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English Class 8thG Assignment #1

Grammar for Writing: Chapter 1 The Writing Process Mr. Espada, Wesley
Literature: Unit 2 The Thrill of Horror
Writing Fiction Narrative: Suspense Short Story

Deadline: Friday, October 29, 2021


In Unit 2: The Thrill of Horror, you have read some scary stories and you have discussed the horror genre and what

makes it enjoyable for many people. For this writing assignment, you will apply the writing techniques and the elements

of horror you’ve just learned to write your own suspenseful short story. For your benefit, some of these elements and

techniques are listed below.

Horror Elements Suspense Techniques

Subjects Describing a character’s anxiety or fear.
Using vivid words to describe dramatic sights,
sounds, or feelings.
Setting Repeating words, phrases, or character’s actions.
Plot Using time constraints.
Supernatural events Creating dilemmas for the characters.
Source of threat Showing unpredictability.
Theme Creating good villain and a great hero.

Project Format:
Font: Times New Roman
Size: 12
Spacing: Double-spaced (2.0)
Minimum: 2 pages
Maximum: 3 pages
Students, following the Writing Process and using their imagination, will write their own suspenseful short story. The
instructions and the rubric are attached.

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