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1. When can you say that an Open Educational Resource is a public domain? *
A. The copyright ownership of the reference is retained.
B. The author does not allow the user to repurpose the reference.
C. The reference can be used anytime and anywhere without the attribution of the
D. The author grants broad rights to the public to reproduce, distribute, and utilize the

2. You are evaluating a reference material for a literature review that you will write. What
question should you ask to determine the credibility of the source? *
A. Is the information related to your topic?
B. Is the information in that source peer reviewed or edited?
C. Does the information clearly support only one side of an issue?
D. Does the information use balanced, personal, or educated tone of language?

3. What in-text citation strategy is used in the paragraph below? 

A. Narrative
B. Parenthetical
C. Expository
D. Informative

4. What is the correct arrangement of the following details of a journal article, applying the
APA 7th edition referencing format? 
A. C.

B. D.
5. Communication is a complex process. It requires you to ________. *
A. know your audience
B. expect objections
C. determine your purpose
D. all of the above

6. Cecil was tasked to present a speech in their municipal auditorium during the Youth Day.
She was concise and cited facts and trivia. Some of the audiences were laughing with her as
she shared a joke, when she sensed that she was slowly losing their attention. What might
be said about Cecil? 
A. She is an effective communicator and knows well what to do.
B. She loves making jokes.
C. Cecil forgot her lines, so she made jokes.
D. Cecil wanted her audience to laugh.

7. Marie accessed Google Scholar, Google Books, and Academia to get free references in
her assignment. These websites are ____________. *
A. Intercultural resources
B. Assignment writing
C. Computer-based media
D. Open Educational Resources

8. Delivering an oral presentation not only promotes interpersonal skills, but also allows to
__________. *
A. Emphasize each participant’s life.
B. Highlight your opinion.
C. Foster respect and work ethics.
D. Engage in speculative discussion

9. What must a speaker do to create a personal connection with the audience?

I. Consider the needs of the audience.
II. Watch your words.
III. Disregard feedback after your speech.
IV. Smile and be polite. *

A. I only
B. II & IV
D. I, II, IV

10. Which of the following is not true of business writing? *

A. It requires concise information.
B. It could take days to be sent.
C. It is used in a professional setting.
D. All of the above.
11. Teacher Z is highly opinionated during his lectures. Rarely would you see him ask his
students for their views on a topic. What communication ethics did he not follow? *
A. Uphold integrity.
B. Respect diversity.
C. Be open-minded.
D. Develop accountability.

12. Karmi forgot to research for her report. In a haste to present, she randomly copied
everything that popped out of her search engine. Her classmates looked confused and some
raised brows since she was not sharing the right information and examples. What must she
improve to better her report? *
A. Redo her presentation slides.
B. Ask her classmates to do it themselves.
C. Read relevant literature and studies and prepare.
D. Continue such practice.

13. What is not a suggested step when making an oral presentation? *

A. Know your audience and purpose
B. Practice your presentation
C. Only cite sources you believe in
D. Narrow down your topic

14. Should you use technical terms and complex sentences when writing business
correspondences? *
A. Yes, because it should reflect your educational status.
B. Yes, because it should appear very professional.
C. No, because it should match the level of your audience.
D. No, because it should be easy to understand.

15. In writing emails, you can set people who receive the email but are not listed as
recipients. Senders use this section if they don’t want recipients to know who else has
received the email. They do not receive “reply all” responses. What do you call this? *
A. blind carbon copy
B. blind copy furnish
C. behind carbon copy
D. none of the above

16. What does not belong to the group? *

A. Emails are prone to hacking and technical glitches.
B. Emails confirm rejections easily.
C. Emails can cause information overload
D. Emails can be used to transmit computer virus.

17. Which of the following is not considered a computer-based tool in communication? *

A. TikTok
B. Google Slides
C. Overhead Transparencies
D. Text Message/SMS

18. When creating visual aids, which of the following provides the best advice? *
A. Include as many information as you can in a single slide.
B. Show what you can’t say through photos and graphics.
C. Use different types of fonts to make your slides look more fun.
D. Always make your slides colorful to attract your audience.

19. Which of the following may not be an example of a communication aid? *

A. Illustrations
B. Recordings
C. Placards
D. Intonation

20. Communication strategies should establish the following EXCEPT: *

A. visual design
B. objectives
C. target audience
D. intended message

21. Which school of thought postulates that experience is the source of knowledge? *
A. Empiricism
B. Pragmatism
C. Rationalism
D. Existentialism

22. Which of the following theories BEST explain why people project an idealized version of
themselves to effectively manage the perception and impression of others in relation to their
behavior and role performance? *
A. Social comparison theory
B. Looking-glass self theory
C. Self-development theory
D. Dramaturgical theory

23. Apple does her best to accomplish the same achievement of Lisa as a top performing
student in their class. Apple becomes motivated in her studies to be at par with Lisa in terms
of their academic standing. Which of the following type of social comparison is described in
this situation? *
A. Upward social comparison
B. Downward social comparison
C. Active downward comparison
D. Passive downward comparison
24. In the Philippines, religious and conservative individuals condemn the practice of
cohabitation especially among unwed couples. Which type of social norm is described in this
situation? *
A. Folkways
B. Mores
C. Laws
D. Taboo

25. The following are positive effects of ethnocentrism, EXCEPT: *

A. It creates a sense of cultural pride.
B. It fosters group solidarity and loyalty.
C. It enables intolerance of other cultures.
D. It provides satisfaction of one’s own culture.

