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Learning Area ENGLISH Grade Level FOUR

W7 Quarter THREE Date

I. LESSON TITLE Inferring the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose

Infer the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose
Inferring Speaker’s Tone, Mood and Purpose
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities

A. Introduction 50 mins To begin another lesson for this week, today you will know how to infer
Panimula the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose.
Remember that tone in a written composition is generally conveyed
through the choice of words or the viewpoint of the speaker/writer on a particular
subject. The tone can be formal, informal, serious, comic, sarcastic, sad and
cheerful or it may be any other existing attitudes.
Mood refers to the literary element that evokes certain feelings or vibes
through words and descriptions. Some examples of mood are cheerful, romantic,
calm, angry, hopeful, fearful, tense and lonely.
Purpose is the reason an author decides to write a certain topic. Some
common purpose of a speaker is to inform, persuade, or entertain.
Now, let us try this activity to determine if you have any idea about
inferring speaker’s tone, mood and purpose before we proceed to the different
learning activities I prepared for you.

Read the paragraph, then let us infer the speaker’s tone and mood expressed in
each statement below.
Miss Ranin politely excused herself and left the breakfast table. She was not feeling
well. She had been resting in her cabin for some time when she smelled smoke. She thought it
was from the machine room. Then she heard an alarm. “Maybe it’s just the fog horn,” she said
to herself. But when she opened her cabin door, she saw people running and going up the
upper deck. Smoke was everywhere. She grabbed a life jacket from under her bed and put
on her overcoat. In a few minutes, she was outside her cabin. “This way!” a man said. “I must
find my brother,” she said as she followed the man. “There is no time!” the man said as he
pushed her towards the lifeboat.

1. The smoke, people running and going up the upper deck, and the sound of the
alarm are meant to give you .
2. “I must find my brother!” From this sentence you can conclude that Miss Ranin
was .
3. She grabbed a life jacket and put on her overcoat. From this behavior you can
say that Miss Ranin was .
4. “There is no time!” the man said as he pushed her towards the lifeboat. From this
sentence you can say that the man wanted to .
In statement no. 1, we can say that it gives a frightened feeling based on
the action of the people. In statement no. 2, we can infer that Miss Ranin’s mood
was worried and anxious because of what she said. As we read statement no.3, we
can infer that Miss Ranin was quiet and calm. Lastly, in sentence no. 4, we can infer
that the man wanted to help Miss Ranin.
After discussing our example above, be ready in answering the activities I
have prepared for you.

B. Development 50 mins A. Directions: Read the following lines with correct expression and give correct
Pagpapaunlad tone expressed. Write your answer on the box provided before
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
each number (angry, happy, afraid, scary, worried) to show the
moods for each sentence. Do this in your notebook.
1. "I wonder where father and Arthur are, their boat is out of sight.”
2. “Who broke my new flower vase?”
3. “How could this be? At first, I hardly had room enough under the
mushroom, and in the end, all five of us were able to sit under it!”
4. “Oh, hide me!” he cried. “Save me! A fox is chasing me!”
5. “There is a rabbit smell around. Isn’t he hiding here?” said the fox.

B. Directions: Read the story The Lion and the Mouse. Then infer the tone and
mood expressed in each sentence. Do this in your notebook.
One day a lion was sleeping in the forest. A little mouse was looking for something to
eat. She ran over his paw.
The lion opened his eyes. He roared at the mouse. He put his paw over her. “I will eat
you,” he cried.
“I did not know it was you,” said the mouse. “Please let me go. Someday I will help
“Foolish mouse!” said the lion. “What can a little thing like you do? I am strong. How
could you ever help me?”
The lion laughed, but let the mouse go. He did not think the little mouse could ever help
Soon after this the lion was running in the forest. Her ran into trap.
The trap was net made of rope.
The lion tried to break the net, but the rope was strong.
The mouse saw the lion in the net, she said, “I will help you.”
It was hard to chew the strong rope. The mouse bit and chewed for a long time. At last
she chewed the rope enough so that the lion could break the net.
“You have saved my life. Thank you,” roared the lion, as he walked away into the forest.
“A little mouse can help after all,” said the mouse.

1. The lion roared at the mouse, put his paw over her and said, “I will eat you.” The
lion was .
A. playful B. powerful C . tearful
2. The mouse was the lion.
A. afraid of B. angry with C. ashamed of
3. The lion laughed and said, “ I am strong. How could you ever help me?” The lion
thought that the mouse was .
A. foolish B. selfish C. serious
4. The lion tried to break the net, but the rope was strong. The lion felt .
A. careless B. friendly C. helpless
5. “You saved my life. Thank you,” said the lion to the mouse. The lion was .
A. cheerful B. thankful C. thoughtful
Pado, F., et al. (2019). Learner’s Material 4. Book Media Press Inc.

