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Inglês e Comunicação Profissional – Prof.

ª Aline

Atividade (20-08 a 07-09)

Tema: Discourse Markers

Atividade em grupo: todos os alunos da equipe devem participar da realização, entretanto,

somente um deve entregar o trabalho em TAREFAS. Os demais, anexem um arquivo contendo
INTEGRANTES DO GRUPO). Enviar essa resposta em tarefas pelo Teams.

Realizar o trabalho em word.

Leia o texto para responder às questões de 1 a 3.

The really troubling aspect about water pollution is that out supplies of water-polluted and not
polluted – are so very limited. Although there are many millions of square miles of water on
the earth, most of this total is salt water or ice, and THEREFORE not usable for human needs.
Also, we cannot use more than one-third of the water that falls from the sky. The other two-
thirds either disappears back into the air, is used by plants, or flows into the sea or under the
ground. Indeed, some of the places where man formerly obtained fresh, clean water are
vanishing or being replaced by salt water. This loss of good water cannot continue or else we
shall find ourselves, one day, without water to drink.

1. A frase correta em relação ao conteúdo do texto é:

a) The places where fresh water is obtained are increasing.
b) There is much more undrinkable water on earth than fresh water.
c) Fresh water is usually found in the sea.
d) Water pollution is not as great as ice is.
e) Most of the rain is usable as drinking water.

2. O sinônimo da palavra “therefore”, em letras maiúsculas no texto é:

a) thus
b) even though
c) yet
d) nevertheless
e) however

3. Assinale a alternativa que contenha marcadores de discurso encontrados no texto:

a) Although, therefore, also
b) UAlso, drink, this.
c) There are, is, continue
d) Water, aspect, sky.
e) Man, this, day.
4. Em 2015 foi comemorado o 86º aniversário de Anne Frank. Leia o texto sobre ela
observando quais seriam os melhores marcadores de discurso que completariam
corretamente as lacunas do texto.

Happy 86th Birthday to Anne Frank: On Choosing Kindness

Exactly a year ago, I was in the city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, waiting in line to visit the
Anne Frank House, the house-turned-museum that once hid Second World War diarist Anne
Frank’s Family from Nazi persecution. [...] Today would have been Frank’s 86th birthday, _ _ _
_ _ since her death, The Diary of Anne Frank has been published in over 60 languages and has
inspired movies, plays, and generations of girls and boys for whom keeping a diary wasn’t a
cliché but a mean to survival. (...)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ she was hiding in the secret annex of the house in Amsterdam, she kept
multiple diaries and notes written on scraps of paper that eventually became compiled
together after her death. (...)

She still believed in goodness. In her diary, Frank wrote, “Everyone has inside of him a piece of
good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be” How much you can
love” What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!”

Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente o texto com os marcadores de discurso:

a) despite - however

b) and – while

c) but – and.

5. Leia a citação do diário de Anne Frank e responda:

Although I’m only fourteen, I know quite well what I want, I know who is right and who is
wrong. I have my opinions, my own ideas and principles, and although it may sound pretty
mad from an adolescent, I feel more of a person than a child, I feel quite independent of
“Although” is used for introducing a statement that makes the main statement seem
surprising, and it expresses:

a) doubt

b) contrast

c) cause

6. Leia as frases abaixo e assinale a única que contém ideia de comparação. Observe com
atenção os marcadores de discurso em negrito.

a) “Writing a diary is a really strange experience for someone like me.”

b) Anne Frank suffered the horrors of war and yet she still believed in goodness.

c) “[...] Anne Frank – an ordinary and yet an extraordinary teenage girl.”

7. Felipe escreveu um e-mail para sua amiga Elisa para contar a ela sobre sua vida em Nova
York. Complete o e-mail de Felipe com um dos marcadores de discurso abaixo. Obs: Vocês
podem utilizar o mesmo marcador de discurso mais de uma vez.


Hi, Elisa

Sorry for not writing before but I have been really busy with my studies. I am happy,
1.___________. 2._________________having good English, I am having problems with my
academic writing. It takes me a lot of time to write my essays 3.____________of the language
required. I talked to some of my classmates about this to see if they could help me.

They were nice and listened to me 4.______________ they didn’t offer any suggestions.

5. _________________I couldn’t count on them, I decided to talk to my professors. I tried to

talk to my English Literature professor 6. ______________I thought she was the friendliest.
She suggested that I pay a professional proofreader to revise my papers. I didn’t know how to
find a good proofreader, 7. _______________ one of my classmates suggested putting a notice
on the students’ board. After two days, I received a call from a proofreader that wanted the
job. Now, with his help I’m improving my academic writing – and it’s really working!

Elisa, I’d love to be able to write more, but I really need to go to bed now 8.______________ I
have classes early tomorrow.

Bye for now.

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