26. Cultural relativism is the practice of judging the behaviors and practices of any culture
based on its own standards. But is cultural relativism always feasible in evaluating
cultures? *
A. Yes, because cultures of different societies must be viewed from their own lens.
B. Yes, because it promotes tolerance and impartiality to understand other cultures.
C. No, because there are certain cultural practices that involve human rights
D. No, because one’s own culture is perceived as the only appropriate way to behave
and adapt

27. Our conscious awareness or the part of us that thinks, analyzes, looks ahead, rationally
weighs options, and tries to gauge what is best and truest overall. *
A. Appetitive Soul
B. Physical Soul
C. Rational Soul
D. Spirited Soul

28. This is the part of us that loves to face and overcome great challenges, the part that
can steel itself to adversity, and that loves victory, winning challenge, and honor. *
A. Appetitive Soul
B. Physical Soul
C. Rational Soul
D. Spirited Soul
29.A school of philosophy based on the belief that knowledge comes from everyday
experience, scientific observation, and common sense, rather than from the application of
reason alone. What is it? *
A. Monism
B. Empiricism
C. Determinism
D. Dualism

30. The empiricist asserts that we experience first before we can have knowledge.
TABULA RASA therefore, means that: *
A. The mind at birth, filled with innate ideas due to its previous existence.
B. The mind are blank sheets, then we fill it with perceptions through innate
C. The mind at birth, regarded as having no innate conceptions.
D. The mind forgot everything that it needs to be updated from time to time.

31. Plato and Hume have contrasting ideas on reason and the passions because: *
A. Hume says reason is subject to our passions while Plato argues that reason can
grasp the good and should rule passions.
B. Plato indicates that reason and passion work together. Hume says that reason is
the slave to passion.
C. Plato says reason is subject to our passions while Hume argues that reasons can
grasp the good and should rule passions.
D. Hume indicates that reason and passion work together. Plato says that passion is
the slave to reason.

32. A type of false self that is described as one which allows someone to be functional in
society. It enables politeness and social courtesy, even when we may not feel like it. A
form of useful self-protection, in that it shields us at times when vulnerability would not be
appropriate, or even be harmful. *
A. Healthy false self
B. Unhealthy false self
C. True self
D. Genuine self

33. “Man’s end goal is happiness.” Only in God a man can attain true and eternal
happiness. Whose statement is this? *
A. St. Augustine
B. St. Thomas Aquinas
C. St. Augustus
D. St. John the Baptist

34. Mind and body are so intertwined that they cannot be separated from one another.
One’s body is his opening toward his existence to the world. The living body, his thoughts,
emotions, and experiences are all one. Whose statement is this? *
A. Maurice Merleau Ponty
B. John Locke
C. David Hume
D. Emmanuel Kant

35. What did Kant believe is the relationship between rationality and morality? *
A. Morality and rationality are fundamentally opposed
B. Rationality requires us to be moral
C. Morality and rationality are completely independent
D. Rationality might sometimes require immorality but not often

36. What did Freud consider to be the role of the "id"? *

A. To represent innate, instinctive desires and impulses
B. To be aware of the needs and feelings of those around us
C. To moderate our impulses, acting as the moral conscience of the mind
D. To boost a person’s self-esteem

37. This occurs when one is labeled, and others’ views and expectations of an individual
are affected by that labeling. *
A. Internalized prejudice
B. Labeling bias
C. Self labeling
D. Social comparison

38. What is the role of the "superego?” *

A. To inflate a person's ego and provide a self-confidence boost
B. To provide a conscience and awareness of others through feelings such as
C. To reveal a person's repressed desires
D. To be aware of the needs and feelings of those around us

39. Which of the islands that Magellan discovered was named, Acquada da li bouni? *
A. Cebu
B. Guam
C. Homonhon
D. Limasawa

40. Which of the following is NOT correct? *

A. The Act of Congress of August 29, 1916 is otherwise known as Jones Law.
B. The Jones Law paved the way for the first ever fully elected Philippine legislature.
C. The Jones Law replaced the Philippine Organic Act of 1902.
D. The Tydings-McDuffie Act is otherwise known as Philippine Autonomy Act.

41. Three members of the Katipunan signed a manifesto declaring that the first cry did not
happen in Balintawak but in Pugadlawin. Who are these three? *
A. Briccio Pantas, Col. Cipriano Pacheco, and Pio Valenzuela
B. Daniel Tirona, Pio Valenzuela, and Pedro Duran
C. Ladislao Diwa, Teodoro Plata, and Mariano Alvarez
D. Melchora Aquino, Pio Valenzuela, and Mariano Alvarez

42. Three members of the Katipunan signed a manifesto declaring that the first cry did not
happen in Balintawak but in Pugadlawin. Who are these three? *
A. Briccio Pantas, Col. Cipriano Pacheco, and Pio Valenzuela
B. Daniel Tirona, Pio Valenzuela, and Pedro Duran
C. Ladislao Diwa, Teodoro Plata, and Mariano Alvarez
D. Melchora Aquino, Pio Valenzuela, and Mariano Alvarez
43. Which of the following is NOT correct? *
A. Among the other powers of the President includes calling Congress to a
regular session.
B. Excluding other powers, the Philippine President has 6 executive powers.
C. The Philippine Constitution is one that is enacted, written, and inelastic.
D. The Sandiganbayan was created by virtue of PD 1606.

44. Who among the personalities in Balangiga Massacre said this: “I wish you to kill and
burn. The more you kill and burn, the better you will please me. I want persons killed who
are capable of bearing arms in actual hostilities against the United States?” *
A. Capt. Thomas Connell
B. Gen. Jacob Smith
C. Gov. Gen. William Howard Taft
D. Maj. Littleton Waller

45. Who discovered the alleged original document of Rizal’s retraction? *

A. Antonio Abad
B. Fr. Manuel Garcia
C. Fr. Pio Pi
D. Roman Roque

46. In a historical method, what is the likelihood for a primary source to pass external
criticism? *
A. When the account is corroborated with historical facts.
B. When the source is devoid of issues on provenance.
C. When the source of information is reliable.
D. When the source of information is willing to tell the truth.

47. Which of the following is not true? *

A. Magellan was killed when he got struck by a poisoned arrow.
B. Magellan called the natives of Philippines caphri, or heathen.
C. An interpreter under Magellan spoke to the navtives of San Lazaru.
D. The voyage of Magellan started with around 370 men in six ships.

