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Onsite Report 2022

Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review

GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-OR1
Grants and Contracts

Grant Year: 2022

Grant Amount: $18,200.00 Funding Source: F.A.S.T. 405h FHX (2022)

Date of Onsite: 5/31/2022 Date of Last Onsite: 6/22/2021

Grantee Point of Contact: Greg Brown Phone Number:

Planner verify documents: (a) Yes ( ) No Finance Consult: (a) Yes ( ) No

Changes on Certification and Signature Page: ( ) Yes (a) No

Onsite Attendees:

Greg Brown
Sherita Jones
Katie Fallon
Jared Eaves

Identify overall concerns with grant to be addressed during onsite. Could include milestone report, reports,
claims, communication, etc.

More than 30 days late on multiple claims. Haven't spent any money yet. Behind on milestones. Pedestrian
Awareness Community Day, one of the goals/objectives for the grant, was not held (as indicated by R4).


1. Are goals and objectives realistic? (a) Yes ( ) No


Goals and objectives are S.M.A.R.T., but the milestones of the objectives and their activity/evaluation are not
being met.

2. Are goals and objectives being met? ( ) Yes (a) No


They are behind in 4 out of 5 milestones. Grantee was not aware of what the GOHS trainings were in Objective
4, however, it was determined that this objective referred to task team meetings. Grantee has been attending
task team meetings and will reflect that in their next progress report. Grantee also communicated that

11/29/2022 Page 1 of 9
Onsite Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-OR1
Grants and Contracts

Pedestrian Awareness Community Day was not held due to the increase in COVID variant cases . They hope to
reschedule during the FY22 grant year.

3. Are progress reports being submitted in a timely manner? (a) Yes ( ) No


Progress reports are, but claims are not.


Activities Reported For the Month Jan

Activity Application Milestone On-site Review Report

The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian 150 50
Safety Review Board) will distribute 2,000 reflective
armbands over the course of the grant year during the
following activities: The Pedestrian "On The Move"
informational, educational, & training sessions,
Pedestrian Awareness Day, and during other
community outreach activities and events. During the
distribution, members of the PSRB will educate each
attendee on the purpose of wearing the safety
reflective armband, how to properly wear the armband,
& demonstrate the visibility outcome when wearing the
safety reflective armband.

Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian 300 0

Safety Review Board) will host "Pedestrian Awareness
Community Day" in partnership with the Macon
Coalition to End Homelessness during FFY22. During
this community outreach event, a pedestrian safety
training session will be held for the homeless
population in attendance along with distribution of
educational materials and reflective armbands. The
Pedestrian Safety Review Board plans to reach a
minimum of 300 attendees during this event.

The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (PSRB) will 120 0

continue to promote pedestrian safety, educate their
peers, teachers, neighbors & the community on

11/29/2022 Page 2 of 9
Onsite Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-OR1
Grants and Contracts

pedestrian safety practices, in an effort to create a

more vibrant, livable, pedestrian-friendly zone &
neighborhoods, through the use of a variety of school &
community educational outreach activities during FY22
for the students enrolled in the Macon-Bibb County
School Zones. We expect to reach at least 2,200
citizens during these outreach opportunities.

The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian 0 0

Safety Review Board) will participate in six trainings
held by the Governor's Office of Highway Safety.

Note: Training Dates are TBD.

Macon-Bibb County Commissioners will develop and 0 50

implement educational events for Pedestrian Safety
Month in October.
Host educational outreach event with homeless at
Brookdale warming center
Discuss pedestrian safety tips
Identify Senior Center and schools to visit and
distribute educational outreach
Host Pedestrian Safety Kick off event for National
Pedestrian Safety Month
Walking activity - Have members walk in Pedestrian
shoes. Hold a meeting for pedestrian board members
to cross the streets properly instead of meeting in a
zoom or room environment.

** Law Enforcement Grants Only **

Arrest/Citations Reported

Enforcement Data On-site

Reported Review Report
Child Restraint
Seat Belt

11/29/2022 Page 3 of 9
Onsite Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-OR1
Grants and Contracts


5. Is information reported in the monthly report the same as discovered (a) Yes ( ) No
during the onsite?



1. Has the Grant Announcement been submitted to GOHS? (a) Yes ( ) No

Was it submitted during the first quarter of the grant? ( ) Yes (a) No


The grant announcement was not submitted until April 26, upon my inquiry.

2. Was the media plan implemented as indicated in the application? (a) Yes ( ) No


Upon actually composing, finalizing and releasing the announcement, yes, the media plan was followed.

3. Identify materials and activities used in PI&E efforts and target population:

Monthly public meetings are held, PSA's recorded and shared via email distribution and social media, outdoor
public outreach activities held, Senior Pedestrian Safety Day was held January 25, attendance at community
events, demonstration/education/distribution of arm bands at community meetings.


1. What methods are being used by the grantee to evaluate their program?

Tracking arm bands distributed, meetings/community events attended, number of persons interacted with for
education on arm bands.

2. Can we determine at this point the programmatic effectiveness of this program ? (a) Yes ( ) No


11/29/2022 Page 4 of 9
Onsite Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-OR1
Grants and Contracts

At this point, the grantee is behind on 80% of their milestones. Prior to this onsite, grantee had only submitted 3
of 7 claims. During the onsite, grantee caught up on claims. Prior to the onsite, grantee had not spent any
money, but during the onsite, grantee submitted C6, which does contain a dollar amount ($490) and that claim
has been approved. Armbands have been distributed during this FY22 grant year, although armbands have not
yet been purchased, which indicated a surplus of armbands. Current armband supply was confirmed during the


FEI Number: 46-3992371

1. Are the funds being spent in a timely manner and within guidelines? ( ) Yes (a) No


Through the 7th month of the grant, no funds have been reported as spent. However, during the onsite, grantee
submitted C6, which did include a claim amount of $490. Armbands have still not been purchased.

2. Are monthly claims being submitted in a timely manner? ( ) Yes (a) No


Prior to this onsite, grantee had only submitted 3 of 7 claims, despite repeated communication on how to catch
up. Additional instruction was given during the onsite on submitting claims in eGOHS and troubleshooting
errors and grantee is now caught up on claims. During the onsite, grantee caught up on claims. Prior to the
onsite, grantee had not spent any money, but during the onsite, grantee submitted C6, which does contain a
dollar amount ($490) and that claim has been approved.

3. If the jurisdiction receives over $750,000 in federal funds, have they submitted their audit report to GOHS?
( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A


4. Have there been any changes to the agencies bank account information? ( ) Yes (a) No


5. Are there any other financial concerns regarding this grant? ( ) Yes (a) No

11/29/2022 Page 5 of 9
Onsite Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-OR1
Grants and Contracts


6. Did grantee follow their agency procurement policy (or state policy, if none) when making purchases of
$5,000 or more? ( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A


7. Does the grantee's equipment/serial numbers match invoices submitted?( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A

Item Serial Number

8. If property has been disposed of, were property disposal forms completed and submitted to GOHS?
( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A


9. Is the equipment being used by project personnel? ( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A


10. Are grant funds identified separately in the grantee's official accounting (a) Yes ( ) No


GOHS grant funds are identified by the accounting code 252.0318. 531100.001 in the Macon-Bibb accounting
and ledger system.

11. What documentation or accounting records are used for claim preparations?

Internal accounting code 252.0318.531100.001 and invoices.


11/29/2022 Page 6 of 9
Onsite Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-OR1
Grants and Contracts

1. Are the project personnel submitted in the monthly progress report the same as those being claimed?
( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A


2. Is the grantee submitting required documentation prior to purchase, travel, or any other events (includes
contracts, travel, etc.)? ( a) Yes ( ) No


Grantee does not have any travel or contractual services in their grant.

3. Does the Agency Administrator have a thorough understanding of the project 's goals, objectives, budget, and
GOHS reporting procedures? ( ) Yes (a) No


Agency Administrator was given additional instruction during the onsite for completing and submitting claims on
times. Progress report procedures, however, are being followed.

4. Are there any vacant project positions? ( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A


Grantee does not have any personnel services on the grant.

5. For law enforcement agencies, does the grantee have a deployment plan?
( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A

What is it and how is it determined?



Date: 6/1/2022


11/29/2022 Page 7 of 9
Onsite Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-OR1
Grants and Contracts

It is recommended that grantee purchase their armbands in June in case of supply chain issues, shipping
delays or cost increases, and to be sure there are enough for future events, rather than waiting until the end of
the grant year. Instruction was also provided on how to better complete and submit claims on time.

Date for follow-up:

Follow-up Complete: ( ) Yes ( ) No


11/29/2022 Page 8 of 9
Onsite Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-OR1
Onsite Documents

Document Title: Rack Card https://georgia.intelligrants.com/_Upload/155956_1112

Document Title: Brochure https://georgia.intelligrants.com/_Upload/155956_1112
Document Title: Armbands https://georgia.intelligrants.com/_Upload/155956_1112

11/29/2022 Page 9 of 9
Grant Status Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-GSR1
Grant Status Report

Date of Report: 3/24/2022

Project Title: Pedestrian "On The Move" Funding Source: F.A.S.T. 405h FHX (2022)

Brief Description of The number of pedestrian Approved Budget: $18,200.00

Project: fatalities in Macon-Bibb
County has contributed to
the municipality currently
ranked among the highest
pedestrian fatality rate
among Georgia's twenty
largest counties.
Pedestrian "On The Move"
will serve as an
informational, educational,
and training project for all
sub-groups throughout the
county, with a major focus
on the role and
responsibilities of
pedestrians as they "move"
from one location to
another, with an emphasis
on driver and passenger

Review Period: Oct 2021 TO Mar 2022 Current Grant Status: Grant Executed

Grant Announcement ( ) Yes (a) No

Job Description ( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A

1 Is grantee in compliance with all GOHS grant terms and conditions, including applicable Special Conditions?
( ) Yes (a) No

They did not get any claims in until March, but are caught up now. They also have not sent over a grant
announcement for pre-approval or attached one to a progress report from the first 90 days.

2 For current grant year, how many reports and claims have been submitted?

5 Programmatic Submitted 0 Programmatic Outstanding

5 Claims Submitted 0 Claims Outstanding

11/29/2022 Page 1 of 3
Grant Status Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-GSR1
Grant Status Report

If reports and/or claims are outstanding, please provide an explanation and a corrective action plan.


3 Are grant activities being met? (Milestone Chart)

( ) Yes (a) No

They are behind in multiple milestones, but I suspect that is because they may have rushed reports and claims
to get caught up. I have communicated with them to see how they can catch up on milestones.

4 Was the grantee compliant with the Grant Terms and Conditions in the prior grant year ?
(Could include claims, reports, milestone, etc)
( ) Yes (a) No ( ) N/A

Milestones were not met due to the pandemic, according to the FY21 final report and they had trouble being on
time with submitting claims and reports according to the grant status report.

