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Información de la Santa Inquisición

Moderador : -¡hello everybody! we will open the round table with the topic “The
Holy Inquistion”.
The participants are LUIS , VALENTINA , MONSE , YAEL , ANA , DENISSE
Start with the principles of The Holy Inquisition Luis will talk abaut start of The
Luis:-The inquisition take the name of a criminal proceedings especific name
the“inquisition”, the principal caracteristics for the formulation of an accusation of
the initiative of the athority.
The questions are When start The Inquisition? and What are the factores?.
The holy Inquicition began approximately at the time of the feudal age some
empires were led by the church and Kings.the church was the one Who directed
this massacre in the name of the God.
Oblígate at the people to belive in the cristian and catolic religión and don´t
permise other type of religión that don´t cristian and catolic religion.

Moderador :-now my parner valentina talking abaut of Who is Papa Sixto IV?
Your turn valentina.
Valentina:-¡Hello good! _______ my name is Valentina I 14 yerar old and the
inquisition is a interesting topyc for me. He was born 21th of July at 1414 from Italy
and he died 12th of Agost at 1484.
This person were someone to make the holy inquisition down politic presitions of
the Fernando II de aragon .
The first place that relize diferents activities of holy inquisition in the
“Magdalena Church“ in Sevilla Spain.

MODERADOR:- Okey, thanks for your aportation . Monse what are your
aportation for the topic?
MONSE:-Yael and me speaks of the most important 11 methods of torture, I
speak top 5.
The Garrucha of cuerda: The individual ties his hands and legs behind his back
and threw himself from his wrists several meters from the ground by a pulley
system and was dropped without touching the ground by a pulley system and was
dropped without touching the ground and if they did not confess quickly their arms
and legs were broken until they died.
The Potro: The prisioner was tied with his hands and feet on a table. The ropes of
the feet were wound to a roating Wheel, and each time this Wheel turned, yhe
limbs were stretched until they even reached dismemberment.
The pera: A pear-shaped instrumen was inserted into the victim’s mouth, vagina or
anus, depending on the accusation: oral to heretical preachers, vaginal to witches,
and anal to passive homosexuals. That pear inside opened with a screw mutilating
the cavities.
La sierra : One of the most brutal was reserverd for women accused of wirchcraft
and being pregnant with Satan himself. The prey was hung upside down with the
anus open, and with a saw they cut it until it reached the belly. He didn´t seek sp
much torture to make him confess, but to end his life and the supposedly
demonized fetus.
the carbones: red-hot charcols were amplied at aboud 300 degress on the most
sensitive áreas of the skin
Yael:-the oder 6 methots of tortur are
The aplasta pulgares : it was a simple mental tool where the fingers and toes were
shattered by flipping screws
El agua: is consisted of intoduction the reo , who was covered by the nostrils ,a
kind of funnel in the mouth where they made him ingest large amounts of wáter.
This caused a very string feeling of drowning and they used to die from stomach
La cuna de judas: this torture consisted of lifting the prisoner whih a systemof
ropes and pulleys and dropping hi monto a pyramid of Sharp Wood Precisely
enough to fall and the apparatus would tear him the anus , scrotum or vagina
La flagelación: this famous corporal punishment was also used ,in which the nakes
torso was whipped wih sticks or flagella unital it bleeds ,even reching thefainting of
the prisoner.
La doncella de hirro:one of the crueles tortures althugh it is thortures that it was not
very common was a sarcophagus shaped like a human body with mental spikes
inside that were stuck in the body to bleed it Little by Little
La cabra: one of most original tortures consisted of bathing thetied feet of the
prisones in salt wáter after this a goat licked whih its rough tongue this part of the
body skinning its skin causing wounds that often become infected and caused
Thats are the most important methods tortur of holy inquisition.
Moderador: There are much metods of torturs are creepy ¡I CAN´T BELIVE!
thats the church has caused so much suffering. The next exhibitor is Ana.
Ana: in this time I think abaut how influence holy inquisition on the people?
Imagine the terrible situation
If the woman dosen´t married, can not pregnant ,the people are not homosexuals
was prohibited pagan actions because they thought were from the devil.
The people were scarry because any suspicion was the reason for a brutal death
full of torture that caused unimaginable pain.
I can´t belive that thought the people on this time.
Moderador:-we are wit you denisse,denisse talk abaut of how the end of the holy
Denisse:-the end of the holy inquisition at 22 of january of 1813 ,was abolished by
Napoleon Bonaparte though charmatin´s decress that were applied .
You can imagine this torture came to an end after almost 3 centuries lasted.
moderador: We will see how the holy inquisition affected the different cultures that
existed around itsuch as Buddhism, Satanism, Catholicism, Christianity, etc.
Ana: Buddhism is a religion and a philosophical and spiritual doctrine34 belonging to the
dharmic family. It is considered a "non-theistic" religion, which means that they do not
have and do not follow a God, it focuses on seeking peace, harmony, tranquility and
balance. Within Buddhism we find the so-called "Lamas" who are the spiritual guides. It
comprises a variety of traditions, religious beliefs, and spiritual practices primarily
attributed to Gautama Buddha. Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world with
more than 500 million adherents or 7% of the world's population.5
Buddhism originated in India between the sixth and fourth centuries BCE. C., from where
it spread to much of East Asia and its practice declined in the country of origin during the
Middle Ages.