48. Why is it that spices are so important to Europeans? I. for preservation II. for
fermentation III. flavor to the food *
A. I, II and III
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. II and III

49. Which is true about Ferdinand Magellan? *

A. He completed the circumnavigation of the world.
B. In 1512, he was stationed in Morocco and made plans to find a western shortcut to
the Spice Islands
C. He became the king of the Spain.
D. Magellan was killed by a spear by Lapu- Lapu

50. The following are true about the worships of the Tagalog EXCEPT? *
A. They have the name simbahan, which means a temple or place of adoration.
B. They have this worship called pandot.
C. They celebrated Sinulog in the large house of the chief
D. Created a temporary shed called sibi for the purpose of sheltering the assembled

51. Which one was the purpose of the Act of Declaration of Independence on 1898? *
A. To proclaim the sovereignty and independence of the Philippines from the colonial
rule of America.
B. To proclaim the sovereignty and independence of the Philippines from the colonial
rule of Spain and America.
C. To proclaim the sovereignty and independence of the Philippines from the
colonial rule of Spain
D. To proclaim the sovereignty and independence of the Philippines from the colonial
rule of China

52. Which of the following best describe the use of little Juan in caricatures?
I. a simple peasant lad in slippers and a salakot hat
II. first appeared as a dignified young adult challenging a crafty Uncle Sam
III. challenging an American official or a Filipino politician but never Uncle Sam. *
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III

53. The following were Pigafetta’s perspectives on viewing the culture of the Philippines. I.
The Islands were resourceful II. Filipinos were friendly and hospitable III. Filipinos were
strong and independent *
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III

54. Which of the following is/are a primary source/s? I. A photocopy of Rizal’s memoirs II. A
portrait of Emilio Aguinaldo in Aguinaldo shrine III. A selfie with the Manunggul jar IV. An
audio recording of Gen. Douglas MacArthur during his return to the Philippines *
C. II and IV

55. Which of the following statements are true about the effect of globalization? *
A. Globalization has influenced the standard of life and personal satisfaction of people
and families throughout the world.
B. Globalization creates a more level playing field between nations and businesses.
C. Globalization promotes interconnection among diverse national economies.
D. All of the choices.

56. The Millennium Development Goals were the eight international development goals
created by the United Nations for the year 2015 to address the different problems in the
world. Which of the following rank first in the eight development goals? *
A. Develop a global partnership for development.
B. Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty
C. Achieve universal primary education
D. Improve maternal health.

57. Which of the following statements is NOT true? *

A. Economic globalization is the interdependence of world economics as a result of the
growing scale of cross-border trade of commodities and services.
B. Economic globalization is enhanced by the acquisition of multinational enterprises that
resulted to the rise of the profits of the global marketplace.
C. Economic globalization leads to the development of a “global marketplace” or a single
world market.
D. A multinational company is a firm or company that has “headquarters” in one country but
with bases manufacturing assembly plants in other countries.

58. Which of the following is NOT true about the history of the global market integration? *
A. Global Market integration is almost as old as humanity.
B. The high cost of and the risks associated with long voyage did not limit trade
to a relatively small set of commodities of high value relative to the weight and
C. International trade expanded because of new technologies in transportation and
D. The unification of commodities promoted trade in transportation and communication.

59. Based on the Modern World System of Immanuel Wallerstein, which of the following
statements is incorrect? *
A. The semi-periphery of the world economy is the manufacturing base of the planet.
B. High-income nations are considered “core” of the world economy.
C. The periphery is economically dependent on the core.
D. Poor countries lack industrial capacity that’s why they need to import
expensive goods from rich nations.

60. Which of the following is NOT a principle embodiment by the Westphalian interstate
System? *
A. Sovereignty
B. Territoriality
C. Interference
D. Principle of non-intervention

61. Which assumption of realist theory suggest that the state are interest-maximizing
actors? *
A. Anarchy
B. Rationality
C. Hegemony
D. Power-Hungry

62. Which of the following refers to the global economic system that was set up from the end
of World War II to the 1970s to support a combination of free trade with the economies to
reduce unemployment? *
A. Classical Gold Standard
B. Gold Exchange Standard
C. Bretton Wood System
D. Dollar Standard

63. What economic perspective argues that there was a need for macroeconomic state
intervention in the economy, specifically through manipulating the monetary and fiscal
policies to increase demand during recession and decrease demand during “overheated”
economy? *
A. Neoliberalism
B. Keynesian Economics
C. Realism
D. Liberalism

64. Which system do scholars argue as the most stable because state balancing behavior
would be easier to predict? *
A. Bipolarity
B. Unipolarity
C. Multipolarity
D. Tripolarity

65. Who was the author who viewed globalization as referring to the expansion and
intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and world-space? *
A. Manfred Steger
B. Milton Friedman
C. Thomas Friedman
D. Francis Fukuyama

66. What treaty ended the thirty-years War? *

A. Treaty of Paris
B. Peace of Westphalia
C. Treaty of Tordesillas
D. Peace of Augsburg

67. What triggered the emergence of the Credit Crisis? *

A. Cheap mortgage offered to irresponsible borrowers
B. Forsaken houses
C. Housing loans offered to irresponsible borrowers
D. Bad Investment

68. To which theory does democracy, free trade, and international organization matter to
state behavior fall into? *
A. Marxism
B. Liberalism
C. Realism
D. Constructivism

69. Who was the first Filipino who became the president of the General Assembly? *
A. Jose P. Laurel
B. Carlos P. Garcia
C. Sergio Osmena
D. Manuel Roxas

70. Among the organs of the United Nations, which among them has the permanent
members? *
A. Security Council
B. General Assembly
C. Economic and Social Council
D. Secretariat

71. When was the Bretton Woods System inaugurated? *

A. 1940
B. 1942
C. 1944
D. 1946

72. The ultimate essence of being and becoming human is: *

A. To search for the ultimate reason for things.
B. To do good things while still striving.
C. To achieve the highest level of self-actualization.
D. To strive for human perfection leading him to the highest and absolute good

73. The formation of intellect and will is dependent on many factors. Which of the following
should be of the least consideration? *
A. Failures made in the past
B. Inner strength of the person
C. Knowledge of moral principles
D. Role models
74. Which statement is true about conscience? *
A. It is the attitude of the person whether favorable or otherwise towards something
B. It is the choice of the person to follow what he thinks is right and good
C. It is the moral judge of the mind that makes the person see what is good and
what is bad
D. It is the person’s remorseful feelings about something s/he has done wrong

