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*Name : Darin Savinas

*Class : X MP

The infortance of dringking enough water.

Pentingnya minum air putih secukupnya.

Can maintain body fluid levels, so that the body does not experience disturbance in the
function of digestion and absorption of food, circulation, kidneys, and is important in
maintaining normal body temperature. helps provide energy to the muscle and simulates the
joints to keep them moist.

Dapat menjaga kadar cairan tubuh, sehingga tubuh tidak mengalami gangguan pada fungsi
pencernaan dan penyerapan makanan, sirkulasi, ginjal, dan penting dalam mempertahankan
suhu tubuh yang normal membantu memberikan energi pada otot dan melumasi sendi sendi
agar tetap luntur.

Thesis - it's no longer a secret that the human body really needs water intake. Apart from the
Fact that most of the human body consists of water, consumption of water is actually needed
so that the organs of the body can work optimally. Lack of dringking water can cause a
person to experience dehydration or lack of fluids in the body
Bukan lagi menjadi rahasia bahwa tubuh manusia sangat membutuhkan asupan air
putih.selain karena sebagian besar tubuh manusia terdiri dari air, konsumsi air putih nyatanya
dibutuhkan agar organ tubuh bisa bekerja dengan maksimal.kurang minum air putih bisa
mengakibatkan seseorang mengalami dehidrasi atau kekurangan cairan dalam tubuh

Arguments - firstly, maintaining body fluid levels, so that the body does not experience
disturbances in the function of digestion and obsorption of food, circulation, kidneys, and is
important in maintaining normal the body temperature.
Second, helps energize muscles and lubricate joints to keep them felxible.

Pertama , menjaga kadar cairan tubuh, agar tubuh tidak mengalami gangguan pada fungsi
pencernaan dan penyerapan makanan, peredaran darah, ginjal , dan penting dalam menjaga
suhu normal tubuh.
Kedua, membantu memberi energi pada otot dan melumasi sendi agar tetap fleksibel.

Reiteration - Consuming enough water can improve the livers ability to break down and
release fat, and reduce hunger.

Mengkonsumsi cukup air dapat meningkatkan kemampuan hati untuk memecah dan
melepaskan lemak, serta mengurangi rasa lapar.

Darin Savinas
Name:Suci Asmawati
Class: X MP

The importance of exercise for heath body

Build and maintain muscle and bone reduce the risk of chronic di sease insrease energy for
both healthy people or those suffering from various medical conditions in crease the body

Thesis- exercise is very important and needed by our body even though we are experlenced
we still need further sports the benefist of exercise for health are clearly numerous and that
exercise is a lif estyle that everyone must do to keep their body health and fitt.

Arguments- first normalize cholestrol levels in the body.

Second burning colories in the body
Third healthy heart
Fourth prevent obesity
Fifth reduce stress.

Reiteration- Among other things,exercise can improve mood and mood,avaid various di
sease,improve blood circulation and increase the body metabolism.
*Name: rismayanti
*Celas: X MP

The importance of keeping nails clean

Keeping nails dey and clean
Useful to prevent bacteria in the body
If often left in a state
Wet, prone to cause brittle nails

The importance of keeping nails clean

Thesis:some people undiristimate the cleanliness
Of nails even though it is very important to maintain health

Argument: first:avoid inward nail body

Second:reduce bacterial infection
Third:keep you nails clean
Fourth:avoid injury due to long nails

Reiteration: the importance of keeping nails clean keeping nails clean is an important aspect
of maintaining self-care bacause various germs can enter the body thorough nails
* Name: Devia Amelia Putri
*Class: X MP

The importance of maintaining sleep patterns.

By adopting a good sleep pattern, one's body functions will run well, so one can easily avoid
several diseases such as stress, diabetes and heart disease.

The importance of maintaining sleep patterns.

- Thesis : some people underestimate sleep patterns even though sleep patterns are very
important to maintain body fitness.

- Arguments: first, it can keep the body healthy and fit.

Second, it reduces the risk of chronic disease the.
Third, improves cognitive function.

- Reiteration : the importance of maintaining sleep patterns can reduce the risk of injury,
improve mood, control weight, improve memory and thinking power.

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