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I need a response for my classmate below: reetings, Dr.

Agler and
classmates, Ch
I need a response for my classmate below:reetings, Dr. Agler and classmates,Change
initiative at Core & Main: Implement project managers to improve customer focus and
alignment while creating internal time and workload efficiencies with our outside sales
team (1).Identify two different stakeholders from different departments who may have
competing interests in the change initiative.The outside sales representatives (OSRs) and
operational teams within Core & Main are central to the change initiative and its successful
implementation with all affected customer accounts. It is anticipated that the change
initiative will create a varying level of discomfort and impact all stakeholders somehow
(2).Some, not all, of the OSRs will fight the change because they have always been a part of
the customer service process from purchase order to delivery and consider it part of their
value proposition strategy. It is a matter of pride and duty that motivates them to ensure
that all customer needs are fulfilled, and concerns are resolved.In addition, the operations
team is driven to provide customer service with the right product at the right time and in
the right place. As a result, some of the operations team will find it challenging to
incorporate a new communication point instead of going directly to the OSRs for questions,
concerns, and support to facilitate product delivery to the customer.Develop a
communication plan to support the vision for your change initiative that is appropriate for
both stakeholders.The communication plan addressing stakeholders for the change
initiative will use different delivery vehicles to communicate effectively the who, what,
when, and how of the message enabling all departments to have a better chance to hear,
understand, and remember it (3). The sales team currently holds bi-monthly sales meetings
that will create an excellent forum to ensure transparency and 2-way communication. The
operations team presently has a morning kickoff meeting that can be used to implement the
changes and provide give-and-take communication (3).Key levers used and learned from
the simulation experience are: focus on early adopters, provide a guiding coalition, create
an urgency for change, walk the talk, leverage success stories and organizational values, and
provide internal skill-building opportunities (4).Communication PlanTarget
AudienceCommunication DateChannelCommunication TopicOSRs5/5Sales MeetingVision,
Analogy, Q&AOperations5/6Morning KickoffVision, Example, Q&AAll
Employees5/6EmailVisionIndividual Associates5/6 – 5/13Manager 1 on 1’sVision,
ExpectationsCustomers5/14Newsletter, EmailOutline ChangesOSRs5/19Sales
MeetingStatus Update, -> StepsOperations5/19Morning KickoffStatus Update, ->
StepsRyan1. JWI 555. Week 4. DQ Post. Ryan Loader2. JWI 555. Week 5. Lecture Notes.
Communicate, Communicate, Communicate3. Kotter. 2012. Leading Change. Chapter 64. JWI
555. Week 3. Change Management Simulations. Lever Details

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