5 Did the grantee make acquisitions necessary to implement the grant objectives within 90 days of grant
(This could include hiring personnel, purchasing motor vehicles, equipment, etc.)
(a) Yes ( ) No


6 Would you recommend continuing this grant for the remainder of the federal fiscal year ?
(a) Yes ( ) No

With guidance, they can hopefully get on track with milestones and spending.

7 Would you recommend this grant for renewal in the next funding year ?
(a) Yes ( ) No

Yes, but with caveats. They need one-on-one training with grant conditions and basic deadlines to reinforce
how to stay in compliance. In addition to grant activities, deadlines for grant announcement, progress report
and claim submissions need to be reinforced.

11/29/2022 Page 2 of 3
Grant Status Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-GSR1
Grant Status Report

8 Including current year and up to five, what year of funding is this project in?
5th Year

Additional Comments:

11/29/2022 Page 3 of 3
Final Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-FR1
Project Summary

Project Summary:

The number of pedestrian fatalities in Macon-Bibb County has contributed to the municipality currently ranked
among the highest pedestrian fatality rate among Georgia's twenty largest counties. Pedestrian " On The Move"
will serve as an informational, educational, and training project for all sub-groups throughout the county, with a
major focus on the role and responsibilities of pedestrians as they "move" from one location to another, with an
emphasis on driver and passenger behaviors.

11/29/2022 Page 1 of 12
Final Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 001

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 3: During FY2022, Distribute 2000 Pedestrian "On The Move" safety reflective elastic
armbands to pedestrians at numerous and various community outreach activities and events.

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review Board) will distribute 2,000
reflective armbands over the course of the grant year during the following activities: The Pedestrian " On The
Move" informational, educational, & training sessions, Pedestrian Awareness Day, and during other community
outreach activities and events. During the distribution, members of the PSRB will educate each attendee on the
purpose of wearing the safety reflective armband, how to properly wear the armband, & demonstrate the
visibility outcome when wearing the safety reflective armband.

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 2000

Actual Activity: 1635

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

No. Faced challenges regarding COVID-19 and Monkey Pox precautions.

Please enter any additional comments here:

11/29/2022 Page 2 of 12
Final Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 002

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY22, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices to reach community citizens.

Activities: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review Board) will host "Pedestrian
Awareness Community Day" in partnership with the Macon Coalition to End Homelessness during FFY22.
During this community outreach event, a pedestrian safety training session will be held for the homeless
population in attendance along with distribution of educational materials and reflective armbands. The
Pedestrian Safety Review Board plans to reach a minimum of 300 attendees during this event.

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 300

Actual Activity: 95

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

No. COVID-19 and Monkey Pox precautions, in addition to limited volunteers to help reach the milestones.

Please enter any additional comments here:

The Pedestrian Safety Review Board is confident that the goal will be met during next grant cycle.

11/29/2022 Page 3 of 12
Final Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 003

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY22, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices to reach community citizens.

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (PSRB) will continue to promote pedestrian safety,
educate their peers, teachers, neighbors & the community on pedestrian safety practices, in an effort to create
a more vibrant, livable, pedestrian-friendly zone & neighborhoods, through the use of a variety of school &
community educational outreach activities during FY22 for the students enrolled in the Macon-Bibb County
School Zones. We expect to reach at least 2,200 citizens during these outreach opportunities.

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 2200

Actual Activity: 200

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

No. COVID-19 and Monkey Pox Precautions. Coming somewhat out of a pandemic, the PSRB wanted to do
its part to lessen interaction with students in an educational setting to help control the spread of COVID.

Please enter any additional comments here:

The PSRB will make contact with the school district to coordinate future educational outreach with students.

11/29/2022 Page 4 of 12
Final Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 004

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 2: The Pedestrian Safety Review Board will participate in six Government Office of
Highway Safety (GOHS) Task Team meetings during the FY22 grant period.

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review Board) will participate in six
trainings held by the Governor's Office of Highway Safety.

Note: Training Dates are TBD.

Did you meet the milestone? Yes

Projected Activity: 6

Actual Activity: 8

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)


If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

Please enter any additional comments here:

11/29/2022 Page 5 of 12
Final Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 005

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners will support GOHS by participating in Pedestrian Safety
Month for October

Activities: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners will develop and implement educational events for Pedestrian
Safety Month in October.
Host educational outreach event with homeless at Brookdale warming center
Discuss pedestrian safety tips
Identify Senior Center and schools to visit and distribute educational outreach
Host Pedestrian Safety Kick off event for National Pedestrian Safety Month
Walking activity - Have members walk in Pedestrian shoes. Hold a meeting for pedestrian board members to
cross the streets properly instead of meeting in a zoom or room environment.

Did you meet the milestone? Yes

Projected Activity: 750

Actual Activity: 800

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)


If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

Please enter any additional comments here:

11/29/2022 Page 6 of 12
Final Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-FR1
Media Plan

Summarize your media plan; include an estimate of the number of people reached, and the number of news
stories/print media/radio programs/TV programs featuring grant/PSA's conducted.

# of People Reached: 20000

# of Stories: 10


Media plan included Pedestrian Safety stories on 13WMAZ; 41NBC; WGXA; The Hub E-newsletter from
Macon-Bibb Public Affairs; Pedestrian Safety Press Conference; Grant announcement Press Conference; The
Telegraph Newspaper; ASK Elaine Talk Radio;

11/29/2022 Page 7 of 12
Final Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-FR1
Occupant Protection

Seat belt usage rate (end of project rate): 0 %

Number of car seats distributed during grant period: 0

Number of child safety seat checkpoints conducted during grant period: 0

Number of bike helmets distributed during grant period: 0

11/29/2022 Page 8 of 12
Final Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-FR1


Amount Spent

Personnel Services: includes salary $0

and benefits

Enforcement/Activity Hours $0 Total Project Hours: 0

Regular Operating: includes car seats, $6,450.00

bicycle helmets, etc. Items under $1000

Travel: includes mileage, per diem, $0

hotel, etc.

Equipment: includes radars, light bars, $0

etc. Items $1000 or more

Contractual services: includes $0

outsourced or subcontracted services
and contracts, e.g. survey experts,

Per Diem and Fees: Travel for $0


Computer Charges and Equipment: $0

Includes computers, printers, scanners,

Telecommunications: includes cell $0

phones, internet, etc

Motor Vehicle Purchases: $0

Rent/ Real estate: $0

TOTAL: $6,450.00

11/29/2022 Page 9 of 12
Final Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-FR1
Law Enforcement Crash Data

Past FY Current FY % Increase/Decrease

Total motor vehicle 0.00 %


Total fatal crashes 0.00 %

involving failure to wear a
seat belt

Total crashes resulting in 0.00 %


Total crashes resulting in 0.00 %


Impaired driving citations 0.00 %


Impaired driving crashes 0.00 %

resulting in death

Impaired driving crashes 0.00 %

resulting in injury

Speeding citations issued 0.00 %

Speed related crashes 0.00 %

resulting in death

Speed related crashes 0.00 %

resulting in injury

Total pedestrian crashes 0.00 %

Pedestrian crashes 0.00 %

resulting in death

Pedestrian crashes 0.00 %

resulting in injury

Young Driver (includes Under Age 21)

Total crashes involving 0.00 %
young drivers

11/29/2022 Page 10 of 12
Final Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-FR1
Law Enforcement Crash Data

Total crashes involving 0.00 %

young driver death

Total crashes involving 0.00 %

young driver injury

11/29/2022 Page 11 of 12
Final Report 2022
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2022-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-107-FR1
Law Enforcement Project Citations

Total Arrests/ Citations/ Written Warnings: 0


Child Restraint


Reckless Driving

Uninsured Motorists


Suspended/Revoked License

Distracted Driving

Other Citations

11/29/2022 Page 12 of 12
Onsite Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-OR1
Grants and Contracts

Grant Year: 2021

Grant Amount: $23,400.00 Funding Source: F.A.S.T. 405h FHX (2021)

Date of Onsite: 6/22/2021 Date of Last Onsite: 6/15/2020

Grantee Point of Contact: Greg Brown Phone Number:

Planner verify documents: (a) Yes ( ) No Finance Consult: (a) Yes ( ) No

Changes on Certification and Signature Page: ( ) Yes (a) No

Onsite Attendees:

Amanda Jackson
Jimmy Sumner
Greg Brown
Sherita Jones

Identify overall concerns with grant to be addressed during onsite. Could include milestone report, reports,
claims, communication, etc.

Concerns with the grant include lack of funding spent in the 2020 and 2021 grant years and not meeting all
programmatic milestones.


1. Are goals and objectives realistic? (a) Yes ( ) No


Yes, grants and objectives are realistic. They include distributing reflective armbands for events like “On the
Move”, partnership with Bibb CO SO, pedestrian during Homeless Awareness Month, hosting Macon-Bibb
Peds Safety Review Board meetings, pedestrian outreach in schools, and two “On the Move” training sessions.

2. Are goals and objectives being met? ( ) Yes (a) No


The following objectives are not being met Bibb CO SO contacts, Homelessness Awareness Day, and

11/29/2022 Page 1 of 10
Onsite Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-OR1
Grants and Contracts

Pedestrian education in schools. All other objectives are on track to being met.

3. Are progress reports being submitted in a timely manner? ( ) Yes (a) No


No, October’s progress report was submitted in January. Since Greg Brown has been Agency Administrator all
progress reports have been on time.


Activities Reported For the Month Apr

SADD Grants

Activity Application Milestone On-site Review Report

Establish or maintain a SADD/STAR Chapter by
November. Contact National SADD annually to register
the chapter.
Hold monthly meetings of the SADD/STAR Chapter.
Elect officers, establish regular meeting times &
set chapter calendar.
Complete a minimum of two safety belt checks. It is
suggested to complete the pre in the first quarter of the
grant period (Oct. – Dec.) and the post during the third
quarter of the grant period (April – June), or prior to the
close of the school year. (No GOHS Funds can be
used for this activity)
Announce receipt of grant award in newspaper or other
media outlet (i.e.) website, school newspaper, etc.
within 1st quarter of grant period.
To participate in the following campaigns: SADD & the
law: 21 or Bust and SADD & the law: SADD
To participate in at least one of the following activities:
Mock Car Crash, Lights on For Life Day, Prom,
Graduation or any other activity that includes a
focus on impaired or distracted driving.
Advisor and at least two students to attend GOHS
approved conference.
YA Grants

11/29/2022 Page 2 of 10
Onsite Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-OR1
Grants and Contracts

Activity Application Milestone On-site Review Report

Conduct four school year activities focused on
educating students and faculty about alcohol and
highway safety issues. Example: Implement alcohol
awareness seasonal campaigns surround graduation,
spring break, new student orientation, sporting events,
holidays, etc. to reduce high risk drinking.
Collect highway safety statistics on campus and in
surrounding areas where students travel at the
beginning of each semester (twice per year).
Review campus alcohol polices at the beginning of
each year.
Distribute educational materials at 4 school activities.
Complete the first seat belt survey in the first quarter of
the grant period (Oct. - Dec.). Complete the second
seat belt survey prior to the close of the school year.
Announce results of each seat belt survey (media,
website, social media).
Collaborate with campus police or local law
enforcement to participate in impaired
driving/underage drinking campaigns.
Distribute GOHS brochures and Impaired Driving
educational materials on campus in conjunction with
GOHS Impaired Driving campaigns.
Recruit potential peer health educators.
Conduct alcohol specific peer health education training
(ex: TIPS or BACCHUS).
Conduct campus CORE or ACHA-NCHA survey once
every ODD year (Example FFY2017, FFY2019, etc).