75. The immutability of values compels the person to: *

A. Act on his own free will according to his own concept of what is good
B. Decide whether to become just and become human or become unjust and
destroy himself
C. Follow the laws of the society as his primordial goal
D. Stand by his own cultural beliefs and undermine traditions of other cultures

76. Which of the following statement justifies the concept that the human is the only being in
action? *
A. Human beings know that they are free to perform or otherwise an action
B. Human beings possess a will that enables them to choose
C. Human beings possess an intellect that enables them to know the nature of their
D. Human beings possess spiritual faculties that enable them to know and decide to act
or otherwise

77. To be a moral person is to: *

A. Be acceptable by society beyond reproach
B. Be integrated in speech, feeling, thinking, and action
C. Know and act upon the “ought to be” and the “ought to do”
D. Live with others peacefully

78. Which concept best illustrates how the moral law relates to Martin Buber’s philosophy of
I – Thou relationship? *
A. One person idolizes the other as a model
B. The human being as a person is capable of loving
C. The human person relates with a lifetime partner
D. Two persons may become soulmates

79. Which of the following statements shows the theory of Hobbes about human nature? *
A. Human beings are composed of body and soul
B. Human beings are moral agents
C. Human beings are physical objects
D. Human beings are vegetative
80. Scholars of Kant state that among the three formulas (some even say there are 5), the
weakest formulation of the categorical imperative is: *
A. Formula of Universal Law
B. Formula of Humanity
C. Formula of Autonomy
D. Formula of Kingdom of Ends

81. What philosophical movement in Kant's time focused on knowledge as experiential?

A. Empiricism
B. Rationalism
C. Fictionalism
D. Phenomenology

82. According to Mill, intellectual pleasure is: *

A. the only inherently good thing
B. likely to lead to future suffering
C. more valuable than sensual pleasure
D. of equal value to sensual pleasure

83. In a true incident, a "husband" goes into the house of his wife’s male friend and, with his
loaded gun, shoots the guy in the head for suspicion of an affair. Then, he immediately
surrenders himself to the police and tells them that his anger made him do it. Which modifier
of human act is acted in this situation? *

A. Fear
B. Violence
C. Concupiscence
D. Vice

84. Ethical science is particularly concerned with the following, EXCEPT: *

A. the science of right living
B. studies how man ought to behave
C. the moral order which includes the social order
D. the system of beliefs and practices based on faith and revelation, or truths
revealed to man by God.

85. This theory holds that the rightness or wrongness of an action depends entirely on the
pleasantness or unpleasantness which it causes. It views that a good action is one which
give pleasure. *
A. Hedonism
B. Deontological theory
C. Intuitionism
D. Moderate Intuitionism

86. The Stoics taught explicitly that goodness is natural, for the laws of morality are the laws
of nature, perfectly rational and so comprehensible to human reason. This is also the view of
Kant and the many moralists influenced by him in modern times. Hence, looking at the moral
life, they held that… *
A. Good things are those that satisfy our human desires and, particularly, the desire for
B. Good action is an action done in accordance with some principle known to
C. Good life is identified with the holy life or the religious life.
D. Goodness is a matter of custom.

87. This classification of ethical theory holds that there is one universal and eternal moral
code which applies equally to all men of all ages, and that changing circumstances or
changing opinions make no difference whatsoever to this moral code. *
A. Relativistic ethics
B. Subjective Ethics
C. Absolute Ethics
D. Teleological Theory

88. Kant held that the characteristics which makes willing right is that it must be done on a
rational principle. It is in this respect that Kant was an upholder of which view about moral
standard? *
A. That the moral standard is a law of faith.
B. That the moral standard is a law of reason.
C. That the moral standard is a law of conscience.
D. That the moral standard is a law of ordinary knowledge.

89. A year after Rizal's execution, a friend of Rizal declared: "Not only is Rizal the most
prominent man of his own people but the greatest man the Malayan race has produced."
Who was this friend of Rizal? *
A. Ferdinand Blumentritt
B. Adolf Meyer
C. Antonio Ma. Regidor
D. Fernando Ma. Guerero

90. Who is the Philippine president who made December 30 as Day of National Mourning in
honor of Rizal? *
A. Emilio Aguinaldo
B. Fidel V. Ramos
C. Manuel Quezon
D. Jose P. Laurel

91. The law which provides that "courses on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal,
particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, shall be included in the
curricula of all schools, colleges and universities, public or private."
A. RA 1425 / RIZAL LAW
C. RA 1445 / RIZAL LAW
D. RA 1325 / RIZAL LAW
92. Who is the Spanish governor who signed the death sentence of Dr. Jose Rizal? *

93. Which work of Rizal was said to be an angry man’s personal debate on whether or not a
violent revolution would solve the Philippine crisis during the Spanish times? *

94. When Dr. Jose Rizal became a member of the Anthropological Society, Ethnographic
Society and Geographic Society in Berlin, what was the paper he presented that he was
accepted and became a respected member of the different groups? *
A. Los Viajes
B. Tagalische Verkunst
C. Por Telefono
D. Revisita de Madrid

95. What was the book of Harriet Beecher Stowe about trial and hardships of black slaves
that inspired that Dr. Jose Rizal to write his book Noli Me Tangere? *
A. Awakening of the Afflicted
B. Freedom of the Black Slaves
C. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
D. When Freedom Begins

96. The following are the relevance of Jose Rizal's travel in relation to nationalistic fervor,
A. While traveling Rizal wrote Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, novels that
spurred nationalistic fervor among the Filipinos who felt the need of launching an
armed struggle to achieve independence
B. Rizal was actively involved in the Propaganda movement, composed of Filipinos in
Spain who sought to direct the attention of Spaniards to the concerns of the Spanish
colony in the Philippines.
C. The National Hero Jose Rizal left the country in May 1882 to pursue further studies
abroad. He enrolled in a course in medicine at the Universidad Central de Madrid in
Spain. In June 1883, he traveled to France to observe how medicine was being
practiced there.
D. He wrote articles for publications in Manila and abroad; convened with
overseas Filipinos to discuss their duty to the country; and called on Spanish
authorities to institute reforms in the Philippines, such as granting freedom of
the press and Filipino representation in the Spanish Cortes.

