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Education program is not an easy course. It also possessed

sentimental situations or scenarios that needs a full service to the
course, as well as perseverance. That is in order to become an
educator. Thus, part of an education journey, is stepping the first
semester course subject which is the Teaching Internship.

Teaching internship is a step by step experiences to us interns. From

being oriented about the course subject, to the field study of observing
experiences up to the field of actual demonstration experiences.
Wherein, we became a teacher to a certain grade level with the help of
our STE. Throughout the internship, documentations needs to be
fulfilled. Thus, this E-Portfolio serves as my primary source upon taking
up the course.

This E-Portfolio highlights my experiences throughout my internship. Its

content, includes an observation within a certain grade level.
Witnessing an actual professionalism of our STE. Also the making of
lesson plan, instructional materials as well as the collaborative efforts
of our group in the making of Classroom-Based Action Research. To
sum it up, this E-Portfolio contains the seven domains of PPST that
helps develop our own capability as a future educator. Thus, this E-
Portfolio serves as my witness, serves as my sole evidence that I
fulfilled my duty as an intern.

This E-Portfolio might not be valid without the assistantship of some generous
individuals who makes this Internship memorable and valuable. These individuals
helps us in developing our capacity of becoming an educator in the future.

First and foremost, I am very thankful that I met the two amazing teachers in ILS.
Thus, meeting our STE, Ms. Roxanne O. Embog and Sir Willan Keith A. Badidles. They
serve as our guardian upon taking up this course subject. They taught us a lot of
things. Such as, giving as strategies in teaching, motivating us using their own
experiences during their internship. As well as, giving us advices that help us
throughout this internship journey. Their guidance will never be forgotten. It will
forever remain in our hearts.

In addition, I also gave my thanks to my groupmates, the Group 5 who became my

friends throughout the semester. Without their fully support, I would not make it
throughout the internship. I thank them for giving me motivation on not giving up as
well as giving me advices and words of encouragement that serves as my foundation
to continue my internship.

I also give my special thanks to Dr. Maria Lourdes G. Tan, BSED-Teaching Internship
Supervisor who make this internship possible. She also serves as or guide that leads
us to reality of teaching. The internship is not that easy, thus, it needs hard work to
unlock our capability in becoming an educator in the future.

Furthermore, I acknowledge both the Grade 7 and Grade 10 ILS students who puts
meaning in every demonstration that we conducted. Thus, their engagement and
being participative during each lessons awakens my capability of becoming one of

The ability to work in a flexible time, subject to my knowledge

related to the major I am currently taking. In addition, to make
use of my skills and capability as a beginning teacher.


Elementary 2006-2012
Phone Number: Mohon Elementary School
High School 2016-2018
Email: San Joaquin National High School Second Honor

Address: Palo National High School

Zone 2A, Brgy. Mohon, Cavite West, Palo, Leyte
Tanauan, Leyte
St. Mary’s Academy of Palo, Inc.
SKILLS With Honor

 Good
TERTIARY 2018-Present
Leyte Normal University
 Computer Literate
 Good Writing Skills
Teaching Intern 2022-2023
LANGUAGES Leyte Normal University

 ENGLISH BSED-Social Studies

 Created a student-centered lessons
HOBBIES throughout teaching demonstrations, both
onsite and online classes.
 Handled Grade 9 class during my first shift and
 Reading Books
Grade 10 during my second shift. Teaching
 Watching
them with a specific lessons in Araling
Panlipunan 9 and 10 .
Dear Almighty Father, I thank you for giving me such a
beautiful life. I thank you for keeping me alive. I thank you for
waking me up every day even though most of the time I wish I
could not. I thank you for letting me survive in this cruel world
of mine.

Thank you Almighty Father for giving me the opportunity to

experience such a wonderful internship, wherein I meet new
people. I meet new friends who supported me throughout this
internship. I am very grateful that you give us opportunity to
be one. An opportunity wherein we all survived and we make

Lord, please guide me through this internship. Always

enlighten my mind to be open-minded through meeting some
certain issues. Enlighten my heart to always forgive and love
everyone in terms of gender identity or any religion he or she
belongs to.

Please forgive me Lord, if most of the time I forget your name

nor forget to pray for I sometimes drown to something crucial
and that, I decided not to come to you. I am sorry for just
remembering you at times where things is not right. I am
sorry for being unjust and unfaithful.

There is only one thing I ask of you Lord, make us successful

and that strengthen our minds and hearts if things become
Reflection logs on
PPST Domains


Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 1 (September 5-9, 2022)

I. DOMAIN 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

For the first week, orientations has been implemented. But there are some experiences that I encountered.
Just like, unstable internet connectivity and lack of mobile data. These dilemma, makes me uncomfortable
for I skipped some of the orientations, especially those important context.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

For making it more understandable and complete, I asked some of my friends for the summary as well as for
the screenshots. These is for the completion of reflections for every session. And that sometimes, they gave
me their copies for me to read and to summarized as well. Not to waste their kindness, I did my best to learn
based on their understanding of the concept by making my own reflection.

C. Insights

During the orientations, I garnered some insights that might help me in the future, as well as during
my practice teaching. One of these, was about Sir Salamia’s topic that focuses on the 21st Century
teaching and learning, which is we need to master. By this, I got an ideas about effective teaching
strategies, where I can use throughout my internship. These strategies may help me improve my
skills as well as the students participation during discussions.

D. Reflections

By the help of the orientations, I somewhat gathered some meaningful context that may help me
throughout my internship. Just like, remaining mentally healthy in order to be successful in the end
and that asking help if things stop being right. Another one, is the used of effective learning
strategies taken from the 21st century skills which I mentioned above. These skills can help me
throughout my internship as well as in the future.


TIP Supervisor: DR. MA. LOURDES G. TAN

Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 1 (September 5-9, 2022)

II. DOMAIN 2. Learning Environment

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The orientation was conducted online. Thus, Leyte Normal University uses Zoom as the online platform in
order for it to be successful. The dilemma that I have encountered here, zoom is the most hated apps I know
for some of the students, for this platform eat up all of our mobile data. Plus, the internet connectivity is not
that good, and that I always experienced in and out of the sessions.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In dealing with the problem, in order not to waste too much money for the mobile data, I choose to stay at
the WIFI zone to connect. This is for me, to attend the orientation on time. But of course with a time limit. For
my experiences zoom is kind of hectic app for me. It may be convenience for the others but for me its not.
So, throughout the week, I manages my time in attending the orientation via zoom.

C. Insights

What I realized during zoom meetings is that, its okay about experiencing unstable internet connectivity for I
am not the only one who suffers but all of us. The important is that, I gained and I learned something from all
of the sessions. Its not good if I keep on complaining, without thinking that there are some worst experiences
out there. Patience is the key, as what they say. As long as I learned something from it, the application itself
and the unstable internet is not a hindrance for me to learn.

D. Reflections

The existence of the pandemic causes change. From the sectors, specifically education. New normal was
implemented for the students to cope up with the remaining days. Thus, blended learning was implemented.
Both students can learn asynchronously or offline and synchronous or online. Lets focus on, online classes.
Online classes was done by the use of different educational platforms, such as google meet, zoom, discord
and etc. But of course, there are some circumstances that gives difficulty to both students and teachers.
More likely, unstable internet connectivity.

And also, teachers had no idea of what the students are doing during online classes. For mostly chooses to
turn off their cameras during the session. Are they really listening? Or they are online but physically absent?
Does learning take place during online classes? These are some of the questions that needs to ponder.
Because the answer maybe, the teacher is ineffective or the students is not capable of attending online



Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 1 (September 5-9, 2022)

III. DOMAIN 3. Diversity of Learners

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Since, first week are scheduled for orientations. In order to accommodate this domain, I decided to watched
some videos in Youtube and Facebook about online classes uploaded by some teachers. As well as
inserting my experienced upon observing students online. As what I’ve observed from the videos, there are
some teachers who became aggressive towards their students, not physically but verbally. As to my
experienced, the problem that I encountered is that, students has difficulties in understanding Filipino

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

With that in order for them to understand the context, their adviser tend to translate the instruction or a
certain statement or words for them to understand the topic.

C. Insights

As per observation within an online class, the insight that I garnered is that, not all students are capable of
using Filipino as their first language. And as a teacher, an effective strategy must take place, and that is to
use English as a medium in teaching. But of course, the teacher must think an effective strategy to make her
or his students learn Filipino, especially if the subject is related to Filipino and Araling Panlipunan.

D. Reflections

As a future educator, it is our job to know our students very well. Because by knowing them, we can
formulate an effective strategies to make the learning happen. To make the teaching effective. To make the
discussion more interesting. Because onsite or online, the behavior of the students differs as well as the way
they think. Thus, as a future educator we should plan ahead, this is to avoid dilemma.



TIP Supervisor:
st Shifting Term/ Week 1 (September 5-9, 2022)
IV. DOMAIN 4. Curriculum Planning

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

By this part, we tend to plan about classroom structuring. It is difficult for us to plan online for we couldn’t
picture of what the classroom look like. Is the space more convenient or not.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In order to overcome the problem, we watched some videos with regards to classroom designing. Though
this is not already new to us, since the planning took place during Field Study 2. We already knew which is

C. Insights

During the planning session, collaboration and team work was observed. The whole section help one
another in order to finalized the classroom lay out. Everyone’s effort was visible and that the previous course
and with the help of videos, we could say that the plan will be successful.

D. Reflections

In curriculum planning, collaborative learning among interns took place. Teacher interns put their effort in
planning about classroom designing. Since, classroom designing is part of the school’s activity, its
beautification is for the preparation of limited face to face classes. Thus, it was made, so that the students
will come to school with not so much worries, for the environment is clean and is following the health
protocols signage.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 1 (September 5-9, 2022)

V. DOMAIN 5. Assessment and Reporting

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Another orientation was implemented, by this time, the resource speaker shared some tools or some
applications which can be use online and onsite, specifically, the making of assessments. The problem that
I have encountered this time, is that some of the tools is not convenient in my phone, since I’m just using
mobile phone as well as mobile data.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In order for me to overcome the problem, I borrowed my cousins laptop every time, there’s a need to use it
in align with the making of activities given by the school. But still, I use my phone in sharing my data to the

C. Insights

The tools that was shared by Ms. Larion is a big help to us interns as well as to the teachers. It is more
convenient and creative. Thus, this tools is a way to make the work easy. Not a waste of paper, because
during online quizzes and exams, it is much easier to make it done. No use of paper but instead, sending
them link for them to finish the given activity.

D. Reflections

The use of technological tools in making activities and assessments is much more easier than traditionally
creating quizzes and exams. But it couldn’t change the fact that, through this, the quote, “Honesty is the best
policy”, was being discriminated for some, took advantage of it. Like, cheating was formed, and learning
became uneffective.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 1 (September 5-9, 2022)

VI. DOMAIN 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Because as of now, everything is done online, our capacity as a future educator is not that much. The
confidence of facing the crowd is not that good.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

The implementation of limited face to face classes gives us hope that we may encountered the students
parents, the teachers face to face even though from the short span of time.

C. Insights

Align with this domain, the orientation was all about the rules and regulations within the school premises that
we must follow. This is for the safety of everybody not just for ourselves but also for the students that we
might handle if the internship start.

D. Reflections

By the implementation of the limited face to face classes, I can say that, the interaction within the outside
world may help us boost our self-esteem as well as our capacity to become more professional. By the help
of some professionals, we can ensure that we can be better in the future.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 1 (September 5-9, 2022)

VII. DOMAIN 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Based on my experiences before, demonstration teaching online is not good. It gives me more anxiety and
that my confidence became low. It does not enhanced my capacity in teaching, specifically my way of
communication. The interaction between my audience and me, is not good.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In dealing with my problem, I used to asked help from my peers. I asked some advice in order for me to be
more confident. And that, as of now, I watched videos about strategies in teaching as well as videos about
on how to deal with my anxiety, on how to be confident.

C. Insights

By watching videos about demonstration teaching, about on how to be an effective teacher as well as how to
be confident during a demo, I learned something from them. It gives me more confident that someday I can
make it.

D. Reflections

I believe that personal growth and professional development happens not just with self but also the
interactions within individuals. And also with the help of some professionals that has the capacity to change
a certain individual in becoming more enthusiastic and with confidence. Because without them, and without
the courage to change for the better, an individual may remain the same without any improvement. Thus,
setting inside its comfort zone.

In addition, I also realized that, staying where you at, letting opportunities taken by others will not help an
individual to be better, rather it will keep him or her within its time zone as well as its place without even
trying to break the stigma within the self.

One can be successful in the future, if an individual tries to seek opportunities, accept challenges as well as
make a change not just for others but also for the self.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 2 (September 12-16, 2022)

I. DOMAIN 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

This week, the Araling Panlipunan Curriculum Guide was introduced which is not new to me. It was given to
us before for our online demo teaching. I think the only problem here is that, everything is done by group in
making lesson plan and IMs. I observed that, there’s only few opportunities to everyone to accommodate the
whole period as well as, the learning happens to a few. And also, it is already spoon feeding us, from the
content and what to do.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In order for it to be more accurate, the group during that time decided to make the lesson more interesting
by giving it a twist. By this, the students learning will be enhanced as well as the interns can determine the
intervention of what’s needed to be changed.

C. Insights

Its good to have a specific and accurate Araling Panlipunan Curiculum Guide for this will make the content
of the lesson plan more detailed and specific. No need to find more resources, since it was already given by
the curriculum guide. The only thing that we need to do is to make the lesson more interesting. Because we
all know, Araling Panlipunan is named as a boring subject. Thus, as a future educator, to make it more
interesting, create an effective strategies to catch the students attention.

D. Reflections

Araling Panlipunan is one of the hardest subject I know, aside from Mathematics and Science. But with the
help of the curriculum guide, things got more easier for everything is written inside of it. It’s too many to read
but its worth it. Its already spoon feeding for everything is there, the topic, as well as the resources. And its
organized. One browse, and finish. But we couldn’t change the fact that even though its an interesting
subject for some, some may say its boring. Most are not interested.

As an intern, majoring Social Studies and a future educator, it is our responsibility to make it more
interesting for them. Thus, we need to be creative and specific. Be alive and enthusiastic in teaching. Don’t
make it more boring, make the students love Araling Panlipunan. As a future educator, we are bound to do
so. We are bound to make it more accurate, that is way, in the process of making, activities are suggested
and checked for it be successful and meaningful discussion.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 2 (September 12-16, 2022)

II. DOMAIN 2. Learning Environment

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

During the orientation, aside from the Araling Panlipunan Curriculum Guide, Ms. Esporas introduced to us
the LMS-SAVVY, which I didn’t know, for I was not around that time.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In order for it to understand, I searched some information with regards to this, specifically watched a video
about it and luckily I was directed to someone’s account in YouTube where LNU-SAVVY was introduced.

C. Insights

The said website was new to me at first but when I watched the video about it, it has no different with google
classroom or discord. More like, to make it more accurate and safe, the school itself created it exclusively for
the students of Leyte Normal University. Its more like a virtual classroom, for the dashboard was created
with a welcome sign. So far, its good.

D. Reflections

The learning may take place online or offline. Thus, its good to have a new online environment aside from
having google classroom or discord as an online classroom. This may indicate that, the initiative of making
such new learning environment is a hassle free and that, every student can be informed on hand. And I
think, it is applicable for all and that its free to access all the time.