Most traditions of Buddhism and Buddhist philosophy share the goal of overcoming
suffering (dukkha) and the cycle of death and rebirth (samsara), either through the
attainment of nirvana or through the path of buddhahood.67 Buddhist schools vary in
their interpretation of the path to liberation, the relative importance and canonicity
assigned to various Buddhist texts, and their specific teachings and practices. Widely
observed practices include taking refuge in the Buddha, dharma and sangha, observance
of moral precepts, monasticism, meditation, and cultivation of the pāramitās (perfections
or virtues).

There are two main branches of Buddhism, that of theravāda ("school of the elders") and
that of mahāyāna ("the great vehicle").

Theravāda Buddhism is dominant in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, such as in Cambodia,
Laos, Burma, and Thailand. That of the Mahayana, which includes the traditions of the
Pure Land, Zen, Nichiren Buddhism, Shingon, and the Tiantai (Tendai) school, is found
throughout East Asia.

Moderador: Satanism encompasses a number of related beliefs and social phenomena.

They share the characteristics of symbolism, which includes the veneration and
admiration for Satan (or similar figures).Anti-witchcraft legislation, such as the British
Witchcraft Act 1735, not repealed until 1951, reflected strong public sentiment against
witchcraft and Satanism. The satanic religion began in 1966 with the founding of the
Church of Satan1 in the United States by Anton LaVey. Durante gran parte de la historia de
la iglesia católica las alegaciones de prácticas satánicas sobre diversos grupos han sido
algo común. Durante la Edad Media las sospechas por parte de la Inquisición, una
organización directamente ligada a la iglesia católica, alegó que grupos cristianos heréticos
como la orden de los Caballeros Templarios2 o los Cátaros eran practicantes de rituales
satánicos. A de la Edad Moderna tuvieron los principios juicios de brujas3, bajo la creencia
conspirativa de que estas mujeres se encargaron de propagar la influencia de Satanás. Las
conspiraciones y acusaciones de satanismo llegaron a puntos insospechados durante el
Fraude de Taxil en Francia en los 1890s, que promulgó que la Francmasonería adoraba a
Satanás, Lucifer y Baphomet en sus rituales. Durante los años 1980 y 1990 el Abuso Ritual
Satánico tuvo el contagio de una histeria colectiva a lo largo de los EstadosUnidos y el
Reino Unido debido al miedo de que grupos satánicos secuestraban niños para abusar de
ellos.Los grupos modernos satánicos (aquellos que aparecieron después de los sesenta)
son muy diversos, pero hay dos tendencias muy importantes que se pueden ver como
satanismo tradicional o teísta y satanismo ateísta. Los satánicos teístas veneran a Satán
como un dios sobrenatural. Por el contrario, los ateos satánicos se consideran a sí mismos
ateos y veneran a Satán simplemente como un símbolo de los rasgos de los seres
humanos. Esta categorización del satanismo (que puede ser categorizado de otras formas,
por ejemplo «tradicional» contra «moderno») no ha sido adoptada no obstante por los
satánicos en sí, quienes generalmente no especificarían a qué tipo de satánicos están
adheridos. Algunos satánicos creen en Dios en el sentido de Fuerza Motriz, pero al igual
que los satánicos ateos, todavía se adoran a sí mismos, debido a la creencia deísta de que
Dios no desempeña ningún papel en las vidas mortales.Cada «tipo» de satánico
normalmente se referirá a sí mismo solo como «satánico» (salvo los seguidores del
satanismo laveyano que se considerarán «satanistas»)

Los demás
Moderador . now we are going to give our opinion of what the people governed by the
holy inquisition lived through we start with ana
Ana: My opinion is that it was a bad period for the people because people were forced to
believe in the Catholic and Christian religion, like all those who were suspected of doing
things that implied more religions such as Buddhism, Satanism, etc., they were punished
with the death penalty, therefore so much, people lived in fear and they couldn't be
themselves so to speak or rather they couldn't be free it was like they lived in a burguja
where things were limited

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