97. How did Jose Rizal fight for our country? *

A. He joined the katipunan and fought against the Spaniard.
B. Just like the other Filipino revolutionaries Rizal fought with weapons and bloodshed.
C. He fought differently using his pen and paper. His fight was silent, writing
literature, creating arts, and focusing on the Filipino culture to stir up the
patriotic feelings of everyone.
D. He led a revolutionary movement against the Spanish colonial government in the
Philippines. He cooperated with the U.S. during the Spanish-American War

98. The following are the reasons why Jose Rizal leaves the Philippines, EXCEPT? *
A. To continue his studies in Spain.
B. To observe the culture of the western countries.
C. To write literatures like books, essays and poems.
D. Governor General Emilio Terrero adviced him to leave because he stirred up a
hornet’s nest when he got involved in the Protesta

99. What is the value between dark and gray? *

A. Black
B. Low Dark
C. High Dark
D. Light

100. What is the most interesting element of Art? *

A. Color
B. Texture
C. Value
D. Shape

101. What line suggests distance and stability? *

A. Curve line
B. Vertical line
C. Horizontal line
D. Diagonal line

102. This genre of Music is often distinguished from other subgenres by stylistic traits such
as a danceable rhythm or beat, simple melodies and a repeating structure which are
reminiscent. *
A. Pop Music
B. Reggae Music
C. Jazz Music
D. Country Music

103. In music, pp means pianissimo which translates to: *

A. Soft
B. Loud
C. Very soft
D. Very, very soft
104. It is a genre of dance characterized by bounces and rocks. It has deep historical and
social roots in African American culture, having emerged in Black communities living in
1970s New York. It is composed of the pillars such as: DJ-ing, rapping, graffiti art, and
breakdancing. *
A. Ballet
B. Jazz dance
C. Hip-hop dance
D. Cheerdance

105. Which dance genre uses classical music as accompaniment? *

A. Jazz dance
B. Hip-hop dance
C. Ballet
D. Contemporary dance

106. This dance is a social dance of which is known for the dancers’ subtle side to side hip
movements with the torso erect and a basic pattern of two quick side steps and a slow
forward step. *
A. Salsa
B. Cha-cha-cha
C. Paso Doble
D. Rumba

107. A form of art which is a presentation made up of words, sounds, and actions of
characters. It is performed or acted out by the characters on stage, film, radio, television, or
A. Visual Arts
B. Music
C. Dance
D. Drama

108. A type of drama or art form of which has the objective to amuse or entertain the viewers
in making them laugh. *
A. Tragedy
B. Comedy
C. Melodrama
D. Horror

109. Kung ang tawag sa Pambansang Wika ng Pilipinas ay Filipino, ano naman ang tawag
sa pambansang sulat ng Pilipinas? *
A. Alibata
B. Abecedario
C. Abakada
D. Baybayin
110. Kasabay ng pagbabago ng Wikang Pambansa noong 1987 ay nagbago rin ang
ortograpiya ng Alpabetong Filipino. Sa kasalukuyan may ilang letra ang bagong
Ortograpiyang Filipino? *
A. 25
B. 26
C. 27
D. 28

111. Paano binabaybay ang mga salita sa Filipino? *

A. Papantig
B. Pasalita
C. Patitik
D. Patalata

112. Pinapatulog ni Leila ang kanyang anak sa pamamagitan ng lullaby. Anong

komunikasyong di-berbal ang ipinapakita sa pangungusap? *

A. Haptics
B. Chronemics
C. Kinesics
D. Paralanguage

113. Niyakap ni Altricia ang kanyang kaibigan na umiiyak. *

A. Haptics
B. Kinesics
C. Proxemics
D. Kawalang-kibo

114. Pagkatapos sumulat ng unang borador, muling binasa ni Princess ang kanyang
ginawang komposisyon upang iwasto ang mga baybay, bantas at kapitalisasyon ng kanyang
sulatin. Anong proseso ng pagsulat ang ginawa niya? *
A. proofreading
B. reviewing
C. revising
D. editing

115. Ano ang salitang-ugat ng PANGAMOT?

A. amot
B. ngamot
C. gamot
D. kamot

116. Anong batas ang nag-atas upang pormal na magsagawa ng hakbang sa pagpapatupad
ng Wikang Pambansa? *
A. Artikulo XIV, pangkat 3 ng 1935
B. Artikulo XIV, pangkat 6 ng 1935
C. K.T. blg. 184 ng 1936
D. K.T. blg. 134 ng 1937

117. Ang mga talaarawan, Konstitusyon at katitikan ay ilan lamang sa mga halimbawa ng
hanguang ________. *
A. primarya
B. sekondarya
C. tersarya
D. elektroniko

118. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pangungusap ang may code-switching? *

A. I love you! Mahal kita.
B. Sobra na, tama na, exit na!
C. Hiwalay na tayo, you’re so annoying!
D. Maraming tao ang na-dead dahil kay Minerva.

119. Ano ang tawag sa mga katagang RIN, DIN, RAW, DAW, PA at BA? *
A. salita
B. inglitik
C. ponema
D. digraph

120. Ang paraan ng pakikipag-usap ni Rochelle ay naiiba depende sa taong kinakausap

niya. Anong kakayahang komunikatibo ang taglay niya? *
A. Diskorsal
B. Lingguwistiko
C. Pragmatiko
D. Sosyolingguwistiko

121. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang nararapat na may gitling? *

A. anakpawis
B. hampaslupa
C. pusongbato
D. labaspasok

122. Habang nagtatalakay ng aralin ang guro, napansin niyang may isang mag-aaral na
natutulog. Maya-maya ay sinambit ng guro ang, “ang paaralan ay para matuto at hindi para
matulog.” Ang pahayag ay __________. *
A. parinig
B. pasaring
C. pahaging
D. padaplis

123. “Iyon lamang nakakaranas ng mga lihim na kalungkutan ang maaaring makakilala ng
mga lihim na kaligayahan.” Ang pahayag na ito ay nagsasaad ng ____________. *
A. kapangitan ng buhay
B. kalungkutan ang mabuhay
C. kagandahan ng buhay
D. paghihikahos sa buhay

124. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang HINDI likas sa panuntunan ng pagsulat ng baybayin?

