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Ficha trabajo x Ficha informativa Numero de ficha:

Área : inglés Grado y Sección: 5° L and S Fecha: 16/04/2021

Competencia: Lee diversos tipos de textos en inglés / Se expresa oralmente en inglés como lengua extranjera.
Desempeño: Interpreta el sentido del texto a partir de información recurrente, así como relaciones texto-ilustración de acuerdo al contexto y tema.
Reflexiona sobre el texto que escribe en inglés, verificando el uso de palabras, frases y oraciones revisando si se adecúa al propósito con el fin de mejorarlo.

Choose the conversation about “SIMPLE PAST”

Conversation 1
A: How was the movie?
B: It was really good.
A: Was it scary?
B: Yes, it was really scary.
A: Nice. Was it crowded?
B: No, it wasn’t. There weren’t many people there, surprisingly.

Conversation 2
A: Where were you last night?
B: I was at work.
A: Really? I was at your shop. You weren’t there.
B: No, I was in the back working.
A: You were?
B: Really! I was there.

Conversation 3
A: How was the test?
B: It was really hard.
A: How long was it?
B: There were about 20 problems.
A: Yeah! What was your score?
B: Let’s just say, it wasn’t great, but it wasn’t bad either.

Conversation 4
A: Do you know who was at the party?
B: Jason was there. So was Sue.
A: Were Tom and Katie there?
B: No, they weren’t there, but their son was.
A: Oh, I see. So, was it fun?
B: Yeah, it was a fun evening.
Ficha trabajo x Ficha informativa Numero de ficha:

Área : inglés Grado y Sección: 5° L and S Fecha: 16/04/2021

Competencia: Lee diversos tipos de textos en inglés / Se expresa oralmente en inglés como lengua extranjera.
Desempeño: Interpreta el sentido del texto a partir de información recurrente, así como relaciones texto-ilustración de acuerdo al contexto y tema.
Reflexiona sobre el texto que escribe en inglés, verificando el uso de palabras, frases y oraciones revisando si se adecúa al propósito con el fin de mejorarlo.

More conversations about our topic…”SP”

Conversation 5
A: What did you do yesterday?
B: Nothing much. I just stayed at home and cleaned the house.
A: How boring!
B: Yeah, it was. And you? What did you do?
A: I drove to the mountains and went hiking.
B: That sounds fun!
A: It was. I had a great time.

Conversation 6
A: Did you do anything this weekend?
B: I did. I took the train to the city and met my friend.
A: Oh, yeah! What did you do?
B: We had lunch and did some shopping.
A: Did you buy anything?
B: No, I didn’t. I just went window shopping. I’m trying to save money.
A: Me too!

Conversation 7
A: How was your day?
B: Terrible. I was so busy.
A: Oh, that’s too bad.
B: Yeah, we were so busy at lunch. One person called in sick so we were short-staffed.
A: That’s not good. How did you manage?
B: The came in and helped us.

Conversation 8
A: Did you talk to Bob?
B: I did. He said he was sorry.
A: What did he say?
B: He said he didn’t mean to get mad at you.
A: Well, he did. He made me cry.
B: I know. But he is really sorry about it.

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