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Machine Design Key Facts MACHINERIES KEY FACTS MECHANICS AND STRENGTH OF MATERIALS RRR as wth the efits of forces ie causing or preventing maton 10 ABBR i vom branch of mechanics whee des with bodies in equilib. | peas 4s that branch of mechanics which Sot on twee ‘Me Stlon of the other moving parts 0 Nearing Sepalarty dapped in cit Machine Design Key Facts the bushing is waste Mat reliable of all metho evs pressure lubecaton is supple to the bearing By a.ring in conact with the shalt. will sie resonable lite bring enough oil tothe bearing lo maintain hydrodynamic lubeation a livers ott fo of a wich oF os Recap cavity surrounding the brahing i es adequate han anol syste The value of an oil as a lubricant depends mainly pon In selecting. Iibeicant for journal bearing pernion several faces mat be coesidened: eal ar ec tk bee eer meg a Scene we och oly Machine Design Key Facts emt of fiction for grease-tubicated searngs nse eM Average Ip designed purposes Io general, hath misalig ignment testing from anes and/or shaft deflection shout tee maintained below 0003 ing = length The longth to diameter ratio is usually between Lane Allowable sleeve bearing pressure for diesel ‘gies ro OO S00 ‘Te MEME, (5 also relatively simple design ani WHT ACCEPT the normal rae of tht loads and lends incl? to bow high Production "staged nnd thrust earings srl sued for sm SEER AIT feo lo Deed lg sis. “seg pad or Kingibury thee! bering isako capable of high brent capoet) ‘lobe at guide Hearings scrlly wed 2 Pilionne device or ts a guide t0 linear ‘ton sah sin machine ool PROPERTIES of BEARING MATERIALS: 38 Machine Design Key Facts alia reiatanse i the siliy oF bearing lining materal io witstané repeated sppictions of sess and sain withoet cracking. aking. ot therwse being desired. HmeMARIAIY sn ably of the bearing lineg mace absorb or embed within se any ofthe large of the sight dir particles ‘ompatbaity o¢_anu-scoring scrlciss coms the shaft and Beane tO “et long” with cach other EAs etic os teal or a Be abliy af the atrial 10 erp oF flow Shy der load asin the init ses of The act compost of origina babi tnt 0 now however the ingens were way, aera ad eden Se spprovimutely 193, 3.6 7.1%, ‘ip-ind lesdstase abby ars the het Aer machining, the babblt ayer «usually Vin V4 ich hick, ent nana compositions pererally range ron O19 AS peteent antigay! y eipreeat ine comission with he Head (CadiaepARE nove wrener reigns 19 ‘unguc and cons Laws pene sk Machine Design Key Facey 0 neTe developed for heavy duit septic purmal hardness of between has een found to be: best we sig et i bearing Clearances for phewolic heagiggs ne hep at bangs Rs ms pte rope statisand acs o ip. se monaniy held as these bearings fave seid = lv csndeea robes se ws a = = oa RE Se "eat Machine Design Key Facts 4\ ‘yuvalet rata oad ial angula yp Bening and init ha 16 computed in the case ar a ats ade aa Fpl beings acim contact ess BBD te resisunce 19 mion which tates pace when one body 1s moved. upon ‘her A ren fore sequel sta iy wate are thi 6 mes fetnc the cio of wx ee ee iy, bes SB? rol EM hail eae re Machine Design Key Facts When 2 holy lls on a surfice, the fore resting Ne melon termed Mg ei Ly Types of lubricants are: Pmteum Nuids, spnthetic Mi, eases, sod fins. working fluids pases plastics, arin fa, stallic and mineral films and-vegetable cis, Fluid used a8 Iubricans fe gence cotcgonzad by hei viscosity aL al 200 ADHERED) done as a Muie's reste io Shear of moton Ons evi equal 1 OSD poise UWE the viscosity Fa ud, such tae tone dhne force is required to move a surface of fone cm? with « spas of Hila) The distance between surfaces is Lem (HE88E 014 not beallowed tg remain in SANE Tor longer than! MH mamAks or if the Seni is very light. When replacing the grease, 4 should be foreed Ww the