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CHAPTER 1 The Problem and its Scope I.

INTRODUCTION Several studies on COVID-19

pandemic have been reported, including epidemiological factors, diagnostic methods for the new
coronavirus, transmission clinical characteristics and vaccinations. However, feelings and action
of students online, especially on social media, are mostly unknown. Students use the internet to
exchange information, express their worries and spend the majority of their time online while
under quarantine. Students are more connected than ever before through social media, especially
during these difficult times, when they are physically distanced from their family, friends and
peers. While social media provides many benefits, such as giving students the chance to express
themselves creatively, learning opportunities and the chance to connect with others, social media
can also have a negative impact on students, both physically and mentally. This study aimed to
find out the positive ang negative impact of social media on students of grade 10 Tesla.
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK A conceptual framework is proposed for the investigation into
the influence of social media usage and social media multitasking behavior on the academic
performance of the students of grade 10 Tesla. The conceptual framework discussed in this paper
examined the positive and negative impact of social media to the students of grade 10 Tesla and
it will act as a baseline for future empirical research in this area. However social media has many
positive effects on education including better communication, timely information, and
socializing online. Social media encourage online learning. With advanced use of social media
platforms in schools, the students get encouraged and motivated to learn. The use of YouTube to
watch educational videos, easy access to e-books and learning through video calling are some of
the major aspects ehuch contribute to educational development. The study is premised on the
concept, the positive and negative impact of social media on students of grade 10 Tesla.
According to Kuppuswamy and Shankar (2010) social network websites grab attention of the
students and then diverts it towards non-educational and inappropriate actions including useless
chatting. Based on the above statement we can say that social networking sites may badly affect
the academic life and learning experiences of the student. Trusov, Bucklin, and Pauwels (2009)
noted that the Internet is no doubt evolution of technology but specifically social networks are
extremely unsafe for teenagers, social networks become hugely common and well-known in past
few years. This research is conducted to explore the affect of social networking websites and its
impact on academic life and learning experiences of students. As Kuppuswamy and Shankar
(2010) explained that the social networks grabs the total attention and concentration of the
students and diverts it towards non educational, unethical and inappropriate actions such as
useless chatting, time killing by random searching and not doing their jobs. Students and
teenagers mostly use social networks for time killing and sake of enjoyment but it has been
analyzed that internet use for education purpose and any appropriate task including online
tutorials, online lectures and education material downloading is very good but use of internet for
onlse and any appropriate task including online tutorials, online lectures and education material
downloading is very good but use of internet for only social network is very useless perhaps
dangerous. Some of the appropriate and un-negligible statements that fascinated us to conduct
this research are stated.Benzie (2007) noted that the Canadian government prohibited employees
from In the same way, Boyd & Ellison (2007) also pointed out that the U.S.
Congress has proposed legislation to ban youth from accessing social networking websites in
schools and libraries. When the highly developed nations take stands over the use of social
networking websites and cannot allow these social networking websites for countrymen, youth,
students and working people, then the need is felt to see into that either social networking
websites adversely effects students or not. This research mainly focuses on such factors that
affect student’s academic life and learning experience. This research will explain and detail