This savvy is more like a Wix website, wherein the students can also create or the teachers can also create
their own virtual classroom, but I believe savvy is more accurate and can be access easily. It’s appropriate
to use, for the teacher can monitor the students performance as well.



TIP Supervisor:

TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 2 (September 12-16, 2022)

III. DOMAIN 3. Diversity of Learners

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

For my past experiences, upon observing online classes, despite of differences, there is a one barrier that
connect them all, and that is the use of English language in everything. But of course, for the current
scenario that may align to this domain, I watched some videos as well as search online. The problems that I
have encountered, is that, students, may it be online class or modular, some students couldn’t cope up
because of unstable internet connectivity or they couldn’t take their modules in schools because some of
them are living within a place that internet is not accessible and that some of them are living far away from
school. Since its pandemic, transportation fee is not that affordable for them.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

To deal with the problem, I observed from the videos as well from what I saw in our community, teachers
tend to home visit the students to deliver the modules. Especially those students, who are out of reach
during online class as well as during the distribution of modules. Aside from handling the modules to them,
another purpose of home visitation is to consult the parents.

C. Insights

The insight that I got from watching documentaries about the teacher-students dilemma during the pandemic
is that it took an effort as a teacher to achieve the goal in teaching and that is to reach out those students
who suffers both online classes and modular learning. They give themselves in order to fulfill their duty as a

D. Reflections

As pandemic embrace the world, one of sectors suffered, and that is the education. Wherein everything
happens online, and that new normal was implemented. Specifically the implementation of blended learning,
wherein learning can happen online and modular, or for some terms, asynchronous and synchronous. The
said set up gives difficulty to both students and teachers. For teachers needs to exert too much effort in
order to conduct classes online as well as to deliver the modules within the vicinity of those students who
cannot travel as well as who suffers internet connectivity.

Their effort serves as a fundamental to us interns, for a teacher like them, is a role model that is need to be
look at. The way they sacrifice themselves, as a big points to us because the dedication and determination
of accommodating all of their students in order for them to learn and to pass the school year.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 2 (September 12-16, 2022)

IV. DOMAIN 4. Curriculum and Planning

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

I was not able to attend the classroom structuring because I work during this time. I prioritized work over
going to school and that is to save money for the possible face to face classes.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

My groupmates sent me some pictures during the classroom structuring. As far as I remembered, the said
activity is not necessary, and that those who lived within Tacloban or near the city are the ones who went

C. Insights

The collaborative team work of my classmates makes the classroom structuring successful. And that, this is
the last time that I will choose work over school activities. I need to be active for this is my last year. I should
be more present in order to help in curriculum planning and that I don’t want to be a hindrance.

D. Reflections

Curriculum and planning was implemented for us to be ready in facing the students. As an intern, one must
be participative and active for the activities to be successful. And that, it is also part of our internship to help
our STE, for the safety of the student when school will be open for a limited face to face classes. One should
be ready and presentable. One should be part of the curriculum and palnning, for this is made for every one
not just for the benefits of oneself.

TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 2 (September 12-16, 2022)

V. DOMAIN 5. Assessment and Reporting

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Creating assessments is not easy. It requires thorough understanding in the process of making it. Before, I
have encountered such problem which is I don’t know how to create the Table of Specification for its not
easy and that, leaders took place of making it as per instruction.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In order for me to understand it, I searched some educational videos in YouTube with regards to
assessment and the making of Table of Specification.

C. Insights

When we say assessment and reporting it is the bases to know if the students learn something from the
teacher, from the subject itself. It can be in a form of quizzes, oral recitation, reporting or a summative, or by
doing a performance that can be related to the topic that will be discuss. This will show also the result if the
students needs more development, by this the teacher can create a strategies in order for the students to
develop more.

D. Reflections

Aside from the fact that assessment and reporting serves as a bases, this also reflect the teachers’
effectiveness in teaching. And that if the result is good, then new topic will be introduce but if not the
teachers should come up with a better strategies for the students understand the lesson.

The making of assessment and reporting is not easy, it requires effort and better understanding of the
lesson. It needs to be study thoroughly for the students to fully understand the context.

TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 2 (September 12-16, 2022)

VI. DOMAIN 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

General parent’s orientation was conducted at Leyte Normal University, and that the only problem that I
have encountered and that according also to our STE was the shortage of electricity that causes blackout
during the meeting.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Remaining calm is a must and that the lights where on again after a few minutes and that no choice but to
end the meeting.

C. Insights

Attending such meeting with the parents involvement is a great opportunity to us interns. Especially an
experiences of facilitating the parents general orientation. The orientation focuses on the rules and
regulations of the school as well as the school fees, which is mostly common, I say.

D. Reflections

Being part of the community is a great opportunity to us interns for we learned something from the school as
well as from the parents suggestions and ideas. I also salute those teachers who handles difficulties during
the meeting. And that they always come up with a plan B. The way they exert an effort just to satisfy the
parents. Their professionalism made me realized that being a teacher is not easy, because, they handle
various problems and that they come up with a solution just that day is a big effort and responsibility as the
teacher of the parents’ children.
Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 2 (September 12-16, 2022)
VII. DOMAIN 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Pressure is within me. I asked myself one time if I am ready to be an intern, if not then drop out. I doubt
myself by this time. Because I don’t know if I can handle the pressure of becoming one.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In order for me to cope up with the pressure, I decided to talk with my friends about it. I contemplated for
what I’ve said, if I decided to give up now, then it’s a regret forever. So I decided to take the challenge and
hoping that I stop myself from doubting. And also, one of the instructors in the school offers help if things got
out of hand.

C. Insights

The insight that I got from this domain and this next week is that, never put pressure on one self. As intern,
pressure and anxiety is just in the corner. Sometimes, it put us down but sometimes it gives us mechanism
to go on. It gives us adrenaline to push more in order for us to overcome our fear, which is failing.

D. Reflections

Before the orientations nor the internship started, honestly speaking, I already decided to drop out. I already
talked to my siblings and friends about me dropping out because of the pressure and having financially
unstable. It did not give me peace for the mean time. It gives me sleepless nights for days. Until one day, I
breakdown. I asked myself, how am I supposed to step forward, if I didn’t give myself a chance to grow and
to overcome this fear within me. So I changed my mind. I decided to go on, even though I am suffering
financially that causes my anxiety to build up. I should get out in my comfort zone. I should face the real
world of teaching, because I don’t want to regret it someday.

If I continued to be down, then how can my personal growth be successful, or how can develop myself
professionally if I stick just inside the circle of my comfort zone. I am glad that the school offers some help to
us interns if things get wrong.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as PARTICIPANT

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 3 (September19-23)

I. DOMAIN 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

By this time, we are going to meet our STE, as well as her students, which is in Grade 9 level. Upon
observation, we encountered a certain problem within the class. Specifically, as of now upon observing the
class, its difficult for us to make a topic within a single problem.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In order to expand the problem observed, we search a topic that will be related to the problem itself.

C. Insights

Our first observation was good. We enjoyed watching our STE while discussing. I observed from the way
she delivered the lesson, it was engaging and full of learning. She discussed the lesson in a specific and
concise way. The content was broad but yet she managed to make it more specific and letting the students
fully understand the discussion.

D. Reflections

As per observation, I was amazed by how our STE delivered the lesson properly to her students. She let her
students fully understand the lesson. She even used various languages to make it more interesting. Like she
uses Waray-Wary, Filipino and English in delivering the lesson. And that’s the reason why we came up with
a problem and that we formulate a certain topic for our Classroom Based Action Research.

By watching her, I asked myself, am I ready for this? Because its not easy handling Araling Panlipunan, and
specifically related to Economics. Araling Panlipunan, may seem difficult and boring but the way she
delivered the discussion, I now believed that its really possible to make the discussion successful.



TIP Supervisor:

TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as PARTICIPANT

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 3 (September19-23)

II. DOMAIN 2. Learning Environment

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Learning environment took place within the actual classroom. Limited face to face was already implemented,
and we already met the students that we are going to handle for the meantime. The problem that I have
encountered this time, is the lack of space. The classroom is way to small. And also our STE, mentioned
about unstable internet connectivity. She’s having a hard time when conducting online classes.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

The set up serves as the solution to the problem. The section was cut into half, meaning to say, there are
students who will attend in the morning and the half will attend the class in the afternoon. This set up makes
the room uncrowded.

C. Insights

From what I have understand with this kind of set up, it is to make the room available for all as well as to
follow the health protocols. The reason why, when we went inside the classroom, there is a vacant chair
between students. It is more convenient by this time of pandemic.

D. Reflections

The learning environment of the student by the implementation of the limited face to face classes was small
and that I don’t know what it looks like if full face to face classes happens. You can easily find the corner. Its
more convenient because the students was place to Set A and Set B upon classes. But when it comes to
online, it was different for all can attend classes at the same time.
Activity: The Practicumer as PARTICIPANT
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 3 (September19-23)

III. DOMAIN 3. Diversity of Learners

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

From what we observed, the students’ behavior is the problem. We observed, while Ms. Embog was
discussing there are only few students who participates as well as listening.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

By the existence of the problem, we observed from Ms. Embog that she shows to her students the authority
that she has. She has this aura to make them listen. By the facial expression and the strategies she made
during the discussion.

C. Insights

In teaching, it takes courage and effort just to make the students focus towards the discussion. For them to
listen, for them to be part of the lesson, the teacher must formulate a creative strategies to make the
students listen throughout the discussion. Because it will be a waste of time, if the students lost its focus.

D. Reflections

In a classroom, students are not the same. They have different behavior that needs attention. In order to
know them better, might as well observe each and everyone’s behavior within the classroom. Look at their
behavior. Look how they handle one another despite of the differences. Know their strength and
weaknesses. Through these, I can say that I can formulate a strategies to make the discussion meaningful.



TIP Supervisor:


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as PARTICIPANT

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 3 (September19-23)

IV. DOMAIN 4. Curriculum and Planning

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

We are having a hard time in formulating an effective teaching strategies that may align to the making of
lesson plan and instructional materials.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

By giving suggestions and searching we created a plan that may help the student participate more during
the discussion.

C. Insights

Formulating a plan takes time. It needs time and convenient place to make it more accurate. It takes more
effort just to make it more effective and successful at the end. But of course, nothing is impossible, if we help
one another in constructing or lesson plan as well as making our instructional material. It needs teamwork
and cooperation to make it more convenient. To satisfy ourselves, the STE and students.

D. Reflections

Planning requires teamwork. It needs an ample time to make it more successful. We didn’t have a problem
in making the lesson plan. But we got a problem upon the making of Instructional materials for the
discussion. Our goal is to make the students participative during the discussion and that in order to achieve
this goal we need to make an appropriate activities related to the topic as well as to enhance the students’
participation. By this, we assure that the plan will become successful upon our demo teaching.

TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as PARTICIPANT

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 3 (September19-23)

V. DOMAIN 5. Assessment and Reporting

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Since our demo teaching is not yet into schedule, we observed that the students understanding is quite low.
For some terms was difficult for them to understand. There is a language barrier between the teacher and
students when it comes to delivering instructions.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Ms. Embog translates the statement into English for them to fully understand it. Especially the instructions,
when they conducted a quiz after the discussion.

C. Insights

Not all students has the capacity to understand some terms or statements. This set up causes overtime to
both the teacher and the students. And that the way Ms. Embog handles the situation is new to me and a
new learning for me.

D. Reflections

In teaching, it requires an effort just to make the students understand the context. It requires more time in
order not to fail the students. As a future educator, its our responsibility to make them understand, to make
them satisfied, to make them learn things. So that by the end of the discussion, assessment and reporting is
could be done.



TIP Supervisor:


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as PARTICIPANT

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 3 (September19-23)

VI. DOMAIN 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Formulating a topic was the problem that we encountered. This is for the making of our CBAR.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

We observed outside the classroom and that have comparison with the other interns.

C. Insights

Formulating a topic is not that easy. It needs to be specific and accurate. It should not be confusing nor
broad. In order for us to make a topic out of the problem, we explore. We tend to ask our co-interns for the
comparison and clarifications. As well as we communicate with our STE for a possible advice that might help
us create a topic.

D. Reflections

Throughout our observation, we asked and we seek helped from our co-interns and STE. Gathered some
suggestions and pros and cons related to our possible topic. Us alone is not enough in the making process,
thus, seeking professional engagement is important to improve ourselves as a researcher as well as for the
future research.



TIP Supervisor:


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as PARTICIPANT

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 3 (September19-23)

VII. DOMAIN 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The problem that I have encountered here is the pressure of meeting my new classmates for the first time.
September 23 was the day of our orientation with Ms. Embog. In addition to the problem, I also feel pressure
as she mentioned about our near demo teaching.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

I dealt with it by having new friends. I met a group wherein they really help me facing the day. As per with
the demo teaching, Ms. Embog gives us words of encouragement as well as strategies on how to get the
students attention during the discussions.

C. Insights

One thing that I garnered within this week is the encouragement given by our STE. She even shared her
own experiences to us, when she became an intern as well as the time she became a teacher in Leyte
Normal University. She got this kind of stern personality but she brought with her some wisdom to ponder
on. She suddenly change my perspective. I was inspired by her dedication as a teacher.

D. Reflections

Personal growth and professional development takes time. Its does not change the person in just a snap,
but rather its takes more times and encouragement taken from the true professional. And that
encouragement serves as the light to make a change and to make ones point of view in teaching. It does not
settle in just a one period of time but rather, its takes days, weeks, even months or years to be like Ms.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 4 (September 26-30, 2022)

I. DOMAIN 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

This week pre-demo was observed by Ms. Embog. We practiced for our actual demo teaching on October 4.
The problem that I have encountered was the change of way in demo teaching, that makes me unprepared.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In order for me to cope up, my groupmates explained to me on which part should I start the discussion
because I became confused and unprepared. Since my part couldn’t considered as discussion for its focus
on generalization. There’s no teacher-student interaction for my part.

C. Insights

The sudden change in the order of discussion makes me unprepared this time. In order to pull myself
together, I practiced the new set of words. By this time, discussion and generalization. Its not necessary that
we need to say whatever is written in the lesson plan, but at least familiarize the lesson as well as
familiarized my part.

D. Reflections

As an intern, I became unprepared. It gives me anxiety for the meantime. Luckily, Ms. Embog understand
the situation, so she explained what will be the flow of our lesson plan. The changes in our part, and the
execution upon the demo teaching. I came to realized that it was partly my fault because I just focuses on
my part, I did not read the whole lesson plan, and that I also procrastinate that time. For the next time, I
should be prepared and gain some confidence.



TIP Supervisor:


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 4 (September 26-30, 2022)

II. DOMAIN 2. Learning Environment

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The quietness of the room makes me feel more nervous. Like while I am trying to practice in the corner, I
was actually shaking.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In order to pull myself together I focuses to the person in front whose making the pre-demo. From there I
observed her action and that the quite room before was already surrounded by laughter that eases my

C. Insights

The quietness in the classroom is not the same like staying alone at home. For in classroom there are eyes
looking at you. Making me uncomfortable. But their presence also gives me peace for I am not afraid of
criticism. From that small room, I learned something from my classmates as well as from Ma’am Embog. As
per observation, I can say that I know the strategies to be used.

