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Body United Nations General Assembly Sixth Committee (Legal Committee)

Topics 1. Discussing the entitlement to displaced historical artifacts 

2. Combating drug trafficking while retaining international law 

Country Russian Federation

Represented by Eötvös József Gimnázium
Delegate’s name Benedek Sugar

Discussing the entitlement to displaced historical

artifacts along with combating drug trafficking while
retaining international law
The Russian Federation's position on discussing the entitlement to displaced historical
artifacts and combating drug trafficking while retaining international law has been the subject
of much discussion and scrutiny in recent years. However, it is important to recognize that
Russia's stance on these two crucial issues reflects the country's commitment to preserving its
cultural heritage and promoting international cooperation to tackle global challenges.
Starting with the entitlement to displaced historical artifacts, it is crucial to understand that
cultural heritage is an integral part of a country's identity and history. In this regard, Russia
has taken a firm stance in protecting its cultural heritage and ensuring the return of its
historical artifacts to the country. The country has been a victim of pillaging and looting of its
cultural heritage during different historical periods, and it has always been striving to retrieve
its stolen cultural heritage. Russia's participation in various international treaties, including
the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed
Conflict and the 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the
Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, shows its commitment
to protecting its cultural heritage.
To further strengthen its efforts in protecting cultural heritage, Russia has established the
Federal Service for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, which is tasked with ensuring the
protection of cultural heritage sites and objects in the country. Additionally, the Federal Law
on the Protection of Cultural Heritage outlines the legal framework for the protection of
cultural heritage in Russia and establishes the procedures for the return of stolen cultural
artifacts. These measures demonstrate Russia's commitment to preserving its cultural heritage
and promoting cultural diversity.
Furthermore, Russia's active involvement in organizations such as Interpol and UNESCO,
which are aimed at combating the illicit trafficking of cultural heritage, underscores the
country's commitment to preserving its cultural heritage and promoting international
cooperation in this regard. These organizations provide a platform for international
cooperation and coordination in the fight against the theft and illegal trade of cultural heritage
items, and Russia's participation in these initiatives is crucial in ensuring the success of these
Turning to the issue of combating drug trafficking while retaining international law, it is
important to understand that drug trafficking is a global problem that affects not only the
country where it occurs but also the international community as a whole. In this regard,
Russia has taken a comprehensive approach to tackling this issue by participating in various
international efforts, such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and
the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs, and enacting several laws aimed at combating drug
trafficking and drug abuse.
Russia's Federal Drug Control Service plays a key role in combating drug trafficking in the
country. The agency is responsible for implementing measures to prevent the illegal trade of
drugs and to promote the rehabilitation of drug users. Additionally, Russia's participation in
international initiatives and its signing of international treaties such as the 1988 United
Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
demonstrate its commitment to promoting international cooperation in tackling this global
It is also important to note that Russia's efforts to combat drug trafficking are in line with
international law and human rights standards. The country has a robust legal framework in
place to ensure that its efforts to combat drug trafficking are in line with international human
rights norms and standards. Additionally, Russia's participation in international initiatives and
organizations, such as the UNODC and the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs, provides a
platform for international cooperation and coordination in the fight against drug trafficking.
In conclusion, it is crucial to recognize that the Russian Federation's position on the
entitlement to displaced historical artifacts and combating drug trafficking while retaining
international law reflects the country's commitment to preserving its cultural heritage and
promoting international cooperation to tackle global challenges. These efforts contribute to
the well-being of the country and the international community as a whole and demonstrate



(n.d.). International Narcotics Board.


II. Illegal Drug Trade in Russia | Office of Justice Programs. (n.d.).

III. United States of America Department Of State. (n.d.).



(n.d.). International Narcotics Board.


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