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Part 1

For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, c or D) b t .
each gap. There is an example at the beginning (O). eS fits 1 A toughest B finest C darkest D brightest

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

2 A handful B several C pinch D few

3 A by B across C forth D forward
C quiz D query
O A enquire @ask

4 A likely B yet C but D about

America's greatest feat
5 A perspective B regard C terms D provision
If you were to (0) .. ... ... . anybody in this country what was America's (1) ......... hour,

you might find many different answers. Most of us can think of a (2) .. .. .. . .. of incidents 6 A depicted B regarded C created D posed
where the true spirit of what it means to be an American comes (3) . ... . .. ... And to some,
7 A willingness B resolution C certainty D resolve
you might hear the answer, "America's greatest achievement is (4) .... ..... to come." and,

who knows? That may well be true. 8 A ridding B deposing C rejecting D refusing

But in (5) .. ....... of American history, without a doubt, when America linked arms with

its allies against the terrible threat Adolph Hitler's Germany (6) ..... ... . during World War

II, it would have to represent the greatest show of strength, national (7) . .. .... .. , and
honour in the history of the nation. And that is because, during these difficult years,

America did not just use its vast resources to save Americans and their interests. America

saved the world by (8) ......... Hitler.

Carr.bridgp Cl Adldncr-d dri(J CAI are brand-; IY>long1ng to ·1he University of Cambr idge and are not associated with KSE Academy. Cambridge Cl Advanced and CAE are brands belonging to fhe University of Cambridge and are not associated with KSE Academy.

10 11
Part2 Part3
For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of
Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). gap. some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an
example at the beginning (0).
Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.
Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

0 ~IT.---1E-1L-1L-1~I~l~l-r--
1 .--I-I -.-1--.-1-,1-,- 1 -.-
1 -,-- I ~l- 1] Example:

0 lr-1-,-I-N r-
1E--.-1-Q ./ -u---,1-A,-1L-,-1-1 .-
I T-.1-v-,-1--,1----,---1-.1---.-1-lr--,-1----.--
I ---.I~
Socialism in the N ordic model
How well can you (0) .. .. ..... the difference between a machine and a human? As
With their high wages, low (0) ..... ... . , free politics, and strong rule EQUAL
computers get more intelligent, it will become more difficult to tell them (9) ... .. .. .. .
of law, the Nordic countries in Europe are (17) . . .... ... success DOUBT
Scientist Alan Turing, who is most known for his contributions to World War 11, forecast
stories. It is (18) .. .... ... , however, how much of this is due to CLEAR
in 1950 that robots (10) ... ... ... one day be sentient and (11) ......... to reason. Based on
socialism. (19) . . ....... the years, multinational banks and financial THROUGH
this theory, he developed the Turing Test, which determines (12) ......... an artificial
services have decided to investigate further. According to their
intelligence can trick people (13) ........ . believing it is a human being.
(20) ..... .... , socialism played a minor role in these achievements. FIND

Last year, Cleverbot, a computer software, was successful (14) . . ....... passing this exam.
After consulting with a range of (21) ..... .. .. sources, analysts REPUTATION
Cleverbot was created in 1987 by an IT specialist called Rollo Carpenter. In this case, it
concluded that these countries (22) . ... ..... property rights better SAFE
was a novel type of software that learnt to communicate (15) ... . ... . . talking to people.
than the US and have less control over private enterprise, allowing
Cleverbot currently responds to 200,000 messages (16) .... . ... . hour and texts 3 million
for greater financial consolidation.
individuals monthly. Cleverbot has amassed so much information it now appears
human. The paper advises, however, that the Nordic model implies

heavy (23) . . .. . .. . . on middle-class expenditure and far less TAX

(24) .. ....... on corporation taxes. RELY

i: Cambrid~e Cl Ad'lan(Pd df ld UQ arr> branch OC-!ongmg to 1he Un1v<'rs1tyof Ca mhr1dgc Jnd are not associated with KSE Academy. Cambridge CI Advanced and CAE are brands belonging to The University of Ca mbridge and are not associated with KSE Academy.
12 13

For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meanin
28 I've never been as frank with anyone as I am with you.
the fl rstsentence, us~g the word g;,en. Do not cha_nge the word given. You must~to
between three and six words, including the word given. Here 1s an example (O}. se
I've never ....................... ............. anyone like I do with you.


o Negotiations failed to resolve the disagreements.

29 The room was so crowded that it was difficult to breathe.
Negotiations ..... .............. ......... ........ resolving the disagreements.
There .............. ......... .. ... .. .. .... room that it was difficult to breathe.
The gap can be filled with the words 'were unsuccessful in', so you write:

0 [ WERE UNSUCCESSFUL IN 30 Everyone praised Adam for passing his exam.

Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet. CONGRATULATED
Adam ... ..... ............ ...... .... .... .. exam success.

25 It never occurred to me that we would encounter any issues.

It ... .... ... .... ... ... ..... ... .. .. ... . that we would encounter any issues.

26 'I prefer to stay in tonight,' Joanna said.


Joana said that .. .... ........ .. .. .... .... ... ....... out tonight.

27 We've been getting on quite well since we talked about our problems.

We've been .... ........ ..... ...... ... ... ....... a talk about our problems.

Cambridge Cl Advanced and CAE are brands belonging to The University of Cambridge and are not associated with KSE Academy.
Cambridge Cl Advanced and CAE are brands belong,ng to The University of Cambridge and are not associated with KSE Academy.


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