D. Reflections

The learning environment must be comfortable and does not give uneasiness towards the students as well
as the interns. It should be peaceful to stay at not a scary place to stay. Because from what I observed to
myself, the room became uncomfortable because of those eyes watching me, watching us. Its small, it tends
to echo inside when you talk.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 4 (September 26-30, 2022)

III. DOMAIN 3. Diversity of Learners

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Since, its still pre-demo, the audience was our classmates. I imagine them as Ms. Embog students, by
looking at them, they are somewhat not interested and they have their own businesses to do so.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Ms. Embog was the one who called their names to divert their attention to us. So that they can also get
some strategies that can be used during demo teaching.

C. Insights

What I learned from the pre-demo teaching, learners are not the same. They are different. This is one of the
problem that needs attention. Interns should observe the learners so that, we can get insights on how to
deal with them.

D. Reflections

In every classroom setting, learners are different. They don’t have the same strengths and weaknesses. As
an intern, knowing our student is the first thing to do. This is to avoid some culture shock within the
classroom setting. This to avoid some barriers that might lead to misunderstanding. Might as we know how
to be sensitive to one another. If I handle this kind of learners in the future, I will never be shock anymore
because I already learned how to deal with it.



TIP Supervisor:

TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 4 (September 26-30, 2022)

IV. DOMAIN 4. Curriculum and Planning

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The only problem that we encountered during the pre-demo teaching is that we need to revise our lesson
plan. There are some parts in the lesson plan that needs some changes.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

For the revision, we let Ms. Embog checked the lesson plan first before changing it directly as per of her
direction while we did our pre-demo teaching.

C. Insights

In making lesson plan, it should be specific and accurate to avoid lots of revisions. Especially in the part
wherein we conduct 2 activities. As Ms. Embog told us prior to the instructions, it should be specific and
clear so that the students will not be confuse as well as less explaining will take place.

D. Reflections

Creating a lesson plan is not that easy. May be the topic was already given but creating activities is another
story to tell. It’s not that easy formulating activities that might catch the students attention during the
discussion. An activities that will be related to the topic. It should not be clichés, it should be unique and
creative. Instruction should be specific and clear. And lesson plan, should be own made not plagiarize.



TIP Supervisor:


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 4 (September 26-30, 2022)

V. DOMAIN 5. Assessment and Reporting

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

For the Assessment and Reporting, the quiz part in the lesson plan as well as the assignment was taken out
by Ms. Embog.
B. Dealings with the Problem/s

And I know why it was removed because of the time. We have two lessons in our lesson plan, and that for
sure one hour discussion is not enough. One hour is not enough to accommodate the assessment. So
instead, she let us focus on the discussion.

C. Insights

In order to accommodate the time, the removal of the quiz and assignment is the way to cater the two
lessons. It’s a necessary plan for its not only us who will conduct demo teaching but rather there are other
groups also.

D. Reflections

The quiz and assignment in the lesson plan is a necessary tools in order to see if the students learn
something from the discussion. But because of the limited time, the quiz and assignment needs to be
removed. What is more important is that the lesson will be delivered clear and concise. And that also, to give
way for the interns who will be teaching next to us.



TIP Supervisor:


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 4 (September 26-30, 2022)

VI. DOMAIN 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Creating intervention in the making of CBAR. And the limited time that we have in the school.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

We went to school for further observation even though it’s not our schedule. This is for gathering more
information that can be used in the making of our CBAR.

C. Insights

The dedication for us to understand more about our existing problem, as an intern we tend to exert more
effort just to gathered more information that can help us create an appropriate title for the CBAR. Because of
our dedication, we hope that we can come up with more accurate intervention.

D. Reflections

As an intern, one must possessed a good trait. Such as determination and dedication in doing the work. It
not only help us interns to finish the work on time but also it gives us change. It motivates us to be more
active towards the first shift. It leads us to make more engagement within the school community with the
help of the professionals as well as the students around us.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 4 (September 26-30, 2022)

VII. DOMAIN 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Aside from the aforementioned above, one of the problems during the pre-demo teaching that was observed
is the low self-esteem in delivering the lesson.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Ms. Embog taught us about breathing technique. She told us that if nervousness rush in, just take a deep
breath and relax. Which somehow helps.

C. Insights

Ms. Embog’s strategy in coping with the nervousness is somewhat effective. It gives us the courage to
continue. As intern, its not already new to us. Nervousness is already part of our system since first year.
Thus, coping with it is part of our journey as a student, as an intern.

D. Reflections

Since time immemorial, every time I speak in front I always deal with my anxiety for I am afraid iof public
speaking. Before proceeding to speak, I always try to calm myself by inhaling and exhaling or by drinking
water. And this anxiety helps me to have the courage to speak. And there are people who always train me to
speak more. As introvert as I am, speaking is not my forte. During pre-demo teaching, I was shaking even
though I am just introducing myself to everyone. I really hate this side of me for it affects my well-being to
the point that I wanted to drop because of embarrassment. But I need to face it, I need to grow up in order to
be a professional.



TIP Supervisor:


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 5 (October 3-7, 2022)

I. DOMAIN 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

October 4, 2022, Tuesday. The day of our Demo teaching and I am not prepared. I am still reading my part
in the lesson plan.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

To deal with my own problem, because I am not ready, I decided not to memorize it anymore. I decided to
read it more and more. Till I understand the concept.

C. Insights

My perception with regards to my problem, is that it was unforgivable to my part. I should not blame my own
anxiety if ever I couldn’t deliver my lesson properly. I will blame myself from procrastinating. I should be
careful and dealt with my own problem.

D. Reflections

Everything that I read and the confidence I gathered turned to waste for the time is only limited. But at the
same time it gives me opportunity to regain myself from procrastinating. This time, I need to focus more on
my part. I need to understand my lesson properly in order to avoid confusing look from the student.
Delivering the lesson is not easy. It should be clearly discuss. It should be accurate and can be related to
day to day living.
Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 5 (October 3-7, 2022)

II. DOMAIN 2. Learning Environment

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The problem that we encountered was the students are not following the social distancing because of the
space in the classroom. And also, when one of the interns are doing his part, one of the students couldn’t
see the Power Point presentation because of the space.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

We adjusted the sitting arrangement for them to see the presentation clearly. By letting those students
whose having a problem looking at the presentation sit beside their classmates or letting them stay within
the vacant chair.

C. Insights

By this situation, even though they are just half the class, the classroom still seems crowded and that
includes us interns who happens to stay at the corner. The learning environment for me, is not appropriate,
because even its just small population inside the classroom, it seems populated.

D. Reflections

The learning environment in Ms. Embog’s Grade 9 class was made with a small space, that even her table
was located in the very corner of the room near the door. It looks populated because of the chairs plus the
student. So an alternative that was implemented during the demo, is to make an adjustment for the students
to see and read the presentation while discussing. It also needs their active participation during the lesson
proper. We make use of the vacant chairs for them to be accommodated.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 5 (October 3-7, 2022)

III. DOMAIN 3. Diversity of Learners

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

During the discussion we observed some barriers. First, language barrier. Majority of the class did not
understand some terms and statements. Second, the participation. There are only 1-2 students who actively
participate during the discussion. Third, some students did not listening to the teacher intern in front. And
lastly, the tardiness of some.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

For the language barrier, we tend to translate the question into English or we used Waray-Waray which is
more convenient since all of them knows how to speak the language. For the class participation, Ms. Embog
tend to call their names in order to participate. For those students who are not listening, Ms. Embog called
their attention to listen. And lastly, the tardiness, is already common.

C. Insights

The diversity of students differs individual. Every students have their own capacity in dealing with their
peers. And as an intern, we made adjustments for them to be accommodated properly. It gives us
challenges to be overcome. Our capability has been tested.

D. Reflections

In a classroom setting, we may encountered such differences. We came to challenge our capability of
handling this kind of situation. As an intern, the barriers, the students differences as well their similarities
serves as challenging ground. Aside from these, we are also challenge in making strategies to make them
focus during the discussion.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 5 (October 3-7, 2022)

IV. DOMAIN 4. Curriculum and Planning

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

We’re having a hard time in formulating CBAR topic.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

We used to formulate our own titles first and merge the afterwards.

C. Insights

This week, collaboration is a must. This is to make the work much more easier. Planning for the CBAR is not
that easy. Even formulating an exact title was difficult. That’s the reason why the groups needs to work as
one. Needs to work as a team.

D. Reflections

Creating a title is not easy, especially if its too obvious that majority of the interns observed, lack of
participation among students. Its difficult to think a unique title that may differ from everyone’s perspective. It
took days before we came up with a title related to the problem that was visible during the observation, as
well as during the demo teaching.



TIP Supervisor:


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 5 (October 3-7, 2022)

V. DOMAIN 5. Assessment and Reporting

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The class participation is not that visible during the demo teaching. Specifically during the oral recitation.
The Balik-Aral part and during the activities wherein follow up questions was asked.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

If no one’s participating the teacher intern called someone to answer the question. And that Ms. Embog help
us also by facilitating our demo teaching. She sometimes interrupted the discussion to call someone and to
add some information.

C. Insights

The insight that I get from the intern as well from Ms. Embog, one must know on how to get the student’s
attention. One must know some certain strategies in order for the lesson more effective. And that I also
learned that, a detailed lesson plan is not enough if the students don’t even know how to connect to their
lives. More like, according to what I learned from Ms. Embog actions, everything must be detailed and
specific with an accurate examples related to the topic.

D. Reflections

For further explanation with the aforementioned above, my observation does not focuses on the the students
but also my attention focuses on Ms. Embog. Her actions, the way she delivered the lessons, the way she
adds up information was quite interesting for she make it more specific to make the topic more interesting.
She adds up some examples then afterwards asked question to the students. By doing these, assessment
and reporting took place. By her experiences, I could say that even without the activities, she still manages
to deliver the lessons properly.
The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 5 (October 3-7, 2022)

VI. DOMAIN 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Domain 6 always gives me a hard time. Since we don’t have any interactions between us, as interns and the
parents. Just once, but this week there is none.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In order to satisfied ourselves, we watched videos on how community linkages and professional
engagement can be done. It’s the only way for us to have a knowledge and somewhat hoping by the near
future we can interact with them.

C. Insights

Community linkages and professional engagement, as what I’ve understand from the terms, we should have
interactions within the community not just within the school community. We should learn something outside
the community not just inside the school premises. Staying inside is not enough for us to enhanced our
capacity in teaching.

D. Reflections

The presence of the pandemic put the education sector into tight interactions outside the school premises.
Every transactions has limitations and conducted online. Which is understandable, it is to avoid for the
spreading of the virus. Putting everyone’s safety first. And that internship is done within the school premises.
Though In a small span of time, we met the students’ parents during the General Orientation .



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/Week 5 (October 3-7, 2022)

VII. DOMAIN 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The interruption that took place during the actual demo teaching.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

We listen and observed our STE as she took over the spot while the teacher intern still talking. We observed
her on how he delivered the lesson as well as on how she handles the situation.

C. Insights

I think she interrupts because, the content of the lesson is not enough to explain the concept. She gives
more specific examples and insights to her students. By her actions, it gives us more encouragement and
things to ponder on.

D. Reflections

Ms. Embog showcased her professionalism during our actual demonstration teaching. Though she interrupt,
may it be difficult for some but the way she show us entails power of how a teacher must teach. Its not only
about the lesson plan but also on how the lesson must be delivered to the students. The interruption that
took place serves as our model and bases on how should a teacher must posses.



TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 6 (October 10-14, 2022)

I. DOMAIN 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

I got mental block for the first time during the continuation of our actual demo teaching.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

To avoid myself to be more nervous I continued the lesson even though its already out of the lesson plan. I
created my own questions in order to have an interactions between me and the students.

C. Insights

To tell you honestly, I was unprepared. I forgot about the lesson. But my perception to this day, October 11,
it was a bad day for me but a day where I learned something from the students as well as to Ms. Embog and
to my co-interns. From what I have understand is that even though it turns out like a mess, I am already
done and that I delivered my part with enthusiasm.

D. Reflections

The lesson went out well with the help of Ms. Embog. She make the discussion more accurate and specific.
I was actually dumbfounded when she interrupted me while I am discussing and explaining at the same
time. She make the content short but concise in order to accommodate the time. For the next group is
waiting for their turn.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 6 (October 10-14, 2022)

II. DOMAIN 2. Learning Environment

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The classroom was occupied by both students and interns from the other group. It became bombarded.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

We have to do some adjustments so that everyone can accommodate the space of the classroom.

C. Insights

As for this day, the learning environment was occupied by both students and interns from the other group. It
gives me pressure as well as to the students for its not only us but there are new faces watching us. Their
presence within the learning environment, added pressure to my anxiety. But I took the chance to go on, for
I wanted them to judge my actions.

D. Reflections

Adjustments was done during the actual demo. The space in the classroom was small and that it became
too crowded in my sight. The front is the only place wherein it has enough space to walk back and forth. But
of course it was challenging because the students is not the only audience in the room but also there are
other interns that occupies the space at the back. Fitting themselves in a small space just to make one
another comfortable. The space is not a hindrance for the teaching not to be done.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 6 (October 10-14, 2022)

III. DOMAIN 3. Diversity of Learners

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The behavior of the two students in front of me and the students who sits at the back catches my attention.
While Ms. Embog elaborates the lesson, two students are busy talking and that they are not listening. The
same with the boys at the back.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

I asked them if they have clarifications or questions with regards to the topic. A strategy that I make to make
them listen.

C. Insights

In teaching, the focus is always in the students behavior towards the lesson. It focuses on each and
everyone’s understanding about the discussion. And as a teacher, the role is to make the lesson appropriate
and suited to everyone, so that no one will be left behind.

D. Reflections

As a future educator, we must consider the students’ strengths and weaknesses. Through we can determine
in which part of the lesson needs improvement so that everyone can learn and cope up. Through this also
we can formulate an effective teaching strategies that might be use in the discussion. It may take time and a
lot of effort, but its okay, as long as the students learned something from the lesson, and from the teacher.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 6 (October 10-14, 2022)

IV. DOMAIN 4. Curriculum and Planning

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

As for the domain 4, lets focus on the CBAR proposal. The problem that we have encountered is the
confusing instructions coming from the professionals. As well as the

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

By this we choose to use qualitative method and that the use of semi-structured interview for it is more
easier to conduct as well as not time consuming. Rather than used both methods. It will be time consuming
for sure.

C. Insights

As what I have understand during the CBAR proposal, the said meeting was conducted for us to know in
which part of the paper needs some changes. And that we are open to some suggestions for the betterment
of the paper. We also gathered information that might give improvement in our paper.

D. Reflections

The implementation of the CBAR Proposal helps us improved our own Classroom Based Action Research.
The panelists gives suggestions as well as appropriate and specific information that makes our CBAR
accurate. Though there are some circumstances that confuses us the most, still we overcome it by choosing
the right which is more easier and not time consuming.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 6 (October 10-14, 2022)

V. DOMAIN 5. Assessment and Reporting

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Only few who participates or remembered about the previous lesson.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Instead of calling names, we let the students volunteer. This is to see who really listens last meeting.

C. Insights

In my point of view, the assessment and learning during the ‘Balik Aral’ was not successful for there are 1-2
students who just remembered the lesson from before. And that, they look in their books, instead of
understanding lesson.