fingers between the balls rs rollers ‘smanting the beanng. if convenient GER i waa, por very suitable fer sped ‘aco or B00 ie, Machine Design key Facts 43 COUPLINGS Forcouping to wanamt up w abo i ile Nangestype counliags 0 spp re honepower olen are made og iene on the shalt. whic vy hs eating enemas These couplings nay se mg nok use key pending on the dees often Keys may range ie ron wyscincnaenstyr 1-2 ciamcicr stats wo iT inches wild by 7/8 ch ih loe 7 nchey ances sats dole coup lignan Rea cals) be connected by any of several designs of flexible souplings UaRAgHoU 1 2 coupling originally non a compli 10 feonnecting So sHIRS INE aN OF WHC a 901 Tine with ech ther sso af salsa out est ea Aviale universal join dos pot work well ine ante 6 note Hoel GRABER 5 « ctr which warsmir vation fy the driving othe driven member by the ton betwen th engaging sures * Machine Design Key Facts {ee pover i Sree 90m 9 ior pine Bi te tecepeve: rmag ot crea COS be 7S 108 percent greater than ofthe eum Where igh shock Woods are fikely 10 be cageenes + Simms lites fain, uid be sed 1M ip of ovrtont torque iy eatultd by oy Sateen ef the ermal org FREED Yen ne dened denen feonber of 8 clutch we connecied by Covagence of ieeroching teh or poeting tas HMR sermountbie machinery par which, wen wembly amis heyseat provides postive fea low tranetng torque betes the bah ‘x 1) RRB asi toeated rectangae gaove insta or hah | WHRRRIEA «1 demountable machisery rt wich, when assembled oto key offi of ‘yc in shah aad Bere SSRI form of cy ha in wed 10 conect ‘oh at are jected 0 vero o ompresion Unda a taper varying to AER | ARetaag ny sr plan caters Machine Design Key Facts 45 When act screw ur ether device 6. wed 10 Jape) (or JM 62 ines per foot BEEBE sypict wren we bid of an J wher the key iso be Sema 6 SGREIEEY eos! when accurate Fiting of he emi rcwie ner maxis mci PAEMIBEE we 00! fr Spectral Tuc in tuissoms 4 abject 10 hey acting la PME: 0) fe varsitne easy From reverang. testing Cues BELTS ‘Thrve principal types of feather belting ‘peodced! are 3 Caumbination ak me stor gencal applications bat eRe os wee the dine i 10 operas ton abn emer ab MO y 19 wet fe high speed came Pale) applications und abo palate forigh speed mor dre a Machine Design Key eco Combinatidn dak tatned ond min lof « py OF Oakcunned lege ‘mineral rated eather AL polisilsingle ly behing be mere vs Meine AHR oF 26 inch thinness, fheavergs thickness tis» ood practice 10 use pulleys with faces MAW 2k wider the the bot sequica farbedive Ma re ti ot cnten cco RMLs be tonced over the pulleys nh car To avoid patting a ercok init Whet pulley faces begin to shine, dressing is edad on the belt Under normal covditors, ot should be dressed ever thie tix onthe Ante mba remove the belt and souk * or iesaE inv deesing slut cone of pat arb setrahlaride 1 Mec pue apna 4: \sportat to check drive aligament at feist teen var aire en places exposed 0 he S057 oF the action af steam, as they do. nat Movstie or stretch a realy a leather Machine Design Key Facts $7 Hat pt ace su) ade of gating ic atel, paver, fiber, or various kins of ‘Mood, The pulley ace should be approximately ili fastamattien nc sh be nde 2 Tchr wide ‘Waid pis ore no auch Higher than cat rom pulleys but they are syperir a tansmbiers of power, in fic A slum hey. wil transme fom 351648 pe Cent muee por oe thesame belt in ensien Wi HE sd no be se where ey ae expose to evessive miiture HEHE cies ordvan'y rom SWS percent ese than the weight of ast ron ply sve of shaved Wath petaze of sip wo from 2.38 to 270 percent te for spall tan forcast, Tho mime sae rim sped fr solid eas iron pulleys a general rues ato SOD ah 1 lt exparene thre types of tension ast rowacs wound « ple, Aaetama aad) ‘ening tension, and centrifugal tension, Sanda hel lengths rein werent ea up an iclodog BO pitch, ROLLER CHAIN a Machine