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Motors are an integral part of modern technology – a type of device that transforms energy from one form
to another. Here, electrical energy (stored in the batter) is transformed by the motor into kinetic energy

The Lorentz force (which is the force of magnetism and the flow of electricity) can be used to create a
homopolar motor out of just a few magnets, a battery, and copper wire. The Lorentz force is generated
when electricity moves through a magnetic field. The copper wire conducts electricity from one end of
the battery to the other, creating a force that causes it to spin one way.

Hence, in this science project, we will examine and understand the relationship between electricity and
magnetism and use that knowledge to build an electric motor.

• 16-gauge copper wire (~35 cm)
• AA batteries
• Alligator test lead wires with alligator clips
• 2 non-coated safety pins
• 3 round ring magnets
• Chipboard
• Pliers/wire cutters
• Other craft supplies (glue guns and sticks, etc.)

1. Set the safety pins in the center of the chipboard.
2. Position the round ring magnets at the center.
3. Make a coil wire sculpture using a copper wire. Measure 6” of copper wire using the ruler, then
cut it using the wire cutter.
4. Cut the alligator test lead in half, and strip the insulation from the last inch of the cut end, so the
strands of wire spread out like a brush.
5. Hold the alligator clip against the flat end of the battery.
6. Bring the button end of the battery to touch the end point of the wire, and lift the wire and magnet
an inch off the chipboard.
7. Gently hold the brush end of the wire against the edge of the magnet.
8. Observe the copper wire spinning.

Electrons travelling through our circuit will generate a magnetic field that will interact with the
magnetic field generated by the magnet. The interaction of the two magnetic fields generates what is
known as the Lorentz force – which is simply the force you get when you bring the same magnetic poles
of a magnet together. They will oppose each other, but in this case the Lorentz force is perpendicular (at a
90-degree angle) to both the direction of the electron movement and the magnetic field. Hence, the
Lorentz force is acting on the wire to make it spin. the direction of the magnetic field on one wire is the
opposite on the other wire. This means the Lorentz force will push the wire on one side and pull it on the
other side, which is why your wire keeps spinning.
How does it work?
When electricity flows through a coil of wire, the coil becomes an electromagnet. An
electromagnet acts just like a regular magnet. It has a north pole and a south pole, and can attract and
repel other magnets.
Our coil becomes an electromagnet when the bare copper half of the armature wires touch the bare wire
of the supports, and electricity flows into the coil. The electromagnet has a north pole which is attracted
to the south pole of the regular magnet. It also has a south pole that is repelled by the south pole of the
regular magnet.
When we scraped off the insulation from the armature wires, we were careful to do it with the
coil standing up, and not lying flat on the table. This makes the poles of the electromagnet point to the left
and right (as if there was an invisible regular magnet that had the wire wrapped around it). If the coil was
flat on the table, the poles would point up and down.
Since the poles point left and right, they have to move in order to line up with the magnet at the
bottom, whose poles are aligned up and down. So the coil rotates to line up with the magnet. But once the
coil is exactly lined up with the magnet, the insulated half of the wire is now touching the supports
instead of the bare half. The electricity is cut off, and the coil is no longer an electromagnet. This leaves it
free to coast on around until the bare copper can again touch the bare support, and start the whole process
over again.

Homopolar motors were first invented by Faraday, and is perhaps the simplest type of electric motor. It
isn’t very useful because it uses very high electrical currents, has poor efficiency and a few other factors.
You just can't get much useful power out of it. One thing it is good for is a great demonstration or subject
of a science report.

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