D. Reflections

Reading without understanding is useless. Because it just reading nothing else. If the child is asked, “what
did you understand about the given definition?” There are only two results, its either the child will respond or
the child will stay quite. Thus, assessment and reporting is just a waste of time, if the students learned
nothing from the topic, or from the teacher.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 6 (October 10-14, 2022)

VI. DOMAIN 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Less interaction outside the community.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Understand the situation, because its pandemic but we couldn’t change the fact that its more interesting if
we interact outside community. And at the same time, to fully understand the context I watched
documentaries about community engagement.
C. Insights

Throughout the internship, it happens that the presence of the pandemic is still visible and that deploying us
outside the campus is not yet allowed. The reason as to why, community engagement outside school
premises is not yet implemented. And that, its better to stay inside the school for awhile.

D. Reflections

For a limited interaction, to fully understand community linkages and professional engagement, I watched a
few documentaries. Observed the situation and understand the context. Though its not enough, for it is
better to have interaction outside with parents and children to fully understand of what it feels to be part of
the outside community.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 6 (October 10-14, 2022)

VII. DOMAIN 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

This time, my frustrations during my turn in demo teaching, came up.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

I have to take a breath and listen or more like watched Ms. Embog. I observed her while in front of her class.

C. Insights

Her interruptions that time makes me disappointed to myself for I am not doing fine about the lesson. But
during our Exit Conference, I now fully understand as to why she chose to interrupt some of use during our
demo for she’s feeling conscious that our examples as well the explanations was not enough and that she
do that to fully elaborate the lesson.

D. Reflections

To tell you honestly, I was frustrated to myself during the continuation of our demo, especially during my
part. I was very disappointed that I didn’t do well because Ms. Embog interrupted me during that time. Igot
mental blocked that time and that she turn over the lesson. Its like, I deliver the lesson then she interrupted
to elaborate what I said. And that I just knew, that she didn’t interrupted not because I didn’t know well but
she interrupted just to explain it more. And that, she shows me how to be a teacher. Since the day of
observation, she became my role model. I am very much amazed of her personalities and the way she
teach. It inspires me to do better.



TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 7 (October 17-19,2021)

I. DOMAIN 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The making of the assessment for the students review.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

We did a collaboration to make the assessment accurate and align to the discussion.

C. Insights

As far as I remember, making an assessment is not that easy. It needs procedure. It needs to be specific
and align to the discussion.

D. Reflections

To expand my insight, assessment is the key or the way to know if the students really learned something
from us. if they learned something in relation to the topic or discussion. The failure of the assessment may
indicate that the problem may exixt to the teacher itself.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 7 (October 17-19,2021)

II. DOMAIN 2. Learning Environment

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

We observed that there are some students who join in and out of the google meet.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

We understood the situation, since we teacher-interns also experienced the same.

C. Insights

Google meet is one of the convenient media platform used during an online classes
, but it became frustrating if the internet is unstable. It takes an effort to fulfill the meeting.

D. Reflections

The learning environment that we used this time in order to give rebview was google meet. It is applicable
to all and cheap when it comes to mobile data. But a hassle to everyone since there is a possibility that an
avent will be postponed because of unstable internet.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 7 (October 17-19,2021)

III. DOMAIN 3. Diversity of Learners

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

During the online review with the Grade 9 students, we encountered some unexpected behavior. There are
students when called their names, they became unresponsive, as well as, the term, ‘ adto comfort room’ was
mostly used.
B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In order not to waste time, we tend to focus to those students who were in the meeting and participative.

C. Insights

In a classroom setting, every individual has its own uniqueness and capacity. Thus, as a future educator,
knowing mthem better might help to improve the capability of teaching as well as the capability to handle
things professionally.

D. Reflections

As a future educator, it is our responsibility to know our students. To know how diverse the students.
Because, if know their strength and weaknesses, we may be create an effective strategies that can be use
in the future.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 7 (October 17-19,2021)

IV. DOMAIN 4. Curriculum and Planning

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Formulating CBAR questions out of the research problem.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Collaboration and the willingness of everyone to make it, makes the making easier.

C. Insights
Creating research questions is not easy. It requires critical thinking and understanding in order to make it
concise and can be easily understand by the participants.

D. Reflections

Creating research questions out of research problems is quite challenging for from the broader context, the
questions should be more specific this time. The process, its time consuming. As well as its not really easy
to formulate questions that might be accurate and specific. And that questions, that is suitable and not
harmful to the participants.



TIP Supervisor:

k 7 (October 17-19,2021)
V. DOMAIN 5. Assessment and Reporting

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

the making of the Power Point game-based activities.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

We searched in the google about examples and templates for the said review making. And that we gathered
them, choose the best and interactive game-based activities.

C. Insights

A teacher must create an effective activities for the students to listen, to be alive while discussion. Through
this, it can boost their confidence and the enthusiasm to listen.

D. Reflections

By the used of game-based activities can make the lesson more interesting. Hence, assessment can be
done. While the activities are on going, lecturing and assessment has been implemented. To be tis kind of
creative, might say the lesson is successful.



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 7 (October 17-19,2021)

VI. DOMAIN 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Close interaction with the parents is still invisible.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

We watched videos related to community linkages and professional engagement to get ideas.
C. Insights

It will be good if we experienced to have a close interaction among parents. Like, creating programs for them
but its not the right time and that the general orientation just happens once and that its already enough.

D. Reflections

The presence of the pandemic put the education sector into tight interactions outside the school premises.
Every transactions has limitations and conducted online. Which is understandable, it is to avoid for the
spreading of the virus. Putting everyone’s safety first. And that internship is done within the school premises.
Though In a small span of time, we met the students’ parents during the General Orientation .



TIP Supervisor:
Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision
Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 7 (October 17-19,2021)

VII. DOMAIN 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

I am disappointed of myself.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

I have to talk with my groupmates. I told them what I felt during the demo and that I am not that happy for
the result. They gave me words of encouragements that somewhat help me.

C. Insights

What I learned today is that, instead of feeling disappointed, I should take it as a lesson and a motivation to
help myself grow.

D. Reflections

So far, what I really learned about the demo teaching is that learning from mistakes. Because what I did,
what my head makes me mad is a mistake and that I was not prepared. I came prepared physically not
mentally. I was not prepared when Ms. Embog, interrupted. It gives me mental blocked and disappointment.
But at the end I realized that its my fault and that Ms. Embog just showed me on how a teacher should
teach. Its not all about the content of the lesson plan but rather on how a teacher must deliver the lesson in
a specific way but with a clear context.


TIP Supervisor:



TIP Supervisor:

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 8 (October 24-28, 2022)

I. DOMAIN 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Looking for a proverb and saying for the classroom structuring

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

One of the members created a poll for the selections.

C. Insights

What I learned from this day is that I saw my classmates work together just to make the classroom beautiful.
And that I saw their dedication just to finalized the classroom structuring.

D. Reflections

Maybe you’re wondering about classroom structuring, feels like its nothing to do with content knowledge and
pedagogy. But as you can see, we interns, planned it. The ideas comes from our mind. Meaning to say that
our ideas and the things we did is part of the content knowledge and pedagogy. Thus, from the first place we
know about classroom structuring with consultation.


TIP Supervisor:

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 8 (October 24-28, 2022)

II. DOMAIN 2. Learning Environment

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Unorganized classroom setting during the first quarter examination.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

We decided to take parts in the exam period since we’re 9 interns. In order to make it organized, we
facilitate the class by organizing their sitting arrangement to avoid cheating.

C. Insights

The learning environment of Grade 6 class was enough to accommodate a 45 students I think. It has
enough space compared to Grade 9 students. It was beautiful actually because we saw how the children
enjoys being there.

D. Reflections

A good learning environment is enough for the students to learn something new and that it makes the
students do what they want. Rather than a learning environment that is not good for both students and the
teacher. Especially a learning environment with not so pleasant surrounding. Thus, in the future, if I am
capable of being a teacher, I will make my classroom cozy to everyone.



TIP Supervisor:


TIP Supervisor:

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 8 (October 24-28, 2022)

III. DOMAIN 3. Diversity of Learners

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The not so pleasant attitude of the students especially in the elementary wherein we facilitated the Grade 6.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

We dealt with them by not giving them attention sometimes we talked to them to let them behave properly.

C. Insights

We couldn’t change the fact that there are certain individuals who will ruin the day and the mood. Thus, as a
teacher or future educator, we always need to make a strategies on how to deal with them.

D. Reflections

As cliché as it is, we tend to meet individuals with differences. Specifically, meeting individuals with not so
good attitude. Disrespectful and attention seeker to be exact. It is testing my patience, actually. But I have to
control my temper. That instead of getting mad, I interact with them by talking while using stern voice.

Because, honestly speaking, I hate children with disrespectful attitude. It is challenging my temper, and that
challenges my capacity as a teacher. By this experiences, I said to myself that I need to improve myself.



TIP Supervisor:


TIP Supervisor:

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 8 (October 24-28, 2022)

IV. DOMAIN 4. Curriculum and Planning

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Lack of materials classroom structuring. And at the same time, there’s too many expenses

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

We decided to used some of our art materials and that, when it comes to expenses, to make it less, we
decided to divide it.

C. Insights

My take away in this week is to make part in the group. Thus, helping one another to finish the task.
Because complaining about things may not help improve one another as well as the surroundings.

D. Reflections

Curriculum and planning is part of the internship wherein we do some classroom structuring. We make
changes to the design, make it beautiful but simple. Though is such a small space, we fitted and help one
another to finish the structuring. It was hectic but it was satisfying in the end. I observed how my classmates
makes and effort in doing so, in order not to be a burden, I helped my groupmates in cutting and pasting the
decors as well as making it perfect. Through this, the collaboration of one another makes the classroom
more beautiful and well-appreciated by our STE.



TIP Supervisor:


TIP Supervisor:



TIP Supervisor:

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 8 (October 24-28, 2022)

V. DOMAIN 5. Assessment and Reporting

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The existence of language barrier and we witness something unusual during the exam.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Help them understand the questions and instructions by translating it for them. As for the cheating situation,
we talked to the child.

C. Insights

The assessment and reporting that happens this week is the quarterly examination by the ILS. We
experienced making the summative test, printing the test papers and facilitating exams. By this, we
experienced as if we are really a true teacher.

D. Reflections

As what I have observed during the days were we act as facilitator is that, things are not the same as per
expectations. We expect that there will be no questions and translations because its already reviewed to
them online, still its visible.

And that, worse scenario came in our way. Imagine an elementary students, has the capacity to cheat and
that its very bad. Then by this observation, we can conclude that learning did not happen. And that the
assessment needs to be reviewed again.


TIP Supervisor:



TIP Supervisor:

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 8 (October 18-22, 2021)

VI. DOMAIN 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Having a 50-50 chance of meeting new people outside the school premises.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

I am very much thankful that I work with a teacher and that I am learning things about her and her career as
a teacher, little by little.

C. Insights

Though community linkages and professional engagement may take place inside school premises, since we
also meet with obstacles and that we are surrounded by teachers that can help us improve ourselves. But
going outside, is another story because there are things that is new and challenging.

D. Reflections

Aside from observing Ms. Embog, I also learned something from a teacher also but works in public. As her
secretary, I observed her and the co-teachers while listening or doing something. I also had the chance to
observed the students from public schools. By these, I grabbed the opportunity to learn from her and to the



TIP Supervisor:



TIP Supervisor:

Term/ Date: First Shifting Term/ Week 8 (October 24-28, 2022)

VII. DOMAIN 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The problem that we are facing right now is to find an available website or educational pages that will
conduct a seminar related to self-improvement or personal growth and professional development.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Luckily, we found two-three websites that offers free webinar and at the same time free e-certificate.

C. Insights

By these webinars, we can learn, gathered insights, suggestions and motivations on how to become an
effective teacher. From the making of lesson plan up to the making of engaging activities for the students.
Through this also, we can come up with a better solution.

D. Reflections

Aside from the fact that we watched or attended webinars because of e-certificate, we also interested of
attending to it to gathered insights and ideas. As well as to have an understanding about all the things that is
to be a teacher. For we all know that becoming one is not easy but rather more challenging.



TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 1 (November 2-4, 2022)

VII. DOMAIN 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Before, I was not ready to enter the second shift. I was already planning of quitting schools. I encountered
some problems that took me from overthinking, resulting to sleepless nights and breakdowns. I suffered both
mentally and physically. Aside from the fact that I suffered from self-doubt and disappointments from the first

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Luckily, there’s a friend of mine who always reminds of not letting go of my study, because “sayang”. And
that the semester is nearly ending. Furthermore, I meet the kindest woman in my whole life. Currently I am
working with her and that she serves as my guardian angel, financially. Thanks to that one friend of mine,
who referred me to her. And also, to my groupmates who encourages me to go on.

C. Insights

My perception with regards to this week is that, things might be difficult sometimes still, there are some
generous individuals who are willing to help me through ups and down.

D. Reflections

I’ve been living dealing with my own problems before. I just thought that its enough for me to know of what
I’ve been through. It enough if it’s just me. But this year, I decided for myself to seek for someone who will
listen to my problems, because it is enough for me, if there’s someone who listens and who gives advice for
gives me peace. By reaching out to someone serves as my personal growth, and taking their advice in my
mind and planting it in my heart serves as my professional development. I am no longer that girl who just
ignores everyone. But rather I am already a woman who accepts every failure and opportunities that life
gives to me.

(search nala hin picture with regards hit mental health)



TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as PARTICIPANT

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 2 (November 7-11, 2022)

VII. DOMAIN 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Second shift is fast approaching. Thus, another days of being busy. I think will be more busy this coming
second shift.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

For now, there is no problem to deal with.

C. Insights

My perception about this coming second shift is that this might be interesting, since from what I heard from
the previous sections who was under with him, we might experience some things that we never experienced
during the first shift.

D. Reflections

My reflection about this week is that I hope this coming second shift will mold me more into something
interesting. Something that can boost my confidence. Something that we cannot be that little to no work
interns. I hope its more than making of lesson plans, Instructional materials and demo teaching. I hope its
something memorable and can be useful in the future.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 3 (November 14-18, 2022)

I. DOMAIN 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

So far, today’s session was just all about assigning to our respective grade level in which we are going to teach. And
that we group 5 was assigned to his advisory class which is Grade 10.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

No need to deal with problems, since there is none.

C. Insights

In my own perspective, I was amazed by Sir Willan’s capacity in handling 3 grade levels, eventhough he knew to
himself that he was very busy with the other matters. Still, he managed to teach 3 grade levels.

D. Reflections

In this domain, we are not just dealing with Araling Panlipunan subject, but rather there are some interns who
were assigned to a certain subject that was not that related to Araling Panlipunan. Lets just say that, it is somewhat
related but somewhat far from what we called Araling Panlipunan.


TIP Supervisor:

Activ The Practicumer

ity: as TEACHER
Term Second Shifting
Term/ Week 3
/ (November 14-18,

II. Learning



A. Experiences and
Problem/s Encountered

By this time, I wanted to

teach the class face to face
rather than online class
using google meet. First and
foremost, I didn’t have an
internet connectivity plus,
my phone was already
broken and its not already
functioning well. Thus, using
online platform as the
learning environment will be
a hindrance for me if I
choose to conduct a
discussion online

B. Dealings with the


In solving the dilemma, since two of my groupmates was too eager that they wanted to conduct the discussion face
to face, I chose not to interfere. Rather, I accepted the decision that I will be conducting class via online.

