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Santos Monroy





JOANA ALBA 8-803-1105


DECEMBER 27, 2022


CUSTOMER SATISFACTION...................................................................................4
Customer satisfaction models...............................................................................5
Here we will explain some of these models......................................................5
How to measure Customer Satisfaction................................................................8
The importance of customer satisfaction.............................................................9
Picture Gallery........................................................................................................13


In this work we will touch on the subject of customer satisfaction.

If there is one indicator that every company should worry about, it is customer
satisfaction. This is because consumer expectations are higher than ever and the
forms of interaction are faster and faster. By measuring satisfaction, the company
can understand the points to improve the business and identify new opportunities
for growth.


It is an indicator that measures the good relationship of customers with a brand,

company or service. It is through a satisfaction survey that the company can obtain
quantitative and representative feedback on what the public thinks. In this way, it is
possible to minimize the negative impacts of activities and improve solutions in an
efficient, innovative, creative and personalized way.

The concept of consumer satisfaction is quite broad. According to Philip Kotler and
Kevin Lane Keller, authors of the book "Marketing Management", satisfaction

Feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing the expected

performance of the product (or result) in relation to the person's expectations.

In other words: satisfaction is a feeling that the customer generates as soon as he

purchases a product or service. If this action does not meet your expectations, you
will be dissatisfied with the company or the brand.

When it is high, this metric indicates the compatibility between what the company
offers and what the customer needs. It is a good thermometer to understand if the
service provided and the experience created make sense for the target audience.

On the other hand, if customer satisfaction is low, this means that consumer
expectations have not been met, either due to the attention or the product or
service purchased. And this can greatly harm your brand reputation.

How? You see, a satisfied customer, who received a solution that exceeded his
expectations, has a great chance of becoming a spontaneous promoter of your
business, promoting your products and services in the market. It should be
remembered here that we cannot underestimate the effectiveness of word of
mouth marketing and how it drives results at the end of the month.

Meanwhile, dissatisfied consumers will do the opposite and may undermine the
hard work you and your team have been doing to build meaningful brand authority.

Customer satisfaction models

There are different models of customer satisfaction that are used to explain how a
positive or negative perception is generated, that is, how happy you are making a
customer. These models consider various elements and factors that come together
for the result.

Here we will explain some of these models.

1. Confirmation of expectations model

It is a traditional model, although limited, because it conceptualizes satisfaction as

the result of the comparison that a person makes based on their experiences and
the reality they perceive. A customer has an expectation, and if the product or
service meets that expectation, then they will be a satisfied customer.

2. Model of disconfirmation of expectations

In this case, there is a model that arises as a reaction to the limitations of the
previous one. Therefore, it adds elements of assimilation, so that in this conception
it is not enough to meet expectations, but rather there is an evaluation by the client
of the product or service that he purchased according to his own parameters and
the standards he has in this regard.

3. ECSI model

This model contemplates elements in constant interaction that will generate a level
of customer satisfaction. In a traditional scheme, the following is considered:

 Image: perception of the company.

 Expectation: what the customer expects.

 Service quality: the attention given to the customer.
 Product quality: materials, functionality and everything related to the
 Perceived value: benefits perceived by the customer.
 Satisfaction: experience generated.
 Loyalty: customer's emotional bond with the brand.

4. Kano model

Although this model focuses on quality management, it is related to customer

satisfaction, because it classifies the attributes that a product has to function in a
market. The better those attributes are, the more satisfaction they will generate in
your buyers. Consider factors such as:

 Basic quality: it is what the customer expects.

 Desired quality: that has to do with the performance of the product.
 Motivating quality: that which encourages purchase.
 Indifferent quality: elements that are not factors in a purchase decision.
 Rejection quality: characteristics that are poorly perceived by customers.

Therefore, the essence of this model is that customer satisfaction will depend on
the company and its ability to offer an excellent product or service.

5. Importance-outcome matrix

This model uses an importance-result matrix, with which the factors for perceived
satisfaction and latent expectations are detected. Performance is a vertical vector,
while importance is a horizontal vector, forming 4 quadrants:

 False forces: high performance characteristics that a business can maintain,

but because they are not important to the market, they are not
 Strong image: outstanding attributes in a market, on which a company must
focus to offer a product or service.

 False problems: failures or negative attributes that do not impact a market
and, therefore, should not be a priority for the business.
 Weaknesses: characteristics that a market demands, but that are not so
solid in a business, so the company must improve them.
6. Affective-cognitive model

It is one that considers customer satisfaction as an emotion, but that is generated

by a cognitive process. It has become popular since the 1990s for its
comprehensive approach, since it does not discard any of the elements and factors
of the other models, but rather adds them.

A person develops an affective sensation or a degree of satisfaction from various

thoughts and emotions, so for this model the cognitive and emotional systems are

7. Person logical model

This model describes the different stages a customer goes through until they are
satisfied with their purchase. For this reason, a brand should accompany the client
focusing on motivational orientation to generate a positive perception. The stages
in this model are:

 Knowledge: information about the offer is generated.

