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Rizal's Life: Family,

Childhood and Early Education



Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Know Rizal's lineage and family members and assess their role
and influence in his life.
2. Analyze how Rizal was raised and how he spent his childhood
3. Analyze Rizal's early education.

ALIDO, John Paul
ALVAR, Sophia Cassandra
APAD, Kristianne Jed
ARRAZ, Auggy Xelcix



Rizal's Family Jose
came from a

wealthy and one

of the well-known
families in
Their family
belonged to the
Principalia class,
a noble upper
class in the
Spanish times.
They were
one of the biggest
families, as they
consist of 13
members: his
father Francisco
Mercao II, his
mother Teodora
Alonso Realonda,
his nine sisters,
one brother, and
Jose Rizal



Rizal's Lineage

Tracing back the origin of the Rizal

family, Jose Rizal's paternal ascendant and
great-great-grandfather was Domingo
Lam-co., a full-blooded Chinese merchant
and business tycoon who came from Amoy,
China, and migrated to Philippines in the late
17th century. Lam-co married a wealthy
Chinese half-breed mestiza named Ines
dela Rosa. Lam-co took the surname
"Mercado" in 1731, when Governor-
General Narciso Claveria posed a
gubernatorial decree that requires the use of
Spanish surnames. They had two chidren,
Francisco and Josefa. Francisco
Mercado y Chinco married Bernarda
Vargas Monicha, and had a son, Juan
Mercado, who became a gobernadorcillo of
Biñan, Laguna. Juan Mercado married Cirila
Alejandro and had 12 children. The
youngest child was Jose Rizal's father,
Francisco Mercado II.



Rizal's Lineage
On Rizal's maternal side, his
ancestry included Chinese, Japanese
and Malay blood. his great-great-
grandfather was of Japanese descent,
Eugenio Ursua. Eugenio married a
Filipina named Benigna, and had a
daughter, Regina. it was then Regina
who married a Filipino-Chinese lawyer
of Pangasinan, Manuel de Quintos.
Regina and Manuel Quintos had a
daughter, Brigida Quintos, who
married Lorenzo Alberto Alonso.
Lorenzo and Brigida were Rizal's
grandparents who had five children. it
was their second child, Teodora
Alonso Quintos, who was Jose
Rizal's mother. The Alonso family
adopted the surname "Realonda", still
because of the Claveria decree, thus
became Teodora Alonso Quintos 5



Rizal's Parents
Don Franciso Rizal Mercado
Francisco was the youngest of the 13
children in their family. He was born on May 11,
1818, in Binan, Laguna. He took Latin and
Philosophy at the College of San Jose in
Manila. There, he met Teodora Alonso.
Francisco was a tenant of a Dominican estate
in Calamba, Laguna, who later became cabeza
de barangay, as he was respected by the
townspeople. He then became Teniente
Gobernadorcillo and was nicknamed "Teniente
Kiko". He died on January 5, 1898, at the age
of 79, in his daughter Narcisa's house.

Do ña Teodora Alonso (1827-1911)

Teodora was born on November 14,1827 in
Sta. Cruz, Manila. She was well-educated
and had her formal education at Colegio de
Santa Rosa in Manila. She was 20 years old
when she married Francisco Mercao. She
was known to be a hard-working intelligent,
religious, courteous and business-minded
woman. She died in her home in San
Fernando Street, Binondo, Manila on August
16, 1911.



Rizal's Siblings

Paciano Mercado Rizal(1851-


Saturnina Mercado Rizal "Hero's BIg Brother "

Paciano Rizal was the second child and the
only brother of Jose Rizal. He was born on
" The Hero's Second Mother
" March 07,1851. His siblings fondly
addressed him as "Nor Paciano". He
Saturnina Rizal was the studied at San Jose College in Manila and
became a student of Fr. Jose Apolonio
eldest child of the family. Burgos, one of the famous secular priests -
She was born on June Gomburza. Paciano was engaged in the
04,1850 in Calamba, Propaganda movement and became a
revolutionary leader, who later on, rose to a
Laguna. She was married to General rank. He married Severina Decena
Manuel Timoteo Hidalgo of and had two children. One of which died
Tanauan, Batangas. She during birth, and the other one, Emiliana.
died on September 14,1913 After the revolution, Paciano went back to
his farm in Los Baos, Laguna. He died on
at the age of 63. April 13, 1930, at the age of 79.



