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Mark John M. Gulay
BSA 1-1

Submitted to
Cheryl R. Garcia
A cool down (as it relates to physical activity
and exercise) is any activity, either physical or
mental, that helps in the recovery and physical
repair of an individual after physical activity or
Benefits of Cooldowns
The cooldown offers a number of benefits including helping you recover
faster from your workout. These are the few benefits of incorporating a
cooldown into your workout regimen; Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness,
Recovery, Increases Flexibility, Improves Your Mental State, and Helps
You Reach Fitness Goals.

Risks of Not Doing a

After you finish a hard workout, it can be particularly tempting to either
hop in the car and head home or collapse on the couch if you work out at
home. But taking a few minutes to cool down after exercise is an
important part of your recovery and is a step that should not be skipped.
These are the few risks of not doing a cooldown; Negative Health
Effects, Blood Pooling, and Elevates Injury Risk.
Seated Single-leg Hamstring
How to do it:

While sitting on the floor, place one leg straight out. Bend
the other leg at the knee and position the sole of that foot
against your opposite inner thigh (against the straight leg).
Extend both arms and reach forward. You may only be
able to touch your knee, but as time goes by, work toward
your foot. Hold for 30 seconds and switch legs.
Standing Quad
How to do it:

Balancing on your right leg, grab your shoe

with your left hand and pull your left ankle up
to meet your butt. Hold for 30 seconds. You
should feel the stretch in the front of your
thigh. Focus on trying to extend your knee to
get the maximum effect. Repeat on the right
Lunging Calf
How to do it:

Step into a lunge, keeping your back knee

off the ground. Ease into the stretch with a
small bounce to feel it in your back calf.
Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the
other side.
Core Abdominal
How to do it:

Lie flat on your stomach. Then, press up on

your elbows or all the way to your palms with
your elbows slightly bent. You may only be
able to go as high as your elbows, but that’s
OK. Stretch your head and neck back so that
you're looking at the ceiling.
How to do it:

Kneel on the floor. Then, with your knees and legs

together, transition to sitting on the back of your calves
with the knees bent. If you can’t lower all the way to
your calves, place a pillow between the back of your
thighs and calves to lessen the pressure on your knees.
Next, fold yourself over the front of your thighs, reaching
out with your arms, lowering your head and keeping
contact between your calves and thighs. The farther you
reach, the more stretch you will feel.
Single Knee-to-chest
How to do it:

Lie on your back with your legs straight and bend

one knee. Pull the bent knee toward your chest
and stomach. Hold your leg with both hands on
your shin or the back of your thigh, whatever
position is more comfortable, and continue to hold
until you feel the stretch in your back. Hold for 30
seconds, then switch legs.
Bent Knee Cross-body
How to do it:

Lie on your back and swing one leg over the other,
rotating through your lower back. Place both arms
out to the side for balance. Try to keep your
shoulder blades on the floor as much as you can.
Your upper torso should be resisting the rotation
in the opposite direction. Hold for 30 seconds,
then switch sides.
Seated Pigeon
How to do it:

Sitting on a bench or chair, rest your right ankle on

your left knee and gently push your right knee
toward the ground. Hold for 30 seconds and
repeat with the other leg. This will help prevent
your inner thighs from getting tight.
Piriformis Stretch
How to do it:

Sit down on the floor with both legs extended out

in front of you. Cross your right leg over your left
and place your right foot firmly on the ground
next to your left knee. Twist your upper body to
the right and place your right hand behind you.
Place your left elbow on your right knee and press
outward to deepen the stretch as you continue to
twist. Hold for 30 seconds then switch sides and
Lunge With A Spinal
How to do it:

From a standing position, take a big step forward

with your left foot as if you were doing an
extended lunge. Plant your left foot firmly on the
ground. Place your right hand on the floor next to
your left foot and twist your upper body to the left
as you extend your left arm toward the ceiling.
Hold for 30 seconds then switch sides and repeat.
“One of the biggest post-workout mistakes that I see people
make is skipping a cool-down stretch or leaving before the
end of a group fitness class,”

“Stretching will help prevent soreness, relax the nervous

system, promote mobility and flexibility and can even
improve your next workout.” says Jonathan Tylicki,
certified personal trainer and director of education for

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