Activity Application Milestone On-site Review Report

The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian 150 750
Safety Review Board) will distribute 3,000 reflective
armbands over the course of the grant year during the
following activities: The Pedestrian "On The Move"
informational, educational, & training sessions,
Pedestrian Awareness Day, and during other
community outreach activites. During the distribution,
members of the PSRB will educate each attendee on
the purpose of wearing the safety reflective armband,
how to properly wear the armband, & demonstrate the
visibility outcome when wearing the safety reflective

11/29/2022 Page 3 of 10
Onsite Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-OR1
Grants and Contracts


The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian 5 3

Safety Review Board) in partnership with the Bibb
County Sheriff's Office and BCSD Campus Police, will
facilitate placement of 60 officers during the community
outreach activities for maximum visibility during FFY21.
Representatives of the Pedestrian Safety Review
Board (PSRB) in partnership with these law
enforcement agencies will help monitor the "behaviors'
of motorists and pedestrians during these
activities.The representatives of the PSRB will
distribute educational materials to those motorist and
pedestrians cited by the officers.

Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian 0 0

Safety Review Board) will host a "Pedestrian
Awareness Community Day" during National Hunger &
Homeless Awareness Month in partnership with the
Macon Coalition to End Homelessness during FFY21.
During this community outreach event, a pedestrian
safety training session will be held for the homeless
population in attendance along with distribution of
educational materials and reflective armbands. The
Pedestrian Safety Review Board plans to reach a
minimum of 300 attendees during this event.

The Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review 0 0

Board (PSRB) will attend five meetings of local
community-related organizations during FFY21. The
PSRB will reach a minimum of 10 participants per
meeting to discuss the current pedestrian fatality issue,
provide safety educational tips and materials, and
encourage volunteerism from the membership of each
organization by monitoring behaviors of pedestrians,
and spreading the safety message & tips in-person, in
the organization's newsletter, and during the
organization's & PSRB sponsored-events. We will
meet with a minimum of 50 participants.

11/29/2022 Page 4 of 10
Onsite Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-OR1
Grants and Contracts

The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (PSRB) will 320 0

continue to promote pedestrian safety, educate their
peers, teachers, neighbors & the community on
pedestrian safety practices, in an effort to create a
more vibrant, livable, pedestrian-friendly zone &
neighborhoods, through the use of a variety of school &
community educational outreach activities during
FFY21 for the students enrolled in the Southwest High
School Zone & the Northeast High School Zones. We
expect to reach at least 3,205 citizens during these
outreach opportunities.

The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian 0 75

Safety Review Board) will host two Pedestrian "On The
Move" informational, educational & training sessions.
Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (PSRB) will reach
a minimum of 150 individuals per session with a total
of 300 people. The members of the Macon-Bibb
County Commissioners (PSRB) will address the
current pedestrian safety issue in Macon-Bibb County
and promote pedestrian safety, provide pedestrian
safety education, practices, and materials for the
attendees during each session.

** Law Enforcement Grants Only **

Arrest/Citations Reported

Enforcement Data On-site

Reported Review Report
Child Restraint
Seat Belt

5. Is information reported in the monthly report the same as discovered (a) Yes ( ) No
during the onsite?


11/29/2022 Page 5 of 10
Onsite Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-OR1
Grants and Contracts

All the information in the monthly report is the same discovered during the onsite.


1. Has the Grant Announcement been submitted to GOHS? (a) Yes ( ) No

Was it submitted during the first quarter of the grant? (a) Yes ( ) No


Yes, the grant announcement was submitted on November 5, 2020.

2. Was the media plan implemented as indicated in the application? (a) Yes ( ) No


Yes, the media plan was implemented as intended. Several copies of the media are included in the onsite
report. They include local news media, the Pedestrian Safety Board newsletter, an online newspaper, and
social media.

3. Identify materials and activities used in PI&E efforts and target population:

PI&E efforts include RAC cards and pedestrian brochures.


1. What methods are being used by the grantee to evaluate their program?

Currently using participant counts, but open to strengthening their evaluation methods with pre-posttests.

2. Can we determine at this point the programmatic effectiveness of this program ? (a) Yes ( ) No


Yes, the grant is being implemented by educating the public on pedestrian safety best practices.


FEI Number: 46-3992371

1. Are the funds being spent in a timely manner and within guidelines? ( ) Yes (a) No


11/29/2022 Page 6 of 10
Onsite Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-OR1
Grants and Contracts

No funds have been spent this grant year.

2. Are monthly claims being submitted in a timely manner? ( ) Yes (a) No


No, October claim was submitted on January 14, 2021. All claims have been on time since Greg Brown has
been the Agency Administrator.

3. If the jurisdiction receives over $750,000 in federal funds, have they submitted their audit report to GOHS?
(a) Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A


GOHS Finance has a copy of their audit.

4. Have there been any changes to the agencies bank account information? ( ) Yes (a) No


No changes to agency’s bank account information.

5. Are there any other financial concerns regarding this grant? ( ) Yes (a) No


No other financial concerns. Only financial concern is lack of spending.

6. Did grantee follow their agency procurement policy (or state policy, if none) when making purchases of
$5,000 or more? ( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A


No purchase over $5000.

7. Does the grantee's equipment/serial numbers match invoices submitted?( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A

Item Serial Number

8. If property has been disposed of, were property disposal forms completed and submitted to GOHS?

11/29/2022 Page 7 of 10
Onsite Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-OR1
Grants and Contracts

( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A


No purchase over $5000.

9. Is the equipment being used by project personnel? ( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A


No purchase over $5000.

10. Are grant funds identified separately in the grantee's official accounting (a) Yes ( ) No


Grant funds are identified separately by chart of accounts (0285) and chart funds with expenses.

11. What documentation or accounting records are used for claim preparations?

The following documentation will be used to prepare future claims: invoices with signoffs, check copies, and
bank statements (when applicable).


1. Are the project personnel submitted in the monthly progress report the same as those being claimed?
( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A


No personnel paid by GOHS grant.

2. Is the grantee submitting required documentation prior to purchase, travel, or any other events (includes
contracts, travel, etc.)? ( a) Yes ( ) No


Grantee emails GOHS verifying smaller purchases and artwork.

3. Does the Agency Administrator have a thorough understanding of the project 's goals, objectives, budget, and
GOHS reporting procedures? ( a) Yes ( ) No

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Onsite Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-OR1
Grants and Contracts


Greg has taken the time to learn eGOHS and the programmatic components of the grant. Greg is working on
growing the programs and milestones with COVID-19

4. Are there any vacant project positions? ( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A


No salaries are paid by this grant.

5. For law enforcement agencies, does the grantee have a deployment plan?
( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A

What is it and how is it determined?



Date: 7/7/2021


Keep up the good work of submitting progress reports and claims. We appreciate your responsiveness to
GOHS emails. Please spend down your money this grant year and continue to grow your grant programming.
We want to see you all continue to do all innovative ideas and reach our vulnerable road users .

Date for follow-up:

Follow-up Complete: ( ) Yes ( ) No


11/29/2022 Page 9 of 10
Onsite Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-OR1
Onsite Documents

Document Title: AARP Macon-Bibb https://georgia.intelligrants.com/_Upload/131382_1109

Document Title: Macon-Bibb Fin Records https://georgia.intelligrants.com/_Upload/131382_1109
Document Title: Grant Announcement https://georgia.intelligrants.com/_Upload/131382_1109
Document Title: Grant Announcement 2 https://georgia.intelligrants.com/_Upload/131382_1109
Document Title: Grant Announcement 3 https://georgia.intelligrants.com/_Upload/131382_1109
Document Title: Grant Announcement 4 https://georgia.intelligrants.com/_Upload/131382_1109
Document Title: Community Event https://georgia.intelligrants.com/_Upload/131382_1109
Document Title: Women's Health Event https://georgia.intelligrants.com/_Upload/131382_1109
Document Title: Community Event 2 https://georgia.intelligrants.com/_Upload/131382_1109
Document Title: Community Event 3 https://georgia.intelligrants.com/_Upload/131382_1109
Document Title: News Clip One https://georgia.intelligrants.com/_Upload/131382_1109
Document Title: News Clip Two https://georgia.intelligrants.com/_Upload/131382_1109
Document Title: Newsletter https://georgia.intelligrants.com/_Upload/131382_1109

11/29/2022 Page 10 of 10
Grant Status Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-GSR1
Grant Status Report

Date of Report: 2/12/2021

Project Title: Pedestrian "On The Move" Funding Source: F.A.S.T. 405h FHX (2021)

Brief Description of The number of pedestrian Approved Budget: $23,400.00

Project: fatalities in Macon-Bibb
County has contributed to
the municipality currently
ranked among the highest
pedestrian fatality rate
among Georgia's twenty
largest counties.
Pedestrian "On The Move"
will serve as an
informational, educational,
and training project for all
sub-groups throughout the
county, with a major focus
on the role and
responsibilities of
pedestrians as they "move"
from one location to
another, with an emphasis
on driver and passenger

Review Period: Oct 2020 TO Feb 2021 Current Grant Status: Grant: Amendment in
Administrative Review

Grant Announcement (a) Yes ( ) No

Job Description ( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A

1 Is grantee in compliance with all GOHS grant terms and conditions, including applicable Special Conditions?
(a) Yes ( ) No

The grantee has been working harder to be compliant.

2 For current grant year, how many reports and claims have been submitted?

3 Programmatic Submitted 0 Programmatic Outstanding

3 Claims Submitted 0 Claims Outstanding

11/29/2022 Page 1 of 3
Grant Status Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-GSR1
Grant Status Report

If reports and/or claims are outstanding, please provide an explanation and a corrective action plan.

There are no outstanding claims and progress reports at this time. They are currently in amendment and if they
fall behind they will wrk to get caught up again.

3 Are grant activities being met? (Milestone Chart)

( ) Yes (a) No

Due to the COVID pandemic there has been a major deficiency in events regarding pedestrian education.