C. Insights

The words that came out from my mouth was the counterpart of what’s in my mind. Thus, I am willing to take part
in online class but its better for me to take part in face to face classes because, its way better than online classes.

D. Reflections

Seeing an actual learning environment is way better than, seeing a learning environment via online platform. Why?
Its because, we can see clearly if its appropriate or not. We can see the problem that might serve as distractions to
the students. And that we can clearly make an idea or plan out of it. Compare to online learning environemt,
distractions are already given and we don’t have the capacity to eliminate that distractions for its part of the


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 3 (November 14-18, 2022)

III. DOMAIN 3. Diversity of Learners

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

We haven’t meet the Grade 10 class, as of Novemeber 14. Which is the first day of our second shift.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

We decided to meet them either on their vacant time or the next day.

C. Insights

that flows in ourselves just vanished for the mean time. For the Grade 10 was busy and that the reason why we
haven’t meet them.

D. Reflections

Knowing the learners is the key towards a better flow of discussion. For I believe that, if we know all their
characteristics, we surely come up with an idea on how to handle them.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 3 (November 14-18, 2022)

IV. DOMAIN 4. Curriculum and Planning

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

So far, there is no problem encountered during the distribution of topics.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

No dealings with problem/s.

C. Insights

The distribution of topics for the second shift was good and its not that messy. It was distributed, equally to both

D. Reflections

Knowing the topics that we need to discuss both synchronous and asynchronous is part of the curriculum and
planning. Thus, we already determined the scope of our discussion with the help of our STE. As well as with the
help of the leaders assigned per group.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 3 (November 14-18, 2022)

V. DOMAIN 5. Assessment and Reporting

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

By this time, the making of our own e-portfolio was introduced to us by our STE. Therefore, we are going to make
our own e-portfolio as one of his requirements also. Inside the e-portfolio was a various documents or files that is
needed to be upload once done. And that one of it is the making of table of specification that was part by the
making of Assessment plan.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In order to learn from it. In order to make it, it’s either to watch some videos related to it or watch for the STE to
discuss it. For we all know, that there is no such as specific terms and conditions in making the TOS, but rather the
ideas may differ depends to the author of the article or a video tutorial.

C. Insights

By this time, there are some context that I need to learn for some of them was unfamiliar and was forgotten.

D. Reflections

Assessment and reporting is kind of difficult. For its not that easy in making nor formative and summative
assessment. It needs a thorough discussion on how to make it. It should be understandable and should be concise.
That is why, TOS is kind of helpful in determining if it will be successful or not. For I learned before, that, making
such items is not that copy-paste but rather, should be specific but logically made.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 3 (November 14-18, 2022)

VI. DOMAIN 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

I don’t have any problem/s encountered by this time.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

No problem/s to deal with.

C. Insights

The interactions between parents and teacher-interns was just limited and that the experiences of meeting them
might be impossible.

D. Reflections

Community linkages is a bit impossible for there is a limited interactions outside school premises and that there
was a low expectations that we could experience meeting the students’ parents. As for professional engagement, I
could say that, working with a public teacher is a part of it. Since I was engaged in interacting a public teacher
wherein I learned some new things.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with maximum supervision

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 3 (November 14-18, 2022)

VII. DOMAIN 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

As for this one, I did not attended to the first seminar that was held at HRDC gym. But of course, I do have an
experiences that molds me personally and gives me development professionally.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

I should never be absent for the next seminar.

C. Insights

It is essential for us interns to learned something from our STE as well as from other professional. For they are a big
help for us to be more enthusiastic and that to be more professional for the near future.

D. Reflections

My interaction with a public teacher is somewhat helpful because I learned something from her, from them. Just by
observing their movement as well as by listening to them, I gained something that molds my personality and that I
believe, this interactions might help me in the future.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 4 (November 21-25, 2022)

I. DOMAIN 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Upon receiving the topic, I somewhat did not understand it. For the scope focuses on Republic Acts, and that it was
too wordy for me.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In order to understand it, I have to read the topic, and created a summary out of it. As well as, search for further
information related to it.

C. Insights

For the first time, I received such a long context that consist of laws. Its kind of disturbing for me, for I am no longer
into reading. And that just by looking at it, gives me a headache.

D. Reflections

The content itself was unsatisfying for me, for all I can see are words and numbers. To be honest, just like others, I
am visually knowledgeable. Thus, it easy for me to understand the contexr if there are some pictures on it. It makes
me motivated to read the context. But of course, I am a future educator. Thus, I have no right to complain nor to
object beyond my capacity for it is part of being a teacher. And that I should be fully aware and should be reminded
that I am a future educator. Thus, understanding, accepting such topic is part of my training and that it is related to
my major.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 4 (November 21-25, 2022)

II. DOMAIN 2. Learning Environment

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

We we’re able to see or explore our STE’s classroom advisory. And for the first time its kind of messy because of
the students.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Disregarding the thought of being messy. I was amazed at the same time. The decorations are organized. And that I
witnessed the sudden change of the environment.

C. Insights

My perception with regards to the classroom, it was a bit messy but organized. When I say messy, I am not talking
with the decorations but the one using it

D. Reflections

My ideal learning environment is that, the classroom contains some objects that can be used by the students
during their leisure time. Something that might motivates them to learn and to listen. Simple, yet elegant to look
at. And that, friendly in the eyes of others. Decorated with things that are catchy yet, not distractive.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 4 (November 21-25, 2022)

III. DOMAIN 3. Diversity of Learners

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

We we’re able to meet our students for the second shift. We meet the half of the class. Students that are assigned
to report in the school, every afternoon. But I observed, from the time we entered, the students are noisy,
eventhough we ate there to observed them. They couldn’t control their actions and voices.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Instead of watching them, we talked to one of the students. Asking some questions related to them.

C. Insights

By the look of the students, I saw the enjoyment through their actions. But, its kind of too much. The behavior they
possessed that time, was unacceptable, they saw us, but they did not quite down even just a liitle bet. Acceptable,
in terms of the situation that the class hour was reduce to 40 minutes, if I’m not mistaken. Atleast they should pay
respect for just a minute.

D. Reflections

We we’re able to meet the Grade 10 students but in a wrong time but in a right scenario. Because we determined
those students who are active in class and who are not. By simply, gathering information from one of the students.
The Grade 10 students, as per observation, the students are somewhat different from each other. Some are noisy.
Some are busy with something. Some are just quite in the corner. But of course, it will be better, if we observed the
class with a proper time and with a teacher involve.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 4 (November 21-25, 2022)

IV. DOMAIN 4. Curriculum and Planning

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The creating of lesson plan. The format was Semi-deatiled, unlike with the first shift. Though they are not the same,
still its not that easy to make an activities that might align to our topic.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Collaborative thinking was applied .

C. Insights

The making of lesson plan is not new to us for from the first year upto the present, still it was advised to make. As
what I’ve said earlier, the content itself was not that easy.

D. Reflections

The making of lesson plan is part of the curriculum and planning, for it determine the scope of the topic as well as
our capacity to make one. It should be collaboratively made and that it should be less wordy. The other parts was
already given, but its difficult when it comes to the making of activities.


TIP Supervisor:

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 4 (November 21-25, 2022)

V. DOMAIN 5. Assessment and Reporting

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The making of pagtataya, is not that difficult for it was already given in the lesson proper. And that, the
instructions, was created in specific and easily understandable.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

No problem/s to deal with.

C. Insights

As time goes by, creating lesson plan is already part of our lives as a future educator. And that in future, it will
never be a hindrance to us, to make one. Not by group but individually.

D. Reflections

The making of lesson plan up to the actual discussion, is somewhat different. The making, involves cooperating
while reporting involves confidence. The execution of the lesson might be that difficult for it requires confidence.
Mastery of the lesson. It should be delivered properly to make it more easy to understand.


TIP Supervisor:

A The
ct Practicum
ivi er as
: R
T Second
er Term/
Week 4
m (Novemb
er 21-25,
/ 2022)



VI Communi
. Linkages
D Professio
O Engagem

N 6.

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

It was nice to see that the students enjoys one of the activity conducted inside LNU. It was there scouting. We
watched and assist them for the meantime.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

No problem/s to deal with.

C. Insights

It was interesting to watch on how both the teacher and his students enjoys the activity. Therefore, its not boring.
Rather its enjoyable.

D. Reflections

Community linkages and professiona engagement does not deal with meeting the parents but rather, seeing on
how the students enjoys a certain activity. Not just the students but also us interns. It’s a kind of achievement for
us to assessed the students during the scouting.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 4 (November 21-25, 2022)

VII. DOMAIN 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

From time to time I encountered new things as well as learned something from it.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

There is no problem/s to deal with.

C. Insights

In my own point of view, I was amazed by myself that I could finally interact with other people. Thus, I am no
longer, isolating myself just to avoid the crowd.

D. Reflections

From my 24 years of existence, this is just a time for me to interact with a certain individuals. Before I was afraid to
speak in the crowd, but now I can finally talk to them, without stuttering nor talking like rapping. This internship
somewhat gives me the liberty to explore the world of teaching.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 1 (November 28-December 2, 2022)

I. DOMAIN 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

During my online demo teaching, I encountered such a big dilemma, for I couldn’t open the link for the google
meet. It is because, I am using my personal account, wherein it should be the institutional account in order to enter
the msin room snd the room assigned to us. The main reason, why I couldn’t use my institutional account is that I I
forgot its password.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In order for me to teach, I decided to borrowed my friend’s institutional account. Not caring, if the account I was
using, was owned by my male friend.

C. Insights

By this time, being resourceful is a must. Especially that we are bound to conduct an online class. By the situation I
encountered, I was able to used my intellectuality in order for me to survived the an hour online class. Though, we
started late, at the end it was successful.

D. Reflections

For a small span of time I was able to conduct my online discussion to the Grade 10 class. It was a bit terrifying, for I
almost lost hope, but the fact that my students enjoyed the lesson and some are participating. This serves as my
token, in delivering the discussion properly.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 1 (November 28-December 2, 2022)

II. DOMAIN 2. Learning Environment

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Using a google meet was a problem for me. For I don’t know how to record the whole session. One of my
groupmates suggested about using an application that was very applicable for recording, but it was useless for me.
It takes time before learning its function.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Since, I have three laptop with me. One from my friend, the other one was owned by my cousin, and for the last
one, was owned by the teacher whom I worked as secretary. I make use of the three. I used my friend’s laptop for
the proper discussion. I used my cousin’s laptop for entering the google meet. And I use the other one, for the
recording of the whole session.

C. Insights

As to my perception, we interns should be initiative in terms of the situation that I have encountered during our
online demo teaching. It was not easy, but yet I survived an was able to finish the whole session.

D. Reflections

The learning environment was inappropriate for me. For the first time, I have encountered such a hectic dilemma.
And that, it shows that I lacked in having such a 21 st Century Skills that a teacher must posses, in which Computer
literate. The situation, awakens my adrenaline to posses such skills. Though I was not able to used the recording
using google meet. I was glad by that time, I was lucky enough to have three lapyops that helps me survived.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 1 (November 28-December 2, 2022)

III. DOMAIN 3. Diversity of Learners

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The silent treatment of the students during greetings and attendance checking are my problems during our online
demo teaching. And the tardiness of others.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In dealing with these problems. I say the greetings twice, as well as calling their names. They used the chat box to

C. Insights

ts already given, if the discussion was conducted online, there will be a major problem to deal with. Thus, as a
future educator. Patience is the key.

D. Reflections

There’s a big difference that existed upon the personalities of the students during online compares on what I’ve
observed onsite. They are active onsite, but not too much during the online session. I have to repeat the greetings
twice. I have to call their names twice, and sometimes three times, hoping that they could respond just a simple
“I”. I didn’t know of what they are doing beyond the screen. Are they listening or just simply listening but not
responding. It somewhat bothers me, as a future educator. Then, there was a sudden changed og ambiance during
the activities. I was glad that some of them are participative and asked questions when they are not clear with
something. It somewhat change my perspective that, they are just playful onsite, but active during discussion
whether its online or onsite.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 1 (November 28-December 2, 2022)

IV. DOMAIN 4. Curriculum Planning

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Honestly speaking. When it comes to mastery of the topic, I wasn’t able to mastered it, specifically the new
information included.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In order for me to delivered the discussion properly, I make a somewhat script, that contains the key points of the
topic. I read the key points then elaborate.

C. Insights

It was my mistake this time, the habit of making a key points bothers me. It will be a mannerism for me in the
future. That instead of mastering the topic, I might use my lack on the script.

D. Reflections

One of the habit of mine before making discussion, I used to make a script that contains the whole topic, then
make another one for the key points and make another one for the searched information. I do this to fully
understand the topic. And at the same time, I was born to have a short-term memory. I easily forgot things when
its not vivid. Through this, is a way to conduct a plan before the discussion. Its either, I am going to deliver it
without the key points or the other way around.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 1 (November 28-December 2, 2022)

V. DOMAIN 5. Assessment and Reporting

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

In taking the Pagtataya part, I need to repeat every slides in order for them to take the quiz with a complete items.
Though they are just few, they we’re able to take the quiz. And I instructed them to transferred it to a clean paper
for I am going to collect it on Monday.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

So far there is no problem/s to deal with. The session was a bit messy because of the unstable internet
connectivity. Still I was able to finish the session.

C. Insights

I reemebered that, if I have to let the students take the quiz, it should be read just twice. No following numbers to
be read about. Because the instances, it is somewhat a cheat. I forgot the names who told us about this one. But of
course, its me and the students are willing to finish the students without a missing number of items. It should be
complete. Disregarding the fact that the scores may be perfect or not.

D. Reflections

Assessment and reporting, as of during the online session was oddly satisfying. The reporting was delivered by me
with ease and that it was understood by the students. Assessment on the other hand, which is the quiz, was also
satisfying, for the students complied. The students took the quiz and that they were able to finish it.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 1 (November 28-December 2, 2022)

VI. DOMAIN 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

It was indeed a satisfying experience. Since that we have encountered the students’ parents/guardian during the
distribution of their report cards. And at the same time, we experienced conducting an awarding ceremony for
each students.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

No problem/s to deal with.

C. Insights

The day was worth it. Because, we came to meet the parents. We tend to witness an awarding ceremony, which
did not happen before. I could say that, second shift has a lot of experiences.

D. Reflections

We indeed came to the point of meeting the students’ parents. As well as witnessing their children’s achievement
towards the first quarter. It was a great opportunity to us interns. And that it was a great experience too.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 1 (November 28-December 2, 2022)

VII. DOMAIN 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

Throughout this week, I witnessed myself changing. Actually, the problem to me is that I am not that okay when it
comes to building a relationship with others. I somewhat isolate myself and then, forget everything.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Well, I am very much thankful that I meet some friends. They are few but true. They help me throughout this
internship. They help me grow.

C. Insights

My perception towards this domain is that, its way better to have someone with you. They help me through ups
and down. They also helps me perceive the world on the other meaning of it.

