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If I were the official concern, I would propose launching a campaign

to halt activities that may be contributing to pollution, encouraging
community participation in cleanliness programs, and enacting
ordinances to govern and regulate beach operations to ensure that
beach operators are taking the necessary steps to maintain
cleanliness and safety and are held accountable for any violations.
Penalty must be imposed, and the proceeds could be used to fund
local programs and projects that benefit the people.

I'll send a team of chemists to re-inspect the beach in order to determine the
source of the pollution and devise solutions. If the results are consistent, I
will recommend that all pollutants must be removed and properly disposed.
Prevent future pollution by taking preventative measures. Use natural or
man-made barriers to prevent pollutants from spreading. Re-nourish the
beach with sand and vegetation to restore its natural state. Monitor the
beach for any remaining pollutants and take actions as necessary. Educate
the public on the importance of preventing beach pollution.

To maintain beautiful beaches and crystal-clear waters, we must reduce

single-use plastics: use reusable water bottles, shopping bags and
containers, keep the beaches clean: pick up litter, cigarette butts and any
other waste you see on the beach, respect marine life: don’t touch or disturb
wildlife and do not feed the animals, proper disposal of waste: ensure that
all waste is disposed of properly, in designated trash cans or recycling bins,
and follow regulations: adhere to beach regulations, such as not littering,
not smoking, and respecting wildlife.

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