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Q : Why this research is only within the scope of FEB Unsoed students and does not pay
attention to the general scope of skincare users?
A : Jenderal Soedirman University is the only public university in the scope of barlingmascakeb
and why choose the scope of FEB because it has a high population to conduct this research

2. Q : Why are herbal ingredients one of the preferences in choosing skincare, where there are
chemical ingredients at a more affordable price?
A : Because health assumptions are the main considerations in addition to purchasing power,
age, halal certificates considering the weighing of comparative advantages between herbal
ingredients and chemicals

3. Q : What kind of comparative advantage between chemicals and herbal ingredients in

A : In organic ingredients, plant development is made from an environment that has been
formed and adjusted to conditions for the most skin conditions, The plants are then extracted to
become ingredients for making skincare and makeup. While in chemical products, the
compounds used are artificial compounds. In skincare products, the beneficial reaction on the
skin is more determined by the concentration contained in the product and the concentration
are more risk in chemicals compound.

4. Q : From this research, what is a brief description of the relationship between the realm of
microeconomics and this skincare decision research?
A : A brief description is on the merits of research theoretically and practically,
Theoritical Benefits
The results of this research are expected to add references to further research and contribute
to the development of economics, especially microeconomics, regarding the decision to buy
skincare by students
Practical Benefits
The results of this study are expected to be input for companies that do business in the skin
care product industry and foster understanding and knowledge about skincare purchase
decisions by students

5. Q : What is the urgency of this study so as to conduct this research?

A : Based on Demand : the development of society is increasingly advanced, resulting in the
needs of people's lives are also growing, not only basic needs, education and health but the
need to beautify themselves is now the top priority in supporting daily appearance, especially
for women.
Based on Awareness : large cosmetic market share in Indonesia and changes in lifestyle, work
needs, and self-awareness to take care of the skin
Based on Purchasing Decision : where consumers know the problem, find information about a
particular product or brand and properly evaluate each of these alternatives to be able to solve
the problem, which then leads to a purchase decision

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