Design Key Facts Pi links of this ype of daap whch a tdeabical, ar easily detachobe ‘slo are constructed. wholly of pay. of cat ical pars and are availabe in foros sles. (GERERRY- i« composed hottow cored cles eat forged integrally with two ff Stars and cc ik sential Aoler chain is made up of two Hinks: a fisksaed wiResicratcly spaced throughout THETEARH OF Me chain Typesat sprocket Type A = tra plain plate ‘Type - has a tub ow one side only TypeC = a hud on both sides Type D trereasing the degress: of BAS ees town == alll Engineering Materials 77 The: oumagretic ie the although some may hecome le cold working ae alias ‘comin chromium bu no nickel The tsi frite grade conuins. BRB a netic and When bated, most carbon and lowly sels ee Caring temper anes on SED » Nitring Sempenture ranges tom SO) Cyaniding i | Biter emp ans on BI pars ob quenched and 120010 | SPE case whe fd gst ot reauired | sel for fame lade ual nthe rage | sin. and amps. ot pans, ture bs slightly above the Engineering Materias and is used in aglicatons where that propery is necdod a 2 Several percent to high alloy sigs al . WRI escu wo improve the toushnes ana tw som eaten the wear resbuncs of tol sets. ee eee cee PRE etre bie {Big es an ns ssn Pct Dianond start oxidize api Caner $e ects onan GRRE I Hain as acc e * “emperature range of |) Rapid eaoting on carbon sects is below the reat rll Types of furnace: ecco ‘y wertical type of FMBEE ae Fical meta Enginecring Sutera 79 — 4 Votical furnace arate for Ure ism! rte emerson mod iret the sa bah development fy mctaluracal process The eral or transfommaticn point at which utente is tisfrmed back into pearite is oe ga} ‘The réeeseenee point is lower ecaleseece point by anywtere fo re gescrlly used for bein Uneven hang is the eae of most of the se dng The formation oF scale Un the surfice of sc 5 HIN ols See at slower fate than wat, but the rates fist enough orally tls he temperate of quenching ino Bath anne Engineering Materiats # 4 pood quenching oll Should possess a fash wit saifiviently high 10. be safe under the Fendiions used and shouldbe about The tomperaiure of water-base quenc que uld preferably be kept as : a sure of quenching ng 8 process in Which the selfs ‘esrapdly quenched to a temperature of ‘Whe see is in a fully hardened condition, ts use consist largely af hn eheting 8 tmpertare of for about Nth se! fs recited toa temperature of from a exenively used hoe gm! a peated point the result of heal perature heloww its melt Sar Engineering Materials 8\ (eid procs pace ene, Before the bans cay be machined they mst be annealed ea temperature of Prchating is usually done in a simple type of ‘en furnace heated by Hardening of wungsien is usually done in a temperature range Tools that ae joo soft fore ler hardening rust be ‘The tempering or drawing tempera Milling cuters may be tempered. 33 low as "During the heating eyele the gear should be rotated the ste, after hardening and either bel afer tempering satin is a. slverwhite metal characterized by a slightly bluish cast. 1 hs a specific aravity ‘Aluminum ‘loys lose part of thei srength aclevated temperatures, although same aii re srengih wt tamper Be Ate ea at incering Materia huracteristies which make the PLASTIC: Piss ae materials often cal WER. nevivle materiats snat cam be hed up to about double their Length at room, e and an be returned to thsi original rere shen its released ea measure of the mass per anit 6 the ratio of the mass of a ums ofa material Machine Shop Theory Machines Used in Machining Operations: OP noice pick as epee a upon bya cuting wo 2 IBREAE wmachine oot in which the cute Ioves ia reciprocating motion to produce Ma trparty curved surfaces on metas picees which arched securely ina vse 3 1 machine toot which s used wo reduce Mat surfaces on pisces which ae tou {in shaper farge or oo