Olympia Rizal (1855-1887)
" The sister whom Jose
loved to tease. "
Olympia Rizal Ubaldo or " Ipya ",
was born on 1855, Jose loved to
tease her, especially about her
eyes disappering/becoming
small when she laughs. She was
the schoolmate of Jose's first
Narcisa Rizal Lopez (1852- love, Segunda Katigbak, at La
1939) Concordia College. Olympia got
married at Silvestre Ubaldo, a
" The Hospitable Sister " telegraph operator from Manila.
Narcisa Rizal, or simply " She died of hemorrhage while
Sisa ", was the third child, and giving birth on August 1887.
second eldest sister of
Jose. She was born on October
29,1852. Like Saturina, Narcisa
was also smartand good in
meorization, as she coult recite
all of Rizal's poems in memory.
Later on, she became a teacher
and musician, and got married to
Antonio Lopez who had the
same profession. It was Narcisa
who found the unmarked grave
of Jose Rizal in the old
abandoned old Paco cementery.
She passed away on June
24,1939, at the age of 86.



Lucia Rizal (1857-1919)

" Partaker of the Hero's

sufferings "

Lucia Rizal Herbosa was the

9th child born on 1857. Lucia
married Mariano Herbosa and
had 5 children together. She was
one of the first of the Rizal sisters
who got married, along with
Narcisa. One of her daughters,
Delfina Herbosa was one of the
Maria Rizal (1859-1945)
women who helped Marcela
Agoncillio in making the first ''Hero Confident''
Philippine flag in Hong Kong.
Lucia's husband died during the
Maria Cruz Rizal was
Cholera epidemic in May 1889 born on April 1859, and was
and was refused of a Catholic the elder sister of Jose
burial, because he was known to Rizal. She married Daniel
be Jose Rizal's brother-in-law. Faustino Cruz and had 5
This was the beginning of the children. It was Maria whom
persecution of the Spanishfrior in Jose talked about waiting to
the Rizal family. Lucia passed marry Josephine Bracken,
away on December 26,1919 in
because majority of the
Caluaan, Rizal.
family members did not
agree to their relationship.
One of their children,
Mauricio, become Jose's
pupil in dapitan and was
one of his favourites. Maria
Rizal passed away on
september 1, 1945 in San
Pablo City, Laguna.



Josefa Rizal (1865-
Conception Rizal 1945) '' The
(1862-1865) ' Katipunera''
'Hero's First Grief'' Josefa Rizal, known
Concepcion Rizal, as ''panggoy'' was born
also known as ''Concha'', on 1865.unlike her other
was the eight children of sisters, Josefa had an
the family. She died of unmarried life. She had
sickness at the age of epilepsy, but it did not
three in 1865. Her death stop her tp participate in
was Jose's first sorrow in the revolution as she
life. joined katipunan. She
helped in safeguarding
the papers and
documents of the
society. She died a
spinster on 1945.




Trinidad Rizal (1868-1951) Soledad Rizal (1870-1929)
''The Hero's
''The Custodian of the
Hero's Greatest Poem'' Controversial Sister"

Trinidad Rizal was born on Soledad Rizal Quintero

June 6, 1868 and the tenth child was the youngest child of
of the family. Also called the family. Also called
''trining'', Trinidad was the ''Choleny'', she was born on
younger sister of Jose whom he 1850. She became a
always wrote to, advising her to teacher by profession and
pursue her education seriously. was arguably the best
It was Trinidad and her mother,
educated among Rizal's
who visited Jose right before his
execution. Jose handed Trinidad sisters. She married
on alcohol cooking stone, in Pantaleon Quintero and
which he secretly hid his last had 5 children together.
farewell, known as ''Mi Ultimo She died on August 26,
Adios'', a poem he wrote on the 1929, at the age of 59.
eve of his death. Trinidad also
joined the katipunan after Rizal's
death. She later on lived with
Josefa and also died a spinster
in 1951, outliving all her siblings.




