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B) Bungee jumping cords

2. B) 1975
3. D) All of the above
4. C) Stephanie Kwolek
5. A) A shortage in the gasoline supply
6. C) Rifle rounds
7. D) It was resistant to fire
8. C) Over half
9. B) as strong
10. A) Tires

1. A) the Poor sorrow B) sadness
2. A) fireflies B) death
3. A) breeze B) pleasure
4. A) the night B) almost fled
5. A) crater B) yawning/tired
6. A) wind B) whispering A) dead leaves B) falling
7. A) perfume. B) sadness
8. A) sunlight B) lost itself among her hair
9. A) the Green House B) a whisper
10. A) ship B) lonely

Section C
Dear Accountant,
When I grow up, I would like to be a doctor, I want to be a doctor so that I can
help people when they get sick and be trusted with people’s health to make
humans feel better. Diagnose other people's medical problems and successfully
treat their illness or injury's. Now would like to ask you 3 questions about your
1. What are your main responsibilities as an accountant?
2. What is your favorite thing about being an accountant?
3. What is your least favorite thing about being an accountant?

2. Why teachers should have to wear uniforms

I think that teachers should wear uniforms to school/there job because teachers
and students should be treated equally. Since teachers don’t wear school
uniforms you cannot tell which school they are from but if they did wear a school
uniform it would let people know the teachers are from our school. If everyone
wore school uniforms it would tell people that they belong at that school and
would make the school be more like a community. If teachers did wear uniforms,
then their uniforms would be same uniforms the students wear but would be a
different color and would have a couple of different clothing options. The
teachers uniforms would be a different color so that you wouldn’t confuse the
teachers as students. I think that teachers should mainly have uniforms so that
the entire school would be treated equally.

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