D. Reflections

Interactions serves as a foundation in building a relationship with others. Myself alone is not
enough, thus, I knew from the very start that I need friends. I need someone where I can rely on, if I
am at my downfall. I need someone who can support me throughout my journey. And that God, gives
me individuals who support me, as well as striving to be successful in the future.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as PARTICIPANT

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 2 (December 5-9, 2022)

I. DOMAIN 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

We crafted a reviewer for the students. Since the examination period is fast approaching.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

There is no problem to deal with.

C. Insights

For this week, the insight that I garnered is that, as teachers we need to help our students at any cost. Thus,
making them a reviewer to study with. And that they can fully understand all the lesson.

D. Reflections

I remembered when I was in high school, even now in college, when the exam week is approaching, I tend
to ask our teachers, together with my classmates about the PowerPoint of the lesson or the handouts itself
for the review. Me, being that slow-witted student, I need to search for more information about the topic for
better understanding. And that I also read my notes with it. I also sometimes, summarize everything for easy
memorization. But I remembered, that it is easy to understand the lesson by reading it 10 times, writing it 10
times, and reciting it 10 times to fully understand the concepts.


TIP Supervisor:

m/ Week 2 (December 5-9, 2022)
II. DOMAIN 2. Learning Environment

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The classroom was neat and clean, even though there are certain individuals crowding it.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

There is no problem to deal with.

C. Insights

It is nice to see if the learning environment is not dirty or messy. Thus, the Grade 10 showed me that they
are responsible of making their classroom tidy even though they are sometimes playful inside the classroom.

D. Reflections

It is very important to keep the learning environment clean. By this, the students will motivate to listen for
there is no distractions, such as, trash everywhere. Improper trash segregation. Dirty green board or white
board. Or else, the students might be contaminated with various sickness, such as allergies because of the
dust or anything else that might distract the students.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as PARTICIPANT

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 2 (December 5-9, 2022)

III. DOMAIN 3. Diversity of Learners

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

There was a certain problem when it comes to the students I handled during my online demo teaching. They
became irresponsible in passing their quiz to me, and even to my groupmates.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Our STE, helps us in contacting them by giving him the names of those who did not submitted their quiz yet,
as well as those students who was absent during that day.

C. Insights

What I realized throughout this week is that, I should also be responsible as their teacher. I should just
collect their papers during the demo day, but of course, I make it that way, in order for the others to have a
chance to take the quiz. And I am very much disappointed with myself, I am feeling down, I am not effective
as before.

D. Reflections

As an intern teacher, it is my responsibility to look for my students, if anyone who still left behind. It is the
responsibility of a teacher to give a proper instructions and that, it is my responsibility to give such
instructions, so that everyone who was present during my demo, do their part. But instead both the teacher
and the students commits mistakes.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as PARTICIPANT

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 2 (December 5-9, 2022)

III. DOMAIN 4. Curriculum and Planning

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

We crafted a questionnaire for the upcoming exam. Its not easy by the way.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In order for us not to be bombarded, we created it by group presentation, then revising it as a whole.

C. Insights

I thought that creating questionnaire is just easy. For that, you could take the questions out of the topic in the
book but rather, it should be based in Blooms Taxonomy and that should be specific.

D. Reflections

Curriculum and planning took place when the test questionnaire was about to be whole. Curriculum in a
sense wherein we gathered all the “Pagtataya” part in our respective PowerPoint presentation and planning
took place in a sense wherein we think of which among the items should be included and test items should
be disregarded. Its kind of tricky, since from what I’ve heard from Sir that do not based on what we have
read from the books or don’t take the question based on its definition but rather, take it from what we
understand and in situational scenario wherein student could think critically and logically.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as PARTICIPANT

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 2 (December 5-9, 2022)

V. DOMAIN 5. Assessment and Reporting

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The making of Assessment Plan gives us a problem. Such as making of TOS. I forgot the formula that
should be used in the making of TOS for I only used my palm as a paper.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Well, it was thanks to my classmates that they know the formula and that the making of TOS will be at ease

C. Insights

The making of Assessment Plan needs a collaborative teamwork, for its kind of many. So in order for it to
finish the groups per grade level, work hand in hand to finish it.

D. Reflections

Assessment and Reporting took place when the groups work hand in hand in creating the Assessment Plan.
Each group think of a way in order to make it simple and not bombarded. After working in each designated
parts, the group reports to each assigned parts in order to finalize the Assessment Plan. This will not be
successful without the effort of each group. Thus, it needs a full effort to finish one thing.


TIP Supervisor:

m/ Week 2 (December 5-9, 2022)
VI. DOMAIN 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

I observed one of my classmates on site demo teaching and at the same time meeting new students from a
different grade level. This classmate of ours, conducted her demo teaching on grade 8 class. And that we
observed that some of the students are not listening to her. They are just playing around, making noises at
the same time.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

In order to stopped them, our classmate, get their attention by telling them to listen and to respect her as
their teacher.

C. Insights

What I garnered to this week is that, don’t let your students control you by just letting them making
unnecessary noises but rather discipline them in a gentle way but with an authority.

D. Reflections

The information aforementioned above might be not that related to this domain but I am going to explain it to
you as to why it is part of community linkages and professional engagement. Community linkages in a sense
wherein I imagined grade 8 students as a new community because of the reason that I just met them for the
first time. And that they are entirely different from the other grade level. Professional engagement in a sense
wherein I together with my other classmates observed one of our classmates’ demonstration teaching and
that we get something from her. Something that we can do in the future.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as PARTICIPANT

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 2 (December 5-9, 2022)

VII. DOMAIN 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

For once I experienced of becoming a teacher. I conducted a lesson, make the students take the quiz and
checked their papers. But the existence of their activities became the problem, for not all of my students I
handled during the online class took the quiz. I need to remind those students who did not take the quiz to
take it, unfortunately, there’s no one who submitted yet.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

The students are testing my patience. I have to remind myself that half of the dilemma is my fault, and that I
need to make efforts to remind them about the quiz and that telling them to take it seriously.

C. Insights

What I learned from this week that aligned to this domain is that, I learned how to control my temper against
the situation that I am dealing right now.

D. Reflections

In order to be an effective teacher I should be patience and work with perseverance. I should act as a
teacher. I should not just be irresponsible and that blame my students about something else. In order to
solve the problem I should reach out to someone who has contact to them. Aside form froom our STE, I
should also learn to ask help from my friends and classmates.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as OBSERVER

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 7 (December 12-16 2022)

IV. DOMAIN 4. Curriculum Planning

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

The dilemma this time is the making of E-Portfolio in which the deadline is too tight. There are some parts of
the portfolio with a lacking contents for we did not receive anything yet.

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

Though we complain a lot, still we work on it just to finish.

C. Insights

What I learned from this week is that though there are lots of things to do, still we managed to enjoy
everything as the internship comes to an end.

D. Reflections

Curriculum and Planning in terms of E-Portfolio is not easy. It has too many things to put inside it. And that
the problem is that, there are some lacking documents that needs to be included in the e-portfolio and yet,
there’s still no update about these documents. So instead of waiting for these lacking documents, I together
with my groupmates, we decided to make a daily plan for the e-portfolio. One of our members created a list
wherein we used it as a guide in making the e-portfolio. By following the list, serves as an easy steps in
finishing the PPST Domains on time. Her strategy makes the work easy and done.


TIP Supervisor:

Activity: The Practicumer as TEACHER INTERN with minimum supervision

Term/ Date: Second Shifting Term/ Week 4 (December 5-9, 2022)

VII. DOMAIN 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

A. Experiences and Problem/s Encountered

It’s been a memorable internship for us Interns. Though we didn’t experienced such being deployed outside
the campus, our STE’S, specifically for the second shift gives us a chance on how really to become a
teacher. He molded us by experiencing such work, not just to work by group but rather to work

B. Dealings with the Problem/s

There is no problem to deal with.

C. Insights

So far, I could say that our internship is not a waste. Thus, experiencing such things is a great opportunity to
us interns. It molds us physically and mentally.

D. Reflections

As the internship ends, I learned a lot of things throughout the months of it. I make friends. Becoming one of
their companion throughout the days, weeks and months, I could say that I grow with them. They helped me
boost my confidence when I am on my downfall. They supported me through the internship and that they
serves as my foundation, we serve the group that we belong as a foundation for making it until the end.
Furthermore, there are lot of things that I learned from our STE. He never live us behind through conducting
activities. He guided us throughout the second shift without hesitations. We may be worked independently
from the tasked he gave, still he was there to guide us on what to do. He was there to answer our queries
and that he cheer us up. One thing that I learned from him is that don’t be afraid on trying, because you will
never know of what will be the feeling of failure nor a feeling of becoming successful in achieving one’s goal.
And lastly, life is not raise to become successful, thus, wait for the right time. Wait for that moment of yours
wherein you achieve your goal in life.
(Summary, Insight
and Reflection)
See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at:

Social Studies plays a crucial role to both teachers and students.
In order for it to be effective, teachers need to use various
methods. Thus, teaching methods to create a meaningful Social
Studies instruction. Teaching is a process wherein interaction
take place. This is where, learning influence one person. In
order to be effective, a teacher of Social Studies has to be a
source of information, a guide, an organizer of influence
wherein the students learn and acquire critical thinking skills.
Thus, the following teaching methods can help mold the
a) Simulation Method- a simplified model of a real-world
situation. It is usually used for teaching concepts and
principles that are not easily observable such as
theoretical concept.
b) Laboratory Method- in Social Studies it involves the
employment of source materials, supplementary
references, mechanical devices, and many other life-like
c) Inquiry Method- or discovery method encourages
divergent thinking, allows students to find out information
by themselves and it generates students' enthusiasm at
examining issues logically
d) Project Method- involves doing concrete things and it is
e) Demonstrations- are the repetition of series of planned
actions designed to illustrate certain phenomena.
f) Question and Answer Method- is a common teaching
method used by teachers. The teacher in this method asks
a question and then recognizes one student who answers
the question.
g) Field-Trips- s involve journey with the pupils to observe
and investigate situations outside the classroom. Many of
such expeditions might go no further than the school
corridor, the school building or playgrounds. Within the
school itself the teacher may find illustrative examples,
for. his students.
h) Discussion Method- d refers to student - to - student talk
with occasional intervention by the teacher. The method
involves the use of small group of students where each
group will have a leader who initiates the discussion of the
issue or subject matter.
i) Lecture Method- s the most commonly used mode by the
teachers. This expects the students to quietly sit and listen
to the talk about the subject matter. And etc.
What I have perceived upon reading this article is that, there
are too many ways or methods that can be use in teaching
Social Studies. But of course, it is rather be better if not the
best to create one’s method in teaching that can be highly
effective to both teacher and student. It is one’s uniqueness to
think a strategies on how to deliver such course without
Social Studies or Araling Panlipunan to be exact is still believed
as the boring subject of them all. And that, it difficult to
understand some of the concept as well as the use of language
which is Filipino that serves as the medium in teaching.
Nowadays, we could observe that most of the children in
school speaks English rather than their native tongue or the
Filipino. That is why, language barrier is one of the problem in
teaching Social Studies or Araling Panlipunan. Given by the
situation, teacher should think some strategies aside from the
aforementioned above in order to get the interests of the
students to listen and to perceive one’s goal as a Filipino


See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at:

Tony Docan-Morgan’s article talks about the benefits and the
necessary effects of public speaking ti us, college students. In
his introduction, learning to be effective, ethical public speaker
is one of the most empowering, rewarding educational goals
you can set for yourself. That even the best ideas became
worthless and nonsense and even receive no credit if they
cannot be shared effectively with others. Acquiring such skills
for effective oral public communication became the central to
becoming an educated person from ancient times up to the
present. Being able to speak clearly and succinctly, to
effectively inform and persuade others and to move people to
action are the absolute necessities for professionals in a wide
ray of fields. This includes, law, banking and finance,
counseling, teaching and etc. Thus, the paper also gives ten
benefits why study public speaking:
a) To succeed in college
b) To get hired and advance in your career
c) To strengthen critical thinking skills
d) To reduce speaking anxiety and increase self-confidence
e) To deliver your message as effectively as possible.
f) To listen more intently and effectively
g) To provide more useful feedback to others
h) To take an audience-oriented perspective
i) To excite and engage people
j) Last and most crucially, to empower yourself to be a

Having the courage in delivering speech or discussion is part of
the public speaking that is one of the necessity in teaching. As a
future educator, one must have the confidence to speak and to
deliver concise and precise concept in teaching. One must have
the capability to teach in order to be an effective teacher.
Public speaking creates a crucial role to us future educator. One
must possess a capability to speak in front of the crowd or the
student. One must possess a courage to deliver a speech
without struggles. Thus, delivering a speech with confidence
but not over confident. In order to be an effective teacher, in
order to be effective in teaching, an individual must know how
to control thy self. How to control the situation if ever
circumstances comes in. Thus, in the future, hopefully, every
individual can conquer one self’s trauma in public speaking.

As a child and as a dreamer, I dreamed to become a lawyer or an

architect someday. But I came to my senses as I grew up that in order
an individual to become a lawyer or an architect one must have a
teacher. And that I decided to become one. I decided to take up
Education to mold a student in order to become professional someday. I
don’t want to be just a defender, seeking for justice nor a building
designer but rather I want to be a stepping stone of every child in the
world to become what they want as they grow up. Thus, my teaching
philosophy, is through a quote made by yours truly, “Teaching is not all
about talk and talk but rather teaching is all about giving everything.
Such as, interaction, experiences and the outcomes in every experiences
that a child could ever experience in the end.”

My perception about teaching was taken in one of the philosophical

thought which is Constructivism, specifically, Social Constructivism that
is according to John Dewey. As a future educator I believe that learners
should learn not just by listening and writing but also in interaction and
reenacting every situation that may apply in the real life situation. Thus,
I want them to bring in the real world wherein, bringing them into the
world of life. Letting them meet new people, letting them adapt to a
new environment. I want them to learn from what they observed and
letting them reflect from what they have experience from the outside

Teaching is facilitated through interactive engagement, dialogical

exchange, manipulating objects, conducting research, hypothesizing
and exploring imagination. I want them to be the best version of
themselves wherein they can work independently and that they can
also seek help if something is wrong nor right.

To sum it up, as a future educator, I will let my students explore of their

own with me as I scaffold them throughout their journey. And as a
teacher in the future, it is my duty and responsibility to facilitate, to
guide them throughout their success.