A. I at II
B. I at IV

125. Sa kasaluyan, isa sa mga pinakamadaling mapagkunan ng impormasyon ay ang

internet. Sa usapin ng dokumentasyon kinakailangang sipiin ang URL ng pinaghanguan
upang maiwasan ang plagiarism. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng URL? *
A. Universal Resource Log
B. Universal Record Locator
C. Uniform Resource Locator
D. Uniform Record Log

126. Alin sa mga sumusunod na asignatura ang HINDI kabilang sa mga panukalang bagong
GEC ng CHEd Memo No. 20, S. 2013? *
A. Literatura ng mga Umuunlad na Bansa
B. Pagpapahalaga sa Sining
C. Malayuning Komunikasyon
D. Kontekstuwalisadong Komunikasyon

127. Ang mga sumusunod na gawain ay ginagawa bago ang pagsulat MALIBAN SA ISA. *
A. tuloy-tuloy na pagsulat
B. pagbabalangkas
C. paggawa ng word map
D. pagsulat ng burador

128. ‘Ang bata ay naglalaro sa likod ng bahay.’ Alin ang Pantukoy sa pangungusap? *
A. Ang
B. ay
C. bata
D. sa
129. Ano ang unang dapat gawin ni Erica para maisagawa ang kanyang pananaliksik sa
loob ng silid-aklatan? *
A. Gumawa ng sintesis sa mga nakalap na datos
B. Maghanap ng aklat na makakatulong sa kanyang pag-aaral
C. Magtala ng mga mahahalagang impormasyon para sa pagsusuri
D. Tukuyin ang mga uri ng materyal na gagamitin sa paghahanap ng datos

130. Ang mga sumusunod ay dahilan ng pagkakapili sa tagalog bilang batayan ng

Pambansang Wika MALIBAN sa isa. *
A. Tagalog ang pinakamaunlad sa larangang panliteratura
B. Tagalog ang isa sa mga pinakamalaganap na wika sa Pilipinas
C. Tagalog ang ginagamit sa Maynila na siyang kabisera ng Pilipinas
D. Tagalog ang ginamit na wika sa pagtaliwas sa pamumunong kastila

131. Ang pelikulang Praybeyt Benjamin ay isa sa mga tampok na pelikula tungkol sa
LGBTQ+. Anong dulog sa pagsusuri ang gagamitin kung ang pokus ay ang iangat at
pagpantayin sa paningin ng lipunan ang mga homosexual o ang LGBT community? *
A. Arkitaypal
B. Moralistiko
C. Queer
D. Realismo

132. Kuha ng kamera mula tuhod paitaas o mula baywang paitaas. Karaniwang ginagamit
ito sa mga senaryong may diyalogo o sa pagitan ng dalawang taong nag-uusap. *
A. Extreme close up
B. Low angle shot
C. Medium shot
D. Long shot

133. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang nagpapakita ng wastong pagkakasunod-sunod ng mga

bahagi ng banghay? *
A. Kakalasan, Panimulang Pangyayari, Kasukdulan, Pataas na Aksyon, Wakas
B. Panimulang Pangyayari, Kakalasan, Kasukdulan, Pataas na Aksyon, Wakas
C. Panimulang Pangyayari, Pataas na Aksyon, Kasukdulan, Kakalasan, Wakas
D. Kakalasan, Pataas na Aksyon, Kasukdulan, Panimulang Pangyayari, Wakas

134. Sa pagkuha ng mga eksena , isinasaalang-alang sa paggamit ng kamera ang

magandang lokasyon at anggulo at paggamit ng ilaw para sa katingkaran ng isang
pelikula. *
A. Musikal Iskoring
B. Sinematograpiya
C. Tagpuan
D. Banghay

135. Binibigyan ng pansin sa teoryang ito ang kababaihan sa isang pelikula. *

A. Feminismo
B. Romantisismo
C. Arkitaypal
D. Realismo

136. Sa pagsusuri ng pelikula, ginagamit ang dulog/ teoryang ito upang ilahad ang iba’t
ibang pamantayang sumusukat sa moralidad ng isang tao – ang pamantayan ng tama at
mali. *
A. Marxismo
B. Realismo
C. Sosyolohikal
D. Moralistiko

137. Ang kamera ay nasa bahaging ibaba, kaya ang anggulo o pokus ay nagmumula sa
ibabang bahagi tungo sa itaas. *
A. Low angle shot
B. High angle shot
C. Bird’s eye-view
D. Medium shot

138. Layunin ng teoryang ito na ipakita na ang tao ay may sariling kakayahan na umangat
buhat sa mga pagdurusang dulot ng lipunan. Dito ay nais na ihatid sa tao ang kakayahan na
bumangon mula sa pagkakalugmok. *
A. Moralistiko
B. Eco-centrism
C. Marxismo
D. Humanismo

139. Ito ay tumutukoy sa simulain o prinsipyo ng mga tiyak na kaisipang kailangan sa

paglikha ng malinaw at sistematikong paraan ng paglalarawan o pagpapaliwanag ng isang
bagay. *
A. Pananaw
B. Pilosopiya
C. Argumento
D. Teorya

140. Ito ay tumutukoy sa pag-aaral ng mga tuntunin kung paano inaayos ang mga salita sa
isang pangungusap. *
A. Ponolohiya
B. Morpolohiya
C. Sintaksis
D. Pragmatiks

141. Nagpapahayag ng lebel ng wika na impormal na nalikha at nabuo sa sa pagsasama-

sama ng mga salitang pinaikli o pinahaba. *
A. Balbal
B. Lalawiganin
C. Pampanitikan
D. Kolokyal

142. Alin sa mga sumusunod na salita ang walang diptonggo? *

A. Sisiw
B. Bahay
C. Musika
D. Kasuy

143. Anong kahalagahan ang maipababatid ng komunikasyon sa tao sa mga pagkakataong

may alitan sa pagitan ng mga miyembro ng pamilya? *
A. Napagtatagumpayan makamit ang mga pangarap.
B. Napag-uugnay ang mga pusong nagkakalayo.
C. Nakatatanggap ng mga bagong kaalaman.
D. Nakapagbibigay ng impormasyon.

