Commentary Essay On Gender and Labor

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Commentary Essay on Gender and Labor

As there are a lot of matter that needs attention due to its prevalence, we would like to focus on
'Gender and Labor' and the importance of gender approach in the labor market for it is relevant in our
changing society where women screams their rights for equality at work.

As we know, Gender labor is the work of bolstering someone's gender authenticity, but it is also
the work of co-producing someone's gender irony, transgression, or exceptionality. Different
psychological traits lead men and women to make different choices in similar contexts, the gender
composition of teams becomes a relevant factor in collective decision-making. Higher female
participation in the labor market has implied changing workplace demographics and more gender-
diverse teams. Work in all countries is characterized by a sexual division of labor in which tasks are
assigned to workers on the basis of their sex. The sexual division of labor among paid workers is termed
sex segregation. Thus, sex segregation is the tendency for the sexes to do different kinds of paid work in
different settings. 'Gender labor’ extends beyond the work people do to achieve our own gender
coherence; it also describes emotional, physical, and sexual care-taking efforts aimed at suspending self-
focus and helping others achieve the varied forms of gender recognition they long for. Though gender
labor is both given and received by all people, we argue that it weighs down most heavily on feminine
subjects, the people for whom caring, sex and other ‘labors of love’ are naturalized, expected or forced.
There are practical ways to reduced gender inequality in the workplace. There are some practical
suggestions for actions that human resources professionals can take in their companies to address and
hopefully improve this gender inequality. Firstly, have a fair and equitable procedures for addressing
sexual harassment/discrimination. Second, conduct training promoting an inclusive workplace. Also,
they must consider unconscious bias training and build diversity and inclusion into culture. Moreover, be
flexible. One way employers can foster flexibility is to measure career progress by business results and
performance, not physical presence in the workplace. We should encourage male and female employees
in leadership positions to take advantage of flexible work policies as a way of assuring all employees that
a company supports those policies.

No easy, quick fix solution exists for closing the gender pay gaps that persist in our society. As a
human resource, we have the opportunity and ability to initiate changes within the company so that
female employees are provided with equal opportunities for advancement and compensated equally for
performing the same work. These improvements should help a company either become or maintain its
status as an employer of choice.

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