4 Was the grantee compliant with the Grant Terms and Conditions in the prior grant year ?
(Could include claims, reports, milestone, etc)
(a) Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A

They worked to keep up with progress reports and claims. They had a change over in personnel and then a
year of restructuring. They are compliant this year but still not where they should be in my opinion.

5 Did the grantee make acquisitions necessary to implement the grant objectives within 90 days of grant
(This could include hiring personnel, purchasing motor vehicles, equipment, etc.)
( ) Yes (a) No

They have made no purchases this year. I am watching them due to last years purchasing. They had an event
that was cancelled so they have armbands from last year, I want to make sure that we are not purchasing too
many for this grant term.

6 Would you recommend continuing this grant for the remainder of the federal fiscal year ?
(a) Yes ( ) No

I would continue this grant for the remainder of this year, due to the fact that they are doing better than they were
last year.

7 Would you recommend this grant for renewal in the next funding year ?
( ) Yes (a) No

I would look into other funding in that area apart from working with the county offices . There is a lot of turn over
regarding who is working the grant. I know there are some more options around the area that would be better

11/29/2022 Page 2 of 3
Grant Status Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-GSR1
Grant Status Report

for pedestrian education. I think that looking into other options would be way better for that area.

8 Including current year and up to five, what year of funding is this project in?
5+ Years

Additional Comments:

11/29/2022 Page 3 of 3
Final Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-FR1
Project Summary

Project Summary:

The number of pedestrian fatalities in Macon-Bibb County has contributed to the municipality currently ranked
among the highest pedestrian fatality rate among Georgia's twenty largest counties. Pedestrian " On The Move"
will serve as an informational, educational, and training project for all sub-groups throughout the county, with a
major focus on the role and responsibilities of pedestrians as they "move" from one location to another, with an
emphasis on driver and passenger behaviors.

11/29/2022 Page 1 of 13
Final Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 001

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 3: During FFY2021, Distribute 3000 Pedestrian "On The Move" safety reflective
elastic armbands to pedestrians at numerous and various community activities.

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review Board) will distribute 3,000
reflective armbands over the course of the grant year during the following activities: The Pedestrian " On The
Move" informational, educational, & training sessions, Pedestrian Awareness Day, and during other community
outreach activites. During the distribution, members of the PSRB will educate each attendee on the purpose of
wearing the safety reflective armband, how to properly wear the armband, & demonstrate the visibility outcome
when wearing the safety reflective armband.

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 3000

Actual Activity: 2265

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

COVID-19 Restrictions

Please enter any additional comments here:


11/29/2022 Page 2 of 13
Final Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 002

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY21, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices to reach .

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review Board) in partnership with the
Bibb County Sheriff's Office and BCSD Campus Police, will facilitate placement of 60 officers during the
community outreach activities for maximum visibility during FFY21. Representatives of the Pedestrian Safety
Review Board (PSRB) in partnership with these law enforcement agencies will help monitor the "behaviors' of
motorists and pedestrians during these activities.The representatives of the PSRB will distribute educational
materials to those motorist and pedestrians cited by the officers .

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 60

Actual Activity: 8

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

COVID-19 Restrictions

Please enter any additional comments here:


11/29/2022 Page 3 of 13
Final Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 003

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY21, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices to reach .

Activities: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review Board) will host a "Pedestrian
Awareness Community Day" during National Hunger & Homeless Awareness Month in partnership with the
Macon Coalition to End Homelessness during FFY21. During this community outreach event, a pedestrian
safety training session will be held for the homeless population in attendance along with distribution of
educational materials and reflective armbands. The Pedestrian Safety Review Board plans to reach a
minimum of 300 attendees during this event.

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 300

Actual Activity: 0

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

COVID-19 Restrictions

Please enter any additional comments here:


11/29/2022 Page 4 of 13
Final Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 004

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY21, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices to reach .

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review Board (PSRB) will attend five meetings of local
community-related organizations during FFY21. The PSRB will reach a minimum of 10 participants per
meeting to discuss the current pedestrian fatality issue, provide safety educational tips and materials, and
encourage volunteerism from the membership of each organization by monitoring behaviors of pedestrians,
and spreading the safety message & tips in-person, in the organization's newsletter, and during the
organization's & PSRB sponsored-events. We will meet with a minimum of 50 participants.

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 50

Actual Activity: 28

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

COVID-19 Restrictions

Please enter any additional comments here:


11/29/2022 Page 5 of 13
Final Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 005

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY21, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices to reach .

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (PSRB) will continue to promote pedestrian safety,
educate their peers, teachers, neighbors & the community on pedestrian safety practices, in an effort to create
a more vibrant, livable, pedestrian-friendly zone & neighborhoods, through the use of a variety of school &
community educational outreach activities during FFY21 for the students enrolled in the Southwest High School
Zone & the Northeast High School Zones. We expect to reach at least 3,205 citizens during these outreach

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 3205

Actual Activity: 0

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

COVID-19 Local School District Restrictions

Please enter any additional comments here:


11/29/2022 Page 6 of 13
Final Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 006

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY21, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices to reach .

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review Board) will host two
Pedestrian "On The Move" informational, educational & training sessions. Macon-Bibb County Commissioners
(PSRB) will reach a minimum of 150 individuals per session with a total of 300 people. The members of the
Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (PSRB) will address the current pedestrian safety issue in Macon-Bibb
County and promote pedestrian safety, provide pedestrian safety education, practices, and materials for the
attendees during each session.

Did you meet the milestone? Yes

Projected Activity: 300

Actual Activity: 340

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)

The PSRB was able to achieve this milestone by participating in outdoor On the Move educational activities.

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

Please enter any additional comments here:


11/29/2022 Page 7 of 13
Final Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-FR1
Media Plan

Summarize your media plan; include an estimate of the number of people reached, and the number of news
stories/print media/radio programs/TV programs featuring grant/PSA's conducted.

# of People Reached: 13630

# of Stories: 10


The media plan provides a really good estimate on the number of people reached and news stories the
Pedestrian Safety Review Board was able to accomplish in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

11/29/2022 Page 8 of 13
Final Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-FR1
Occupant Protection

Seat belt usage rate (end of project rate): 95 %

Number of car seats distributed during grant period: 0

Number of child safety seat checkpoints conducted during grant period: 0

Number of bike helmets distributed during grant period: 0

11/29/2022 Page 9 of 13
Final Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-FR1


Amount Spent

Personnel Services: includes salary $0

and benefits

Regular Operating: includes car seats, $13,666.62

bicycle helmets, etc. Items under $1000

Travel: includes mileage, per diem, $1,217.44

hotel, etc.

Equipment: includes radars, light bars, $0

etc. Items $1000 or more

Contractual services: includes $0

outsourced or subcontracted services
and contracts, e.g. survey experts,

Per Diem and Fees: Travel for $0


Computer Charges and Equipment: $0

Includes computers, printers, scanners,

Telecommunications: includes cell $0

phones, internet, etc

Motor Vehicle Purchases: $0

Rent/ Real estate: $0

TOTAL: $14,884.06

11/29/2022 Page 10 of 13
Final Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-FR1
Law Enforcement Crash Data

Past FY Current FY % Increase/Decrease

Total motor vehicle 0 0.00 %


Total fatal crashes 0 0.00 %

involving failure to wear a
seat belt

Total crashes resulting in 0 0.00 %


Total crashes resulting in 0 0.00 %


Impaired driving citations 0 0.00 %


Impaired driving crashes 0 0.00 %

resulting in death

Impaired driving crashes 0 0.00 %

resulting in injury

Speeding citations issued 0 0.00 %

Speed related crashes 0 0.00 %

resulting in death

Speed related crashes 0 0.00 %

resulting in injury

Total pedestrian crashes 0 0.00 %

Pedestrian crashes 0 0.00 %

resulting in death

Pedestrian crashes 0 0.00 %

resulting in injury

Young Driver (includes Under Age 21)

Total crashes involving 0 0.00 %
young drivers

11/29/2022 Page 11 of 13
Final Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-FR1
Law Enforcement Crash Data

Total crashes involving 0 0.00 %

young driver death

Total crashes involving 0 0.00 %

young driver injury

11/29/2022 Page 12 of 13
Final Report 2021
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2021-F.A.S.T. 405h FHX-044-FR1
Law Enforcement Project Citations

Total Arrests/ Citations/ Written Warnings: 0


Child Restraint


Reckless Driving

Uninsured Motorists


Suspended/Revoked License

Other Citations

11/29/2022 Page 13 of 13
Onsite Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-OR1
Grants and Contracts

Grant Year: 2020

Grant Amount: $23,905.00 Funding Source: 405h FHX (2020)

Date of Onsite: 6/15/2020 Date of Last Onsite: 6/1/2018

Grantee Point of Contact: Sherita Jones Phone Number:

Planner verify documents: (a) Yes ( ) No Finance Consult: (a) Yes ( ) No

Changes on Certification and Signature Page: (a) Yes ( ) No

Onsite Attendees:

Greg Brown
Elaine Lucas
Sherita Jones
Katie Curtis

Identify overall concerns with grant to be addressed during onsite. Could include milestone report, reports,
claims, communication, etc.

Late reports, Grant announcement, Milestone, Grant post position changes and the impact on the grant


1. Are goals and objectives realistic? (a) Yes ( ) No


For the past years, the goals and objectives have been realistic, and should be considered as realistic for this
grant term as well.

2. Are goals and objectives being met? ( ) Yes (a) No


Due to a impact of personnel changes, these milestones are not being met. With the onset of COVID, I fear an
impact in the numbers, however even before COVID, the milestone was impacted by the changes.

3. Are progress reports being submitted in a timely manner? ( ) Yes (a) No

11/29/2022 Page 1 of 8
Onsite Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-OR1
Grants and Contracts


The grantee is currently behind on reports. This is due to the lack of understanding of our reporting procedures.
I have walked the grantee through the progress reports that have been turned in, and we are creating a plan to
get the rest turned in, in a timely manner.


Activities Reported For the Month Dec

Activity Application Milestone On-site Review Report

The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian 250 0
Safety Review Board) will distribute reflective
armbands during the following activities: The
Pedestrian "On The Move" informational, educational,
& training sessions, Alive "Beyond 92" pilot
program,Youth Pedestrian Camp, Pedestrian
Awareness Day, and during other community outreach
activites. During the distribution, members of the
PSRB will educate each attendee on the purpose of
wearing the safety reflective armband, how to properly
wear the armband, & demonstrate the visibility
outcome when wearing the safety reflective armband.

The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian 5 0

Safety Review Board) in partnership with the Bibb
County Sheriff's Office and BCSD Campus Police, will
facilitate placement of officers during the community
outreach activities for maximum visibility during FFY20.
Representatives of the Pedestrian Safety Review
Board (PSRB) in partnership with these law
enforcement agencies will help monitor the "behaviors'
of motorists and pedestrians during these
activities.The representatives of the PSRB will
distribute educational materials to those motorist and
pedestrians cited by the officers.

Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian 0 0

Safety Review Board) will host a "Pedestrian

11/29/2022 Page 2 of 8
Onsite Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-OR1
Grants and Contracts

Awareness Community Day" during National Hunger &

Homeless Awareness Month in partnership with the
Macon Coalition to End Homelessness during FFY20.
During this community outreach event, a pedestrian
safety training session will be held for the homeless
population in attendance. Additionally, educational
materials and safety elastic reflective armbands will be
distributed to each participant. The Pedestrian Safety
Review Board plans to reach a minimum of 300
attendees during this event.

The Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review 0 0

Board (PSRB) will attend five meetings of local
community-related organizations during FFY20. The
PSRB will reach a minimum of 10 participants per
meeting to discuss the current pedestrian fatality issue,
provide safety educational tips and materials, and
encourage volunteerism from the membership of each
organization to serve as "ambassadors" by monitoring
the behaviors of pedestrians in Macon-Bibb County,
and spreading the safety message & tips in-person, in
the organization's newsletter,and during the
organization's & PSRB sponsored-events.

1. At least one representative from the grantee will 0 0

attend a minimum of six GOHS Task Team meetings
during the FFY2020 grant period. This can be
accomplished either by attendance in-person or via

The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (PSRB) will 320 0

continue the Alive "Beyond 92" pilot program during
FFY20 for the students enrolled in the Southwest High
School Zone & add the Northeast High School Zone of
the Bibb County School District. A minimum of 3,205
students (ages 5-18) will serve as "Ambassadors", to
promote pedestrian safety,educate their peers,
teachers, neighbors & the community on pedestrian
safety practices, in an effort to create a more vibrant,
livable, pedestrian-friendly zone & neighborhoods,
through the use of a variety of school & community
educational outreach activities.

11/29/2022 Page 3 of 8
Onsite Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-OR1
Grants and Contracts

The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (PSRB) in 0 0

partnership with the Bibb County School District
Campus Police will hold a two-day Youth Pedestrian
Camp (ages 5-18) to provide pedestrian safety
education (incorporating the use of science,
technology, engineering, arts, and math) to 250
participants and engage the campers in a variety of
pedestrian safety educational lessons and activities.

The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian 0 0

Safety Review Board) will host two Pedestrian "On The
Move" informational, educational, & training sessions.
Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (PSRB) will reach
a minimum of 150 individuals per session. The
members of the Macon-Bibb County Commissioners
(PSRB) will address the current pedestrian fatality
issue in Macon-Bibb County, and promote pedestrian
safety, provide pedestrian safety education, practices,
and materials for the attendees during each session.

** Law Enforcement Grants Only **

Arrest/Citations Reported

Enforcement Data On-site

Reported Review Report
Child Restraint
Seat Belt

5. Is information reported in the monthly report the same as discovered (a) Yes ( ) No
during the onsite?


Again, with the big loss in personnel, these milestones are not being met.


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Onsite Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-OR1
Grants and Contracts

1. Has the Grant Announcement been submitted to GOHS? ( ) Yes (a) No

Was it submitted during the first quarter of the grant? ( ) Yes (a) No


Expecting it sometime this week.

2. Was the media plan implemented as indicated in the application? ( ) Yes (a) No


There is an old PSA that is currently being used, but will be reevaluated with the onset of new personnel.

3. Identify materials and activities used in PI&E efforts and target population:

Currently, the project is extremely impacted by COVID and by the personnel loss.


1. What methods are being used by the grantee to evaluate their program?

Normally there is pre/post surveys and sign in sheets that are used for the program, and the new personnel
knows that it is needed once programs are back on post COVID.

2. Can we determine at this point the programmatic effectiveness of this program ? ( ) Yes (a) No


I would say currently with the lack of milestone reports, I cannot determine if this is an effective project. The data
shows a huge growth of pedestrian fatalities from 2017, 8, to 2018, 14. This extreme jump shows the need for
the project, however with the lack of milestone, I cannot determine the effectiveness. I would deem this project
effective, once they get past the growing pains of personnel changes, and there being a champion for the
project. The Board itself, is active however in the past, the work of one individual kept the project afloat. As the
fatalities are on the rise, the project needs to buckle down in its milestone, and other goals/objectives that can


FEI Number: 46-3992371

1. Are the funds being spent in a timely manner and within guidelines? ( ) Yes (a) No

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Onsite Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-OR1
Grants and Contracts


Zero funds have been spent. a claim is on the way for arm band purchase.

2. Are monthly claims being submitted in a timely manner? ( ) Yes (a) No


Currently the grantee is behind on reporting due to a position change, however they will be working to get that
rectified. We have not seen a monthly claim with money spent on it yet

3. If the jurisdiction receives over $750,000 in federal funds, have they submitted their audit report to GOHS?
( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A


4. Have there been any changes to the agencies bank account information? ( ) Yes (a) No


5. Are there any other financial concerns regarding this grant? (a) Yes ( ) No


The financial concern is that money is not being spent, there has been some serious change over with the
personnel loss and the grantee has let me know that they did buy arm bands, but that has been the only
purchase out of the grant, and it has not been officially claimed on a report. Once there are some claims in, then
we can know that money is being spent.

6. Did grantee follow their agency procurement policy (or state policy, if none) when making purchases of
$5,000 or more? ( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A


7. Does the grantee's equipment/serial numbers match invoices submitted?( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A

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Onsite Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-OR1
Grants and Contracts

Item Serial Number

8. If property has been disposed of, were property disposal forms completed and submitted to GOHS?
( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A


9. Is the equipment being used by project personnel? ( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A


10. Are grant funds identified separately in the grantee's official accounting (a) Yes ( ) No


11. What documentation or accounting records are used for claim preparations?

currently no documentation is being used because no money is being used.


1. Are the project personnel submitted in the monthly progress report the same as those being claimed?
( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A


2. Is the grantee submitting required documentation prior to purchase, travel, or any other events (includes
contracts, travel, etc.)? ( a) Yes ( ) No


nothing has been needed, but there is understanding on what is needed

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Onsite Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-OR1
Grants and Contracts

3. Does the Agency Administrator have a thorough understanding of the project 's goals, objectives, budget, and
GOHS reporting procedures? ( ) Yes (a) No


The agency is extremely new to what needs to be done in regard to the grant. I have reached out regarding
training and hopefully will be taken up on it post onsite.

4. Are there any vacant project positions? ( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A


5. For law enforcement agencies, does the grantee have a deployment plan?
( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A

What is it and how is it determined?



Date: 6/15/2020


grant announcement, training, reports caught up

Date for follow-up: 8/7/2020

Follow-up Complete: ( ) Yes ( ) No


They have sent their grant announcement and are working to get the reports caught up

11/29/2022 Page 8 of 8
Grant Status Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-GSR1
Grant Status Report

Date of Report: 3/18/2020

Project Title: Pedestrian "On The Move" Funding Source: 405h FHX (2020)

Brief Description of The number of pedestrian Approved Budget: $23,905.00

Project: fatalities in Macon-Bibb
County has contributed to
the municipality currently
identified as having the
highest pedestrian fatality
rate among Georgia's
twenty largest counties.
Pedestrian "On The Move"
will serve as an
informational, educational,
and training project for all
sub-groups throughout the
county, with a major focus
on the role and
responsibilities of
pedestrians as they "move"
from one location to
another, with an emphasis
on driver and passenger

Review Period: Oct 2019 TO Mar 2020 Current Grant Status: Grant Executed

Grant Announcement ( ) Yes (a) No

Job Description ( ) Yes ( ) No (a) N/A

1 Is grantee in compliance with all GOHS grant terms and conditions, including applicable Special Conditions?
( ) Yes (a) No

The grant has had a change in personnel and is suffering. They know what they should be doing- it is not new to
them. I just feel as though they do not have the gumption that the previous person working the grant had.

2 For current grant year, how many reports and claims have been submitted?

3 Programmatic Submitted 2 Programmatic Outstanding

3 Claims Submitted 2 Claims Outstanding

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Grant Status Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-GSR1
Grant Status Report

If reports and/or claims are outstanding, please provide an explanation and a corrective action plan.

I have contacted them to get caught up on their claims/pr, the change in personnel deepens in that there is
someone completely new in charge of reports.

3 Are grant activities being met? (Milestone Chart)

( ) Yes (a) No

Again, this project is hurting this year with the loss of Ms. Poe.

4 Was the grantee compliant with the Grant Terms and Conditions in the prior grant year ?
(Could include claims, reports, milestone, etc)
(a) Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A

They were compliant and one of my successful projects.

5 Did the grantee make acquisitions necessary to implement the grant objectives within 90 days of grant
(This could include hiring personnel, purchasing motor vehicles, equipment, etc.)
( ) Yes (a) No

This grant has not spent any money yet

6 Would you recommend continuing this grant for the remainder of the federal fiscal year ?
(a) Yes ( ) No

I think with some perseverance this can be a good grant again.

7 Would you recommend this grant for renewal in the next funding year ?
(a) Yes ( ) No

I think there is talk about another entity with Vision Zero getting involved that will help the grant potentially .

8 Including current year and up to five, what year of funding is this project in?
5+ Years

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Grant Status Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-GSR1
Grant Status Report

Additional Comments:

11/29/2022 Page 3 of 3
Final Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-FR1
Project Summary

Project Summary:

The number of pedestrian fatalities in Macon-Bibb County has contributed to the municipality currently identified
as having the highest pedestrian fatality rate among Georgia's twenty largest counties. Pedestrian " On The
Move" will serve as an informational, educational, and training project for all sub-groups throughout the county,
with a major focus on the role and responsibilities of pedestrians as they "move" from one location to another,
with an emphasis on driver and passenger behaviors.

11/29/2022 Page 1 of 15
Final Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 001

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 3: During FFY2020, 3300 Pedestrian "On The Move" safety reflective elastic
armbands will be distributed.

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review Board) will distribute
reflective armbands during the following activities: The Pedestrian " On The Move" informational, educational, &
training sessions, Alive "Beyond 92" pilot program,Youth Pedestrian Camp, Pedestrian Awareness Day, and
during other community outreach activites. During the distribution, members of the PSRB will educate each
attendee on the purpose of wearing the safety reflective armband, how to properly wear the armband, &
demonstrate the visibility outcome when wearing the safety reflective armband.

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 3300

Actual Activity: 110

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

In February, right before the city issued closure orders for all public spaces, we participated in the Rock The
Block Community Outreach activity where we reached eighty; 20 year old's and up, twenty; 15 to 19 year old's,
and ten; 0 to 14 year old's

Also we had a change in personnel, Mrs. Poe who normally organized community activities for the board
resigned and for a while the position was vacant until Ms. Stephens came on board

After February, Covid19 impacted our ability to meet with large and small groups alike, thus hindering us from
meeting our goals on several occasions. The city government stopped issuing permits for functions and the
schools where we were to accomplish many of our goals were closed.