144. Nagpapahayag na ang wika ay nauunawaan ng lahat at napagkasunduan ng isang lahi

o pangkat. *
A. Masistema
B. Arbitraryo
C. Dinamiko
D. Likas

145. Ang proseso ng paghahatid ng saloobin, opinion, at karunungan sa pamamagitan ng

makabuluhang tunog ay tinatawag na ________________. *
A. pagtatala
B. pakikinig
C. pagsasalita
D. pagbabasa

146. Ayaw mong tanggapin na si Roy ang nanalo sa paligsahan. *

A. Hindi/ si Roy ang kampeon.
B. Hindi si Roy/ ang kampeon.
C. Hindi si Roy ang kampeon.//
D. Walang tamang sagot.

147. Pagbabagong morpoponemiko kung saan nagkakapalit ng posisyon ang mga ponema
sa isang salitang nilalapian. *
A. Metatesis
B. Paglilipat-diin
C. Asimilasyon
D. Pagpapalit-ponema
148. Mahaba ang pahayag ni Socrates kaya kailangan iyong mahalaga na lamang ang
dapat na mabasa kaya gumamit siya ng ________________. *
A. panipi
B. ellipsis
C. tutuldok
D. panaklong

149. Anong bahagi ng pananalita ang salitang “lubhang” sa pahayag na lubhang maliksi? *
A. Pang-uri
B. Pandiwa
C. Pang-abay
D. Pangngalan

150. Mahal _____ ang talent fee ni Kris Aquino bilang host sa TV. *
A. daw
B. raw
C. sa
D. niya

151. _____ mong pakialaman ang gamit ko, isusumbong kita kay Ma’am. *
A. Subukin
B. Subukan
C. Susubukin
D. Susubukan

152. Kauna-unahang aklat panrelihiyon na nalimbag sa Pilipinas na sinulat nina Padre Juan
de Plasencia at Padre Domingo Nieva. *
A. Nuestra Señora del Rosario
B. Doctrina Cristiana
C. Barlaan at Josaphat
D. Cristiana Doctrina

153. Aling wika ang ginamit na batayan ng wikang Pambansa? *

A. Bisaya
B. Hiligaynon
C. Bicol
D. Tagalog
154. Dahil sa kahirapan, karamihan sa mga ama ng tahanan ay nagbibilang ng poste. Ano
ang ibig sabihin ng salitang may salungguhit? *
A. Naghahanap ng trabaho
B. Nangungutang
C. Nagnanakaw ng ilaw sa poste
D. Nagtratrabaho sa ibang bansa
155. Ipinakikilala mo ang iyong kasintahan sa isang Doctor at kay Lenny. *
A. Leny/ ang girlfriend ko/ duktor.
B. Doktor/ leny/ ang girlfriend ko.
C. Doktor leny/ ang girlfriend ko.
D. Lahat ay tama.

156. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pahayag ang pangit sa pandinig at maaari pang
mapaganda sa pamamagitan ng paglulumay o (euphemism)? *
A. Hinalay kagabi sa kanyang pag-uwi ang babaeng nagtrabaho sa call center.
B. Buntis ka ba?
C. Matabil ang bibig.
D. Ang bunso niyang anak ay sumakabilang buhay.

157. “Ako’y isang ahas na sa kasukalan gumagapang,” Ito’y isang: *

A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Personipikasyon
D. Sinekdoke

158. Ang hangarin nito ay maipakilala ang isang bagay sa pamamagitan ng itsura, laki,
hugis, kulay, katayuan at iba pa. *
A. Pagsasalaysay
B. Paglalahad
C. Paglalarawan
D. Pangangatwiran

159. Mga salita o tambalang salita, o isang parirala na laging matalinghaga ang katuturan na
nauunawaan lamang ang tunay na katuturan kapag ginagamit na sa pagpapahayag. *
A. Idyoma
B. Tayutay
C. Denotasyon
D. Konotasyon

160. Ang “Haiku” ay binubuo ng________sa kabuuang saknong. *

A. 7-5-7 pantig
B. 7-6-7 pantig
C. 7-7-7 pantig
D. 5-7-5 pantig

161. Which term of the sequence -7, -3, 1, 5,… is 69? *

A. 17th
B. 18th
C. 19th
D. 20th

162. A meter stick was cut into two pieces at the 64 cm mark. What is the ratio of the smaller
piece to the largest piece? *
A. 16:25
B. 13:50
C. 9:25
D. 9:16

163. How much money was borrowed at 16% annual interest for 9 months if the interest paid
was Php 3,000? *
A. Php12,500
B. Php25,000
C. Php15,000
D. Php20,000

164. A man invested Php 100, 000. He put part of it in a bank at 5% interest. On the other
hand, he invested the remainder in bonds with 9% yearly return. How much did he put in the
bank if his yearly income from the two investments was Php 7, 400? *
A. Php 40, 000.00
B. Php 60, 000.00
C. Php 50, 000.00
D. Php 70, 000.00

165. A man accepts a position at P14, 250 basic salary with an agreement that he will
receive a 2% increase every year for 3 years. What will his salary be at the end of 3 year? *
A. P14,950
B. P15,105
C. P15,122.21
D. P16,500

166. A certain bacteria double every 30 minutes. If there are 100g at the start, how many are
there after 2 hours?
A. 200g
B. 400g
C. 800g
D. 1600g

