Implement MQ

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‘area, 202° Insalaton gue + PLATFORM_EXTERNAL_CLASSES - A parameter containing an indication of external classes connected through specialized event handlers. More details se the Integration Guide (Section 5) or the Resource kit document in the kit delivery. + EXTERNAL_MODULES - A parameter containing an indication of external classes, connected through specialized event handlers, and implemented on [NodelS. See Integration Guide (Section 5) or Resource document for details kit included + CDN_VENDOR_LIBS - Parameter for specifying a link to an external library when connecting an event handler that modifies the card of records, More details se the Integration Guide (Seetion 5) or the Resouree kit document in the kit delivery. Section for configuring the display ofthe widget “Taskbar | Export statistics "DASHBOARD: { “HIDE_TASKS_COUNT fe, “HIDE, EXPORT BUTTON" se , + HIDE_TASKS_COUNT specify the parameter as tue displays task counters. To hide an element, + HIDE_EXPORT_BUTTON - displays the statistics export button, To hide element, specify the parameter as true 7.4.1 Setting up an external message queue ‘The use ofan extemal message queue is optional. IPnot necessary, the section can be omitted. External message queing can be implemented based on ActiveMQ frameworks or RabbitMQ. The following is an example of installing ActiveMQ. Unis-like O8 6, Rum the command: age 67 hps:itansato googlesercontntcomtranlate arr08 ‘area, 202° Insalaton gue 7. Copy ActiveMQ tothe server inthe / opt /unidatadieectory 8. Unpack the archive: «opis Larne apachosctivemgs.15 intr 9. Croate a symbolic lnk to the ActiveMQ dircctory (convenient for future updates): 10, Create a Unidata user, Todo tis in the apache-activemg= 5.15.7 / cont user properties create a new user account named ‘unidata and save your changes: For example, uta ~ wit 1, Create a service forthe message queue: + Create file usribsystemasystervactivema service with permissions 64 (- swer= =), specify the following file contents (i Pesci =stnen megs te ter = network get (serie) xesStp = opt scien bia ateng top (ine Wastey = ut-ase get svete ystemvaciverg sevice + Activate and stat the service: 12. In accordance with the enterprise security policy, set the login and password for ActiveMQ services: o Page 68 hps:itansato googlesercontntcomtranlate sri08 ‘area, 202° Insalaton gue + Change file -Jopl/unidata/apache-activemg- realm properties .Sleontljetty- # Login password fr ctering the anager ip: actives 816 i iret ‘wserame passwort [loam + Change file 5.135 / cont credentials properties spache-activemg- + Modify the file Joptunidata/apache-activemg-S.13.Siconfusers properties (Get login / password tothe ativerg queue service): mia ~ youpsswoed + Modify he file opti to sot user groups: dine = ait + Modify the file optus authorization settings inser the block, in the block Teave only the Tine containing tep 0.0.00: 61616. ta/apache-aé ivemg-S.13.S/conflactivemg.xml . For “auoszaonnry queue" ead “adi” wet “ais” sin = ais > « Page 69 nid 56 hps:itansato googlesercontntcomtranlate art08 ‘area, 202° ia <1-DOS protein init conoureat entation 1000 ed rae sie 100MB-> rosss760 13, To stat ActiveMQ, goto the final diectory of unpacking the archive ‘ActiveMQ and run the command: Windows family OS. + Download the archive-hlp:lapache-mirrorsbe rupublepache/activeme)S.15,Tiactivems-parent- 5.15 7-source-release zip ‘The file address can change. the lnk is not working, then itis necessary check the address on theofficial Apache ActiveMQ website huipJJacivems apache org! + Unpack the archive with ActiveMQ to the required + Hfnocessary, ree Unidata user. + To start use the commands ce path to Actiok dt setneng st + To check the functional, log int the administrator console (by default hp: oesthost: 161. 7.4.2 Connecting to an external message queue ‘An external message queue i an optional platform component Using ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ is recommended. ‘To activate the required queue: + Specify an additional ActiveMg profile (RabbitMq - depending om selected provider) in / webapps! unidats INE / web.xml, Sample file content « Page 70 Manu aidan 56 hps:itansato googlesercontntcomtranlate s0rt08 ‘area, 202° Insalaton gue /unidatalexteraterouting.xmt file event notifications oma ~ "ert NOTIFICATION

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