Please enter any additional comments here:

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Final Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 002

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY20, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices.

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review Board) in partnership with the
Bibb County Sheriff's Office and BCSD Campus Police, will facilitate placement of officers during the
community outreach activities for maximum visibility during FFY20. Representatives of the Pedestrian Safety
Review Board (PSRB) in partnership with these law enforcement agencies will help monitor the "behaviors' of
motorists and pedestrians during these activities.The representatives of the PSRB will distribute educational
materials to those motorist and pedestrians cited by the officers .

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 60

Actual Activity: 0

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

Covid19 impacted our ability to meet with large and small groups alike, thus hindering us from meeting our
goals on several occasions. The city government stopped issuing permits for functions and the schools where
we were to accomplish many of our goals were closed.

Please enter any additional comments here:

On May 22 The Pedestrian Safety Review Board ordered 1700 Phantom Armbands for crosswalk safety@
3.30 each, Through Macon Bibb County purchasing officer Kimberly Bradley = $5775.00 + $105.00 shipping &
handling + $60.00 setup fee

On July 23 The Pedestrian Safety Review Board ordered 2600 Phantom Armbands for crosswalk safety@
3.25 each, Through Macon Bibb County purchasing officer Kimberly Bradley = $8450.00 + $97.00 shipping &
400 neon blue
400 black
900 neo green
900 red

11/29/2022 Page 3 of 15
Final Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 003

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY20, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices.

Activities: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review Board) will host a "Pedestrian
Awareness Community Day" during National Hunger & Homeless Awareness Month in partnership with the
Macon Coalition to End Homelessness during FFY20. During this community outreach event, a pedestrian
safety training session will be held for the homeless population in attendance. Additionally, educational
materials and safety elastic reflective armbands will be distributed to each participant. The Pedestrian Safety
Review Board plans to reach a minimum of 300 attendees during this event.

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 300

Actual Activity: 0

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

Though we had purchased a large amount of Material to be handed out, all activity ceased after February so we
were unable to complete a Pedestrian Awareness day. Also, Macon Bibb had no activities on National Hunger
Awareness Day, so neither educational material nor the distribution of reflective armbands took place.

Covid19 impacted our ability to meet with large and small groups alike, thus hindering us from meeting our
goals on several occasions. The city government stopped issuing permits for functions and the schools where
we were to accomplish many of our goals were closed.

Please enter any additional comments here:

11/29/2022 Page 4 of 15
Final Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 004

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY20, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices.

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review Board (PSRB) will attend five meetings of local
community-related organizations during FFY20. The PSRB will reach a minimum of 10 participants per
meeting to discuss the current pedestrian fatality issue, provide safety educational tips and materials, and
encourage volunteerism from the membership of each organization to serve as "ambassadors" by monitoring
the behaviors of pedestrians in Macon-Bibb County, and spreading the safety message & tips in-person, in the
organization's newsletter,and during the organization's & PSRB sponsored-events.

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 50

Actual Activity: 0

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

Covid19 impacted our ability to meet with large and small groups alike, thus hindering us from meeting our
goals on several occasions. The city government stopped issuing permits for functions and the schools where
we were to accomplish many of our goals were closed.

Please enter any additional comments here:

11/29/2022 Page 5 of 15
Final Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 005

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 2: The Pedestrian Safety Review Board will participate in GOHS Task Team
meetings a minimum of six times during
the FFY2020 grant period.

Activities: 1. At least one representative from the grantee will attend a minimum of six GOHS Task Team
meetings during the FFY2020 grant period. This can be accomplished either by attendance in-person or via

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 6

Actual Activity: 0

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

Our Representative, to attend meeting, Captain Brad Wolf did not attend any meetings in 2020.

Covid19 impacted our ability to meet with large and small groups alike, thus hindering us from meeting our
goals on several occasions. The city government stopped issuing permits for functions and the schools where
we were to accomplish many of our goals were closed.

Please enter any additional comments here:

11/29/2022 Page 6 of 15
Final Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 006

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY20, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices.

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (PSRB) will continue the Alive "Beyond 92" pilot program
during FFY20 for the students enrolled in the Southwest High School Zone & add the Northeast High School
Zone of the Bibb County School District. A minimum of 3,205 students (ages 5-18) will serve as
"Ambassadors", to promote pedestrian safety,educate their peers, teachers, neighbors & the community on
pedestrian safety practices, in an effort to create a more vibrant, livable, pedestrian-friendly zone &
neighborhoods, through the use of a variety of school & community educational outreach activities.

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 3205

Actual Activity: 0

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

Our intent was to utilize the local public schools to achieve this goal. However, the school system pretty much
shut down in February and are recently starting to reopen. So, we could not reach the number of individuals
(3025) as we proposed.

Covid19 impacted our ability to meet with large and small groups alike, thus hindering us from meeting our
goals on several occasions. The city government stopped issuing permits for functions and the schools where
we were to accomplish many of our goals were closed.

Please enter any additional comments here:

11/29/2022 Page 7 of 15
Final Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 007

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY20, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices.

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (PSRB) in partnership with the Bibb County School
District Campus Police will hold a two-day Youth Pedestrian Camp (ages 5-18) to provide pedestrian safety
education (incorporating the use of science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) to 250 participants and
engage the campers in a variety of pedestrian safety educational lessons and activities.

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 250

Actual Activity: 0

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

Again, with the closure of schools, we could not achieve this goal.

Covid19 impacted our ability to meet with large and small groups alike, thus hindering us from meeting our
goals on several occasions. The city government stopped issuing permits for functions and the schools where
we were to accomplish many of our goals were closed.

Please enter any additional comments here:

11/29/2022 Page 8 of 15
Final Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 008

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY20, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices.

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review Board) will host two
Pedestrian "On The Move" informational, educational, & training sessions. Macon-Bibb County
Commissioners (PSRB) will reach a minimum of 150 individuals per session. The members of the Macon-Bibb
County Commissioners (PSRB) will address the current pedestrian fatality issue in Macon-Bibb County, and
promote pedestrian safety, provide pedestrian safety education, practices, and materials for the attendees
during each session.

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 300

Actual Activity: 0

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

All city activities were pretty much shut down in Macon Bibb County from February until very recently.

Covid19 impacted our ability to meet with large and small groups alike, thus hindering us from meeting our
goals on several occasions. The city government stopped issuing permits for functions and the schools where
we were to accomplish many of our goals were closed.

Please enter any additional comments here:

11/29/2022 Page 9 of 15
Final Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-FR1
Media Plan

Summarize your media plan; include an estimate of the number of people reached, and the number of news
stories/print media/radio programs/TV programs featuring grant/PSA's conducted.

# of People Reached: 110

# of Stories: 2


we utilized the city's own web presence at our website www.maconbibb.us to capture our activities. We also
utilized the city's communications office to forward all activity stories and write -ups to the various television and
media outlets.

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Final Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-FR1
Occupant Protection

Seat belt usage rate (end of project rate): 0 %

Number of car seats distributed during grant period: 0

Number of child safety seat checkpoints conducted during grant period: 0

Number of bike helmets distributed during grant period: 0

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Final Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-FR1


Amount Spent

Personnel Services: includes salary $0

and benefits

Regular Operating: includes car seats, $14,322.00

bicycle helmets, etc. Items under $1000

Travel: includes mileage, per diem, $0

hotel, etc.

Equipment: includes radars, light bars, $0

etc. Items $1000 or more

Contractual services: includes $0

outsourced or subcontracted services
and contracts, e.g. survey experts,

Per Diem and Fees: Travel for $0


Computer Charges and Equipment: $0

Includes computers, printers, scanners,

Telecommunications: includes cell $0

phones, internet, etc

Motor Vehicle Purchases: $0

Rent/ Real estate: $0

TOTAL: $14,322.00

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Final Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-FR1
Law Enforcement Crash Data

Past FY Current FY % Increase/Decrease

Total motor vehicle 0.00 %


Total fatal crashes 0.00 %

involving failure to wear a
seat belt

Total crashes resulting in 0.00 %


Total crashes resulting in 0.00 %


Impaired driving citations 0.00 %


Impaired driving crashes 0.00 %

resulting in death

Impaired driving crashes 0.00 %

resulting in injury

Speeding citations issued 0.00 %

Speed related crashes 0.00 %

resulting in death

Speed related crashes 0.00 %

resulting in injury

Total pedestrian crashes 0.00 %

Pedestrian crashes 0.00 %

resulting in death

Pedestrian crashes 0.00 %

resulting in injury

Young Driver (includes Under Age 21)

Total crashes involving 0.00 %
young drivers

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Final Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-FR1
Law Enforcement Crash Data

Total crashes involving 0.00 %

young driver death

Total crashes involving 0.00 %

young driver injury

11/29/2022 Page 14 of 15
Final Report 2020
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2020-405h FHX-089-FR1
Law Enforcement Project Citations

Total Arrests/ Citations/ Written Warnings: 822

Seatbelt 125

Child Restraint 8

Speeding 512

Reckless Driving 1

Uninsured Motorists 18

DUI 75

Suspended/Revoked License 17

Other Citations 66

11/29/2022 Page 15 of 15
Grant Status Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-GSR1
Grant Status Report

Date of Report: 3/22/2019

Project Title: Pedestrian "On The Move" Funding Source: 405h FHX (2019)

Brief Description of The number of pedestrian Approved Budget: $24,065.00

Project: fatalities in Macon-Bibb
County has contributed to
the municipality currently
identified as having the
highest pedestrian fatality
rate among Georgia's
twenty largest counties.
Pedestrian "On The Move"
will serve as an
informational, educational,
and training project for all
sub-groups throughout the
county, with a major focus
on the role and
responsibilities of
pedestrians as they "move"
from one location to
another, with an emphasis
on driver and passenger

Review Period: Oct 2018 TO Mar 2019 Current Grant Status: Grant Executed

Grant Announcement aYes No

Job Description aYes No N/A

1 Is grantee in compliance with all GOHS grant terms and conditions, including applicable Special Conditions.
aYes No

The grantee is very good about remaining compliant with terms and conditions!

2 For current grant year, how many reports and claims have been submitted?

5 Programmatic Submitted 0 Programmatic Outstanding

5 Claims Submitted 0 Claims Outstanding

11/30/2022 Page 1 of 3
Grant Status Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-GSR1
Grant Status Report

If reports and/or claims are outstanding, please provide an explanation and a corrective action plan.

3 Are grant activities being met? (Milestone Chart)

Yes aNo

They has some issues with meeting milestone due to the government shut down. They are now able to get
caught back up to do their project.

