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Imperialism to Independence Vocab

Directions: As you come into class each day, copy down the definition to each of the following words. Also,
you will need to provide a visual for each term.
Term & Definition Visual

Imperialism: a policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other

countries politically, economically, or socially

Sepoys: Indian soldiers under British control

Raj: Part of India under British control.

Nationalism: A feeling of pride in your nation or ethnic (culture) and extreme

loyalty to that group.

Social Darwinism: the application of Charles Darwin’s ideas about evolution

and “survival of the fittest” to human societies-particularly
as justification for imperialist expansion
Berlin Conference: a meeting in 1884-85 at which representatives of
European nations agreed upon rules for the European
colonization of Africa
Boers: Dutch colonist in South Africa

Militarism: The idea that a nation will use its armed forces to threaten and
acquire power over other nations or people; a policy of aggressive
military preparedness.
Alliances: An agreement of friendship to protect one another.

Annex: to incorporate (territory) into an existing political unit such as a

country, state, county, or city.

Genocide: the deliberate & systematic destruction of a

racial/political/cultural group

Darfur: Western
region of Sudan.

Janjaweed: Armed gunmen in Sudan responsible for killing and displacing

hundreds of thousands of citizens in Darfur

Civil Disobedience: refusing to obey laws you think are unjust; usually using
some tactic of passive resistance.
Salt March: March organized by Gandhi to march 240 miles to the coast to
collect sea water, let it evaporate, and collect the salt to avoid
paying taxes to the British on salt in 1930.
Amristar Massacre: The British army opened fire and killed over 400 Indians
and wounding another 1200 who were protesting the
Rowlatt Acts in the Spring of 1919

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