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Unit 03: Waste not want not Sequence 02:

Developing Skills

Theme : Poverty and world resources

1. Look at the two sets of pictures below and tick the right answer.

1. Pictures in column (A) represent……………….........

a. Poverty b.Rich pe
2. Pictures in column (B ) show…………………...
a. Deprived people b. W
3. The poor live a …………………………………..…….life
a. Luxurious b. Eas

4.How can you describe the relationship between rich and

Choose answer (A) or (B):

A. There is equality in sharing wealth. B. Th
While Listening: Listen and check
While Listening: Listen and check

Task01_ Listen to your teacher simulating a lesson and check your answers to the previous activity.

Task02_ Listen again to the lesson and choose the right answers :

1.The main problem that the lesson is about :

a Economic problems of poor countries. b. Wealth inequality between poor and rich countries.
c. Cooperation between poor and rich countries.

2. The Causes that led to this problem are :

a. Social, economic and political inequality  b. Environmental problem d. Unequal distribution of


3. This problem may result in :

a.Environmental problem b.Conflicts over the planet’s natural resources c.Improving health, education,
and trade in poor countries.
Task 03: Match words (1_4) with their synonyms(A_D) :
1. Threatens A. absence
2. Lack B. results
3. Effects C. endangers
4. Boost D. increase

Let’s discuss:

Use the information from the above tasks and discuss the following questions with your partner

 Based on the pictures above , what are some of the problems the poor face/ endure?

 In your country, is there a gap between the rich and the poor?

 What are the solutions that you suggest to fight poverty?

_Use the modals and / expressions below to give advice or suggest solutions to end poverty

It would help if………………..

It would be better if……… 

The Algerian government /we ought to / should/ could/may/might

The listening script :

Good morning everybody. My lecture today is about wealth

inequality between poor and rich countries.
There is a significant gap between rich and poor countries
because of many reasons such as: social, economic and political
inequality in addition to the unequal distribution of wealth.
Today there is an urgent need for managing the world’s
resources because this inequality in sharing wealth led to
conflicts over the planet’s natural resources, and resulted in an
environmental problems that threatens our life on Earth. For
instance, in many poor countries, people face hunger, a lack of
clear water, dangerous health conditions, and a lack of housing.
Citizens in such regions have no opportunity to live a healthy
and happy life, they have poor health and a low life expectancy.
Quality of life in such countries is also extremely low.
Rich countries can help poor ones by taking more
responsibility in improving health, education and trade in poor
To conclude, the economic gap between countries has numerous
negative effects on all the people on our planet. Developed
countries should support poor nations because it will positively
affect the wellbeing of their people and will boost the world’s
Unit 03: Waste not want not Sequence 02:
Developing Skills

Key Answers
1.Look at the two sets of pictures below and tick the right answer


1.Pictures in column (A) represent……………….........aPoverty

2.Pictures in column (B ) show…………………...b. Wealth

3.The poor live a c.

4.How can you describe the relationship between rich and poor countries in terms of sharing wealth?
Choose answer (A) or (B):
While Listening: Listen and check
While Listening: Listen and check

Task02_ Ls listen again to the lecture and choose the right answers :

1.The main problem that the lecture tackled is : b. Wealth inequality between poor and rich countries.

2. The Causes that led to this problem are a. Social, economic and political inequality  d. Unequal
distribution of wealth

3. This problem may result in :a.Ecological crisis b.Conflicts over the planet’s natural resources

Task 03:Match words that are similar in meaning:

1.Threatens A. absence
2.Lack B. Results
3.Effects C. endangers
4.Boost D. increase
Let’s discuss: Learners use the information from the above tasks and discuss the following questions

with their partner .

Ls suggested answers

 According what are some of the problems the poor face/ endure?
Poor people face hunger, a lack of clean water, dangerous health conditions, joblessness and a lack of
housing. Citizens in such regions have no opportunity to live a healthy and happy life, they have a low
life expectancy. Quality of life in such countries is also extremely low.

 In your country, is there a gap between the rich and the poor? Yes , there is gap

 What are the solutions that you suggest to end poverty?

It would help if the youth create charitable organizations
It would be better if the Algerian government help improve the life of poor families .
The Algerian government ought to / should/ could/may/might provide shelter , food ,electricity ,heating,
and clean water to poor families
Associations should raise awareness about poor families situations
Lesson plan

Level :02nd Year Literary Streams Unit03 : Waste Not Want Not
Sequence :Developing Skills
Objective: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to discuss the issue of poverty and find solutions to
fight it.
Materials:Worksheets / pictures Time Allowance:01hour
Competencies: Interacting orally…. Rubric: Listening and Speaking
Expressing/Interpreting …

Timing Stages Teacher’s Tasks Learners’ Tasks Intera Aims
The teacher greets learners. She Learners look at the pictures and
directs their attention to the two sets tick the right answer then they
T-L To rais
10mns learner
of pictures given and sets them to do share their answers with their L-T ‘interest
Pre- the lesso
the first task suggested on the teacher and classmates for further
Listeni and mak
ng discussion. learner
deduce t
topic of t


4mns While- _ The teacher asks learners to T To listen fo

Listenin listen to the audio tape and check
L gist
their answers to the previous task
The teacher directs learners’
10mns T
attention to the next activity. The L To listen fo
teacher plays the audiotape again details
• Learners listen to the L- L
and asks learners to choose the audiotape and take notes
• Learners discuss their answers
right answer . with their classmates
Learners report their answers to
their classmates and teacher