4 Was the grantee compliant with the Grant Terms and Conditions in the prior grant year ?
(Could include claims, reports, milestone, etc)
aYes No N/A

They were compliant to the grant terms and conditions in the previous year

5 Did the grantee make acquisitions necessary to implement the grant objectives within 90 days of grant
(This could include hiring personnel, purchasing motor vehicles, equipment, etc.)
aYes No

they have bought shipping, and the reflective arm bands

6 Would you recommend continuing this grant for the remainder of the federal fiscal year ?
aYes No

They should remain funded for this year. They are our example for what a great pedestrian project looks like.

7 Would you recommend this grant for renewal in the next funding year ?
aYes No

They are growing their project and I think they should remain funded for the next year.

8 Including current year and up to five, what year of funding is this project in?
2nd Year

Additional Comments:

11/30/2022 Page 2 of 3
Grant Status Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-GSR1
Grant Status Report

11/30/2022 Page 3 of 3
Final Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-FR1
Project Summary

Project Summary:

The number of pedestrian fatalities in Macon-Bibb County has contributed to the municipality currently identified
as having the highest pedestrian fatality rate among Georgia's twenty largest counties. Pedestrian " On The
Move" will serve as an informational, educational, and training project for all sub-groups throughout the county,
with a major focus on the role and responsibilities of pedestrians as they "move" from one location to another,
with an emphasis on driver and passenger behaviors.

11/30/2022 Page 1 of 15
Final Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 001

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 3: During FFY2019, 2900 Pedestrian "On The Move" safety reflective elastic
armbands will be distributed.

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review Board) will distribute
reflective armbands during the following activities: The Pedestrian " On The Move" informational, educational, &
training sessions, Youth Ped Camp, Pedestrian Awareness Day, and during the community outreach in
identified high-risk areas. During the distribution, members of the Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (PSRB)
will educate the attendees on the purpose of wearing safety reflective armbands, how to properly wear the
armband, & demonstrate the visibility outcome when wearing a safety reflective armband.

Did you meet the milestone? Yes

Projected Activity: 2900

Actual Activity: 3471

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)


During all of the community-related activities, volunteers provided pedestrian safety education which included
the distribution of phantom flash armbands for individuals to wear for visibility and safety purposes.Therefore,
the actual amount of armbands distributed exceeded the amount projected for the FFY19 grant period.

The actual amount distributed during the FFY19 grant period was accomplished due to the amount of phantom
flash armbands purchased for the FFY19 grant period plus the use of some of the armbands leftover from the
FFY18 grant period inventory.

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

Please enter any additional comments here:

11/30/2022 Page 2 of 15
Final Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 002

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY19, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices.

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review Board) in partnership with the
Bibb County Sheriff's Office (BS0), will facilitate placement of law enforcement officers for maximum visibility
during FFY19. Representatives of the Pedestrian Safety Review Board in partnership with the Bibb Sheriff 's
Office will help monitor the "behaviors' of motorists and pedestrians, and will reach a minimum of 50 contacts
per monitoring session.The representatives of the Pedestrian Safety Review Board will distribute educational
materials to those cited by the law enforcement officers.

Did you meet the milestone? Yes

Projected Activity: 600

Actual Activity: 604

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)


The actual number of individuals reached during the three (3) street corner activities which were held in
high-risk, heavily-traveled pedestrian areas exceeded the projected amount. During each of these activities,
the Bibb County Sheriff's Office did not have to issue any citations while monitoring the "behaviors" of the
motorists, passengers, and pedestrians in each area.

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

Please enter any additional comments here:

11/30/2022 Page 3 of 15
Final Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 003

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY19, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices.

Activities: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review Board) will host a "Pedestrian
Awareness Community Day" during National Hunger & Homeless Awareness Month in partnership with the
Macon Coalition to End Homelessness during FFY19. During this community-based outreach event, a
pedestrian safety training session will be held for the homeless citizens in attendance. Additionally, educational
materials and safety elastic reflective armbands will be distributed to each participant. The Pedestrian Safety
Review Board plans to reach a minimum of 500 attendees during this event.

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 500

Actual Activity: 0

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)



Due to the process and timeline involved to schedule, approve, and accept the PEDESTRIAN " On The Move"
grant from the Governor's Office of Highway Safety, the November 20, 2018 date of the approval and
acceptance of the grant by the Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (during the full Commission Meeting), did
not provide enough time to adequately coordinate and hold the National Hunger & Homeless Awareness event
during the month of November, 2018
as previously discussed with the community partners who were interested in participating in this event.

Please enter any additional comments here:

11/30/2022 Page 4 of 15
Final Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 004

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY19, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices.

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review Board (PSRB) will attend five meetings of local
community-related organizations during FFY19. The PSRB will reach a minimum of 10 participants per
meeting to discuss the current pedestrian fatality issue, provide safety educational tips and materials, and
encourage volunteerism from the membership of each organization to serve as "ambassadors" by monitoring
the behaviors of pedestrians in Macon-Bibb County, and spreading the safety message & tips in-person, in the
organization's newsletter,and during the organization's & PSRB sponsored-events.

Did you meet the milestone? Yes

Projected Activity: 50

Actual Activity: 113

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)


Five (5) community-related organization meetings were held during the FFY19 grant period, and the actual
number of participants exceeded the number projected.

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

Please enter any additional comments here:

11/30/2022 Page 5 of 15
Final Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 005

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 2: The Pedestrian Safety Review Board will participate in GOHS Task Team
meetings a minimum of six times during the FFY2019
grant period.

Activities: 1. At least one representative from the grantee will attend the Pedestrian Safety Review Board
Task Team meetings a minimum of six times during the grant year. This can be accomplished either by
attendance or via conference call.

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 6

Actual Activity: 5

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

Five (5) of the 6 Task Team meetings scheduled for the FFY19 grant period (October 1, 2018-September 30,
2019) were attended by Violet Poe. These meetings were held and attended by Ms. Poe via tele-conference
on the following dates:
October 11, 2018, December 6, 2018, March 28, 2019, May 23, 2019, and July 18, 2019.



The sixth (6th) Task Team meeting for the FFY19 grant period scheduled for Thursday, September 26, 2019
was cancelled
by Jack Anninos on Wednesday, September 18, 2019, and rescheduled for a date beyond the FFY19 grant
period end date
(September 30, 2019).

Please enter any additional comments here:

11/30/2022 Page 6 of 15
Final Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 006

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY19, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices.

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (PSRB) will create the Alive "Beyond 92" pilot program
for the students enrolled in the Southwest High School Zone of the Bibb County School District. A minimum of
1,250 students (ages 5-18) will serve as "Ambassadors", to promote pedestrian safety, educate their peers,
teachers, neighbors & the community on pedestrian safety practices, in an effort to change the negative image
of their zone, & create a more vibrant, livable, pedestrian-friendly zone & neighborhood, through the use of a
variety of school & community educational outreach activities.

Did you meet the milestone? No

Projected Activity: 1250

Actual Activity: 904

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)



This community activity did not reach its milestone due to the following challenges :

1. The student enrollment in the school zone was actually lower than anticipated
2. The scheduling of the activities around the academic school day
3. The student absentees during the academic school day or their inability to return and attend the after-school
extra-curricula activities due to economic, transportation, and etc. issues

Please enter any additional comments here:

11/30/2022 Page 7 of 15
Final Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 007

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY19, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices.

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (PSRB) in partnership with the Bibb County School
District, will hold a two-day Youth Pedestrian Safety Day training session to utilize the
communication,writing,thinking,strategic planning & designing skills of a minimum of 250 Macon-Bibb County
youth to design a "futuristic" model of a pedestrian-friendly Macon-Bibb County, create pedestrian safety
educational tools for K-5 students, design a BCSD pedestrian safety education webpage for use by
students,parents,teachers & the community, write pedestrian safety lesson plans & activities for use by

Did you meet the milestone? Yes

Projected Activity: 250

Actual Activity: 1017

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)


The total number of youth participating in these activities significantly exceeded the number projected.

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

Please enter any additional comments here:

11/30/2022 Page 8 of 15
Final Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-FR1
Goals/Objectives/Activities: 008

Goal: 5.1 GOHS Goal: Reduce Pedestrian Injuries/Fatalities From Traffic Crashes

Objective: OBJECTIVE 1: During FFY19, Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review
Board), will facilitate awareness of pedestrian safety practices.

Activities: The Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Pedestrian Safety Review Board) will host four
Pedestrian "On The Move" informational, educational, & training sessions. Macon-Bibb County
Commissioners (PSRB) will reach a minimum of 75 individuals during these sessions. The members of the
Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (PSRB) will address the current pedestrian fatality issue in Macon-Bibb
County, and promote pedestrian safety, provide pedestrian safety education, practices, and materials for the
attendees during each session.

Did you meet the milestone? Yes

Projected Activity: 300

Actual Activity: 534

If Yes - Explain: (highlight any major Accomplishments here)


The total number of individuals participating in the four (4) PEDESTRIAN "On The Move" informational,
educational, and training sessions greatly exceeded the number projected for this activity.

If No - Explain: (highlight any major Challenges here)

Please enter any additional comments here:

11/30/2022 Page 9 of 15
Final Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-FR1
Media Plan

Summarize your media plan; include an estimate of the number of people reached, and the number of news
stories/print media/radio programs/TV programs featuring grant/PSA's conducted.

# of People Reached: 3471

# of Stories: 7


The media plan for the PEDESTRIAN "On The Move" FFY19 grant period consisted of a detailed plan
designed to continue the momentum of bringing awareness to the importance of the usage of pedestrian safety
practices throughout Macon-Bibb
County, with the assistance of various media outlets.

During the FFY19 grant period, local news outlets attended some of the PEDESTRIAN "On The Move" grant
activities when their news crew staff was available.

The grant period reached a total of 3,471 people, a significant increase from the first year (FFY18) of
PEDESTRIAN "On The Move". Seven (7) news stories were generated, ranging from local, state, and national
outlets covering the works of the Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review Board to the educational
activities of PEDESTRIAN "On The Move".

11/30/2022 Page 10 of 15
Final Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-FR1
Occupant Protection

Seat belt usage rate (end of project rate): 0 %

Number of car seats distributed during grant period: 0

Number of child safety seat checkpoints conducted during grant period: 0

Number of bike helmets distributed during grant period: 0

11/30/2022 Page 11 of 15
Final Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-FR1


Amount Spent

Personnel Services: includes salary $0

and benefits

Regular Operating: includes car seats, $16,306.63

bicycle helmets, etc. Items under $1000

Travel: includes mileage, per diem, $659.17

hotel, etc.