C. Engagement 50 mins A. Directions: Infer the tone expressed in each sentence. Underline your answer
Pakikipagpalihan from the words inside the parentheses. Do this in your notebook.
1. “You must be very tired, Father. You have worked all day. May I help you row the
big boat?” said the child. We can tell that the child is (respectful, concerned,
2. “Snake! Snake!” cried Bianca who jumped out of the barn. Bianca was (happy,
afraid, angry).
3. “Oh! Father,” said the little frog. “I just saw the biggest animal in the world. You
have never seen an animal as big as a hill. The little frog was (surprised, tired,
4. “I can make myself as big as he is,” said the old frog. We can tell that the old
frog was (helpful, boastful, shameful).
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
5. “I cannot fly! I shall fall! I know I shall fall!” said the little hawk. The hawk was
(sad, weak, nervous)
Pado, F., et al. (2019). Learner’s Material 4. Book Media Press Inc.

B. Directions: Read the following sentences and infer what mood is being
expressed in each sentence. Choose and underline the correct
answer inside the parentheses. Do this in your notebook.
1. Glenn was sitting on a bench and was gazing at the stars in the sky. Glenn was
feeling (happy, sad, relaxed).
2. Suddenly, he saw a bright light falling from the sky. The sentence expresses
(anger, happy, surprised).
3. A man dressed in queer clothes came out of the spacecraft. The sentence
describes a (sorrowful, hopeful, surprising) scene.
4. He wanted to shout for help but no voice would come out. The sentence
expresses (happiness, sorrow, fear).
5. The king cried gleefully. (sorrow, happy, angry).

D.Assimilation 50 mins A. Directions: Each situation shows/ describes a mood. Infer the mood by writing
Paglalapat on the blank the word chosen from the box. Do this in your

happy worry pity excited

doubt sad anger helpless

1. “Your majesty, we must solve your problem,” the ministers told the
2. “I have tried everything but nothing worked.”
3. “But that’s not sleeping!” the king protested.
4. “Great!” the king said with excitement.
5. “I overslept!’ the king cried gleefully. He leaped out of his bed and
danced around the room.
Tagpis, S.B, Grade Four Reading Textbook by DIWA Scholastic Press Inc. for the Department of

B. Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write the letter of the statement
under the correct column of the author/speaker’s purpose. Do this in
your notebook.
A. Mobile phones are used for variety of purposes such as keeping in touch with
family members or to have access to telephone in the event of emergency.
B. KKK was a Philippine revolutionary society founded by anti-Spanish
colonialism Filipinos in Manila in 1892.
C. Come and join the Pasayahan sa Lucena to experience the fun and taste
the delectable food of Lucenahins.
D. Teacher: Tell me an example of a creature which can live on water as well as
the land.
Student: Frog.
Teacher: Another example.
Student: Another frog.
To Inform To Persuade To Entertain

C. Directions: Infer the tone used by the speaker in each statement. Write the
letter of the correct answers in your notebook.
1. Aling Alma’s face went red when she saw the pieces of her favorite vanity mirror
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
and in high pitch she said, “Who broke my vanity mirror”?
A. anger B. joy C. surprise D. pity
2. “Oh, my pet is hurt,” Raffy said when a car accidentally hit his pet.
A. joy B. pity C. sarcastic D. serious
3. It was Sissy’s birthday and her mother gave her a jewelry set. She said, “thank
you mother for this wonderful gift.”
A. anger B. concerned C. joy D. pity
4. While cleaning her room, Sheena shouted, “Oh! there are mice under the
A. comic B. concerned C. joy D. fear
5. “I wonder where my best friend is, I haven’t seen her for a couple of days.”
A. concerned B. informal C. hungry D. angry

V. ASSESSMENT 50 mins A. Directions: Read each sentence carefully. Then, infer the mood being
(Learning Activity Sheets for expressed. Do this in your notebook.
Enrichment, Remediation or
1. Mario was walking one day. Suddenly, a strange dog ran after him.
Assessment to be given on
Weeks 3 and 6) A. fear B. anger C. joy D. sorrow
2. Paulo saw a little bird, its wing was bleeding. What did he feel for the bird?
A. joy B. sadness C. pity D. anger
3. Lorna had to cross a small bamboo pole to get to the other side of the river.
A. anger B. fear C. excitement D. sorrow
4. Emma was the first contestant called on stage to deliver her contest piece, but
she suddenly forgot some lines.
A. pride B. nervousness C. anger D. sadness
5. Lita was watching her favorite TV program when her brother changed the
channel. She got up and shouted at her brother.
A. joy B. sadness C. anger D. fear

B. Directions: Read and identify the purpose of the speaker in the paragraph. Tell
whether the purpose is to persuade, entertain, or inform. Write your answer on the
space before each number.
1. The pupils began to laugh. Glenn roared, his wide-open mouth
showed his big teeth. Eleazar’s double chin shook as he laughed
and Zaria’s fat belly moved up and down. “That was the funniest
joke I’ve ever heard in years.”
2. There was a big flood in the city. Workers in public and private
offices did not report for work. The jeepneys could not ply the city
streets. Even cars could not pass.
3. Evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection are the
four main stages of the water cycle.
4. A big band was playing fast music. There was a group of boys
dancing the Ati-atihan. The group went around the town.
5. Melts in your mouth, not in your hands. - M&Ms
Miranda, B.N, English For You and Me 4. Book Wise Publishing House, Inc. for the Department of Education

VI. REFLECTION In your notebook, write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts
I understand that .
I realize that .
I need to learn more about .

Prepared by: ALILY JANE R. VELASCO Checked/ Reviewed by:

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