout. Set a value of 1000 Ohm for R0.
- Step 2: Choose the frequency range of 100K by using button group 3, an inclined oval trace would
be appeared on the screen of OS.
- Step 3: Regulating the knobs 8 and 9 of FG to find the applied frequency matching with the
specific one of circuit that the oval trace would become an inclined line.
Make a data table 4 and record that value of frequency fs in it
- Step 4: Repeat step 3 for more 2 times and record the obtained results in data table 4
- Step 5: Turn off OS and FG in order to prepare for next measurement

3.4.2. Parallel RLC circuit:

- Step 1: Plug the U-shape connectors, resistor RX, capacitor CX and resistance box (denoted as R0)
on the connection box following the circuit layout. Set a value of 1000 Ohm for R0.
- Step 2: Turn on FG and OS, an inclined oval trace would be appeared on the screen of OS.
- Step 3: Regulating the knobs 8 and 9 of FG to find the applied frequency matching with the
specific one of circuit that the oval trace would become an inclined line.
Make a data table 4 and record that value of frequency fs in it
- Step 4: Repeat step 3 for more 2 times and record the obtained results in data table 4
- Step 5: Turn off OS and FG

4. Experimental results:
4.1. Resistance:

Trial f (Hz) R0 (Ω)

1 1000 2212
2 1500 2211
3 2000 2208
4.2. Capacitance:

Trial f (Hz) R0 (Ω)

1 1000 240
2 2000 121
3 3000 82

4.3. Inductance:

Trial f (Hz) R0 (Ω)

1 10000 58
2 20000 116
3 30000 164

4.4. Determination of resonant frequency of RLC circuit:

Trial fseries (Hz) fparrallel (Hz)

1 6497 6497
2 6502 6501
3 6496 6498

5. Processing data:
5.1. Average values and uncertainties:
* Resistance:
We have: R X =R0

∑ R0 i
¿> R X = =2210.3(Ω)


s .d
∑ (R 0 i−R X )2
∆ R X =S . D= = =0.9(Ω)
√3 9

R X =2210.3 ± 0.9(Ω)

* Capacitance:
We have :C X =
2 π . f . R0
3 3
∑ C Xi ∑
i=1 2 π . f . R
¿>C X = i =1 = i 0i
=6.56 × 10−7 (F)
3 3

3 2

∑ ( 2 π . f1 . R −C X )
i=1 i 0i
∆ C X =S . D= = =0.04 ×10−7 (F)
√3 9
C X =(6.54 ± 0.04)×10 (F )
* Inductance:
We have : L X =
2π .f
3 3
∑ L Xi ∑ 2 π 0i. f
¿> L X = i=1 = i=1 i
=9.1 ×10−4 ( H )
3 3

∑( 2π .f i
−L X )
∆ L X =S . D= = =0.1 ×10−4 (H )
√3 9
L X =(9.1 ± 0.1) ×10 (H )

5.2. Comparison:
* Series:

∑ f series−i
f series = =6498( Hz)


∑ ( f series−i−f series)2
∆ f series =S . D= =1(Hz)
f series =6498 ±1( Hz)

* Parallel:

∑ f ¿−i
f ¿= =6498( Hz)


∑ (f ¿−i−f ¿)2
∆ f ¿ =S . D= =3( Hz)
f series =6498 ±3 (Hz)

ω0 1
¿ Resonant frequency calculated by f 0= = :
2 π 2 π √ LC
¿> f theoretical = =6541( Hz)
2 π √ LX C X
* Comment:
As we can see, the theoretical result of resonant frequency is approximately equal to the directly
measured results. We can see that the RLC circuit (with properly small resistance) becomes a good
approximation to an ideal LC circuit.

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