presents the impact of using social networking websites on student academic life and learning
experience. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The study aimed to determine the positive and
negative impact of social media on students of grade 10 Tesla in Butuan City School of Arts and
Trades (BCSAT) Taguibo, Campus. Specifically, the study sought answers to the questions:
What are the positive impact of social media on students of grade 10 Tesla? What are the
negative impact of social media on students of grade 10 Tesla? Is social media helpful to the
students of grade 10 Tesla or not? Hypothesis The study will use a single null hypothesis tested
at 0.05 level of significance. There is a significant relationship of the impact of social media on
grade 10 Tesla's students. Social media use is positively associated with bonding social
capital.Bonding social capital is positively associated with pyschological well being.
Significance of the Study The study will have significance to education since its result will
provide data as basis in the formulation of policies based on more than just the significant
relationship. Specifically, the study will be significant to the following: School Heads. The result
of the study will provide informatin to thr school heads regarding the impactbof social media on
students of grade 10 Tesla. They will be encouraged to formulate plans and programs that will
help students to control using social media. Moreover, they will also be encouraged to expose the
teachera to trainings for their proffesional growth and development. Teachers. The result of the
study will enable the teachers to realize their strength and weaknesses in imparting knowledge
and skills to the students regarding the impact of social media. Students. The result of the study
will enable the students to know their status and addiction on social media.It will help the
students to know the positive and negative impact of social media on them, either it helps them
or it's destroying them. They will be encouraged to be diligent in their study to improve their
self-dicipline. Researchers. The result of the study will provide data to the researcher who will be
undertaking a study similar to the present research works. It will provide easy access to the
researchers to avail of data stored in a nearby institution of higher learning. Scope and Limitation
of the Study The study involved the grade 10 students of section Tesla in Butuan City School of
Arts and Trades ( BCSAT) Taguibo, Butuan City for the school year 2022-2023. The variables
involved the positive and negative impact of social media on students. Definition of terms The
following are defined operationally Quarantine - a state, period, or place of isolation in which
people or animals taht have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious
disease are placed. CHAPTER 2 Review of Literature This chapter deals with the review of
literature and studies whuch have bearing to the present day. RELATED LITERATURE The
burgeoning literature on students' information behavior suggests that online media are part of a
broad information landscapecomplementing printed resources, traditional mass media, friends
and peers (Sin, 2015). Research in this area has found key student concerns when using online
sources of information to include issues of credibility, authority, relevance and timeliness of
information (Kim et al., 2014), with such sources often used in initial phases of information
seeking (Kiedrowski, Mahrholz, Griesbaum, & Rittberger, 2015). Dabbagh and Kitsantas (2012)
define social media as a diversity of networked instruments or technologies that highlight the
social facets of the Internet as a waterway for communication, cooperation, and resourceful
appearance, and is often substitutable with the concept such as social software. Van Braak (2001)
asserts that the application of technology in educational contexts enhances learning, creating
useful learning opportunities. These conditions make it easier for the students to learn regardless
of time and place through social media which is a noteworthy technological facet that has
become extensively employable in education (Kiedrowski et al., 2015). The multitasking
explanation, on the other hand, suggests that attending to two or more tasks at the same time can
result in cognitive overload, which reduces students' ability to correctly and completely execute
the tasks at hand (Junco, 2012; Junco & Cotton, 2012; Karpinski et al., 2013;Lau, 2017).