Teaching Internship Application Form

Name of Teacher-Intern: MONTILLA RONALYN N/A

Last Name First Name Middle Name

Degree Program: Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major/Specialization: Social Studies Sex: Female Age: 24 years old Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino Religion: Roman Catholic Health Problem: __________________

Date of Birth: June 3, 1998 Place of Birth: Mandaluyong City, Manila

Home Address: Zone 2-A, Brgy. Mohon, Tanauan, Leyte

Contact Numbers: 09488580958

Email Address:

Educational Background:

Name of School Location Date Honors Received


Elementary: Mohon Elemementary School Brgy. Mohon, Tan. Leyte None

High School: St. Mary’s Academy of Palo Sta. Cruz, Palo, Leyte 2017-2018 With Honors

Parent/Guardian’s Name: Virgilio Dante Radaza

ParentGuardian’s Occupation: Soft broom maker

Parent/Guardian’s Address: Zone 2-A, Brgy. Mohon, Tanauan,Leyte

Parents Contact Numbers: 09631940154

Husband/Wife’s Name (If married) N/A

Husband/Wife’s Occupation: N/A Number of Children: N/A

Person to Contact in case of emergency: Jave J. Radaza

Contact Numbers: 09668334970

Special Skills and Talents: I used to love writing poems and drawing

Signature over Printed Name of Teacher-Intern
Recommending Approval:

Supervisor, BEEd/BSEd Teaching Internship Supervisor
Coordinator, SIPP and SIAP

Action Taken:

[ ] Approved
[ ] Disapproved

Dean, College of Education

Gurong Nagsasanay: Arceno, Arian Joy M. Gurong Tagapangasiwa: Gng. Roxanne

O. Embog
Arica, Bianca Joy
A. Atay, Mark
Jesse P.
Bagulaya, Kyle
Sairen G. Bertis,
Mark Niel R.
Catenza, Hillary
Shane M.
Jonathan P.
Gamba, Regien

Gebe, Ralph Lauren

G. Gerilla, Nicole L.
Makabenta, Ralph
Jansen P. Montilla,

Nogar, Klodine C.

A. Pamantayang Pangnilalaman
Ang mga mag-aaral ay may pag-unawa sa mga pangunahing konsepto
ng Ekonomiks bilang batayan ng matalino at maunlad na pang-araw-
araw na pamumuhay.

B. Pamantayan sa Pagganap
Ang mga mag-aaral ay naisasabuhay ang pag-unawa sa mga
pangunahing konsepto ng Ekonomiks bilang batayan ng matalino at
maunlad na pang- araw-araw na pamumuhay.
C. Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
1. Nasusuri ang kaugnayan ng alokasyon sa kakapusan at
pangangailangan at kagustuhan (AP9MKE-If-12)
2. Napahahalagahan ang paggawa ng tamang desisyon upang matugunan
ang pangangailangan (AP9MKE-If-13)
3. Nasusuri ang mekanismo ng alokasyon sa iba’t-ibang sistemang pang-
ekonomiya bilang sagot sa kakapusan (AP9MKE-Ig-14)
4. Naipaliliwanag ang konsepto ng pagkonsumo (AP9MKE-Ig-15)
5. Nasusuri ang mga salik na nakakaapekto sa pagkonsumo (AP9MKE-Ih-16)
6. Naipamamalas ang talino sa pagkonsumo sa pamamagitan ng paggamit
ng pamantayan sa pamimili (AP9MKE-Ih-17)
A. Aralin
1. Aralin 4: Alokasyon
2. Aralin 5: Pagkonsumo
B. Mga Kagamitan
1. Laptop at Telebisyon
2. Flash cards
3. Pisara
4. Mga larawan
C. Sanggunian
1. Libro - Alokasyon at Pagkonsumo: Ekonomiks, Araling Panlipunan
Modyul para sa Mag-aaral Pahina 50-57, 60-69
II. Pamamaraan

Gawaing Guro Gawaing Mag-aaral

Magandang umaga/hapon, sa inyong lahat! Magandang umaga/hapon po, mga

Kumusta kayo? Mabuti naman po.

Mabuti naman kung ganon.

Ako nga pala si Binibining/Ginoong at kasama

ko ang kapwa ko gurong nagsasanay sa kursong
BSED major in Social Studies.

(Ang bawat gurong nagsasanay ay isa-isang


Bago tayo magsimula, tayo ay manalangin muna.

(Prayer) Amen.

Maaari nang magsi-upo ang lahat. Maraming salamat po, Binibini.

May mga liban ba sa klase ngayong araw? Wala po.


(Kakapusan at Pangangailangan)
Noong nakaraang Linggo, tinalakay natin ang
konsepto ng kakapusan at pangangailangan.

Batay sa naging talakayan, ano ang kakapusan? Ano- Ang kakapusan ay kakulangan sa
ano naman ang ating pangangailangan? pinagkukunan ng likas yaman.

Kabilang po sa ating
pangangailangan ang damit,
pagkain, pera, at tirahan.
A. Pagsisimula ng Bagong Aralin

Bago ang pormal na talakayan, mayroon akong
sitwasyon na ibibigay. Basahin ito nang tahimik.
Bibigyan ko lamang kayo ng isang minuto.

Si Mang Ramil ay isang mangingisda. Sa isang buwan,
umaabot lamang ng sampung libo ang kanyang kinikita.
Bilang padre de pamilya, pinag-aaral niya ang
dalawang anak sa kolehiyo. Bukod dito, kailangan din
niyang matugunan ang iba pang pangangailangan ng
pamilya gaya na lamang ng pagkain, tubig at bayarin sa

Batay sa inyong nabasa, ano ang inyong napansin

Base sa aking napansin, hindi po
sa sitwasyon ni Mang Ramil? (tatawag ng estudyante)
sapat ang kanyang kinikita.


Batay sa nabasang sitwasyon, ano ang dapat gawin ni

Mang Ramil upang mapagkasya niya ang kaniyang
Matalinong pag-aalokasyon
Matalinong pagkonsumo

Ano-ano ang mga katangian ng matalinong pag-

1. Nililista ang mga bagay na
dapat bilhin tas tinitingnan kung
alin ang mas importante at dapat

2. Pagbabadyet
Ano-ano naman ang mga katangian ng matalinong
1. Pumipili ng mura at may
dekalidad na produkto at serbisyo.

2. Inuunang bilhin ang mga

pangunahing pangangailangan

Base sa mga nabanggit na mga katangian ng isang Ang alokasyon ay ang

matalinong pag-aalokasyon, ano ang ibig sabihin ng pamamahagi ng mga
alokasyon? pinagkukunang-yaman sa iba’t
ibang gamit upang matugunan ang
pangunahing suliranin ng

Base sa mga nabanggit na mga katangian ng isang Ang pagkonsumo ay ang pagtugon
matalinong pagkonsumo, ano ang ibig sabigin ng sa pangangailangan at kagustuhan
pagkonsumo? ng tao. Ito ang pagbili at paggamit
ng produkto o serbisyo.

Ang salitang alokasyon at pagkonsumo ay ilan lamang
sa mahahalagang paksa na pag-uusapan natin sa araw
na ito.
B. Pagtalakay sa Aralin

Magkakaroon tayo ngayon ng isang laro na tatawagin



Panuto: Pag-aralan nang mabuti ang mga larawan.
Tukuyin ang tamang salitang ipinapakita nito.
Piliin sa kahon ang angkop na kataga. Bibigyan
lamang kayo ng limang (5) segundo bawat larawan.

Tradisyonal Pagmamando
Pamilihan Magkahalo



Tradisyonal Pagmamando
Pamilihan Magkahalo

Tradisyonal Pagmamando
Pamilihan Magkahalo


Batay sa mga larawang sinuri, ano sa palagay niyo
ang inilalarawan ng mga ito? Ito ay mga sistemang pang-

Magaling! Ano ang gamit ng isang sistema sa ating

ekonomiya? Ang gamit ng sistema sa ating
ekonomiya ay upang makatugon
sa suliraning pangkabuhayan sa
Tama! isang lipunan.
Isa-isahin ang mga uri ng sistemang pang-
ekonomiya. Simulan natin sa unang grupo ng mga

Sa iyong palagay, ano ang sistemang pagmamando?

Ang pamahalaan ang
nagdedesisyon kung ano ang
mga pangangailangan ng
lipunan. Ito ay may ganap na
kapangyarihan na gamitin nang
husto ang mga sangkap ng
produksiyon tulad ng lupa,
kapital, at paggawa upang
makamit ang mga layuning

Base sa sistemang ekonomiya na pagmamando,

paano nila ipinapakita ang pag-aalokasyon?

Batay sa larawan, ano ang ipinapakita ng isang Kadalasan, ang namumuno sa

ekonomiya na may sistemang tradisyonal? sistemang ito ay ang
pinakamatandang miyembro ng
lipunan o grupo. Umiikot ang
produksiyon sa mga
pangunahing pangangailangan
ng tao, tulad ng pagkain, damit,
at tirahan. Ang proseso na
ginagamit sa paggawa ay batay
samga kinaugaliang
pamamaraan na hango sa mga

Paano isinasagawa ang proseso ng alokasyon sa

sistemang ito?

Sa tingin mo, ano ang ibig sabihin ng pamilihan? Bukod dito, ang kalakal ay
kumikilos alinsunod sa interes
ng konsyumer at prodyuser na
nagaganap sa malayang
Magaling! pamilihan.
Sa iyong palagay, paano nagaganap ang
pamamahagi ng likas na yaman sa isang sistemang
malayang pamilihan?

At sa panghuling larawan naman, ano ang

ipinapakita ng isang sistemang magkahalo?
Ang sistemang magkahalo ay
ang pinagsamang sistemang
pamiligan at pagmamando. Sa
sistemang ito, hinahayaan ang
malayang pagkilos ng
konsyumer at prodyuser sa
pamilihan. Subalit, maaaring
manghimasok ang pamahalaan
sa presyo o dami ng produksiyon
kung ito ay tinatayang mas
makabubuti sa lipunan.
Tama ang iyong sagot!

Sa paanong paraan ipinapakita ang pamamahagi

base sa sistemang ito?
Sa sistemang magkahalo,
hinahayaan o pinapahintulutan
din na magkaroon ng pribadong
pagpapasya ang Isang
indibidwal o kompanya ngunit
karamihan parin ng mga
ginagawang desisyon dito ay
ginagabayan ng pamahalaan.
Kung kaya't ang pamamahagi
ng mga likas na
yaman ay may sapat parin na
patnubay ng pamahalaan na dapat
sundin ng isang pribadong sektor.

Ang apat na sistemang pang-

Kahanga-hanga! Tama lahat ang inyong mga ekonomita ay tradisyonal,
sagot. Ano nga ulit ang apat na sistemang pang- pagmamando, pamilihan, at
ekonomiya? magkahalo

“Anong produkto ang dapat

Magaling! Sa ekonomiks, may mga pangunahing
likhain?; Paano ito lilikhain? ;
katanungan na dapat tugunan ng ating pamahalaan.
Para kanino ito lilikhain?”
Ano-ano ulit ang mga katanungang ito?

Ang mga katanungang ito ay masasgot sa Ang sistemang pang- ekonomiya ay

pamamagitan ng sistemang pang-ekonomiya. Sa paraan nang pagsasaayos ng iba’t
paanong paraan makatutulong ang sistemang ibang yunit upang makatugon sa
pangekonomiya sa ating lipunan? suliraning pangkabuhayan ng isang

Ang pangangailangan ng tao ay

Ano ang kaugnayan ng alokasyon, kakapusan, at
walang hangganan. Subalit, ang

ay limitado lamang. Dahil dito,

nagkakaroon tayo ng suliranin
sa kakapusan. Upang
masolusyonan ang problemang
ito ay kinakailangan na
magkaroon tayo ng matalinong
pamamaraan at pagdedesisyon
sa paggamit ng ating likas na
yaman at ang hakbang na ito ay
tinatawag na alokasyon

Bilang isang mag-aaral na maraming Sa pamamagitan ng tamang

pangangailangan, sa paanong paraan mo pagdedesiyon tulad ng pagpili at
ipinagkakasya ang iyong allowance? pagbili ng mga pangunahing

Ating binigyang-diin sa gawaing ito ang konsepto

ng alokasyon sa ilalim ng iba’t ibang sistemang
pang-ekonomiya upang matiyak na mabisa at
maayos ang alokasyon ng mga pinagkukunang-

Malinaw na ba ang lahat?

Magpapakita ang guro ng flashcard na
may salitang PAGKONSUMO.

Ano ang iyong ideya tungkol sa pagkonsumo?

Ang pagkonsumo ay ang
pagtugon sa pangangailangan at
kagustuhan ng tao. Ito ang pagbili
Magaling! at paggamit ng produkto o
Ikaw ba ay isang konsyumer? Bakit nakaakibat na
sa atin ang “pagkonsumo”?
Sinasabing ang lahat ng tao ay
konsyumer. Ang pagkonsumo ay
bahagi ng buhay ng tao simula sa
kanyang pagsilang sa mundo.
Habang patuloy na
nabubuhay ang tao ay patuloy pa
rin siya sa pagkonsumo. Ang
napakaraming pangangailangan
at kagustuhan ng tao
ang dahilan kung bakit may
Sa puntong ito, magkakaroon tayo ng isang pagkonsumo.
gawain tungkol sa pagkonsumo.

Gawain 2.1
Panuto: Mayroon akong mga flashcard na
may nakasulat na mga salita. Bibigyan ko ang
bawat isa ng flashcard. Ang bawat pangkat ay
pupunta sa harapan upang ipadikit sa pisara
ang mga salitang naaangkop sa bawat hanay.

Ngunit bago ninyo idikit ay bibigyan ko

lamang kayo ng labing limang segundo na
makabuo ng maikling deskripsiyon hinggil sa
salitang iyong natanggap.

Maliwanag ba?

Sa tingin ninyo, bakit ang kita ay nabibilang sa

mga salik na pagkonsumo?

Tama! Ang pagkonsumo ng tao ay naaayon sa

kanyang kakayahang bumili. Halimbawa, kung
tayo ay may sapat na kita, mas matutugunan
natin ang ating pangunahing pangangailangan.
Dahil kapag ang tao ay may malaking
Sa tingin ninyo, paano nakaaapekto ang okasyon sa kita, siya ay may kakayahang bumili
pagkonsumo? ng maraming produkto at serbisyo
kumpara sa taong may maliit na kita.
Magaling! Sapagkat nakagawian na nating mga Kung may okasyon, tayo ay
Pilipino na maghanda sa bawat okasyon kung naeengganyong bumili upang
kaya’t naaapektuhan nito ang ating pagkonsumo. maghanda ng marami.

Para sa iyo, paano naiimpluwensiyahan nang Sa pamamagitan nang pag-

pag-aanunsiyo ang pagkonsumo? aanunsiyo, mas nahihikayat tayo na
bumili at tangkilikin ang isang
Tumpak! Halimabwa na lamang ng shampoo
adverstisment, kumukuha sila ng mga sikat na
personalidad upang mas mahikayat ang mga
mamimili na bumili nito.

Sa inyong karanasan, paano nakaapekto ang

presyo sa pagkonsumo ng tao?
Mas marami ang mabibili ng tao
Bakit mas marami ang mabibili ng kung mababa ang presyo.
konsyumer kung ang presyo ay mababa?
Tumataas ang kakayahang bumili
Paano naman kung mahal ang mga bilihin? kung mababa ang presyo at
bumababa naman ang kakayahang
bumili kung mataas ang presyo.

Para sa akin, ang pagkonsumo ng isang

tao ay nakabatay sa kanyang
Sa tingin niyo, paano nakakaapekto sa
napapanahon na pangangailangan.
pagkonsumo ang pagpapahalaga ng tao sa isang
Halimbawa, tulad ko na isang
produkto o serbisyo? estudyante, mas mahalaga ang mga
Halimbawa: gamit para sa pag-aaral ngayong
Pinahahalagahan ng mga matatanda ang bitamina pasukan kaya malaki ang aking
para sa kanilang kalusugan. pagkonsumo sa mga bagay na ito.