Equipment: includes radars, light bars, $0

etc. Items $1000 or more

Contractual services: includes $0

outsourced or subcontracted services
and contracts, e.g. survey experts,

Per Diem and Fees: Travel for $0


Computer Charges and Equipment: $0

Includes computers, printers, scanners,

Telecommunications: includes cell $0

phones, internet, etc

Motor Vehicle Purchases: $0

Rent/ Real estate: $0

TOTAL: $16,965.80

11/30/2022 Page 12 of 15
Final Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-FR1
Law Enforcement Crash Data

Past FY Current FY % Increase/Decrease

Total motor vehicle 0 0 0.00 %


Total fatal crashes 0 0 0.00 %

involving failure to wear a
seat belt

Total crashes resulting in 0 0 0.00 %


Total crashes resulting in 0 0 0.00 %


Impaired driving citations 0 0 0.00 %


Impaired driving crashes 0 0 0.00 %

resulting in death

Impaired driving crashes 0 0 0.00 %

resulting in injury

Speeding citations issued 0 0 0.00 %

Speed related crashes 0 0 0.00 %

resulting in death

Speed related crashes 0 0 0.00 %

resulting in injury

Total pedestrian crashes 0 0 0.00 %

Pedestrian crashes 0 0 0.00 %

resulting in death

Pedestrian crashes 0 0 0.00 %

resulting in injury

Young Driver (includes Under Age 21)

Total crashes involving 0 0 0.00 %
young drivers

11/30/2022 Page 13 of 15
Final Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-FR1
Law Enforcement Crash Data

Total crashes involving 0 0 0.00 %

young driver death

Total crashes involving 0 0 0.00 %

young driver injury

11/30/2022 Page 14 of 15
Final Report 2019
Organization: Macon-Bibb County Commissioners (Macon-Bibb County Pedestrian Safety Review
GA-2019-405h FHX-087-FR1
Law Enforcement Project Citations

Total Arrests/ Citations/ Written Warnings: 0

Seatbelt 0

Child Restraint 0

Speeding 0

Reckless Driving 0

Uninsured Motorists 0


Suspended/Revoked License 0

Other Citations 0

11/30/2022 Page 15 of 15
Role Reviewer Page DateReviewed

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon General Additional Information 3/3/2022 12:50

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon General Additional Information 3/3/2022 12:50

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon General Additional Information 3/3/2022 12:50

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon General Additional Information 3/3/2022 12:50
GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Problem Identification 3/3/2022 12:55
GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Problem Identification 3/3/2022 12:55

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Problem Identification 3/3/2022 12:55

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Problem Identification 3/3/2022 12:55
GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Program Assessment 3/3/2022 13:01
GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Program Assessment 3/3/2022 13:01

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Program Assessment 3/3/2022 13:01

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Program Assessment 3/3/2022 13:01

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Program Assessment Chart 3/3/2022 13:02
GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Project Objectives 3/3/2022 13:14

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Project Objectives 3/3/2022 13:14

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Project Objectives 3/3/2022 13:14

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Project Objectives 3/3/2022 13:14

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Project Objectives 3/3/2022 13:14

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Project Objectives 3/3/2022 13:14

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Project Objectives 3/3/2022 13:14

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Project Objectives 3/3/2022 13:14

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Project Objectives 3/3/2022 13:14

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Project Objectives 3/3/2022 13:14

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Media Plan 3/3/2022 13:15

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Media Plan 3/3/2022 13:15

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Media Plan 3/3/2022 13:15

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Resource Requirements 3/3/2022 13:17

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Resource Requirements 3/3/2022 13:17

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Resource Requirements 3/3/2022 13:17

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Resource Requirements 3/3/2022 13:17

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Self-Sufficiency 3/3/2022 13:18

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Self-Sufficiency 3/3/2022 13:18

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Cost Category Summary 3/3/2022 13:26

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Cost Category Summary 3/3/2022 13:26

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Cost Category Summary 3/3/2022 13:26

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Cost Category Summary 3/3/2022 13:26

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Cost Category Summary 3/3/2022 13:26

GOHS Planner Ms. Katie Fallon Cost Category Summary 3/3/2022 13:26
Question AnswerCategory Comments
Is audit period included and consistent with
a fiscal year? Yes
Is the DUNS number included and does it
contain 9 digits? Yes Internal Comment: SAM UEI

If Non-profit organization, are the required

documents attached and current? Yes
I attest that I have read and will comply with
the conditions set forth in the Grant
Disclosure. Yes
Clear statement of the problem. Yes
Local demographic information. Yes

Local consecutive years statistical data used. Yes

State statistical data used. Yes
Review of current activities. Yes
Indicates what did or did not work. Yes
Assesses current local resources related to
problem. Yes

Indicates local agencies and groups that

support or inhibit the success of the project. Yes
Program Assessment chart complete. (Law
Enforcement, Young Adult, and Drivers
Education only) Yes
Are the objectives S.M.A.R.T.? Yes
Do the objectives clearly relate to the
problem? Yes
Do each of the project activities directly
support an objective? Yes
Internal Comment: They could have better
methods of gauging the effectiveness of
their activities with surveys and/or post-
Is there a comprehensive evaluation plan? Yes event evaluations.

Is each objective covered in the evaluation? Yes

Does the evaluation plan list survey tools? Yes

Is the evaluation plan outcome based? Yes
Is the Milestone Chart present and
complete? Yes
Are all activities indicated on the Milestone
Chart? Yes
Is the evaluation component included on the
Milestone Chart? Yes
Is there a plan to announce receipt of the
grant? Yes
Are the media sources listed? Yes

Is there an ongoing plan to announce

accomplishments for the life of the project? Yes
Are resources described and supported in
the activity section? Yes
Are types and quantity of equipment
required in project indicated? Yes

Is required training for personnel described

and indicated in activity section? Yes Internal Comment: N/A
Are requested resources reasonable,
necessary and allocable? Yes
Is there a plan for funding the project after
the grant period is complete? Yes
Are the potential sources of non-federal
funds listed? Yes
Are costs reasonable, necessary and
allocable? Yes
Are cost category detail forms properly
completed for items required? Yes
Are items budgeted in the proper cost
category? Yes
Are the budget detail pages consistent with
the Cost Category Summary? Yes
Is the total grant amount the same as the
amount on the grant cover page? Yes
Does each budget item directly relate to
project objective(s)? Yes
Internal Only Page Score

No 1

No 1

No 1

No 5
No 5

No 3
No 2
No 5
No 1

No 1

No 1

No 9

No 5

No 10

No 1

No 3

No 1.5
No 2

No 3

No 3

No 2
No 1

No 2

No 5

No 2

No 2

No 5

No 2

No 1

No 5

No 2

No 2



No 2
Role Reviewer Page DateReviewed

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox General Additional Information 3/15/2022 14:48

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox General Additional Information 3/15/2022 14:48

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox General Additional Information 3/15/2022 14:48

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox General Additional Information 3/15/2022 14:48
GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Problem Identification 3/15/2022 15:21
GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Problem Identification 3/15/2022 15:21

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Problem Identification 3/15/2022 15:21
GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Problem Identification 3/15/2022 15:21
GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Program Assessment 3/15/2022 15:22
GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Program Assessment 3/15/2022 15:22

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Program Assessment 3/15/2022 15:22

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Program Assessment 3/15/2022 15:22

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Program Assessment Chart 3/15/2022 15:23
GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Project Objectives 3/15/2022 15:25

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Project Objectives 3/15/2022 15:25

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Project Objectives 3/15/2022 15:25

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Project Objectives 3/15/2022 15:25

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Project Objectives 3/15/2022 15:25

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Project Objectives 3/15/2022 15:25
GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Project Objectives 3/15/2022 15:25

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Project Objectives 3/15/2022 15:25

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Project Objectives 3/15/2022 15:25

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Project Objectives 3/15/2022 15:25
GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Media Plan 3/15/2022 15:27
GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Media Plan 3/15/2022 15:27

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Media Plan 3/15/2022 15:27

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Resource Requirements 3/15/2022 15:29

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Resource Requirements 3/15/2022 15:29

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Resource Requirements 3/15/2022 15:29

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Resource Requirements 3/15/2022 15:29

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Self-Sufficiency 3/15/2022 15:30

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Self-Sufficiency 3/15/2022 15:30

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Cost Category Summary 3/15/2022 15:32

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Cost Category Summary 3/15/2022 15:32

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Cost Category Summary 3/15/2022 15:32

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Cost Category Summary 3/15/2022 15:32

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Cost Category Summary 3/15/2022 15:32

GOHS Fiscal Staff Mrs. Ma'Jeana Mattox Cost Category Summary 3/15/2022 15:32
Question AnswerCategory Comments
Is audit period included and consistent with
a fiscal year? Yes
Is the DUNS number included and does it Internal Comment: SAM UEI number is
contain 9 digits? Yes included

If Non-profit organization, are the required

documents attached and current? Yes
I attest that I have read and will comply with
the conditions set forth in the Grant
Disclosure. Yes
Clear statement of the problem. Yes
Local demographic information. Yes

Local consecutive years statistical data used. Yes

State statistical data used. Yes
Review of current activities. Yes
Indicates what did or did not work. Yes
Assesses current local resources related to
problem. Yes

Indicates local agencies and groups that

support or inhibit the success of the project. Yes
Program Assessment chart complete. (Law
Enforcement, Young Adult, and Drivers
Education only) Yes
Are the objectives S.M.A.R.T.? Yes
Do the objectives clearly relate to the
problem? Yes
Do each of the project activities directly
support an objective? Yes

Is there a comprehensive evaluation plan? Yes

Is each objective covered in the evaluation? Yes

Does the evaluation plan list survey tools? Yes

Is the evaluation plan outcome based? Yes
Is the Milestone Chart present and
complete? Yes
Are all activities indicated on the Milestone
Chart? Yes
Is the evaluation component included on the
Milestone Chart? Yes
Is there a plan to announce receipt of the
grant? Yes
Are the media sources listed? Yes

Is there an ongoing plan to announce

accomplishments for the life of the project? Yes
Are resources described and supported in
the activity section? Yes
Are types and quantity of equipment
required in project indicated? Yes

Is required training for personnel described

and indicated in activity section? Yes
Are requested resources reasonable,
necessary and allocable? Yes
Is there a plan for funding the project after
the grant period is complete? Yes
Are the potential sources of non-federal
funds listed? Yes
Are costs reasonable, necessary and
allocable? Yes
Are cost category detail forms properly
completed for items required? Yes
Are items budgeted in the proper cost
category? Yes
Are the budget detail pages consistent with
the Cost Category Summary? Yes
Is the total grant amount the same as the
amount on the grant cover page? Yes
Does each budget item directly relate to
project objective(s)? Yes
Internal Only Page Score

No 1

No 1

No 1

No 5
No 5

No 3
No 2
No 5
No 1

No 1

No 1

No 10

No 5

No 10

No 1.5

No 3

No 2
No 3

No 3

No 3

No 2
No 1

No 2

No 5

No 2

No 2

No 5

No 2

No 1

No 5

No 2

No 2



No 2

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