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As 2020 was hit with a Global Pandemic and the world went into a lockdown; suddenly new

work rules to work from home were defined, educational institutes conducted online classes,
shopping standards changed abruptly and human interaction almost vanished, the only thing that
kept us connected was technology.  It was then when many had to struggle to get used to
working with computers. I, on the other hand, a professional Software Developer and a Bachelor
of Science in Computer Science experienced this change with ease. I have never had difficulty
with using technology and adapting to the rapidly changing tech world. I have always felt a sense
of satisfaction seeing my code work without bugs and the potential I hold in my hands to create
something extraordinary. It is because of this fascination along with my aspirations of landing at
one of the Big Tech Companies which drives me to learn more about the contemporary computer
industry through this MS in Computer Science Program.
My first line of code in the Introduction to Programming lecture left me amazed when I saw
“Hello, World!” printed on the console. Along with courses like Data Structure, Object-Oriented
Programming, Databases, Compiler Design and Cloud Computing I developed problem-solving,
analytical skills, and most importantly resilience. I understood that one solution may not work
but there are many other methods to go about devising a resolution to the task. My enthusiasm
and eagerness in my field of study helped me score well in most of my courses and I was able to
secure a place on the Dean’s List twice and was awarded a scholarship. Additionally, to gain
some experience I worked in my university as an intern, developing an HRMS system for three
months using PHP on the Laravel framework and MariaDB as the backend.
For my Final Year Project, I worked with two other members and did “Human Activity
Recognition”. A proof of concept to simulate a smartwatch where it was established that human
activities like eating, nail-biting, face touching and smoking could be detected using
accelerometer and gyroscope of modern mobile phones which in turn could be used to detect the
period of these activities and stop people from face touching, nail-biting, smoking and excessive
eating by  implementing these sensors in a smartwatch and sending a notification whenever any
of these body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) were recognized. Working on this project
made me proficient in Python along with PowerBI for Dashboarding as well as implementing
different classifiers enhanced my data analysis and AI skills.   
Moreover, I currently have two years of job experience in total. After my graduation, I was able
to land a job as a Software Developer in one of the leading banks in my country. One of my
proudest moments was receiving an award for developing a portal for the bank, from the CEO
and Deputy CEO of the Bank. I worked on numerous projects as a team as well as alone,
developing services, workflows, and modules of some of the largest projects of the company
which are currently being used.  Currently, I am working for an AI company as a Data Analyst
which has its HQ in Bermuda. Both of my job experiences have furthered my interest in this field
and I hope this Master’s Degree will help me enhance my career.
The MS program in Computer Science offered by your university will undoubtedly provide me
with the right knowledge, skills, and experience to pursue that dream and exploit the
opportunities to the fullest extent. The practical orientation of your in-depth coursework will
allow me to not only acquire a clear understanding of the subject but also the skills to execute it.
I am confident my exposure to such initiatives would quite augment my knowledge base and add
tremendous value in enabling me to realize my professional goals.

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