Production Process of Apple Juice

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Process of
Apple Juice
Apples are picked up
This is done by using these:
First Land: terrain and apple trees
stage Labour: harvesters (apples are picked by
Capital: baskets

Apples are washed and chopped

For this is needed:
Land: apples and water Second
Labour: maintenance person
Capital: fruit cleaning machine and
electric mill (chops and pulps apples)

Apples are then pressed into the juice

Done by using:
Third Land: apple pulp
stage Labour: technician
Capital: hydropress
Apples are poured into the bottles
This is done by using: Fourth
Land: the apples now in juice
Labour: maintenance man stage
Capital: bottle filling machine and plastic

The apple juice bottles are transported

Fifth to a supermaket
For this is needed:
stage Labour: truck driver
Capital: truck and boxes

The apple juice bottles are placed for

sale at a supermarket Sixth
Labour: supermarket workers (such as:
supervisor and cashier. stage
Capital: fridge and cash register

Stages by Economic sectors

Primary sector: Apples are picked up (first stage)
Secondary sector: washing, pressing and poruing the
apples into the bottles (second, third and fourth stage)
Tertiary sector: trasnporting and selling the apples (fifth
and sixth stage)

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