167. 40% of 150 applicants are female. If 15% are girls and 20% of the boys failed the
exam. How many failed the exam? *
A. 18
B. 27
C. 36
D. 60
168. How many glasses of soda, each to be filled with 150 cubic cm. can be made from 5
family size bottle of soda containing 1.5 liters? *
A. 50
B. 40
C. 60
D. 45

169. A lizard climbs a 30-foot pole. Each day it climbs up 7 feet and each night he slips back
4 feet. How many days will it take the lizard to reach the top? *
A. 8 days
B. 9 days
C. 10 days
D. 11 days

170. The least common Multiple (LCM) of 2, 3 and 4 is ______. *

A. 13
B. 24
C. 14
D. 12

171. The greatest common factor (GCF) of 22, 15, and 7 is _______________. *
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

172. Which of the following represents 17 less than thrice a certain number? *
A. 3x-17
B. 17-3x
C. 17<3x
D. 12>3x

173. What is the dimension of a rectangle whose perimeter is 54m if the length is 3m less
than twice its width? *
A. 8m by 17m
B. 11m by 6m
C. 17m by 10m
D. 12m by 15m

174. Which of the following is equivalent to (m^2+ m-12)/(m^2- 5m+6) ? *

A. (m+4)/(m+2)
B. (m+4)/(m-2)
C. (m-4)/(m-2)
D. (m-4)/(m+2)
175. Tom and Gene have a total of 490 marbles. If Gene has 50 more marbles than Tom,
how many marbles does Tom have? *
A. 220
B. 270
C. 230
D. 200
176. A random sample of 200 adults are classified by sex and their level of education
attained. If a person is picked at random from this group, find the probability that the person
is male.

A. 95/112
B. 14/39
C. 11/25
D. 45/25

177. If a die is rolled, what is the probability of getting a number divisible by 2? *
A. 1/6
B. ¼
C. ½
D. 1/3

178. Which of the following sentences is a proposition? *

A. Get me a glass of milkshake.
B. Two is an odd number.
C. Enjoy the party.
D. Where do you live?

179. Which of the following lengths is the longest? *

A. 555 cm
B. 5.5 cm
C. 0.005 km
D. 5555 mm

180. Mrs. Pee borrowed P15, 000 at 10% interest per annum. How much did she pay back
after 9 months? *
A. P1,125
B. P16,125
C. P13,875
D. P16,500
181. Who is known for stating, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of
Giants”? *
A. Robert Hooke
B. Isaac Newton
C. Michael Faraday
D. Benjamin Franklin

182. Who wrote the book Structure of Scientific Revolutions? *

A. Thomas Khun
B. Martin Heidegger
C. Thomas Edison
D. Charles Babbage

183. Which antibiotic was discovered by Alexander Fleming by accident? *

A. Lincomycins
B. Penicillin
C. Sulfonamides
D. Tetracyclines

184. Block printing, which was used to print books, originated from which country? *
A. China
B. Italy
C. Germany
D. United Kingdom

185. The total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are
generated by human actions is referred to as _____ *
A. Sustainable development
B. Climate change
C. Carbon footprint
D. Global warming

186. Who developed the “three laws of robotics” in the 1940’s? *

A. Dylan Evans
B. Jaron Lanier
C. David Hanson
D. Isaac Asimov

189. The only genetically modified crop allowed for commercial production in the Philippines
is _____. *
A. corn
B. eggplant
C. rice
D. wheat
190. Which of the following is NOT a sustainable development goal? *
A. No poverty
B. Quality education
C. Climate action
D. Green revolution

191. Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs is also known as _____. *
A. industrial development
B. eco-friendly development
C. sustainable development
D. economic development

192. What kind of hazards occur as a result of human interaction with the environment? *
A. geologic hazards
B. anthropogenic hazards
C. atmospheric hazards
D. wildfires

193. What country first granted citizenship to a robot named Sophia in 2017? *
A. Japan
B. India
C. Saudi Arabia
D. United Arab Emirates

194. Who is the inventor of the first bamboo incubator and first Asian woman who got
admitted to the Harvard Medical School? *
A. Fe Del Mundo
B. Lourdes Cruz
C. Cynthia Saloma
D. Andreia Carrillo

195. Who is the Filipino who invented the first single chip, 16-bit microprocessor-based
calculator? *
A. Roberto Del Rosario
B. Gregorio Sara
C. Leonardo Sarao
D. Diosdado Banatao

196. The proposed next species of humans by Juan Enriquez contends that this species of
hominid takes direct and deliberate control over the evolution of his species, her species,
and other species. What is the proposed hominid? *
A. Homo erectus
B. Homo evolutis
C. Homo heidelbergensis
D. Homo sapien
197. Which of the following are signs of an incoming tsunami? *
A. Severe ground shaking from local earthquakes.
B. Water recedes from the coast, exposing the ocean floor, reefs and fish.
C. A loud "roaring" sound similar to that of a train or jet aircraft is heard.
D. All of these.

198. Unlike muscle cells, blood cells, or nerve cells, which do not normally replicate, ____
cells may replicate many times. As a result, studying how they divide, specialize, and
differentiate could address the great demand for cell-based therapies or transplantable
tissues and organs. Thus, these cells have the potential to be a renewable resource. *
A. somatic
B. sex
C. stem
D. nerve

199. Which Republic Act of the Philippines protects Filipinos from perpetrators who willfully
engage, maintain, control or operate directly or indirectly of any lascivious exhibition of
sexual organs or sexual activity with the aid of a computer system for favor or
consideration? *
A. Access Devices Regulations Act of 1998
B. Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009
C. Anti-Photo and Video Voyeurism Act of 2009
D. Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012

200. In the 18th century in Britain began the _______, which is the process of change from
an agrarian and handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine
manufacturing. *
A. industrial revolution
B. agricultural revolution
C. enlightenment
D. renaissance

201. Which of the following countries is the most likely to disappear due to rising sea levels
brought about by climate change? *
A. Maldives
B. Federated State of Micronesia
C. Tuvalu
D. Kiribati
202. What virus causes corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19)? *
D. All of these.

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