The multitasking argument implies that trying to accomplish

academic tasks while staying on social networking sites reduces
students' attention span and their cognitive ability to effectively engage
in academic work, thereby adversely affecting their academic
performance (Junco, 2012;Karpinski et al., 2013;Lau, 2017;Lepp et al.,
2015). ...

Eman Almuhur (2022) revealed in her study that students are contributing to the issue by sharing
information on social media, however this has resulted in the spread of incorrect information.
Several platforms are taking steps to fulfil their duties, as they control what content appears on
their platforms. Social media is a popular topic among college students. YouTube, Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs and MySpace were defined as social media for purposes of such study.
Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are the most widespread social media platforms among
university students. Furthermore, Facebook estimates that it now has 500 million active users,
with 50% of them logging in every day. The The increasing number of student using social
networking sites is one of the most exciting things to see. According to the report, 72 percent of
high school students and 78 percent of university students spend time on social media sites like
Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. There are several reasons why students like spending time
socializing. To begin with, social media networks provide people the flexibility to do anything
they want — publish whatever they want and communicate with anyone they want. They like
making new acquaintances and commenting on the lives of others. Students can develop online
personas that are not permitted in the real world [8]. They are enthralled by the freedom it
provides them to act just by sitting in front of a computer, and they seek greater freedom. Never
before has it been so simple for young brains to capture a digital snapshot of their movements in
such a natural way. On the one hand, the good side of online communities is that they may be
used by teenagers for academic help and aid. Because of its ability to enhance connections by
making them easily accessible, social media can provide many benefits for the young, including
a virtual space for them to explore their interests or problems with similar individuals, academic
support, and strengthening online communication skills and knowledge [9]. "Students who
would be hesitant to speak up in class are writing for actual audiences and engaging in book
discussion blogs." "Our data imply that electronic media consumption is adversely connected
with grades," says the study. 70% of the students said they used electronic media in class, while
studying, or while completing homework. Today's culture is pervaded by social media, with
millions of people absorbed in the latest events via applications like Facebook and Twitter somw
to the point of harmful addiction. Ajay Singh (2021) revealed in his study that nowadays, in the
world of connecting learning, the impact of social media on education is becoming a driving
factor. The world is becoming smaller, and by the use of technology such as social media, the
way we get an education is changing. Social media and education can complement one another if
used effectively. Social media is continually developing new educational possibilities for
students. Social media has many positive effects on education. But the same has some negative
effects. Here know the many positive and negative effects of social media on education.Social
Media has become a vital part of a student’s social life. It is now regarded as a learning platform
that enhances student engagement and capabilities in many schools. These platforms offer school
children the opportunity to connect, get in touch, access information and research. Social media
is the strongest medium of communication which helps people to connect from far places. Social
media’s acceptance in daily life is one of the driving forces behind these depending prospects
and how social media is changing education. MICHEAL (2022) revealed in his study that social
media is a major driver in today’s world of connected learning. With the advent of social media
and technology like it, our educations are becoming more accessible. If used well, social media
and education can complement each other. Students are constantly discovering new learning
opportunities through social media. Education has many benefits from social media that makes
us say “ I still want to do my online class”.. However, there are also some negative
consequences. These are the positive and negative effects that social media has on education.
Social media has become an integral part of students’ social lives. It has been deemed a learning
platform that improves student engagement and abilities in many schools. These platforms allow
schoolchildren to communicate, get in touch, find information, and do research. Social media is
the most powerful medium for communication, allowing people to connect even from far away.
These prospects are dependent on social media’s acceptance in everyday life. The literature and
studies cited in the preceeding paragraphs gave insight to the researcher and served as a
references and guide in pursuing their research undertaking. CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH
METHODOLOGY This chapter deals with the research design, research environment,
population as respondent's research instruments, data gathering procedure, quantification of data
and statistical treatment. Research Design The study will use a descriptive research design
because it will describe the positive and negative impact of socail media on students. It is
descriptive because it will descibe the data gathered, what is the impact of social media on
students, with the use of appropriate statistical treatment to arrive at drawing conclusion.
Research Environment The study was conducted in Butuan City School of Arts and Trades
(BCSAT) Taguibo, Butuan City. The school is an annex of BCSAT, Butuan City which is about
10 kilometers distance from the main cpus northeast of the city. The school was established in
2013 and was opened on June 2, 2014 as an annex school of Butuan City School of Arts and
Trades, Butuan City. It is a technical vocational school which offers courses on electricity,
electronics, cookery, beauty care and other academic subjects as a junior high school. The school
started with a total enrollment of 164 students; of 106 grade seven students and 58 grade eight
students. It was headed by Sergio N. Pioco with 3 technical vocational teachers and 6 academic
teachers. After 9 years of existence BSCAT Taguibo increased its population and became a
complete junior high school. With the growing population, additional teachers were also
assigned in the school. At present, the school has a total enrollment of 665 students with 26
teachers excluding the school head designate. Population as Respondents The study involved a
population of 40 students of grade 10 Tesla, who are enrolled in BCSAT Taguibo, Butuan City.
The population will be taken as respondents of the study using complete enumeration. Table 1.
Distribution of Population as Respondents Students of grade 10 Tesla Population as Respondents
Percent Male 22 Female 18 TOTAL 40 Figure 2. The map of the Research Locale. Research
Instrument The study utilized two research instrument which is the questionnaire and google
forms. Research Questionnaire Is a list of questions and items used to gather data from
respondents about their experiences and opinions about the positive and negative impact of
social media on students. DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE Upon approval of the thesis
proposal by our English teacher Mrs. Anita Surbam Manlangit Turla, the researcher asked
permission through permit letter from the superintendent of the school, Divison of Butuan City
to allow her to conduct a research questionnaire to the respondents to gather data needed for our
study. The approval of the permit letter by our superintendent of schools gave a go-signal to the
teacher to conduct the research questionnaire to the respondents. The researcher personally
administered the research questionnaire to the respondents with the allotment of 1 hour and a
half to fill up data of questionnaire given. Then the researcher retrieved the questionnaire amd
recorded described amd analyzed the data using appropriate statistical treatment to arrive at
drawing conclusion. Statistical Treatment The following statistical treatmemts were used to
analyze the data; Frequency Count. It was used to determine the number of respondents who will
belong to the different levels in the interest in leading amd the impact of social media. Percent. It
determined the equivalent of the frequency count in terms of hundred weighted mean. Iy
determined in the impact of social media.

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