 Expectations: People develop expectations about the product or service.
 Accompaniment: the brand accompanies the client at all contact points,
exceeding expectations thanks to quality care and service.
 Evaluation: the level of customer satisfaction has to be measured.
 Recommendation: a satisfied customer recommends the product or service

How to measure Customer Satisfaction

In order to measure the satisfaction of your customers, you need to apply strategic
surveys by following the steps listed below. Don't miss them!

1. Segment your target audience

Be clear who your product or service is aimed at. But also keep in mind that,
beyond that initial profile, there is a certain diversity of profiles that come into
contact with your company. Considering this at the time of applying the satisfaction
survey is essential to produce real data.

For this reason, avoid using the same question script for all your leads and clients.
On the contrary: segment your audience and the universe of the survey. For
example, if you know that most of the consumers of the products or services you
offer are adult women, from 35 to 55 years old, an alternative is to create age
groups to understand what affects the satisfaction of each category of contacts.

The answers obtained from the segmentation of the public can surprise and
suggest new market paths and attention for each type of client.

2. Study the sales reports

Another way to analyze what customers think of your brand is to study sales team
reports. This is because the sector deals directly with the public and is in contact
with customers every day. In this way, it would not be surprising if they have
already heard some complaints or suggestions for improvement.

Therefore, ask the sales team to create personalized reports on impressions and
contacts with customers. It is also important to define a periodicity for the delivery
of this report and carefully evaluate each document.

3. Prepare objective questionnaires

If the immediacy determines to a large extent the new behavior of the client, how to
obtain their attention so that they respond to a satisfaction survey? Asking

objective questions that go straight to the point. It is also necessary to think of a
short script of questions that do not waste the consumer's time.

Therefore, you must prepare simple and easy-to-understand surveys. Plan the
survey and focus on what you most want to find out. In addition to optimizing the
response time, you help direct the client towards the crucial points of your strategy
and make it clear that you understand and pay attention to the main needs of the

4. Apply the Likert Scale

The method consists of offering the interviewee, among the response options,
affirmative or negative phrases. This allows you to respond only by saying whether
or not you agree with what has been asked.

5. Apply surveys such as the Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The NPS survey is one of the main tools to measure the degree of consumer
satisfaction of any company, regardless of its size or industry. The structure of the
NPS is made up of a series of basic questions, generally presented on a scale
from 0 to 10, which allow various important analyzes and unfolding.

The importance of customer satisfaction

While customer satisfaction is a metric that helps us understand how a company's

products or services meet or exceed consumer expectations, it is vital that we all
value the importance of customer satisfaction and recognize how we are helps
manage and improve our business.

6 reasons why customer satisfaction is important

Here are the top six reasons why customer satisfaction should be top of mind for
your organization:

It is an indicator to know if a consumer will make another purchase.

It is an element that differentiates you from the competition.

Customer satisfaction helps you reduce customer churn.

Increases the customer life cycle.

It helps you increase positive word of mouth referrals and generate more

Helps you retain customers.

1. It is an indicator of purchase intentions

The importance of customer satisfaction lies in the fact that it helps us to know the
probability that a customer will make a purchase in the future. Using customer
satisfaction assessment tools is a good way to see if they will become repeat
customers or even brand advocates.

Any customer who gives you a rating of 7 or higher can be considered a satisfied
customer, and you can safely expect them to return and make continued

Customers who give you a rating of 9 or 10 are your potential advocates for your
products or services. Scores of 6 or less are red flags, this commonly means that a
customer is not happy and at risk of not buying or recommending the products and
services you sell again.

2. Stand out from the competition

In a competitive market where companies compete for customers; Satisfaction is

key, which is why it should be a key element of any business strategy.

Imagine two companies that offer you the same product. What will make you
choose one company over another?

Stand out in customer experience by following these tips, always keep in mind the
importance of customer satisfaction so that they are happy with your brand and
recommend you.

A good recommendation is always backed by a good customer experience.

Companies that offer amazing experiences have bigger promoters and advocates.

Customer satisfaction not only helps you check the pulse of your current
customers, but it can also act as a point of differentiation for new customers.

3. Avoid losing customers!

Customers don't leave precisely because of your prices, they actually do so

because of the poor quality of your customer service.

Customer satisfaction is the measure you can use to reduce customer churn. By
measuring and tracking customer satisfaction, you can implement new processes
to increase the overall quality of your care.

Always keep in mind that bad customer service causes great losses, hence the
importance of customer satisfaction.

Measure the satisfaction of your consumers and get ideas to promote new
initiatives that keep you in the public's favor.

4. Increase the customer life cycle

Another reason for the importance of customer satisfaction is that it brings more
profit to the business as it plays a vital role in generating revenue. A satisfied
customer returns and continues to buy, recommends you to friends and family.

Successful companies place value on the customer life cycle. If we increase this
value, the returns on your expenses in general increase, which is why we must
seek to improve the level of customer satisfaction.

Customer life highly benefits customer satisfaction and retention


As a conclusion, I can say that it is important to measure the satisfaction of our

clients to know where we can improve, where the business weaknesses are.

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