heiny 1 4 DRRINBHEEHY— 8 mschine toot whieh is imaity we preiuce Noles in metal parts by th of a rotating dail bit which acts on a seconsiy held piece 5 a mactine tool WHER vies Totaling abyastie wheels smoothen meal puts aad 0 shaspen er shape ‘ machine tool purposely denpned or Finishing holes Machine Shop Theory agente» machine tool which is LFipiloce a saricy of surfaces by using lar ype cater with multiple teeth, + BIG - « machine tool which ie used to cv mil parts by the tse ofan endless band with Sr iecth moving around two pulleys 9 (EERE — 2 macnine toot which is ved t cut metal parts of light. medium und ae sections using = reciprocating hacksaw bie MAREE 5 machine woot nih sonsiss oF a ram which is being actuated bythe pressure of hydraulic hud, which ts used is vanaus operations such as bending, drawing, ‘ngs tune or disassembling of parts, ‘ARREARS - a machine tol hich is “driver by an elect mator or ‘cchatical power source and is used an sheet etal work like purtching. shearing. bending. Shwving and other shest metal forming, Sertions © stuepsbatie - a wpe of lathe which ‘sal OF map station ool helders or tures owes the production of multiple cus |) RRL ~ iis tate machine which {Nas has 9 tnstack which can be moved "Btudinaly along the bed. (IBA we maine ti react cate operation or when 100 much “sista ete wo Machine Shop Theory $5 1S. dum Scr Machine = only one spindle Re Wed Tor “urning sce. achine products of siter four ta sx spindles which enable an operator 10 machine four to sb pisses simatancousy 16 Menamgentachie — > » wiahine desizned to Join fight and Heavy metals of all kinds by means of a provess using elec eure |) Areas of a Machine Shop: |, SaeppreduenomAres - iis isan aren inthe rmuchine shop where the same jobs are petformed throughout by ewch machine operator 2, olemasDmeareg)- is un arca wherein pecessary dies and igs Peeded for other machine ‘hop ares are formed and accomplished 3, RRM - is an area where Finished praduets are esserbled to form then io a 1, michine parts equipment or a machine + SRiademateea + melted 10 form them into a bloom, blll, cst, ee ‘SURBIARRA - ison rea where diferent Iinds of welding machines afe sed to perform the necessary Jomng and cutting of metals Iwberever nessa Machine Shop Theory Machine Shop Theory 87 ® } ~ isan area considered Paris of Head Stock Bier othe machine shop for reason that eat) ofthe finish products represents the a alte a afte he company sich as chush cepts an oes ace meshed Jackedsn soi the workpiece for turning Wis im this ares. that proper ling and venilaten is rdw hpt the products in good condition, a where finish product RSA tans pose om the spindl nvverts -leotical eceey 10 wo athe pug) — coAT™ oe “on srl “revere” are mot sgn in the lane Pr easy” machining Lathe Machine Won of Lathe machine: ‘peraion f the common Jnened oF lease ove excess metal on a given sad ches Ud 10 the being sy EMin the lathe a ee nee Part of Paistock ‘AMIE be a toe et mata eed ote bo we the dead ceteris tid ‘ + sed 1 drive the spine for pesensy Feud length . “ese cw nae i I Redfortamig screw machine products « ona the ait of hi coat ce eas ae "incipal Parts of Lathe Machine: seneth 7 4 Headsock Habeeonaeien@t - where ine necessary amount of taper is set for tapering operation. Agehlamdrad?