Rizal's Childhood
Jose Protacio Mercado Rizal y Alonzo Realonda was born on June 19,
1861, at Calamba, Laguna. He was the second son and the seventh child of
the family. His mother nearly died during his birth becuase of his big head.
He was christened in the nearby church when he was just three-days old.
His godfather was Pedro Casanas, a Filipino priest of a Calamba Family,
and the Filipino priest who christened him, Father Rufino Collantes.

His first memory was his happy days in their family garden when he
was just three years old. He was given the fondest care because he was not
physically strong, but a sickly child. His father, Don Francisco built a Nipa
cottage for him to play during the daytime.

Nicknamed "Pepe", he had a pony and he used to take long rides

through all the sorrounding country. Among his pets were doves and a dog.

Rizal also mentioned in his letters and memoir, that by nightfall, the
Rizal family would gather to pray the Angelus. At times, Jose was permitted
to visit and sometimes spend the night in one of the straw huts put up by La
Laguna farmers. Pepe and other kids gather to listen to the myths and
legends of the region.

Concepcion Rizal, Jose's youngest sister, died when she was three.
This was the first time he cried, as this was his first grief and sorrow in life.

He also spent much of his time in the church near their house. He visits
the Catholic town priest Leoncio Lopez to listen to his inspiring opinions on
current events and the philosophy of life.

At the age of five, he started to make pencill sketches and mold way
objects. During his childhood years, Rizal most often join religious activities
in their town, play with his siblings, visit church, and get educated by her
mother, Teodora.




Rizal’s Early Education
Jose Rizal's first teacher was his mother, Teodora, a
remarkable woman at good character and fine culture, who
taught him now to read and pray. At the age of three, he
learned and mastered the alphabet and recite prayers, like the
Angelus. He enjoyed reading books and spent most of his time
in the library of their home. Dona Teodora was patient in
teaching Pepe, and she discovered that her son had a talent
for poetry. Accordingly, she encouraged him to write peoms.
She also induced Jose to love the arts and literature. When he
was just seven years old, he wrote a drama that was
performed at a local festival. It was said that a gobernadorcillo
purchased the manuscript for two pesos.
As Jose grew older, his parents employed private tutors
to give him lessons at home in preparation for his formal
educatio. His father hired one of his classmates, by the name
of Leon Monroy, who for five months until his death, taught
Jose Spanish and Latin. His uncles also influenced him and
played a role in his early days. His uncle Manuel Alberto
taught him physical exercise to fortify his frail body. These
physical activities were swimming, fencing, wrestling and
other sports. His uncle Jose Alberto inspired him to cultivate
his artisitic ability and admire the beauty of nature. Uncle
Gregorio, a scholar, intensified his avidness to read good
books and instilled in Rizal's mind the love for education.




Rizal’s Early Education
At the age of eight, Rizal wrote his poem entitled " Sa Aking mga
Kababata ". It was written in Tagalog and had a theme of loving one's
language. In his poem, he encouraged his fellow children to love their
native tongue.

Shortly after Leon Monroy died, his parents decided to send their
gifted son to a private school in Binan.

Jose was accompanied by his older brother Paciano, who acted

as his second father during his school days in Binan. It was a private
school supervised by Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz.

During Rizal's first day in Binan scool, the maestro asked him if
he knows Spanish and Latin. Rizal responded that he only knows a
little of these two languages. Because of this, Pedro, Maestro's son,
laughed at him. Pedro started to bully him, and he got enough of it and
challenged Pedro to a fight. He was able to defeat Pedro because of
the martial arts skills he had acquired from the teachings of his Tio
Manuel. Jose was said to have other fights with Binan boys. Because
of this, his disciplinarian teacher often whips him in his palms to
discipline him. In the academic side, Rizal was excellent in all of his
subjects. He was popular because of his intellectual susperiority, also
resulted to his classmate being jealous of him. Some told lies about
him, resulting to Jose getting punished. He received many whippings
and blows on the open palm.

Jose spent his leisure hours with a master painter, aside from
studying his lessons. He drew for a while and played with his friends in
the street. Despite some lack of the elementary education in spanish
system, Rizal was able to have learned and acquired the necessary
knowledge and skills to prepare him for his education in college in




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