To enrich
After that, the teacher asks one of L-T learners’
the learners to read the vocabular
instruction. T-L
• The teacher asks learners to
match words with their T-L
Learners match words with
• The teacher guides and help
their synonyms and interact with L- L
learners understand the
difficult words by gestures
their classmates and teacher to
or examples check their answers T

• The teacher corrects learners


20mns Post- Once all done, the teacher asks T-L To give ad
Listenin learners to work in pairs to or sug
discuss the issue of poverty by ways to f
answering the given questions. poverty u
The teacher guides learners to T modals
find solutions to end poverty. L

The teacher asks learners to use • Learners work in pairs to L-L

answer the given questions
modals and some expressions to
give advice of suggest solutions to • -They jot down ideas and L- L
fight poverty share them with their
classmates and teacher to T
discuss the issue of poverty
and find solution to end it

Edahouara Secondary School. Date:Wednesday, December14th, 2022

Level: 2ndYear Experimental Science Stream. Alloted time: 01hour
Class: 01
Unit 02: Waste Not Want Not
Sequence 03: Reading and Writing
Pre reading: Look to the picture and answer the following questions.
1.What do the pictures show?
2. What are the reasons behind poverty?
3. In your opinion is there a gap between rich and poor countries? Why?
Task: Circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer:
1.Developed countries are richer than developing ones because of:
a. Equality in sharing wealth. b. Inequality in sharing wealth.
c.Wasting natural resources.
2. The inequality in sharing wealth between the poor and the rich leads to:
a. happy and healthy life. b. Conflicts over the planets natural resources.
c. lack of water and hunger.
3. Rich countries help the poor ones by:
a. hindering their life on earth. b. spreading conflicts and crises.
c. improving their social ,economic and political fields.
While Reading:
Read the text and then answer the following questions.
There is a significant gap between rich and poor countries
because of many reasons such as: social, economic and political
inequality in addition to the unequal distribution of wealth.
Today there is an urgent need for managing the world’s
resources because this inequality in sharing wealth led to
conflicts over the planet’s natural resources, and resulted in an
ecological crisis that threatens our life on Earth. For instance, in
many poor countries, people face hunger, a lack of clear water,
dangerous health conditions, and a lack of housing. Citizens in
such regions have no opportunity to live a healthy and happy
life; they have poor health and a low life expectancy. Quality of life in such countries is also
extremely low.
Rich countries can help poor ones by taking more responsibility in improving health,
education and trade in poor countries.
To conclude, the economic gap between countries has numerous negative effects on all the
people on our planet. Developed countries should support poor nations because it will positively
affect the well being of their people and will boost the world’s economy.


1.Copy the title you think is the most appropriate to the text:
a.Economic problems of poor countries.
b.Wealth inequality between poor and rich countries.
c. Cooperation between poor and rich countries.

2.Reorder the following ideas in the order they appear in the text

a.Ways for helping poor countries.

b.The effects of inequality in sharing wealth.
c.The benefits of helping poor countries.
d.Reasons for the gap between poor and rich countries.
3-Read the text carefully and Answer the following questions.
a. Is there an urgent need to manage the world’s resources? Why?
b. How can rich countries help poor ones?
c. Why should developed countries help poor ones?

4. Match the following words with their corresponding synonyms:

1.threatens A. absence
2.lack B. chance
3.opportunity C. endangers
4.boost D. increase

WRITING A paragraph

The Definition of a paragraph:

Topic: Poverty is one of the biggest problems that our country is facing today.Write a composition of
about 80 to100 words to your school mates in which state the main causes and effects of poverty and how
to fight it.
Use the following notes:
A) The main causes of poverty :
Social, economic and political inequality.
- War & political instability.
- Discrimination and social inequality
- Natural disasters
- Lack of proper housing facilities.
- High population growth rate.
- Unequal distribution of income.
-Lack of job opportunities
B)The effects of poverty:
- Poor Education and Opportunities. / Poor health.
- Low standard of living.
- Stress and frustration/
- Involvement in the activities like theft, stealing or begging for money.
- Drug Abuse.Such people are more prone to violence, they might kill others for the greed and the
need for money.
-Homlessness_hunger /illiteracy/ lack of unclean water / health problems

2-Use the appropriate link words : Finally, …-Furthermore, moreover…-in short, Firstly, secondly…-
To begin- Next, then. 3-Name the parts of the composition: Conclusion, body, conclusion

Poverty is ………………………………………………………………There are many reasons stand

behind poverty………………………………………………………….

…………………, poverty has dire consequences

like……………………………………………………………………………………………… some ways
(suggestions) to reduce poverty are by………………………………………………………………..
…………………, we can eradicate poverty if …………………….
ecological crisis that threatens our life on Earth. For instance, in many poor countries, people face
hunger, a lack of clear water, dangerous health conditions, and a lack of housing. Citizens in such
regions have no opportunity to live a healthy and happy life; they have poor health and a low life
expectancy. Quality of life in such countries is also extremely low.
Solutions to poverty:

Rich countries can help poor ones by taking more responsibility in improving health, education
and trade in poor countries.
To conclude, the economic gap between countries has numerous negative effects on all the
people on our planet. Developed countries should support poor nations because it will positively
affect the well being of their people and will boost the world’s economy.

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