— olds the material to be turned in FROPer place for easy and mass production ‘machinigg purposes, ‘Aatawbesi - i doIps to Rold the material of havifgramall diameicr which is, mounted on the lathe between two centers MMR AnRIRT 1s used asa chuck when turning work that are mounted betweon two centers, 7 MUBBURBTMEE - sed to hold cating toot especialy the ool holder for a right-hand turing and left hand uring 8 CORIRHRANS uset to hold ari, seamen, countersinker and othe: necessary pts in the ‘work he in he athe 9 BEEP cd 10 vigmened und loosen the chuck where the work isbeing held ORR used to cut different forms of surfaces By Me use of different forms of Knarling tools 1 Ramee — oes) 16 suppor Jong and slender shafi"Wwith one end held in the chuck mount om athe once 12 SERRE - 1s aac 1 he sade of ‘the lathe 10 support workpicces that are liable to Spring aay fom te ewting oo. a Machine Shop Theary pifferent Kinds of Chuck: | (RRRBERHCARENS tos four jans tat mus Ie -moved independently when centering. a swoekpic 2, RWWEEBHNENUAK — has three jaws that move awtomiticaly a an amount of movements in one of the three jaws is done by using chuck ys: 3 Gomibinaon CHUER - has six or seven jaws that can be used to act as universal or independent chuck, 4 Migienesaget - osu bar of magna inside tht tends to old the materia in proper place BESEHGEH ~ used vo Hold the material by reshing inside +, SEepTReR aR Nclosee}- used to hold bin workpieces without damaging the outils diameter ofthe work. 1 Different kind of Centers of Lathe Machine: | BRR is a comer which is being tached and meshed into the tastosk spindle 2 egal) — one ofthe weer being wet “haunting uke work between 140 COMETS UU Kinds of Mandrel: Machine Shop Theory 95 ‘Womemade mandels - rade of so metals or har wtnd Used prevent the workpiece to be meshed, especially soft metals of thin oolndrs 2, TABeRRIE? - used to old taper works such as inernal ters 3. RiRiaaramaRAHY - used to hold workpieces With cither extemal or internal threads. 4 icra, - used io tum the sane material of many pieces and Jock matcials of Aifferent forms and sizes and turn these at the same time. 5. Eponeainess especially made for macs production that ROM materials of cifferent forms and sizes and turn these atthe same time. 0 Methods of Centering a Workpiece 1, IBC) Hokings workpiece inthe chuck whee the toolbit is properly eld in the erussseetonal center of he Workpse 2 Silieeeigecmmasey is similar to the toolbt mahal the only dierence is that the surfes gmige is aed Tor entering 5 tliecamnag)- used 1 eneek the center of the de NOK petted in the lathe 4, Dal indieator method ~ considered to be the precise method of cencring [1 Lathe eutting tool materials: ‘Lathe cutting tools are generally made of fig speck aisles St Coun. sunticn ng i Machine Shop Theory ia, GIVEN also be used Feat ol va Coating tools pay also be made of mg ‘oenbinstion 0 CBHI ehtomium: ind tungsten SGIBBB ec commonly use for machining: hand Sel ast ron, bronzes and others, (TRC HISHALTGBIS are used when the work rquitel maximum cuting speeds. |) Classification of Cutting Tools: | SRE RRRINeMREBAD - hos only one cating edge and commonly used in the lathe, shaper, andl planer machine > nioneReeaRBAOONE nasiv0 oF more cutting edges as in drill press and milling mache cutters, |) The Single Point Cutting Tools: Surfaces: BREED the por on one end of which the TT Formed orth ipo it uppanet- Rasa stapes to produce cuting ecru fas WBRD ws excnsion of the sank bu oF ‘ete sectonal wen Machine Shop Theary 91 4 filtaiey - the side of the shank which bears ‘against the suppor taking the tugential pressure ofthe cut AIBA — tne end of the base immediately below or supporting the face f, Bsesuumad) - surtace om which the chip ‘impinges as i cut from the wort, AUBEAIE — 4 plan view when looking at the {ace fom a point at right angles tothe base fami aut, - separates the chips from aor ‘MER a sirsight portion of he cutting edge inended to produce a smooth machined surface FER she surnce helow the cating Edge C1 Types of tools 2 CBIR - 0 1001 cet wher? the por + formed on the end ofthe bar +, BOREAORI- » 100! steel which is forget soaghly a8 shaped in one cn then hardened ant grou shape: ERR cng wo! in which «po eainp cra 1s permanctly tached to tae shank of 4 now-cutting tool Machine Shop Theory a seo slr ol rhe 1 ica ort HG)» tool