Mahalaga na malaman namin ang

Magaling! Mas pinapahalagahan ng tao ang
aming mga karapatan bilang
isang produkto o serbisyo kung kailangan niya
mamimili upang magabayan kami
ito. Kaya lumalaki ang kanyang pagkonsumo.
at mabigyang- linaw sa mga bagay
na maaaring makatulong sa aming
Para sa inyong opinyon, bakit kailangang
matalinong pagdedesisyon at
malaman mo ang iyong mga karapatan bilang
isang mamimili?

Sapagkat bilang isang mamimili,

Tama! Bilang isang mamimili, mahalagang
mahalaga na magampanan natin
malaman natin ito upang mabatid natin ang ating
ang ating mga tungkulin upang
mga karapatan at maging ligtas tayo sa ating
tayo ay maging responsible at
pamimili at sa mga produkto na ating
makatulong sa ating lipunan at

Sa inyong palagay, bakit mahalagang magawa Sa pamamagitan ng mga pamantayang

natin ang ating mga tungkulin bilang isang ito, mas napapadali ang pamimili ng
mamimili? isang tao at nakukuha niya ang
produktong may tamang kalidad na
naaayon sa kanyang pangangailangan.
At upang makabili ng sakto at tamang
kalidad ng produkto at serbisyo.
Magaling! Sa tingin ninyo, bakit
kailangang sundin ang mga pamantayan
ng matalinong pamimili?

C. Paglalapat ng Aralin sa Pang-araw-araw
na Buhay

Paano ka pumipili ng iyong bibilhin sa isang Masasabi ko na isa akong

pamilihan? matalinong mamimili dahil
nakagawian kong gumawa ng
listahan sa mga bibilhin ayon sa
aming pangangailangan.
Tinitingnan ko rin ang label o
sangkap kung angkop ba ito. Higit sa
lahat sinusuri ko ang kalidad at
presyo ng
produktong bibilhin.
D. Pagtataya ng Aralin

Panuto: Sa loob ng limang minuto, sagutan

ang mga sumusunod sa inyong mga
kuwaderno. Isulat ang titik T kung ang
pangungusap ay katotohanan at kung mali
iwasto ang sagot batay sa salitang may

1. Ang alokasyon ay tumutukoy sa pag-aksaya

Mga Sagot:
sa paggamit ng kalikasan.
2. Ang pamahalaan ang namumuno sa isang 1. M – Paghahati-hati
tradisyunal na sistemang pang-ekonomiya. 2. M - Sentralisado
3. Ang magkahalong ekonomiya o mixed 3. T
economy ay ang may pinagsama-samang 4. T
mga katangian mula sa ibang sistemang 5. M- Alokasyon
pang-ekonomiya. 6. T
7. T
8. M – May boses
9. T
10. T
4. Sa sistemang pamilihan ang
mamamayan ay malayang
5. Isang pagtugon sa kakapusan ay sa
pamamaraan ng pagkonsumo.
6. May karapatan na magsauli ng
depektibong produkto ang mamimili.
7. Nararapat na mag-imbak ng
pangunahing pangangailangan sa
panahon ng kalamidad.
8. Walang boses ang mga mamimili sa
paggawa ng alituntunin tungkol sa
9. Pinapaalam ng prodyuser ang sangkap
ng kanyang produkto sa mamimili.
10.May malaking impluwensya sa
mamimili ang mga anunsyo.

E. Takdang Aralin

Panuto: Gamit ang long bond paper,

gumawa ng isang poster na naghihikayat
na maging isang matalinong mamimili. Ang
rubrik sa ibaba ang magsisilbing batayan
para sa pagmamarka ng inyong gawain.




Maayos at masining
ang ipanakitang ideya

Mahusay na
nailalahad ang
kaisipan o pananaw
gamit ang pagguhit

Malinis at organisado
ang ginuhit na ideya
batay sa kabuuan

Ang mga
impormasyon na
nakapaloob sa graphic
organizer ay angkop
sa hinihingi ng gawain

Kabuang Puntos 30



1. Bilang ng mga mag-aaral na nakakuha ng 80% sa pagtataya.

2. Bilang ng mga mag-aaral na nangangailangan ng iba pang gawain.

Karapatan sa - Maging pamanuri

pangunahing -
(critical awareness) M
- Kita pangangailangan
Okasyon - Karapatan na maging -Magingaktibo g
Pag-aanunsiyo (action n) li
- Presyo - Karapatan sa tamang s
impormasyon - Mapag- malasakit t
Pag- sa Lipunan a
- Karapatang pumili
papahalag n
-Karapatan sa g
a ng tao representasyon (social concern)
- Karap Magmalasakit sa g
atang madinig at a
mabigyan ng b
bayad- pinsala (environmental il
- Karap awareness) i
atang magkaroon
ng edukasyon
Magkaisa (solidarity) h
bilang konsyumer
- Karapatan sa isang n
maayos at malinis na
LESSON PLAN kapaligiran


Di-Masusing Banghay-Aralin sa Araling Panlipunan 10 Mga Kontemporaryong

Bb. ARIAN JOY M. ARCEÑO Tagapagpangasiwa ng Gurong Nagsasanay
Gurong Nagsasanay
I. Mga Layunin
Sa pamamagitan ng pagbibigay ng mga gawain, ang mga mag-aaral sa ika-
sampung baitang ay inaasahang magagawa ang mga sumusunod na may wastong

A. Pamantayang Pangnilalaman
Ang mga mag-aaral ay may pag-unawa sa kahalagahan ng pagtanggap at paggalang
sa iba’t I bang perspektibo na may kaugnayan sa samu’t saring isyu sa gender.
B. Pamantayan sa Pagganap
Ang mga mag-aaral ay nakabubuo ng dokyumentaryo na nagsusulong ng paggalang
sa karapatan ng mga mamamayan sa pagpili ng kasarian at sekswalidad

C. Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
Naipapaliwanag ang mahahalagang probisyon ng Reproductive Health Law.
Naipapahayag ang sariling saloobin sa Reproductive Health Law.
(AP10IKP- IIIh-11)
II. Nilalaman
A. Paksa: Mga Batas na may Kaugnayan sa Kasarian
B. Sanggunian:
 Antonio, E., Dallo, E., Imperial, C. & Samson, M. C., & Soriano, S.
(2017). Mga Kontemporaryong Isyu Batayan at Sanayang Aklat
sa Araling Panlipunan. Rex Bookstore.
 Lopez, M., Jimenez, E., & Vargas, H. (2018). Kronika: Mga
Kontemporaryong Isyu. Don Bosco Salesiana Publishing.
p. 155-161.
C. Kagamitan: Laptop, Powerpoint Presentation
III. Pamamaraan
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Panalangin
Magkakaroon ng isang mataimtim na panalangin ang
klase sa pamamagitan ng isang video presentation.
2. Attendance
Ang mga mag-aaral ay isa-isang tatawagin para sa kanilang attendance.
3. Balik-tanaw
Tatawag ang guro ng isa o dalawang mag-aaral upang
magbahagi sa klase ng kanilang natutuhan sa nakaraang

B. Pagganyak

Ang guro ay magpapakita ng mga larawan na sumasalamin sa mga iba't- ibang uri
ng sitwasyon tungkol sa mga karapatan at kapakanan ng mga kababaihan sa
lipunan. Ang gagawin ng mga mag-aaral ay isusulat ang salitang pagkilala kung
ang ipinapakitang sitwasyon sa larawan ay nagpapakita ng pagsunod sa mga
karapatan ng mga kababaihan at paglabag naman kung hindi.
2. Pantay na oportunidad sa pagaaral

3. Mga babaeng officer 4. Posisyon sa gobyerno

5. Pagkamit ng hustisya 6. Marriage contract

7. Access sa mga contraceptives 8. Mga kababaihan sa iba’t ibang
devices larangan

C. Aktibiti
Ang susunod na gawain ay tatawaging LET’S PICK A NUMBER. Ang guro ay hihingi ng
isang numero sa mga mag-aaral na dapat ay walang kapareho at gamit ang number picker ay
mapipili na tatlo ang magbibigay ng kanilang mga sagot sa tanong na ipapakita ng guro.

1. Ipinasa ang batas na ito upang maiwasan ang diskriminasyon sa trabaho, at mabigyan
ng sapat na atensiyon ang mga espesyal na pangangailangan ang mga kababaihan lalo na
sa panahon ng kalamidad at kung sila ay biktima ng pang-aabuso at karahasan.

a. RA 10354 Reproductive Health Law

b. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discriminations Against Women
c. RA 9710 o Magna Carta of Women

2. Ang batas na ito ay naglalayong bigyan ang mga kababihan ng karapatang magdesisyon
tungkol sa mga isyung may kinalaman sa kanilang kalusugan at pagpapamilya.

a. RA 10354 Reproductive Health Law

b. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discriminations Against Women
c. RA 9710 o Magna Carta of Women

3. Ipinasa ng General Assembly ng United Nations upang pamantayan ng pagbibigay ng

pantay na karapatan sa mga kalalakihan at kababaihan.

a. RA 10354 Reproductive Health Law

b. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discriminations Against Women
c. RA 9710 o Magna Carta of Women

D. Analisis
Upang mas maunawaan ang mahahalagang konsepto tungkol sa mga batas na
may kaugnayan sa kasarian, magbibigay ang guro ng mga pamprosesong tanong
na makakatulong upang mapalawak pa ang kaalaman ng mga mag-aaral.

Pamprosesong tanong:

1. Bakit mahalaga na matutunan ang mga batas na tinalakay?

2. Bilang isang mag-aaral, paano mo maibabahagi at mailalapat ang iyung

kaalaman sa mga batas na may kaugnayan sa kasarian?

E. Abstraksiyon
Panuto: Paunahan sa pagsagot ng Fact kunng ang pahayag ay tama at kung
mali naman ay Bluff at itama ang nakasalangguhit na mga salit o parirala.
Ang mauunang sumagot ay magkakaroon ng karagdagang puntos.
1. Isa sa mga probisyon ng RA 9710 o Magna Carta of Women ay ang
pagbibigay sa mga kababaihan ng lahat ng uri ng proteksiyon laban sa pang-
aabuso, karahasan, at kung sila ay maipit sa mga delikadong sitwasyon
katulad ng labanan.
2. Ang RA 10354 o Reproductive Health Law ay ipinasa upang maiwasan ang
diskriminasyon sa trabaho, at mabigyan ng sapat na atensiyon ang mga
espesyal na pangangailangan ng mga kababaihan lalo na sa panahon ng
kalamidad at kung sila ay biktima ng pang-aabuso at karahasan.
3. Ang RA 9710 o Magna Carta of Women ay batas na naglalayong bigyan
ang mga kababaihan ng karapatang magdesisyon tungkol sa mga isyung
may kinalaman sa kanilang kalusugan at pagpapamilya.
4. Ayon sa batas ng Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discriminations Against Women (CEDAW), dapat bigyan ang mga
kababaihan ng kalayaang makisali sa mga gawaing panlipunan katulad ng
politika, ekonomiya, kultura, sibil at iba pa.
5. Ang population control ay isang halimbawa ng pagsunod sa batas ng RH

A. Aplikasyon
Upang higit na mapalinaw pa ang kaalaman ng mga mag-aaral batay sa kanilang natutuhan sa
talakayan, pupunan nila ang tahalanayan sa ibaba na tumutukoy sa mga batas na nakapaloob sa
mga sumusunod na sitwasyon

Sitwasyon Batas

1. Si Gina ay matagal nang empleyado

sa isang kompanya. Kalaunan, siya ay
nagdalang tao at sa kadahilanang ito ay
natanggal siya sa kanyang
pinagtatrabahuang kompanya.
2. Si Mayka ay labing limang taong
gulang pa lamang ng siya ay nabuntis.
Nais ng kanyang nobyo na ipalaglag ang
ipinagbubuntis nito. Sa kabila ng hindi
pagsang-ayon ni Mayka, ipinagpipilitan
pa rin ng kanyang nobyo na ipalaglag
ang sanggol sa kanyang sinapupunan.
3. Si Lorna ay nag apply sa isang
bakeshop, ngunit siya ay hindi tinanggap
dahil siya ay isang katutubong mangyan.
G. Pagtataya
Sasagutan ng mga mag-aaral ang maikling pagsusulit sa ibaba upang
mataya ang kanilang natutuhan sa paksang tinalakay.
Test I.
Panuto: Basahin at unawaing mabuti ang bawat tanong at piliin lamang ang
titik ng tamang sagot.

1. Layunin ng batas na ito na maalagaan ang kalusugan ng ina at ng kaniyang

a. RA 9710
b. RA 10354

2. Inilalarawan ito bilang International Bill for women.

a. RA 9710
b. RA 10354

3.Tungkulin ng batas na ito ang mabigyan ng solusyon ang lumalaganap na

diskriminasyon at hindi pagkapantay-pantay laban sa kababaihan.
a. RA 9710
b. RA 10354

4. Ang hindi pagtanggap ng paaralan sa mga kababaihang nagdadalang tao ay

isang paglabag sa ?
d. RA 9710
e. RA 10354

5. Ang mga probisyon sa ilalim ng batas na ito ay kinabibilangan ng mga

programang nagbibigay edukasyon at medikal na atensyon sa pagbubuntis
at pagplano sa pamilya.
a. RA 9710
b. RA 10354
Test II.
Panuto: Basahin at unawain ng mabuti ang bawat pangungusap. Ilagay ang TAMA sa
inyong sagutang papel kung ang isinasaad ay tama at isulat naman ang MALI kung ang
isinasaad ay mali.
1. Pangunahing layunin ng RA 9710 o Magna Carta of Women ay ang pagkakaroon ng
pantay-pantay na karapatan ng mga babae at lalaki sa mga oportunidad, programa ng
pamahalaan at pag kamit sa bunga ng pag-unlad ng bansa.
2. Nakapaloob sa mga probisyon ng RA 9710 o Magna Carta of Women na hindi dapat
tanggapin sa trabaho ang mga kababaihang nagdadalantao sapagkat kakailanganin ng
kompanya na kumuha ng karagdagang empleyado na pupuna sa kakulangan ng
3. Ang Reproductive Health Law ay magbibigay daan sa same sex marriage sapagkat ang
deskripsiyon sa mga mag asawa sa batas na ito ay dalawang taong hindi sinabi kung ano
ang kasarian.
4. Alinsunod sa probisyon ng Reproductive Health Law, kinakialangan munang dumalo ang
mag-asawa sa isang seminar patungkol sa pagiging responsabling magulang, pagpaplano
ng pamilya, pagpapasuso ng sanggol at nutrisyon ng sanggol bago sila pagkalooban ng
lisensya o marriage license.
5. Ang Pilipinas ay isa sa mga bansang pumirma sa Convention on the Elimination of All
Forms of Violence Against women na naglalayung magkaroon ng pagkakapantay-pantay
ang mga kalalakihan at kababaihan sa buong mundo.

H. Takdang-Aralin
Para sa takdang aralin, basahin at unawaing mabuti ng mga mag-aaral ang
susunod na paksang tatalakayin. Aralin 13: Same Sex Marriage at Divorce.
1. Ano ang same sex marriage?
2. Ano ang divorce? Bakit kinakialangang ipatupad o ibasura ang divorce law?
PowerPoint Presentation Instructional Material (FIRST SHIFT

LINK: FINAL-PT-GRP-4-AND-5-1.pptx - Google Drive

PowerPoint Presentation Instructional Material (SECOND

SHIFT Edition):


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