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A conversation between Gabrielle and her friend Rowiezel.

Gabrielle: Hello Rowiezel. How are you?

Rowiezel: Hi Gab! I’m fine. Thanks for asking.

Gabrielle: I heard your father was tested positive for COVID-19. How is he now?

Rowiezel: Oh yes. Who told you? Oh that was month ago. Actually we all undergone

quarantine. We were so worried that time.

Gabrielle: Of course anyone would be worried and we don’t expect it to happen.

Rowiezel: But thanks God we surpassed it.

Gabrielle: Is it ok if we talk about what COVID-19 means for your father?

Rowiezel: That doesn’t matter, we can talk about it.

Gabrielle: Do you know some background about COVID-19?

Rowiezel: Most people who get COVID-19 have a mild or moderate illness and don’t

need the hospital. The people who most often get severe pneumonia with

COVID are older and have existing medical problems, like my father.

Gabrielle: You know, I’ve heard that on the news but have been afraid to think about it.

Rowiezel: Well that’s a very normal reaction. COVID has put all of us in a tough


Gabrielle: What have you done to help him?

Rowiezel: We are doing our best under the circumstances. My father has a mild case

and can stay at home. We made sure he gets all the treatments he needs.

However, if when his COVID became severe, we knew it will almost certainly

take his life.

Gabrielle: Good thing the virus didn’t put him to that extent.

Rowiezel: We really thank God for that!

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