matcrisl ground to the Scartad shape and clamped \o the tool holder. ; ARAB - cutting point is ‘gee nabt sie when ooking at the point end of tetol AFH canine poin ison tte eft ade when TooFiR at the point end of the val SERBIA - the point is im the forward clge of straight shank. \ BRARGGIP the point is bent either to he right let j GHEE the point is at the side but parle othe shank. ) Tool angles: ‘i = is the angle between the lng€cF he Too and the shank hase mented # ane at ight angle to the based paralel # ‘ele line ' REREAD - anc ansie it Of te foot and the shank base, measured tan at i angle he base ad Sine of the nose ‘Machine Shop Theory » © esas the angle between the plane Perpendicular to the base of a tool ot toot bolder ind that portion of the flank immediately ‘acento the cuing edge 6 SMRRMERAAE: — rcasured in the plane the side rake angle to the centerline of the tool use bia reneranige — rmcasired inthe pene of the back Fake angle (Bling = and angle plane pemendcdar to the base of 4 tool and that Paton ofthe Nask immediately adjacent w the te clerance, 2 SIRMEHRETIABIE the angle between the cutting edge atthe end atthe 1ool and line at right angle (o the edge ofthe 10 shank AERARARRBLRAREAMABTE - the angle herween theeutting cole atthe ead of the toot atl the line at ight angle othe edge ofthe shank. ‘i (MREMIE)- he ante included berween the side euting edge ard theend cutting ede 1 Working angles: > the angle made by the shank Or trom wih a linet sighs angle to the Finished surtce ofthe work. 1, eeumete - the angle which the side cutting alee THe tool makes with the finishes! “nace of the Work, 100 Machine Shop Theory ¢ HRBRERAAE - the actual ope oF the toot fos from active cutting cde in the dinection of the dp flow 4 Tita he sel chute oF the wut mieial between the face and the ground flank. tneauted in the plane at right ang ‘lg the cutting WOMB ~ the angie between the ground flank of the tool and the fine tangent to the cut surface. passing through the active cutting cle (GRRE ~ qual 19 9 ip angle plus the Working relief angle atthe point of section. » Winking End aR - the angle hetwcen the straight end cutting edge and the Dlare tangent to the machined surface of the work head of he Yo ‘) Cutting fluids: Purpose of cutting fluids 4 Cooling the wot 2 Cong the work improving the quality of the surface finish bic the surfaces in contact Detwe=® ‘he oot and the work preventing welding of spor tr thew 2 hosing away the chips * Reducing the wai the chips an the 106! Machine Shop Theory \0\ ‘Common cutting fluids for metals: 1 Aictast 2 Solable 3, Watce with boras or sods 4. Sulfurized mineral oit 5, Light mineral ol 1) Forms of Cutting Tools: 1. Thread euting wots 2. Bound nose cuting tool 3. Square nose cutting tool 4 General parting oF cutting toot $. Right hasd forming cutting toot 6, Left hand forming too! 7. Right hand turing tool 8 Left hand turning tool 9 Right hand facing toot 10. Left hand facing tool 11. Right and roughing too! 12, Left hand roughing tool Cutting Speed Recommended for High Speed Toolbits: Material SAENe Speed fom Coldniedsed 1010 80-110 Secimese! 01S (a0 10 Morceon, ms 60-70 Heel e030 ab Secure 100 S080 aha ESOP Theory Cas iron a 33 - 65 ninum 20 «550 Copper 200 <8) Bronze ay) Different Lathe Machine Operations: 1 Rit nine = removing of excess Imwietials wif a remaining tolerable alowances for finish turing the excess ‘material into the required dimension given in the plan by the uxe ofa finishing tool 3 FARAG process of avisne or eating the workpiece into the required number of picces by the use of puting tool 4 BAIR — producing 2 hole inthe workpiece Sl nthe Gk by staching » dil chuck into the tatock spindle and kel on he bitin the drill chuck, SHA caging th i ok by ee of boring tool, :

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