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Environmental Protection:

● includes programs that are aimed at reducing risks to the environment from
contaminants such as hazardous materials and wastes, fuels, and oils.
● It addresses pollution prevention measures and regulatory compliance by providing
procedures for safely working with these materials, inspecting the storage vessels and
locations, and designating preventative maintenance procedures.
● It also includes environmental emergency plans that provide the appropriate actions to
be taken in the event of a spill or release.
● Environmental protection focuses on solving problems from the interaction between
humans and environmental systems.
● Some of the biggest problems in environmental protection today are related to fossil
fuels, which are related to pollution, climate change, and natural resource depletion.
Another environmental issue that has been gaining prominence is water pollution by
plastics, which has had a harmful impact on marine life and ecosystems.
● Why is environmental protection important?
○ Environmental protection is important because it helps preserve the diversity of
species that share our planet for the benefit of nature and people. A healthy
biodiversity means clean air and fresh water, more productive soils, the ability to
recover more quickly from natural disasters and the capacity to adapt more easily
to a changing climate.

Environmental Conservation:
● Environmental Conservation is a practice that paves the way for protecting the
environment and natural resources on the individual, organizational, and governmental
● Typically refers to attempts to make humans’ relationship with the environment
sustainable while still extracting natural resources.
● If resources are carelessly managed, many will be used up. If used wisely and efficiently,
however, renewable resources will last much longer. Through conservation, people can
reduce waste and manage natural resources wisely.
● Most conservationists don’t think that there is inherent value in the natural world staying
as it is but do think that there is inherent value in human life and well-being. By ensuring
that resources are taken out of the environment at a sustainable rate, conservation
programs help humanity continue to exist and grow.

➔ Development and conservation can coexist in harmony.

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